Super Bowl LVI: Bengals vs Rams


Certain Class of Poster
SoSH Member
Nov 28, 2005
Having just come into this thread, my first comments at the end of the game was “wow, that was a really boring close Superbowl game to watch”.

As others have said, my favorite part of this is knowing that Buffalo would have crushed both teams and are sitting on their asses at home pissed off about it.

Looking forward to the draft. . . .

Tony C

SoSH Member
Apr 13, 2000
Wait, so Chase yanks down Ramsey by his helmet and it's the Bengals who got jobbed by the refs? I don't think so.
Right? I just skimmed through this thread and …not this forum’s finest moment. Yikes.


SoSH Member
Oct 20, 2015
I didn't realize that obvious false start was the same play as the ticky tack holding.

If the NFL had a last 2 minute report like the NBA, it'd be a big one tonight


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
But it hasn’t exactly been an easy ride. In the weeks leading up to the Super Bowl, Dre has gone back and forth with league officials about the lyrics and content of the songs that he could perform onstage. And it goes beyond curse words. A source close to the artist complained that Dre was being “disgustingly censored.” How? The league apparently didn’t want its premier event to turn into a divisive culture war moment. In particular, I’m told, N.F.L. representatives indicated to Dre during rehearsals that they weren’t comfortable with a lyric from his signature 1999 hit, Still D.R.E., which states that he’s “still not loving police.”
Dre did end up using that police line during the performance. What a dumb thing to worry about. He was in NWA - everyone knows how he feels by now.
Meanwhile, the league nixed a plan by Eminem to kneel, Colin Kaepernick-style. Organizers also flagged something that Snoop Dogg was set to wear as possibly appearing gang-related. (Asked about new limitations placed on halftime performers, a spokesperson for the league did not respond.)
Eminem did in fact kneel at the end of his turn. The significance of that act went right over my head at the time. And Snoop essentially wore a giant blue bandana.


has the rich, deep voice of a god
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jun 3, 2005
California. Duh.
For the many of you complaining about the ticky-tack holding call, the refs missed a more blatant defensive hold/PI one play earlier when Stafford tried to go to Henderson over the middle. The defender basically grabbed Henderson both before and after the pass.

And yeah, the no call on the facemask/OPI was a way bigger miss than anything else that happened in the game.


has the rich, deep voice of a god
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jun 3, 2005
California. Duh.
I'm also rather drunk. Thankfully I anticipated this and took Monday off, as I was pretty sure that, win or lose, I would be in no condition to work.


SoSH Member
Jan 4, 2002
For the many of you complaining about the ticky-tack holding call, the refs missed a more blatant defensive hold/PI one play earlier when Stafford tried to go to Henderson over the middle. The defender basically grabbed Henderson both before and after the pass
That's kind of the point. There was a bunch of blatant defensive holding plays all night both sides. They refused to call anything.
That's what makes that call so strange.


SoSH Member
Apr 24, 2009
Belo Horizonte - Brazil
That's kind of the point. There was a bunch of blatant defensive holding plays all night both sides. They refused to call anything.
That's what makes that call so strange.
Ramsey got away with a blatant hold on third down on the Bengals first FG drive that would have given them first and goal as well. You can't let all of that stuff go by and then call that holding penalty at that point in the game. The refs clearly wanted a TD to happen, not saying it was even a conscious decision, but they absolutely do get involved in what's going on and have an interest in the outcome. Throwing a flag on a third down incompletion with the game on the line in the Super Bowl is akin to calling a ball on a pitch on the black with two strikes and two outs with RISP in the bottom of the 9th in the World Series. They want to extend the game.

Either way, that has to be the most boring close, non-low scoring Super Bowl I can recall. This league desperately needs a villain, I think people will miss Brady a lot in the coming years.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Either way, that has to be the most boring close, non-low scoring Super Bowl I can recall. This league desperately needs a villain, I think people will miss Brady a lot in the coming years.
Not even close. Unless 16-13 doesn't qualify as "non-low scoring." But this game was played so poorly, I dont think the score qualifier matters.

The game is often referred to as the "Blunder Bowl," "Blooper Bowl," or "Stupor Bowl" due to it being marred with poor play, a blocked PAT, missed opportunities, penalties, turnovers, and officiating miscues. The two teams combined for a Super Bowl record 11 turnovers, with five solely in the fourth quarter.[1] The Colts' seven turnovers remain the most committed by a Super Bowl champion. Dallas also set a Super Bowl record with 10 penalties, costing them 133 yards.


