Felger and Mazz - Creating False Naratives one day at a time

Well, with the sanctions on the school and the Buckeyes not being eligible for a bowl, they're not getting a ton of attention on the national level anyway.
"They're on sanctions?" - Mazz

I understand both responses to my post and can't argue I guess. Fwiw, I didn't need a scouting report on Miller, I'm just a little shocked they never even heard of him. It's not like Ohio State is banned from sports media all together - Miller and OSU is still getting plenty of coverage on SportsCenter, CBSSports, FoxSports, etc. I guess I expected too much of this show early on.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
"They're on sanctions?" - Mazz

I understand both responses to my post and can't argue I guess. Fwiw, I didn't need a scouting report on Miller, I'm just a little shocked they never even heard of him. It's not like Ohio State is banned from sports media all together - Miller and OSU is still getting plenty of coverage on SportsCenter, CBSSports, FoxSports, etc. I guess I expected too much of this show early on.
To be honest, I only know who he is because my alma mater played them at the start of the year. Otherwise, I only passively pay attention to college football...I know who the top BCS contenders are and who the alma mater is playing this week, but beyond that, I can't speak much on the topic. I wouldn't really expect radio hosts in a decidely non-college market to know much more than I do about what's going on. National hosts though? If they didn't know Braxton Miller, they should resign their positions.


New Member
Oct 14, 2008
Such a horrible loss for the Patriots yesterday. This team isn't going anywhere.

Oh sorry, they actually won the game yesterday? They're 6-3? The 3 turnovers the defense got sure were meaningless, huh? Gotta focus on the other stats, not the most important one in the game. And they have to thank the refs for the win (nevermind the fact that the refs clearly cost them a win against Baltimore). When McCourty gets called for pass interference, its because, as Mazz would say, he SUCKS, the Pats SUCK and Belichick SUCKS. When the other team gets called for pass interference, its the refs that SUCK. I get that it wasn't the most pretty win, and there are areas to be concerned with, but the over the top vitriol spewed by Felger, Ty Law, Troy Brown, and of course Mr. YARM as usual is completely out of hand. I turn on CSNNE yesterday immediately after the game and do they spend even a second congratulating the Pats for pulling out the clutch play and winning the game? Nope, Suck, SUCK, SUCK. Aside from the Houston/San Francisco games every game the rest of the season will be bashing them for not winning in pretty enough fashion, or claiming that the team they played SUCKS (even when, as with the St. Louis games, people like Felger picked the opponent to beat them). On days like today I wish there was a reasonable local alternative, but alas there isn't.

To his credit, Felger did say they'll bounce back from this loss next week. After the endless praise they gave Andrew Luck last week though (including Mazz having more over the top insults for anyone who'd dare not trade Brady for Luck), I expect them to do little more than claim how much the Colts suck if the Pats win the game.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
You do have a reasonable alternative for what you seem to be looking for, it WEEI and they will be happy to spin Sunday as a great victory like none other. When it isn't only Felger and Mazz bitching about the win but aslo Ty Law and Troy Brown then it was an ugly game. I can't even credit McCourty for the interception, he was in the right place at the right time and Fitzpatrick puked on his shoes.


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
There was no way in hell I was listening to Felger and Mazz yesterday because I knew what I was going to get. Not that I need someone to spin the win into a thing of beauty for me, but look around the league at some of the other results from the weekend (Giants lose to Cinci, Miami gets throttled by a bad Titans team, Steelers struggle with KC, 9ers tie a Ram team that the Pats just destroyed the week prior). Wins in the NFL are hard to come by, and particularly with divisional games you take the W and move on.

Not that there isn't room for discussion about the things that the Pats need to tighten up if they plan on advancing in the playoffs. But Felger and Mazz just come across as so PERSONALLY OFFENDED that the Pats are not winning every game comfortably.

Contrast this with Flynn who was on with Toucher and Rich yesterday morning (and who really needs to be getting more air time). He's not glossing over the teams flaws, but at the same time he has perspective around injuries to the O-line (two starting guards out the entire second half) and just generally how hard it is to win in the NFL. It is just completely different radio. I love Ty Law and Troy Brown as players but I've not seen what they bring to the table as announcers. Based on what I have heard from them (and again I did not listen yesterday) it isn't a stretch to me to imagine them getting caught up in the Felger & Mazz bitch-a-thon. But, I guess that appeals to people after a game like Sundays. I don't know . . .

