Sprowl in the houuuuuse! I just noticed you dropped by a couple of days ago. Things are good, bro. See you back in the Port Cellar, where we're both enjoying the C's/Wolves matinee!
You know, I thought being "friended" was an honor. Now that I have taken a glance at your extensive list, I feel used. Cheap even. Like a friended whore.
Nah.... prepping them for consumption, what with the impending apocolypse and all. Say, what do internet 'friends' do? I'm having a tupperware party later in the week.
Duuuude! I've said it before and I must repeat it here. You can't just stop by without saying hello. C'mon now, don't be like Frat. We all know he's stuck up, but you're better than him.
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