SoSH Member
Apr 2, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Such a disappointing game. Watched the replay because I have to work during the game (on in the daytime here in Oz), and sad to see it decided by penalties or lack thereof.

Better team seems to have won, but all credit to Cincinnati for a great defensive game plan, and for staying in it even after the refs basically made themselves the story. On the Bengals’ final drive, only Aaron Donald’s huge paw (and poor play calling) prevented them driving into FG range or better.

I asked pre game what the Bengals curse was, but maybe it’s just enduring mediocrity? That used to be us pre Brady / Belichick / Kraft. I hope Burrow helps them reverse their curse - and soon. Go Bengals!
Last edited:


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
The missed facemask was obviously huge, but refs miss calls, it happens.

What is frustrating as a fan is an officiating crew that lets them play all game long, and then suddenly starts calling stuff at the end. There were several plays both ways that in a normal NFL came could have been called holding or pass interference, and they let every single one of them go, until they didn't.


SoSH Member
Mar 28, 2009
In the simulacrum
What is frustrating as a fan is an officiating crew that lets them play all game long, and then suddenly starts calling stuff at the end.
It is really this.

With regard to the officiating engineering a result through the arbitrary and uneven application of the rules, the end of the game was like an inverse of the Scottish Game.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I’m pretty shocked to read this thread and so many people who think that the Bengals got screwed by the refs. If it’s not for an egregious uncalled OPI on the bomb to Higgins, the Bengals averaged under 4 yards per play for the game.They couldn’t move the ball at all in the second half and nearly got Burrow killed with that leaky offensive line. Without the OPI, OBJ injury and that lucky bobble pick, this game is a blowout. Cinci really didn’t field a competent offense last night and they were lucky to be in the game at the end.


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
Cincy really needed to score a TD after the 2nd Stafford INT. Short field and reeling opponent. This won’t be an easy re-watch for those fans.


SoSH Member
Oct 11, 2007
The missed facemask was obviously huge, but refs miss calls, it happens.

What is frustrating as a fan is an officiating crew that lets them play all game long, and then suddenly starts calling stuff at the end. There were several plays both ways that in a normal NFL came could have been called holding or pass interference, and they let every single one of them go, until they didn't.
This is kind of where I am. My recollection is that in a typical SB, the officiating tends to get looser as the game goes on, not the other way around. That's what makes last night so surprising. Having said that, the Bengals had plenty of time to get downfield at the end of the game and couldn't get it done. They shouldn't be blaming the refs for that loss.


SoSH Member
Nov 29, 2016
I think the whole game the officials were just trying to call super obvious fouls. And they did so: until the defensive holding call. Everything else even after the DH in that series was an obvious foul that must be called.

Its funny how one bad call can affect perceptions so starkly. But to be fair…it was a terrible time for a bad call.

Harry Hooper

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SoSH Member
Jan 4, 2002
I think the whole game the officials were just trying to call super obvious fouls. And they did so: until the defensive holding call. Everything else even after the DH in that series was an obvious foul that must be called.

Its funny how one bad call can affect perceptions so starkly. But to be fair…it was a terrible time for a bad call.
That covers it.


SoSH Member
Sep 20, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA
I was rooting for the Bengals, but the whole fourth quarter, I was thinking that it would be such a bummer if the Super Bowl was decided by one of the most egregious missed calls this side of the Rams-Saints DPI that wasn't.

I'm not happy that we're now talking about a ticky tack defensive holding, but the alternative scenario is way worse, IMO. The Bengals get a stop on that Rams drive and their Super Bowl win is remembered as the facemask game.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Dre did end up using that police line during the performance. What a dumb thing to worry about. He was in NWA - everyone knows how he feels by now.

Eminem did in fact kneel at the end of his turn. The significance of that act went right over my head at the time. And Snoop essentially wore a giant blue bandana.
This stuff is funny. Guess they didn’t notice Snoop crip walking. Like don’t hire gangster rappers and then worry about them doing or saying gangster rap things.


SoSH Member
Oct 11, 2007
I was rooting for the Bengals, but the whole fourth quarter, I was thinking that it would be such a bummer if the Super Bowl was decided by one of the most egregious missed calls this side of the Rams-Saints DPI that wasn't.