Edit: I should note, I do generally listen to Felger & Mazz on the drive home and in general I don't mind them. Mazz is a tool but I kind of like Felger's take even if he's a douche sometimes. There are just certain times when I avoid them, and after a game like Sunday's game is one of those times.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
On a weekend when the Giants, Falcons, and 49ers couldn't beat sub-.500 teams (and the Steelers went to overtime against the worst team in the NFL), I don't think it's entirely necessary to go apoplectic about only beating the Bills by 6 points.
It doesn't matter about the other teams, every team loses in the NFL, that isn't the point at all. The Patriots' defense wasn't very good on Sunday, was it? This is a problem that has been occurring week after week after week. This trend of not closing teams down and allowing them an opportunity to get back into games has bitten the Pats in the ass already this season and will continue to do so. You don't think that this is a worthwhile discussion to have?

Realistically, what do you want F&M to talk about?

"Yesterday, the Pats just squeaked by Buffalo. Whew, it was a close one but a win's a win, Tony."
"You got that right Mike!"
"Please enjoy radio silence for the next three hours and fifty-eight minutes until Damon Amendolara comes on the air at 6:00!"


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
"Yesterday, the Pats just squeaked by Buffalo. Whew, it was a close one but a win's a win, Tony."
"You got that right Mike!"
"Please enjoy radio silence for the next three hours and fifty-eight minutes until Damon Amendolara comes on the air at 6:00!"
"This silence thing Mike....it's UN-believe-ABLE!!! It's like you found a way to make me even lazier!!"

Hendu for Kutch

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2006
Nashua, NH
It doesn't matter about the other teams, every team loses in the NFL, that isn't the point at all. The Patriots' defense wasn't very good on Sunday, was it? This is a problem that has been occurring week after week after week. This trend of not closing teams down and allowing them an opportunity to get back into games has bitten the Pats in the ass already this season and will continue to do so. You don't think that this is a worthwhile discussion to have?

Realistically, what do you want F&M to talk about?

"Yesterday, the Pats just squeaked by Buffalo. Whew, it was a close one but a win's a win, Tony."
"You got that right Mike!"
"Please enjoy radio silence for the next three hours and fifty-eight minutes until Damon Amendolara comes on the air at 6:00!"
I don't think anyone has said they shouldn't talk about the problems. People have referenced their way of doing so as being fairly heavy-handed. Do you disagree that they regularly do that?

Not that there isn't room for discussion about the things that the Pats need to tighten up if they plan on advancing in the playoffs. But Felger and Mazz just come across as so PERSONALLY OFFENDED that the Pats are not winning every game comfortably.

Contrast this with Flynn who was on with Toucher and Rich yesterday morning (and who really needs to be getting more air time). He's not glossing over the teams flaws, but at the same time he has perspective around injuries to the O-line (two starting guards out the entire second half) and just generally how hard it is to win in the NFL.
Summed it up pretty well.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I don't think anyone has said they shouldn't talk about the problems. People have referenced their way of doing so as being fairly heavy-handed. Do you disagree that they regularly do that?
One person's heavy-handedness is another's entertainment. F&M need to be "heavy handed" because they're talk show hosts, who run a four-hour show every day. They need to be able to have a very strong point of view and take a side (black or white) on an issue. This is their take, which you obviously don't agree with.

Flynn, on the other hand, came on T&R for five to ten minutes (I don't know, I didn't hear it) and had an evenly-balanced view of the team. That's his job during his segment. If F&M were evenly-balanced, their show would suck balls. Of course there are nuances and subltlties in sports and wins and losses are predicated on one play, that's obvious. However, that doesn't add up to good radio. It adds up to boring, flat radio.

