RIP Toucher and Rich Show ... It was fun while it lasted


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
I listened toggling back and forth between T&R and D&C and man T&R sucked ass this morning.

I tune in to hear Toucher bitching about traveling, wasn't bad, standard radio. What sucked is when they had Amalie Benjamin on. First, he couldn't even pronounce her first name right, then came the interview which by and large sucked. Crash was the only one that actually had a couple of good questions and Amalie was great. Then Rich decided to ask her about Tek's reputation with the ladies, again Amalie handled it well and the other host gave Rich crap for it, but it was too late he killed the interview.

Then we get a completely sucky "Drunken Red Sox Recap" where T&R and Crash laugh at all their own joke about a Drunk Sox Fan, whoopeeeeee. Followed by "let's tell times we have pissed on ourselves accidentally" stories.

D&C on the other hand started great with talk about Smoltz, then Steve from Fall River decided to bring up Gates AGAIN, and it was all Gates all the time for the rest of my commute.

T&R have a lot of work to do and I'm not sure if they are up for the challenge, really the only thing that will help them is The Boston Globe reporters being able to come on their show.
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The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
To be fair, Fred Toucher drives the show and he was WAY off this morning due to said travel story. It really wasn't a great show today, but that's not really that indicative of a normal show.

And yeah, Rich's question about Varitek was awful. Just a total mood-killer.

edit: speaking of being off this morning, my grammar sucks


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
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QUOTE (Haunted @ Jul 27 2009, 09:21 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2445468
To be fair, Fred Toucher drives the show and he was WAY off this morning due to said travel story. It really wasn't a great show today, but that's not really that indicative of a normal show.

See, I'd agree and give them a mulligan, if they haven't been completely mediocre over the last week. They are getting a huge chance because D&C are in their full political swing with Gates and I have to assume that many listeners like myself are giving T&R a chance because they are tired of it. Unfortunately they aren't giving me any reason not to go back to listen to D&C because each day their show has been either insanely sophmoric or just plain boring.

They will get better presumably, but they are missing out on grabbing a lot of listeners tired of D&Cs schtick.

If D&C were talking about the Sox, there would be no need to change the station.


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
QUOTE (HomeBrew1901 @ Jul 27 2009, 09:33 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2445480
See, I'd agree and give them a mulligan, if they haven't been completely mediocre over the last week. They are getting a huge chance because D&C are in their full political swing with Gates and I have to assume that many listeners like myself are giving T&R a chance because they are tired of it. Unfortunately they aren't giving me any reason not to go back to listen to D&C because each day their show has been either insanely sophmoric or just plain boring.

They will get better presumably, but they are missing out on grabbing a lot of listeners tired of D&Cs schtick.

If D&C were talking about the Sox, there would be no need to change the station.

Well, to be fair, that's their thing. They're kind of like a less filthy Opie & Anthony without the cache.

If you're looking for a lot of sports talk, let alone Boston-centric sports talk, you will be disappointed.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
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QUOTE (Haunted @ Jul 27 2009, 09:37 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2445487
If you're looking for a lot of sports talk, let alone Boston-centric sports talk, you will be disappointed.
I don't need a ton of sports talk, informed sports talk will do, however if the rest of the show is going to be all bits geared toward the 18-25 crowd, I'll stick with D&C and their insane rants.


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
QUOTE (HomeBrew1901 @ Jul 27 2009, 09:43 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2445492
I don't need a ton of sports talk, informed sports talk will do, however if the rest of the show is going to be all bits geared toward the 18-25 crowd, I'll stick with D&C and their insane rants.

This is where I'd normally say they're going for the 18-35 crowd (because I'm 30 and find them awesome and entertaining)... but... you're probably closer to the truth.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
I'm 35 an immature 35 Yo, and there is nothing funny about most of their Drunken Red Sox Recaps (I've heard maybe 2 funny recaps over the last couple months) and a Compurterized voice reading emails. They did have a great bit 3-4 months ago the Douchebag showdown, I thought that was awesome.

However, I could handle the bad bits if they can provide some good sports talk, national or local, along with decent interviews.

I'm not writing their obituary yet, but they do have a lot of work to do to get better, I'm just not sure how capable they are.


SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2005
Merrimack Valley
QUOTE (HomeBrew1901 @ Jul 27 2009, 10:14 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2445519
I'm 35 an immature 35 Yo, and there is nothing funny about most of their Drunken Red Sox Recaps (I've heard maybe 2 funny recaps over the last couple months) and a Compurterized voice reading emails. They did have a great bit 3-4 months ago the Douchebag showdown, I thought that was awesome.

However, I could handle the bad bits if they can provide some good sports talk, national or local, along with decent interviews.

I'm not writing their obituary yet, but they do have a lot of work to do to get better, I'm just not sure how capable they are.

To be fair they've been on the air for 3+ years now, and while they've yet to impress you they definitely have an established audience, which is the main reason they are the only survivors emerging from WBCN. I am 22 going on 23 and I enjoy a lot of their bits, but I agree that many of them can be hit or miss. The drunken recaps have been somewhat underwhelming as of late, but Dating on Demand still normally delivers, and I enjoy the random BS they talk about day to day, but again I am right in their target demographic. I am pretty sure they only have one year remaining on their contracts, so I think it's a pretty solid move by the new sports station. They will move to 98.5 with an established audience that will continue to listen and provide the station with at least solid ratings in the morning, something a completely brand new morning show most likely would not, and if the show is disappointing after a year the new station can simply move on with a new morning show. It's still only been about a week since they have gone to the no music format, so I would give them a little more time to grow into the new format. Filling 45+ minutes an hour with talk is definitely a challenge, and I would imagine once they move to the new station they will have more advertising breaks than they do now on a dying station so they will have a little less time to fill which will hopefully make the show stronger.

Edit: Just listened to the Benjamin interview and the Tek question was painfully awkward.


stands for life, liberty and the uturian way of li
SoSH Member
Aug 18, 2001
This does show one thing...that the new talk radio station is going to get the Globies.

Also, T&R just won best morning show in Boston or whatever from the Improper Bostonian, so I doubt they make significant changes to their format, but I really do hope they get stronger on their sports knowledge since the only thing they have going for them is that they know the non-NBA sports better than Simmons.

Rich, who I normally like, should have known better. The question just seemed so out of character for him, and it made a pretty average interview awful.


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Apr 17, 2003
Is it clear whether Crash comes with them to 98.5? He is important to the show I think....Adolfo is replaceable but then again he also probably costs very little.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
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QUOTE (PedroKsBambino @ Jul 27 2009, 03:00 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2446122
Is it clear whether Crash comes with them to 98.5? He is important to the show I think....Adolfo is replaceable but then again he also probably costs very little.

I haven't heard anything official, but I'd be shocked if he didn't come along in a "flash boy" type role, it certainly seems like they are transitioning him that way. Hell if it weren't for him that Amalie Benjamin interview would have been an even bigger nightmare.


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
As I've probably shown with posts about T&R before, I'm a fan, but I do agree they are still finding their legs filling up so much time with just talk. There are only so many "I peed on myself" stories to tell before they become samey and boring. I actually think their strongest segments are the Rich-driven movie and music reviews, which allow them to use some outside audio, bs (on topic) and generally be interesting & funny. The recaps / dating / chilli guy stuff is usually funny, and sometimes very good (their home-grown dating on demand in the Fens was outstanding). Also, I wonder how many times they can go to the well with Crash being drunk and inappropriate, as it sounds like he's kinda suffering for it health-wise.

Also - talking about sports-related content - they spent a great deal of time talking Ward to Carolina and the B's in general, including having Ward on to discuss the move. Pretty good hockey talk, especially from B-Real, and something I'm guessing (but am not positive) that D&C did not deliver.


New Member
Jul 16, 2005
From the sounds of it, if they don't hit some sort of stride, my morning Back Bay commute is going to get even more unbearable if Stern retires at the end of 2010.


SoSH Member
Mar 24, 2008
Today was a "best of" show. Clearly, they're taking vacation now so that they can go for a long time uninterrupted when they move to 98.5, but at some point they're going to take a vacation again. Is there a plan for who'll fill in for them? A "best of" show won't work on a sports station. I don't think they could stagger their vacations either, because Fred dominates every segment, so the show can't work without him.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Los Angeles
QUOTE (NoXInNixon @ Jul 31 2009, 08:57 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2458976
Today was a "best of" show. Clearly, they're taking vacation now so that they can go for a long time uninterrupted when they move to 98.5, but at some point they're going to take a vacation again. Is there a plan for who'll fill in for them? A "best of" show won't work on a sports station. I don't think they could stagger their vacations either, because Fred dominates every segment, so the show can't work without him.