I'm not happy that we're now talking about a ticky tack defensive holding, but the alternative scenario is way worse, IMO. The Bengals get a stop on that Rams drive and their Super Bowl win is remembered as the facemask game.
This is a really good point. From a story/feel good about a win perspective, the Bengals would have been in a much better spot if they score on that final drive vs stopping the Rams on the previous one.

Shaky Walton

SoSH Member
Nov 20, 2019
My favorite part of that game was that neither Buffalo nor KC played in it. My rooting interest was satisfied before kickoff. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you.

Anyone complaining about the officiating at the end need only remember that the Bengals were gifted a TD at the beginning of second half. Imagine running the phantom OPI against Troy Brown in the AFC Championship Game in 2006 side by side with that play.

Neither team put a stamp on this game. Both had chances to dominate and show their championship bona fides. Sure, LA won, and their 27 fans will be ecstatic, as they should be. But Cinci's coaching and 2004 Eagles like lack of urgency and purpose at the end contributed heavily. As did the very questionable decision to take the 4th and 1 from a shot gun formation.

I don't like Rap music very much so even the half time show joined the weak commentary during the game as being consistent with the contest itself. Meh all around. Hell, it seemed like the choices the director was making regarding too many wife shots and not enough replays or player reaction shots were also sort of "off" last night.

Oh, and the Pats weren't in it. WTF with that?


Sunny von Bulow
SoSH Member
Jan 10, 2004
The 718
This stuff is funny. Guess they didn’t notice Snoop crip walking. Like don’t hire gangster rappers and then worry about them doing or saying gangster rap things.
Or that Snoop was basically a gigantic walking crip bandanna, which flew right over the heads of anyone in a position to do anything about it.





SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
I thought Aaron Donald deserved MVP; he turned the game around in the 2nd half. The 4th quarter showed the Rams having the poise of a veteran team. Yes, they were gifted the holding, but those calls definitely evened out over the course of the game.

Had the Bengals converted one more first down on their penultimate drive, the Rams possibly run out of time.

The non-call on a false start was egregiously bad officiating, as was the personal foul on the Bengals during the nullified play. But the NFL doesn't really care that much about the quality of officiating these days; news at 11.

Game was definitely meh; halftime show was meh; not at all interested in the over analysis of the show that will inevitable appear on Twitter. Sometimes meh is just meh.

Ads were cool; loved the Sopranos call back. The crypto and gambling ads were pointless, as expected. Did not expect to see Linsey Lohan and William Shatner in the same ad. Way too much Manning. I'm a fan of anything with Boston Dynamics dancing robots, but YMMV.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
It wasn't even that bad of a call. I mean when you put your hands all over the receiver you run the risk of a flag at any time.
‘Hey linebacker or safety, just cover Cooper Kupp on a two way go in the middle of the field without touching him because if you touch him the refs might think it’s a hold for the first time all game.’

Seems legit.


New Member
Apr 27, 2016
That last drive was a disaster for the officials. As has been mentioned, the defensive holding on the Bengals was soft and out of line with what had been called all game. They missed a false start on the same play. And they missed an actual defensive holding on Henderson the play before.

In addition, there was an egregious missed holding call on the Rams earlier in the drive that I have not seen anyone talk about. On the 3rd and short run one play before Kupp's jet sweep, the Rams RT (#79?) tackled the Bengals lineman from behind. The Bengals lineman was about to blow up the RB at least 2 yards behind the line of scrimmage. It wasn't close; it was a hold that gets called 99/100. The Bengals likely get the ball back if that is called.

The Higgins missed OPI was really brutal. The refs calling the game in a "whichever way the wind blows" fashion unfortunately gives the NFL a WWE feel.

Also, related to the halftime show:


I doubt Snoop, Dre, and Em get invited back.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
That last drive was a disaster for the officials. As has been mentioned, the defensive holding on the Bengals was soft and out of line with what had been called all game. They missed a false start on the same play. And they missed an actual defensive holding on Henderson the play before.

In addition, there was an egregious missed holding call on the Rams earlier in the drive that I have not seen anyone talk about. On the 3rd and short run one play before Kupp's jet sweep, the Rams RT (#79?) tackled the Bengals lineman from behind. The Bengals lineman was about to blow up the RB at least 2 yards behind the line of scrimmage. It wasn't close; it was a hold that gets called 99/100. The Bengals likely get the ball back if that is called.