Do I wish Felger would tone it down a bit on certain subjects (KG is "tough guy", cap is crap, the Pats' defense sucks)? Sure. But then he wouldn't be Mike Felger and his show would be stale as week-old croutons. Every single host on both stations has a go-to schtick that most people are sick of, that's the nature of this business. Complaining about it or hoping that it will change is a gigantic waste of time.

And BTW, I'm not concerned about the O-line because they're going to be fine. The whole offense is the class of the league. What concerns me is the Patriots' defense. If you think it's great, then bully for you. I don't know what to tell you. But the Patriots slept walked through that game on Sunday and were lucky to get a win. I'm not sure how you could watch that entire game and think that the Patriots are a-ok.

Hendu for Kutch

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2006
Nashua, NH
Man, you keep putting words in my mouth. I don't think the defense is A-OK by any means. I have to hope it improves the way it did last year. I don't think we disagree all that much on what they're doing, just on what we appreciate as good radio. I would much rather listen to Johnston and Flynn than Felger and Mazz, which is why I usually only listen to F&M for a couple of minutes on the drive home. I want some insight...if I can predict with 90% accuracy what I'm going to hear and I'm not going to learn anything, what's the point? Different strokes, I guess.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Mazz completely embarrassing himself right now saying the Sox could have gotten the Marlins package for Doubront, Iglesias, Kalish, and Ciriaco.


SoSH Member
May 10, 2007
Burrillville, RI
I also found out why Mazz always agrees with Felger. Because when he doesn't, Mike leaves him speechless...
Mike: "i would have traded for Josh Johnson"
Tony: "I wouldn't have, when does he ever pitch??"
Mike: "he made 32 starts last year"
Tony: "Yeah, well when has he ever done it twice in a row??"
Mike: "...in 2009, he made 31 starts, in 2008 he made 28"

I was praying that the next sentence out of Mazz's mouth was gonna be "well, when has he had 3 in a row?"

edit: number of starts is approx. I forgot the actual numbers

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I was listening a bit this afternoon and the discussion was on whether Trout or Cabrera should win the MVP tonight and it devolved into a stats vs. antistats argument (though not really, because both guys were on the same anti-stats side). And after hearing this discussion combined with his admissions of not watching games and spacing out during shows, it hit me; Tony Massarotti is gleefully ignorant. He doesn't want to learn more about his profession or about the game that he follows (and claims that he loves), he likes things the way they've been since he was a kid.

A couple of callers made the typical anti-stat jokes: "WAR? Isn't that something that's going on in Afghanistan?" and Massarotti cackled like he never heard it before. Felger had to talk some guy off the ledge when it came to OPS, but neither really wants to know more than they already know now. And that's a shame. If you like your job and have loved what you've been covering since you were a kid, don't you want to understand more, find out what's happening?

To me, people who aren't intellectually curious and wear it as a badge of honor, like Mazz, are the saddest people there are.


SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2004
I loved that Mazz couldn't be bothered to know or look up who was second in Runs in the AL. Lazy and uninformed.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
If you want definitive proof that their Red Sox talk is nothing more than reactionary, strident trolling, listen to that segment they did on the AL MVP today. I disagreed with 99% of what Mazz said, but the discussion was measured, fair, balanced, objective etc. Why can't they do that with the local teams? When they're actually dispassionate about something, they actually show the relative level of intelligence which we all know they have deep down.

Dan Murfman

SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2001
I was listening a bit this afternoon and the discussion was on whether Trout or Cabrera should win the MVP tonight and it devolved into a stats vs. antistats argument (though not really, because both guys were on the same anti-stats side). And after hearing this discussion combined with his admissions of not watching games and spacing out during shows, it hit me; Tony Massarotti is gleefully ignorant. He doesn't want to learn more about his profession or about the game that he follows (and claims that he loves), he likes things the way they've been since he was a kid.

A couple of callers made the typical anti-stat jokes: "WAR? Isn't that something that's going on in Afghanistan?" and Massarotti cackled like he never heard it before. Felger had to talk some guy off the ledge when it came to OPS, but neither really wants to know more than they already know now. And that's a shame. If you like your job and have loved what you've been covering since you were a kid, don't you want to understand more, find out what's happening?

