The Nation's Tears: Pink Stripes


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Revkeith said:
This is my favorite so far.
As per typical internet, I wouldn't venture into the comment section.
These people all need to suffer a real personal tragedy.  It's a Super Bowl loss one year after winning.  Salt in the wounds?  I'm not looking forward to the next wave from the Seattle music scene in 10 years.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2003
I thought this was telling and interesting as well. From Michael Hurley's "diary" of covering the super bowl.
5:30-8 p.m.: Covering this game was wild. It went so many different ways, there was no way to know how it would end. After Tom Brady was lights out (13-for-15, 120 yards, 2 TDs) in the fourth quarter, it looked like all of the postgame coverage had been written: Brady’s fourth ring, third MVP, best all time, yada, yada, yada. But then Jermaine Kearse came down with the Tyree Catch, Part II, and it was just pure shock. There’s the old saying that “there’s no cheering in the press box,” but that rule did not apply for the Super Bowl. Every big play made by Seattle was met with loud whooping and hollering in the media workroom, and after that Kearse catch, seemingly everybody in that room was downright giddy. (I think it’s a combination of a lot of Seattle media members rooting for the Seahawks, as well as a number of media members who just hate the Patriots. That’s not a misconception; it’s a fact.)


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Marciano490 said:
These people all need to suffer a real personal tragedy.  It's a Super Bowl loss one year after winning.  Salt in the wounds?  I'm not looking forward to the next wave from the Seattle music scene in 10 years.
Well, it's also ridiculous because I'm sure similar shit happens at nearly every parade, it's just that stuff doesn't go viral.   it's not like players come to the Patriots and suddenly become extra assholish.  
And this is based on...what?  1 player holding up 1 fan-made shirt?    I suppose every player and fan in Seattle likes to defecate on sporting goods, too, based on that one action during the game.  What a sick fucking group of people!  Seattle must be awash in feces!


New Member
Apr 23, 2010
drleather2001 said:
Well, it's also ridiculous because I'm sure similar shit happens at nearly every parade, it's just that stuff doesn't go viral.   it's not like players come to the Patriots and suddenly become extra assholish.  
And this is based on...what?  1 player holding up 1 fan-made shirt?    I suppose every player and fan in Seattle likes to defecate on sporting goods, too, based on that one action during the game.  What a sick fucking group of people!  Seattle must be awash in feces!
I lived in LA during the Lakers run. Shaquille O'Neal made it a point to talk trash about everyone he could think up at those parades.

Parts of Seattle are definitely extra-poopy.


SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2006
Revkeith said:
This is my favorite so far.
As per typical internet, I wouldn't venture into the comment section.
From the letter--
Any respect I had for your team before this incident was quickly lost when I saw your arrogant and unprofessional behavior. Am I saying that the Seahawks have been perfect in this area? Absolutely not. But I can say without a shadow of a doubt that we have never taken things to the level you have chosen to and I honestly find it despicable.
The "Who was talking about you?" line kills me every time.  The inflection from her is just amazing.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
You know what the Patriots typically don't do?  Make it a point of pride to talk shit in the press.  They are, basically, famous for not doing that.
So choke on a frozen turd.

Trlicek's Whip

SoSH Member
Feb 8, 2009
New York City
This rubbed me the wrong way:
I was confident in my team and was just waiting for that 2nd ring to fall into our hands.
Whether or not she meant it, that smacks of entitlement.
I know that the Boston fan base can be insufferable at their extremes (which is why I only can skim the SB49 game thread through the bridge-jumper moments after the Brady picks, the Kearse catch).  Most fans by definition can be that way - fanatical, extreme. 
But I'm also old enough to remember how barren the landscape was being a Pats fan before 2001, or a Sox fan before 2004, or Celtics fan after the mid-80's, etc.
I never take the success of teams I root for lightly, nor do I take them for granted. Whether that's a product of the Puritanical underpinnings of the region, or my superstition "sports hypochondria" after the heartbreaks of 1986 and 2003 (Sox), as well as the two SB losses against the Giants, who knows.  


