Hall of Fame balloting


SoSH Member
Jul 23, 2008
Bonds: 34.7%
Smith: 29.9%
Schilling 29.2%
Martinez: 25.2%
Trammell: 20.8%
Mussina: 20.3%
Kent: 15.2%
McGriff: 11.7%
McGwire: 11.0%


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
mabrowndog said:
Schilling with 29.2%
McGriff only with 11.2%. What utter horseshit. They're murdering the Crime Dog.
His last 8 years sucked ;)


late Bloomer
SoSH Member
Dec 7, 2008
replacing madux glavine thomas morris and palmeiro with pedro johnson smoltz and sheffield will do little to clear up the ballot crunch, still more than 10 viable candidates on the list

Merkle's Boner

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Apr 24, 2011
Of course when you take into account Cox, Torre and LaRussa added to Maddux, Glavine and Big Hurt, this year is pretty epic as well.


dj paul pfieffer
SoSH Member
Sep 6, 2004
where the darn libs live
I'm still pissed Biggio and Bags aren't in there yet.  Biggio's the only guy who excelled at C and 2B (not to mention play CF passably) while providing great offense.  Bagwell's got a 149 OPS+ at first and stole 200 bases.



heart is two sizes two small
SoSH Member
Sep 20, 2005
Fishercat said:
So. Biggio missed by two votes. Gurnick, Chass, etc.
Well, a bit more than 25% didn't vote for Biggio, not just a couple of guys.  It's likely that there were people who would have voted for him but for the 10 person limit.

Bozo Texino

still hates Dave Kerpen
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Jul 18, 2005
Austin, Texas
CaptainLaddie said:
I'm still pissed Biggio and Bags aren't in there yet.  Biggio's the only guy who excelled at C and 2B (not to mention play CF passably) while providing great offense.  Bagwell's got a 149 OPS+ at first and stole 200 bases.
As a native Houstonian, I can't tell you how fucking furious I am right now.  Like, white hot anger.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
moondog80 said:
Well, a bit more than 25% didn't vote for Biggio, not just a couple of guys.  It's likely that there were people who would have voted for him but for the 10 person limit.
That doesn't excuse what Gurnick and Chass did.
2 votes. Unreal.


Ask me about total zone...or paint
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Dec 23, 2003
Falmouth, MA
Jeff Wilson ‏@JeffWilson_FWST 12s
Mike Maddux on brother Greg: "He had 355 wins. If you count all the wiffle-ball games we played, he'd probably have around 356."


Svelte and sexy!
SoSH Member
May 18, 2007
Manchester, N.H.
Kind of interesting how three managers get in, at least two of whom (LaRussa and Torre) have records that benefited greatly from players who will never be in the HoF due to their PED usage.
And yeah, 25.2% ignored Biggio, but the difference (2 votes) could easily be made up if people like Gurnick, Chass, etc. voted rationally.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Well, a bit more than 25% didn't vote for Biggio, not just a couple of guys.  It's likely that there were people who would have voted for him but for the 10 person limit.

We know Gurnick and Chass don't have the full ballot excuse, so they are easy and reasonable targets.


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Yoknapatawpha County
I'm kind of embarrassed how glad I was to hear Morris missed out. But oh well. Gotta buy a ticket there, warrior.

Being two shy means he'll get in but Biggio not getting the call stings, particularly coming on the heels of all these idiotic soapbox votes. He's a clear cut HoFer. Period.

And fuck, Raines has a rough road with all the names coming up. Ugh.


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SoSH Member
Jul 10, 2004
CaptainLaddie said:
Fuck everything.  Biggio should have been elected in his first year.  This is stupid.
Couldn't agree more
CaptainLaddie said:
Mussina and Schilling getting below 30% is a crime....
moondog80 said:
So 16 people didn't vote for Maddux. 
Those 16 should be publicly executed.  Seriously.
DrewDawg said:
Bagwell and Raines both DROP in from last year.
Raines should've been in long ago and Bagwell/Biggio should've made it last year.
JimD said:
Pretty cool that Maddux and Glavine go in together.
This, along with Bobby Cox, will make for a memorable induction - but there should've been more.  I'd love to see someone have the courage of Ted Williams and create a rally cry for other deserving candidates who are being unfairly treated by some writers.


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It would be nice if they vote Schilling in next year with Pedro and Randy, but that might be too much to ask, as it might be that Bagwell goes in with Biggio. 
Bonds and Clemens belong in the Hall.  The racists that cheated the country out of decades of watching some of the best players compete in MLB committed a much greater crime against the game and humanity than anyone who took PEDs.  


SoSH Member
Jul 25, 2005
JohntheBaptist said:
I'm kind of embarrassed how glad I was to hear Morris missed out. But oh well. Gotta buy a ticket there, warrior.

Being two shy means he'll get in but Biggio not getting the call stings, particularly coming on the heels of all these idiotic soapbox votes. He's a clear cut HoFer. Period.

And fuck, Raines has a rough road with all the names coming up. Ugh.
Always has a chance with the veteran's committee.

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
Maddux thanked Dick Pole and another pitching coach for getting him along the way to what he ended up being. Glavine his father and mother. Interesting. 