I guess it all depends on what kind of show they're going to be doing. It's somewhat easy to plug in two local sports figured to jabber for a few hours if you are going the sports route. If they're doing some kind of hybrid pop culture/comedy show then it isn't as easy because the show is driven by personalities rather than sports content. This is why the O&A's and Sterns of the world generally go with the "best of."

If they carry over a significant new audience then they might be able to sneak a few "best of" shows by since people will be largely unfamiliar with their old stuff. I do agree though, all it really does is provide a period of time for D&C to showcase themselves. A showcase period that generally isn't returned by D&C when they hit vacation since they'll be running fresh shows just with two other hosts.

Edit: Clarity


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
I really want this show to make it because T&R seem like good guys and could offer a great alternative to D&C so I apologize if it seems like I am harping. Unless this is going to be the only non-sports show on the new station, you'd think they would start gearing up and discussing sports for more than 10-15 minutes considering they only have a week and a half until the new station rolls out.

I get that they already have a strong fan base in the 18-25 crowd, but if they want to compete for new listeners in the sports crowd then they are going to need to provide something more than priapus (sp?) stories. As funny as they were, I went right back to Neumy and Meter talking about the Patriots schedule and Red Sox rotation.

The reason a lot of folks here don't like D&C is because of all the political talk and lack of sports related discussion, IMO T&R won't be able to win over these listeners with dick and fart jokes.

edit: and I like dick and fart jokes.


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
FWIW, I don't think they'll be adding significant sports talk.

Also, I think the fact that D&C talk so much politics is definitely a negative factor, but it isn't just that. Their thread spells it all out nicely so I won't rehash it here, but I think you know what I mean.


SoSH Member
Jul 9, 2009
So caveat out of the way, I've been a T&R fan for a few years now, but today it seemed like they spent more time talking sports (my ride to work from 8:30 to 9). However, they were only talking steroids and were really so uninformed that it was slightly embarrassing. They really weren't up to speed on basics of the steroids discussion, such as the fact that Manny and Ortiz were not the first names to come out from the list (they hypothesized that the lawyer who's releasing names must be a Yankee fan due to the fact that Manny and Ortiz were outed) and that players were supposedly notified once they tested positive. They essentially spent 30 minutes saying who cares since Steroids weren't illegal in MLB in 2003.

I really enjoy the work these guys do, but if this is the quality of sports talk I'm going to get from them, I just don't see it working out.


stands for life, liberty and the uturian way of li
SoSH Member
Aug 18, 2001
They definitely talked more sports today than they usually do.

I think WBZ-FM will use T&R to undercut D&C...neither is going to talk sports much, but T&R will get the younger guys (18-34) and women while they cede the older/golf fans/racists to EEI.


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Apr 17, 2003
QUOTE (beezer @ Aug 3 2009, 09:50 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2467390
So caveat out of the way, I've been a T&R fan for a few years now, but today it seemed like they spent more time talking sports (my ride to work from 8:30 to 9). However, they were only talking steroids and were really so uninformed that it was slightly embarrassing. They really weren't up to speed on basics of the steroids discussion, such as the fact that Manny and Ortiz were not the first names to come out from the list (they hypothesized that the lawyer who's releasing names must be a Yankee fan due to the fact that Manny and Ortiz were outed) and that players were supposedly notified once they tested positive. They essentially spent 30 minutes saying who cares since Steroids weren't illegal in MLB in 2003.

I really enjoy the work these guys do, but if this is the quality of sports talk I'm going to get from them, I just don't see it working out.

I agree completely with this after listening this am (same time, basically, 830-9). I really like them but they don't seem to know enough sports to really pull it off. Thus, I hope they stop trying and go back to what they are good at. If I wanted to listen to people who don't know much about baseball talk about baseball I'd just tune in to WEEI.