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I don't recall people reacting this way toward the Giants in 2008 and 2012.
I think the reaction around here has been to drown our sorrows in each others' company and lament a lost opportunity.   Like going to a bar after a funeral and talking it out.
Seattle's reaction seems to be to run into the bar where the party is and set off the sprinkler system.
I guess it's to be expected; it's still on of their first tough losses.  The city's sports history is relatively barren; they can't compare tough losses to other tough losses yet, so everything feels so fresh and novel.  Like having your heart broken the first time.   
It gets easier.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
drleather2001 said:
I don't recall people reacting this way toward the Giants in 2008 and 2012.
I think the reaction around here has been to drown our sorrows in each others' company and lament a lost opportunity.   Like going to a bar after a funeral and talking it out.
Seattle's reaction seems to be to run into the bar where the party is and set off the sprinkler system.
I guess it's to be expected; it's still on of their first tough losses.  The city's sports history is relatively barren; they can't compare tough losses to other tough losses yet, so everything feels so fresh and novel.  Like having your heart broken the first time.   
It gets easier.
Didn't they flood the Puget with tears after losing to the Steelers in the SB, too?  I know there were some legit beefs with the officiating in that game, but I remember them being particularly ungracious; even Holmgren made a crappy comment during their loser parade.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I mean, when you create and sell shirts like this, you can't act shocked when it gets thrown in your face:


SoSH Member
amarshal2 said:
Do you mind sharing all the things you did so I can do the opposite?  I don't live in Seattle but I need to ensure my kid isn't a Bears fan.
If the Bears suck, you'll skate by. They liked their Brady and Gronk jerseys just fine back in the day, but my boys are 8 and 11 and the Seahawks are walking gods now. Their school even took them to the victory parade last year.
So: buy them Pats stuff. If the Bears get good, home school them. Prevent them from having friends. You'll be fine.


SoSH Member
Dec 30, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
ShaneTrot said:
I am really enjoying this afterglow, I personally find the haters pathetic because they are missing something special. NE has been kicking ass for 15 years in a league designed to prevent dynasties. Think of all the high draft picks the Browns have blown in that time. I find it funny that people say they violate the integrity of the game. This league has no integrity, it grinds young men into dust. 
The Pats are just smarter than your team. They are better prepared. They can play multiple styles on offense and they take what you do best away on offense.
The vaunted Seattle defense gave up 2 TDs in the fourth quarter to 2 slot receivers and couldn't cover Gronk when it counted. Game. Set. Match.
Outstanding. I have my first ever sig.


SoSH Member
Dec 1, 2008
Smiling Joe Hesketh said:
Lots of footstomping and "I'm so ANGRY" posts coming out of the woodwork now about the final call.
The Pats won the Super Bowl on an incredible, improbable play and it's just killing the haters inside. They're desperately scrambling for ways to discount the Pats' achievement in any way they can.
Undoubtedly. I'm surround by non-Pats fans here in SC and all I hear is that we're lucky and that the Seahawks gave the game away. It's insane how deep the haters will reach to try to find anything to discredit the Patriots' accomplishments. When I point put that it would've been a touchdown if Butler hadn't jumped the route, they give some form of "Well, yeah, but..."

I don't think the play call was nearly as egregious as everyone is making it out to be either. Again, it's a TD if either Browner gets picked into Butler, or if Butler doesn't have the foresight to jump the route. It was a well designed play. I think the throw was the worst part, yet no one wants to call out Wilson.

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
brandonchristensen said:
The Pats dynasty isn't real compared to...the 1960's Packers
In the GOAT QBs thread, it was pretty much decided you can't compare QBs back to that period with today's, so why should teams/dynasties be compared. Also, there were 14 NFL teams during the Packers dynasty, except moving to 16 in 1967. Today there are 32. How much harder does that make it to win the SB today? Mathematicians? Only one playoff game back then too. It's sort of like expecting a baseball team today to do anything like the Yankees did when there were 8 AL teams and just the world series for playoffs. Ain't happening.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Even if you concede that there was luck involved in an iffy play call, in every facet of life, you still need to capitalize on good fortune otherwise it's nothing.   Every champion,or winner, in everything, ever, has had something go right that was beyond their control.  
To make a totally out-sized analogy, the fucking Allies sure were lucky that Hitler decided to invade Russia as opposed to focusing on knocking off Britain.  Yet I don't see many folks arguing that it makes the Allied success at Normandy somehow less incredible or brave.   "Germany totally should have won, bro!"