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
CaptainLaddie said:
So it was Dan Le Batard who gave his vote to Deadspin.
Wow. Pretty surprised about that.
Here's his reasoning:

I feel like my vote has gotten pretty worthless in the avalanche of sanctimony that has swallowed it.
I have no earthly idea if Jeff Bagwell or Frank Thomas did or didn't use steroids.
I think I understand why the steroid guys were the steroid guys in this competition-aholic culture.
I hate all the moralizing we do in sports in general, but I especially hate the hypocrisy in this: Many of the gatekeeper voters denying Barry Bonds Hall Of Fame entry would have they themselves taken a magical, healing, not-tested-for-in-their-workplace elixir if it made them better at their jobs, especially if lesser talents were getting the glory and money. Lord knows I'd take the elixir for our ESPN2 TV show if I could.
I don't think I'm any more qualified to determine who is Hall of Fame-worthy than a fan who cares about and really knows baseball. In fact, many people analyzing baseball with advanced metrics outside of mainstream media are doing a better job than mainstream media, and have taught us some things in recent years when we were behind. In other words, just because we went to journalism school and covered a few games, just because accepted outlets gave us their platform and power, I don't think we should have the pulpit to ourselves in 2014 that way we did in 1936.
Baseball is always reticent to change, but our flawed voting process needs remodeling in a new media world. Besides, every year the power is abused the way I'm going to be alleged to abuse it here. There's never been a unanimous first-ballot guy? Seriously? If Ruth and Mays and Schmidt aren't that, then what is? This year, someone is going to leave one of the five best pitchers ever off the ballot. Suck it, Greg Maddux.
I've become a more and more lenient voter over the years, often allowing the max 10 guys in a year, and I wanted to put in more this year. I happen to agree with most of the reader selections. I was afraid you guys were going to have me voting for Jacque Jones and no one else. I was kind of surprised this particular snark-land respected the process. I found it impossible to limit it this year to 10, but 10 was all that was allowed, so thanks for the help. But why limit it to 10 in a year that has more than 10 worthy candidates, by the way? How dumb is that?
And my final reason: I always like a little anarchy inside the cathedral we've made of sports.
I'm not sure what kind of trouble this is going to bring me. I imagine I'll probably have my vote stripped. But I don't want to be a part of the present climate without reform anyway. Given that climate, doing THIS has more impact than my next 20 years of votes as sanctimony bars the HOF door on the steroid guys. Because, in a climate without reform, my next 20 years of votes will be counted but not actually heard. At least this gets it heard, for better or for worse.


has trust issues
SoSH Member
Nov 6, 2001
Unreal America
I don't understand these writers capriciousness in any way.

Frank Thomas hit 39 home runs at the age of 38, in 2006, but he's assumed to be clean. Because.

Mike Piazza was a shell of his former offensive self from age 35 onward, a natural downward trajectory. But he's assumed to be dirty. Because.


IHateDaveKerpen said:
As a native Houstonian, I can't tell you how fucking furious I am right now.  Like, white hot anger.
Biggio's getting in, dude.  It's going to happen.  I'm not sure if there's been a player in the last 20 years who's reached 70% and not eventually gotten in.  This isn't a Blyleven or Rice situation where his time is nearly up.

Joe D Reid

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Jan 15, 2004
I look forward to Chass's reaction to Piazza getting more votes than Morris.

Pedro 4 99MVP

New Member
Dec 6, 2013
There were 16 people that could look at Maddux's career and not see instantly "Hall of Famer". Those 16 people don't know baseball, period! I thought you had to know something about baseball to get a vote. They are all baseball ignorant and should immediately have their voting rights revoked. The only exception is if they voted for 10 others and figured Maddux didn't "need the vote".
Biggio should be in as well, and not just because of reaching the magical 3,000 hits. Lots of doubles, decent HR power for a C/2B, great baserunning, good OBP, and solid defense including Gold Glove award.
Bagwell is one of the best first basemen in history. OPS+, defense, baserunning
Piazza the best offensive catcher in history.
Schilling has the best K/BB ratio in history and has multiple postseason "moments".
Glad it's better than last year, but they are far from getting it right. Remove the 10 player limit, even if it is temporary to "relieve the jam", and give voting privileges to the new, younger, Sabermetric savvy sportswriters. And, MOST OF ALL, remove the privileges of these old sportswriters who don't take it seriously and use the voting privilege to prove some agenda that it isn't as good as it was in the "golden days".

Trlicek's Whip

SoSH Member
Feb 8, 2009
New York City
JohntheBaptist said:
I'm kind of embarrassed how glad I was to hear Morris missed out. But oh well. Gotta buy a ticket there, warrior.
Apologies for not understanding the Calvinball that is the HoF voting process, but Morris could still get in via a Veteran's Committee vote, right?
Edit: Realized this thread's embiggened as I wrote this.

Hendu for Kutch

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2006
Nashua, NH
I can't get over the fact that more people voted for Lee Smith than Schilling, Trammell, Martinez, or Mussina.  That is mind blowing.  What's the difference between Smith, John Franco, and Jeff Reardon?  Is there one?  Because those guys didn't get 5%, yet big Lee is chugging along.