To me, people who aren't intellectually curious and wear it as a badge of honor, like Mazz, are the saddest people there are.
You could have been listening to Mad Dog's show. Word for word.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
deep inside Guido territory
Did anyone else just hear Shawn from Providence? Holy crap on live radio he didn't know he was on yet and he was in a fight with his wife. He said "At least I didn't sleep with my boss. You want to see me drink. Watch this, bitch!!!"


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2003
That was amazing. Even more amazing that he stayed on hold and then talked to them about sports 2 minutes later.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
That was hilarious. It's even better it was his wife and not some girlfriend. I think he said 'You want to see me drunk? Watch this bitch!!"


Nov 17, 2012
Am the only one who hates Marc Betrand? I just can't stand the guy. He adds nothing to show. Felger & Mazz will be having great dialagoue and then this useless lump of crap chimes in with stupidity. I hope he doesn't get the empty night show slot when DA leaves


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
Yeah you're pretty close to the only one. Bertrand is head and shoulders and possible other things above a slacker 'tard like Mazz.

Felger and YOU'RE RIGHT MIKE haven't had "great dialagoue" since early 2011.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2003
I think you may be. I'd love an explanation on how he adds nothing to the show, because to me he adds 100% more than the co-host does. Bertrand is really good.


SoSH Member
May 1, 2008
Peabody, MA
Also an explanation on "Felger & Mazz will be having great dialagoue"... most of the time, half the dialogue is "You're absolutely right, Mike".


New Member
Oct 14, 2008
So Quiddity, you thought that Sunday's win was a quality win against a quality opponent?
The team is 35-10 since the start of the 2010 season. If that's not the best in the league its pretty damn close. Pointing out their flaws is fine. What I don't view as fine is the over the top vitriol spewed at the team as if they were 10-35. Doing nothing but bitching and moaning about the team in a week where the Giants team they love so much got blown out by a mediocre Bengels team. A week where the Jets team that Felger had been proclaiming as better than the Pats for so long failed to score a single offensive point. At the end of the day the Pats won. They made the clutch plays they needed to. Which at the end of the day is all that matters. Felger/Brown/Law/YARM behave as if this team should be winning by 30 points every week. And even when they do that, all they do is say the opponent sucked and it means nothing.


New Member
May 31, 2008
Vulgar and Spazz tomorrow: Luck sucks! Colts suck! Pats ran up the score! Wait 'til they play a good QB/team...yawn....

( . ) ( . ) and (_!_)

SoSH Member
Feb 9, 2010
Providence, RI
They will also be over-the-top about the gronk injury. They will ignore that the last TD came from a grinding it on the ground drive and that gronk was removed from that series and only re-entered the game for the PAT and took a freak helmet to the arm

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
They will also be over-the-top about the gronk injury. They will ignore that the last TD came from a grinding it on the ground drive and that gronk was removed from that series and only re-entered the game for the PAT and took a freak helmet to the arm
In fairness, it won't just be them. This was a really early XMas gift for the area talk shows.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Vulgar and Spazz tomorrow: Luck sucks! Colts suck! Pats ran up the score! Wait 'til they play a good QB/team...yawn....
You say "yawn" yet an hour after the game you're thinking about Felger & Mazz and posting about it on the Internet nearly 24 hours before they're on the air....


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 4, 2005
In fairness, it won't just be them. This was a really early XMas gift for the area talk shows.
Easterbrook will join them. Punishment from football gods for running up the score.

"They should have had everyone out of the game at the end of the 3rd quarter ...!"

Conveniently forgetting, of course, that all three losses flowed from an inability to put away games, most notably that vomit inducing effort in Seattle.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
Easterbrook will join them. Punishment from football gods for running up the score.

"They should have had everyone out of the game at the end of the 3rd quarter ...!"

Conveniently forgetting, of course, that all three losses flowed from an inability to put away games, most notably that vomit inducing effort in Seattle.
Thank you. Just last year the Pats nearly blew a 31-3 lead over an infinitely worse version of these Colts.

