I agree with you on most of what you and tim4wins wrote, but the one thing that I disagree is how F&M started. They were the alternative to WEEI and were a bit more optimistic and willing to talk more about the good stuff rather than bitch, bitch, bitch. TSH talked a lot about the Bruins, at a time when they were ignored. Felger especially was decent and would also acquiesce to fans, I remember the winter before the B's drafted Seguin, Felger was begging the team to trade the pick because he wasn't Taylor Hall. That's all he talked about for weeks, but after awhile fans kept telling him how good Seguin was and Felger changed his mind. I remember driving home and him saying something like, "Okay, you've convinced me. I heard from a lot of you and I've changed my mind. This kid (Seguin) looks like he's going to be something."
It was really refreshing.
They also talked a bunch about soccer (it was around the World Cup) and it wasn't just, "Look at those Euros falling and begging for calls". It was decent soccer talk. That's what got me into F&M, it was so much different from Glenn Ordway and his cast of buffoons. However, some time in the mid 2010s, F&M decided that going pessimistic was the way to glory (and I guess they're not wrong) and became the itch to every jock. Consequently, I barely listen any more. I don't need three people play acting and gaslighting me into how bad the teams I watch are.