The Higgins missed OPI was really brutal. The refs calling the game in a "whichever way the wind blows" fashion unfortunately gives the NFL a WWE feel.

Also, related to the halftime show:


I doubt Snoop, Dre, and Em get invited back.
Do they need to be? They did what they wanted the way they wanted. I am pretty sure they won’t give a shit if they play another SB.


New Member
Apr 27, 2016
Do they need to be? They did what they wanted the way they wanted. I am pretty sure they won’t give a shit if they play another SB.
Absolutely not. I totally agree that they don't care and that's what made it great. You might say:

If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?

They captured it.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2004
Washington, DC
Wait Snoop was smoking weed! No way!
The man is in his 50s, he’s going to get all sorts of back and joint pain from performing.

I find any outrage (not here, on Twitter and other social media) about the half time show kind of funny because honestly, this was the equivalent of the Stones performing in 2006, a show by and for old people.


SoSH Member
Jul 28, 2005
Cincy had a missed 4th and 1 opportunity at midfield in the first half that ultimately was like a turnover. And the 4th and 1 on their final series was a horrible call. Why would a 4th and 1 ever be out of the shotgun?


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
The man is in his 50s, he’s going to get all sorts of back and joint pain from performing.

I find any outrage (not here, on Twitter and other social media) about the half time show kind of funny because honestly, this was the equivalent of the Stones performing in 2006, a show by and for old people.
It was entertaining but I didn’t really get the “best show ever” stuff. But that’s all subjective anyways. We all like what we like. Definitely cool to see all of them together but it’s also kind of depressing for me to hear musical talent way past their prime. I’m perfectly fine mixing in some “old” years with the new acts.


SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2009
I think the better team won and agree that in terms of getting screwed by the refs, the Higgins gift non call makes it hard for Bengals fans to really have a case. But it just sucked to watch it play out, though. Most dramatic moment of the night and you have 3 plays in a row with flags, the most game-affecting of which was one that was easily a no call for the preceding 57 minutes. Just not a great look for the sport.

I thought it was a pretty entertaining game overall, but the controversy will overshadow the fact that both coaches tried to give the game away with shitty RB play. Would have been losing my mind if it were a Patriot equivalent. Imagine losing the super bowl on 4th and 1 on a near sack and prayer to Bolden from the shotgun…and I probably trust Bolden to be on the field in that spot more than Perine.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Ads were cool; loved the Sopranos call back.
Wait, really? I thought it was pointless and kind of dumb. So Meadow and AJ are going to have a tender moment with smiles and hugs in front of the diner where their father got murdered?

Jed Zeppelin

SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2008
Cincy had a missed 4th and 1 opportunity at midfield in the first half that ultimately was like a turnover. And the 4th and 1 on their final series was a horrible call. Why would a 4th and 1 ever be out of the shotgun?
That play also followed a 3rd and 1 run to Perine. Wild stuff.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
After sleeping on it, feels like the Bills team that rolled us was better than what we saw yesterday. They were the best team I saw all season. 13 damn seconds.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
That play also followed a 3rd and 1 run to Perine. Wild stuff.
With the game on the line, the Rams put the ball in the hands of their best player, Cooper Kupp, on the sweep play on fourth and 1 deep in their own territory, and then went to him again and again until he scored the TD that gave his team the lead.

With the game on the line, the Bengals put the game in the hands of their third down back, Samaje Perine. Unfortunately for the Bengals, Perine is no James White.


SoSH Member
Dec 30, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
Do they need to be? They did what they wanted the way they wanted. I am pretty sure they won’t give a shit if they play another SB.
Considering that Justin Timberlake has been the only repeat performer this century, "being invited back" is not really a Super Bowl thing. (also Gloria Estefan in 1992 and 1999, and the immortal Up With People four times in the first 20 SBs.)


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
Considering that Justin Timberlake has been the only repeat performer this century, "being invited back" is not really a Super Bowl thing. (also Gloria Estefan in 1992 and 1999, and the immortal Up With People four times in the first 20 SBs.)
Bruno Mars was the lead performer in the Broncos/Seahawks SB and then performed with Beyoncé at the Panthers/Broncos one.