Can't have it both ways: if the defense sucks then scoring as often as possible is the only logical course of action.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Conveniently forgetting, of course, that all three losses flowed from an inability to put away games, most notably that vomit inducing effort in Seattle.
This is the point I've yet to hear made on any show or discussion this morning. The soccer moms known as D&C were crying about running up the score and preserving the starters like they've been since 2007. Cripes, wasn't it just last week that everyone was bemoaning how bad the defense was and criticizing the offense's inability to burn clock and put the game away with a TD against the Bills?


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
This is the point I've yet to hear made on any show or discussion this morning. The soccer moms known as D&C were crying about running up the score and preserving the starters like they've been since 2007. Cripes, wasn't it just last week that everyone was bemoaning how bad the defense was and criticizing the offense's inability to burn clock and put the game away with a TD against the Bills?
T&R and Flynn were discussing that very point this morning when Fred asked Flynn whether or not Gronk should have been playing. Flynn said he should by the way because it was a fluke injury and they can only dress 45 players.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Chelmsford, MA
I suppose we'll see in a few hours, but you guys are far too cynical in regards to Felger. They bigged up Luck and the defense did a good job, I think you'll hear them talking about whether or not this performance is indicative of a new future, with a lot of crowing about how they (seemed to) blitz more yesterday and how positive that was. I doubt they'll be negative about anything, they'll probably be positive about the performance, concerned about Gronk, and using a lot of caveats about how it was only one game and how the Jets don't count, so they probably have to do it to them and then again the following week.


SoSH Member
May 10, 2007
Burrillville, RI
I suppose we'll see in a few hours, but you guys are far too cynical in regards to Felger. They bigged up Luck and the defense did a good job, I think you'll hear them talking about whether or not this performance is indicative of a new future, with a lot of crowing about how they (seemed to) blitz more yesterday and how positive that was. I doubt they'll be negative about anything, they'll probably be positive about the performance, concerned about Gronk, and using a lot of caveats about how it was only one game and how the Jets don't count, so they probably have to do it to them and then again the following week.
Yeah, pretty much this. I feel like every 3 months, we have this discussion about Felger in particular. One of his absolute best qualities is his ability to admit (and openly mock himself) when he's wrong.
My bet for his reaction today will be "Well Tony, would you still trade Brady for Luck? Boy were we wrong..."

Billy Jo Robidoux

SoSH Member
Jan 6, 2003
Cape Cod
Am the only one who hates Marc Betrand? I just can't stand the guy. He adds nothing to show. Felger & Mazz will be having great dialagoue and then this useless lump of crap chimes in with stupidity. I hope he doesn't get the empty night show slot when DA leaves
Wiggy, is that you?


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 4, 2005
Are you kidding? This is Borgie in the Herald:

Next time maybe it will be but yesterday the job was not done and the Colts defense was completely undone because of it in what became a 59-24 spanking. If in fact Gronkowski was undone himself by a broken forearm late in what was at the time a nearly 30-point thrashing, many questions will be asked and few of them will be answered.

But if this turns out to be the worst of endings it is an absurd ending to an absurdly efficient day in which nothing could stop Rob Gronkowski but, apparently, his own team’s hubris and an odd insistence for a team with a small armada of tight ends at its disposal that he stay in a game he’d long ago assured them they had won.

Get ready for a 4-hour diet of the bolded and underscored word.


"He (BB) was pissed off Tony, tired of the way the Colts had become media darlings. Tired, frankly, of Pagano playing the cancer card regularly -- with these team meetings before important games -- though Belichick, of course, couldn't go there ... And Brady was pissed off too, with all this talk about Luck. So they got angry and took their anger out on the field ... they rolled it up ... lost control of their emotions. It happens, they are human ... but now they are going to pay the price Tony, starting this Thursday ..."


"That's right Mike ... you betcha' ..."

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
Is that Borges quote even English?

Gronk has been blocking on every fucking XP since the day he arrived in NE. I'm sure Ronnie has been screaming about this from day 1, and isn't just throwing a fit now because Gronk got hurt, no sirree.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Nope, Mazz leads off by calling it a freak thing and says "no one ever gets hurt on PAT's." Felger agrees.

Neither one second guesses it.

Felger: "It's just buzzard's luck, as Jimy Williams would say."