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
They replayed a bit from, must have been last fall judging by the content (I'd never heard it before), where Rich took EEI Whiner Line material to an open mic and read it to deafening silence. Now I can enjoy the occasional Bob Kraft whine but I do appreciate the head-on attack posture that T+R are taking towards the competition.

mp3 link - it starts about 15 minutes in, right after the first commercial break.


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Dec 22, 2002
QUOTE (HomeBrew1901 @ Jul 27 2009, 09:06 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2445455
D&C on the other hand started great with talk about Smoltz, then Steve from Fall River decided to bring up Gates AGAIN, and it was all Gates all the time for the rest of my commute.

Bingo. D&C are what they are - middle-aged white guys who prefer talking GOP politics and golf, and do "good" sports talk from 6-6:30 every day. After's mostly miss and rarely hit.

T&R are 'young' white guys who prefer talking about getting drunk and peeing on themselves, and might do "good" sports talk from 7-8 every day. After's mostly miss and rarely hit.

I'll be listening to T&R, no matter how awful the sports talk is at the beginning, because I hope they'll get better at it and I know what I'm getting from D&C and I don't like it.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, Ma
They're having "el pres" from barstoolsports on today, not sure if his comedy/sports knowledge will translate to the radio from his site, but I personally find most of his stuff hilarious.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I think that they do a really good job with the pop culture stuff and Crash's movie reviews are usually spot-on.

What it will boil down to is: would I rather hear about pop culture (that has views I share) or politics (that has views I don't share in the morning. I'm probably going to go with the former because I don't think I can stand another three and a half years of "Obama wasn't even born in this country!" bullshit.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
I don't know, when Meter and DeOssie have a better show than T&R I don't hold out a lot of hope for the new morning show. The best part of T&R when they talk about sports is when Crash does his "flashes" those are great, the rest of the time I listened I got 5 minutes of really poor Paul Byrd porn stuff talk and 15 minutes of Fred having the same fight that I have with my wife.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
To be fair, HB, DeOssie and Meter had a better show than D+C normally do too.

The point has been made (by URI, I believe) but T+R is going to go after the younger crowd while D+C will still maintain the older segment. No one is going to "dominate" the morning, but T+R will take a nice chunk out of WEEI's morning listeners (while also carrying over their current audience) and provide a decent lead in to the 10 o'clock hour.

The people who are expecting T+R to come in, blow everyone away, and put D+C out of business will be sorely disappointed. I don't think that's what CBS is expecting at all, they just want an established show that has proven it can get ratings in their key demographic. I think they will end being nice competition for D+C, but probably won't overtake them in the ratings.

Then again, that's really not their primary goal (although I'm sure they'd love it if it happened).


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
QUOTE (The Four Peters @ Aug 6 2009, 09:57 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2477035
To be fair, HB, DeOssie and Meter had a better show than D+C normally do too.

The point has been made (by URI, I believe) but T+R is going to go after the younger crowd while D+C will still maintain the older segment. No one is going to "dominate" the morning, but T+R will take a nice chunk out of WEEI's morning listeners (while also carrying over their current audience) and provide a decent lead in to the 10 o'clock hour.

The people who are expecting T+R to come in, blow everyone away, and put D+C out of business will be sorely disappointed. I don't think that's what CBS is expecting at all, they just want an established show that has proven it can get ratings in their key demographic. I think they will end being nice competition for D+C, but probably won't overtake them in the ratings.

Then again, that's really not their primary goal (although I'm sure they'd love it if it happened).

Good point on D&C and while I agree with you on most of your points, I disagree that T&R are going to be able to take any listeners from D&C and I think EEI will dominate morning programming. They have been going head to head for 6-9 months now, any listeners that would listen to T&R are already listening and if they don't plan on making any major changes to the show, why would I switch.

I may switch back and forth between commercials or listen when D&C go on one of their insane rants, but aside from that I highly doubt I will become a T&R listener. In fact, I think they may face a harsher reality in that they may lose listeners if they start doing more sports talk and do it poorly because now they will get hit with a double whammy, sports nuts won't tune in because they suck and their "TARDS" will tune out for the same reason.


stands for life, liberty and the uturian way of li
SoSH Member
Aug 18, 2001
QUOTE (John Marzano Olympic Hero @ Aug 6 2009, 08:42 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2476915
I think that they do a really good job with the pop culture stuff and Crash's movie reviews are usually spot-on.