SoSH Member
Jul 28, 2010
Well, we can't give the Patriots credit for winning.

We certainly can't blame Wilson for the throw.

I know. Let's blame the coach! 
It was a bad play call and the Patriots got lucky!


SoSH Member
Nov 29, 2001
Soxy Brown said:
Undoubtedly. I'm surround by non-Pats fans here in SC and all I hear is that we're lucky and that the Seahawks gave the game away. It's insane how deep the haters will reach to try to find anything to discredit the Patriots' accomplishments. When I point put that it would've been a touchdown if Butler hadn't jumped the route, they give some form of "Well, yeah, but..."
Of course, the Seahawks only had that surefire victory to give away in the first place thanks to the mother of all fluky bounces.  


Very Intense
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Dec 12, 2003
Outside The District
JimD said:
Of course, the Seahawks only had that surefire victory to give away in the first place thanks to the mother of all fluky bounces.  
I'd call it the Aunt of all fluky bounces.  David Tyree says "hi"
It's nice that I can say that and laugh rather than cry now.

Adrian's Dome

SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2010
I've had that "Patriots are lucky!" argument at least five times in the past two days. Yep, Kearse's catch wasn't luck, but Butler's play was - as said by thousands of fucking morons.
Trying to rationally explain why Carroll had to use at least one pass play in three downs because he only had one timeout is a fool's errand as well.

Kevin Youkulele

wishes Claude Makelele was a Red Sox
Gold Supporter
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Jul 12, 2006
San Diego
Adrian's Dome said:
I've had that "Patriots are lucky!" argument at least five times in the past two days. Yep, Kearse's catch wasn't luck, but Butler's play was - as said by thousands of fucking morons.
Trying to rationally explain why Carroll had to use at least one pass play in three downs because he only had one timeout is a fool's errand as well.
It's like explaining herd immunity to an anti-vaxxer.


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Aug 4, 2005
Kevin Youkulele said:
Is the obit above from a serious publication or something like the Onion?
Spokane Spokesman-Review

Mike's sister wrote the obituary that appeared today in The Spokesman-Review. His brother-in-law added the line about the Seahawks, Stephanie Vedvik says.

She approved.

"My husband would have thought it was hysterical, she says. If I had read this obituary to my husband about somebody else, he would have had a laugh."

She adds of the sentiment contained in that last sentence, "It was just so true because my husband would have said, 'What a dumbass.'"


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Nov 21, 2003
Bay Area
loshjott said:
I presume his actual death was not due to a heart attack right after the game or some other incident related to the game.
You're right, totally makes sense to just presume rather than read the article.  It was a joke.


educated, civility-loving ass
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Mar 13, 2006
South Boston
TheShynessClinic said:

This guy posts on a another website I frequent (it's a military version of LinkedIn). He's so, so salty.
And why is he so salty?

Oh, wait.

NOW it all makes sense.
Well, did Sully and Fitzy kill him?


New Member
Mar 3, 2012
Just received a package at work today (returns center/warehouse in Boston) from the pacific northwest. Must have been sent before Sunday. There was a Seahawks bumper sticker and in sharpie "Back to Back Champs!" written. LOL.

Old Fart Tree

the maven of meat
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Jan 10, 2001
Boulder, CO
I was at a breakfast with Steve Baker, NFL agent this morning. I asked him who was the best, most shrewd front office in the NFL, and he waxed on about Philly and San Francisco for a few minutes before saying "Oh, and obviously, the best by far is Belichick, no matter what you think of his integrity."
Afterwards, I asked him what he thought about Brady's recent contract restructure. "I think Bob Kraft has a secret deal worked out with Tom Brady to get paid less now, and he'll pay him more after his career ends. It's blatant circumvention of the salary cap, and I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it." I then asked him why teams like SF and Denver had blatantly cheated by circumventing the cap, and yet no one talks about them, they only talk about the "Cheatriots" and he said "Well they ARE the Cheatriots! How do those balls get deflated?" Having lost some confidence in him, I said "The Ideal Gas Law? PV=nRT, right?" And he waved his hands and said "Look, everyone's cheating, just the Patriots do it better than anyone else, but they are cheating."
I didn't leave him with my current Patriots fan motto, which is "Fuck Everyone But Us" sung to the tune of the Chariots of Fire melody.

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
Old Fart Tree said:
I was at a breakfast with Steve Baker, NFL agent this morning. I asked him who was the best, most shrewd front office in the NFL, and he waxed on about Philly and San Francisco for a few minutes before saying "Oh, and obviously, the best by far is Belichick, no matter what you think of his integrity."
Afterwards, I asked him what he thought about Brady's recent contract restructure. "I think Bob Kraft has a secret deal worked out with Tom Brady to get paid less now, and he'll pay him more after his career ends. It's blatant circumvention of the salary cap, and I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it." I then asked him why teams like SF and Denver had blatantly cheated by circumventing the cap, and yet no one talks about them, they only talk about the "Cheatriots" and he said "Well they ARE the Cheatriots! How do those balls get deflated?" Having lost some confidence in him, I said "The Ideal Gas Law? PV=nRT, right?" And he waved his hands and said "Look, everyone's cheating, just the Patriots do it better than anyone else, but they are cheating."
I didn't leave him with my current Patriots fan motto, which is "Fuck Everyone But Us" sung to the tune of the Chariots of Fire melody.
San Francisco? Maybe Paraag Marathe, one of the best kept secrets in the NFL, but who else? Certainly, the guy at the top will never be called shrewd, but he's the owner, not FO. 


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Old Fart Tree said:
I was at a breakfast with Steve Baker, NFL agent this morning. I asked him who was the best, most shrewd front office in the NFL, and he waxed on about Philly and San Francisco for a few minutes before saying "Oh, and obviously, the best by far is Belichick, no matter what you think of his integrity."
Afterwards, I asked him what he thought about Brady's recent contract restructure. "I think Bob Kraft has a secret deal worked out with Tom Brady to get paid less now, and he'll pay him more after his career ends. It's blatant circumvention of the salary cap, and I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it." I then asked him why teams like SF and Denver had blatantly cheated by circumventing the cap, and yet no one talks about them, they only talk about the "Cheatriots" and he said "Well they ARE the Cheatriots! How do those balls get deflated?" Having lost some confidence in him, I said "The Ideal Gas Law? PV=nRT, right?" And he waved his hands and said "Look, everyone's cheating, just the Patriots do it better than anyone else, but they are cheating."
I didn't leave him with my current Patriots fan motto, which is "Fuck Everyone But Us" sung to the tune of the Chariots of Fire melody.
Pretty clever job by Kraft to disguise that deal with Brady to circumvent the salary cap and pay him less by restructuring the contract to pay him more and count more against the cap.
Sounds like the kind of clown Mark Brunell would hire to represent his business interests.


for king and country
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SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
Old Fart Tree said:
I was at a breakfast with Steve Baker, NFL agent this morning. I asked him who was the best, most shrewd front office in the NFL, and he waxed on about Philly and San Francisco for a few minutes before saying "Oh, and obviously, the best by far is Belichick, no matter what you think of his integrity."
Afterwards, I asked him what he thought about Brady's recent contract restructure. "I think Bob Kraft has a secret deal worked out with Tom Brady to get paid less now, and he'll pay him more after his career ends. It's blatant circumvention of the salary cap, and I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it." I then asked him why teams like SF and Denver had blatantly cheated by circumventing the cap, and yet no one talks about them, they only talk about the "Cheatriots" and he said "Well they ARE the Cheatriots! How do those balls get deflated?" Having lost some confidence in him, I said "The Ideal Gas Law? PV=nRT, right?" And he waved his hands and said "Look, everyone's cheating, just the Patriots do it better than anyone else, but they are cheating."
I didn't leave him with my current Patriots fan motto, which is "Fuck Everyone But Us" sung to the tune of the Chariots of Fire melody.

Harry Hooper

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Jan 4, 2002
The cheating mantra also serves as a self-preservation tactic for a GM or coach having to explain another disappointing season to their owner


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Doesn't seem that bright for an agent to call a team that he may have to negotiate with cheaters or possibly alienate players on that team that may one day be looking for representation.


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Jul 15, 2005
Perhaps he didn't expect his remarks to be broadcast in this fashion.