What it will boil down to is: would I rather hear about pop culture (that has views I share) or politics (that has views I don't share in the morning. I'm probably going to go with the former because I don't think I can stand another three and a half years of "Obama wasn't even born in this country!" bullshit.

Just as a point of order, Rich does the movie reviews. Crash takes pictures of his junk and e-mails them to Miss Feet.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
QUOTE (HomeBrew1901 @ Aug 6 2009, 10:06 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2477060
Good point on D&C and while I agree with you on most of your points, I disagree that T&R are going to be able to take any listeners from D&C and I think EEI will dominate morning programming. They have been going head to head for 6-9 months now, any listeners that would listen to T&R are already listening and if they don't plan on making any major changes to the show, why would I switch.

I may switch back and forth between commercials or listen when D&C go on one of their insane rants, but aside from that I highly doubt I will become a T&R listener. In fact, I think they may face a harsher reality in that they may lose listeners if they start doing more sports talk and do it poorly because now they will get hit with a double whammy, sports nuts won't tune in because they suck and their "TARDS" will tune out for the same reason.

I certainly understand what you're saying, and you may indeed be correct, the only thing I would think of is that they'll be the beneficiaries of a full marketing push for the first time since they're in Boston. They've built up their current audience almost solely out of viral marketing and self-promotion, WBCN basically did nothing for them (outside of running a couple "Now in the morning, T+R" spots). They basically had their own fan club created (the TARDS) that advertise for them as much as possible, and even created their own message board ( They've worked Facebook, even put up their own cash for prizes/marketing purposes. It's actually pretty impressive what they've accomplished, in my opinion.

Now, they have the full marketing resources of a new station that is going to be hungry for new listeners. They'll have the benefit of commercials/spots on Tanguay and Felger's shows, as opposed to Adam 12 and Hardy. That's a whole new demographic of people (hopefully) to attract, and once they check out T+R, some will stay. Even if it's only 30% of the new listeners, a random number, it's still an increase.

Now, they will probably have to tweak their show somewhat to fit in, as they don't want to go stale. As long as they don't fundamentally change what they do, their loyal listeners will stay. If they are able to capitalize on the new marketing push, and adapt appropriately, who knows, I could see them taking a chunk out of D+C. I agree that they won't overtake them anytime soon though.

Wow, that's a hell of a lot of words to say "we'll see". Sigh.


New Member
Feb 25, 2009
QUOTE (gmogmo @ Aug 6 2009, 08:21 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2476892
They're having "el pres" from barstoolsports on today, not sure if his comedy/sports knowledge will translate to the radio from his site, but I personally find most of his stuff hilarious.

I'm a fan as well - how was he?


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
I listened from about 8-10 today to check out the new digs. Here are some impressions (which as Fred mentioned near the end of the show, they are certainly receiving in the form of show notes from CBS right around now).

- Seemed like commercial breaks were too frequent. Segments seemed to last 5-7 minutes instead of a reasonable 10-12. I understand the need to get a bunch of different stuff in, and not give audiences checking out the show an excuse to switch back to D&C, but that it was jarring. I hope once they carve out a niche they'll go longer segments and longer breaks (within reason).

- With Wallach in studio, it seems like Crash has less "third banana" juice than he did before. I hope that changes around. Hopefully in time they'll find a way to dig on Wallach and get his personality to play into the show. Adolfo, justifiably, is nowhere to be heard, and it'll probably stay that way for a while.

- Again, not surprisingly, the show was heavy on sports content - more than I had imagined it would be. Chalk it up to wanting to hold the interest of a curious audience, but again I do hope that settles down a bit and the general guy-talk nature of the previous incarnation takes off a little bit.

- Fred can hold his own in almost any sports-related conversation, but making Crash and Rich into sports-jock guys probably isn't going to work. They're just not naturally interested enough. To that end, I wonder what the fate of Crash doing headlines, Rich doing movie reviews and "Would You Buy It" music & dvd release reviews, and other non-sports stuff will survive. Towards the end of the show, they mentioned it was a bunch of dudes at the station - I think T&R are going to need some women, music, and entertainment content to get at what they do best. I didn't hear the first two hours, so maybe some of that was in there.

- Wished they pushed some of their interviews a little harder (Pedroia got away with being pretty generic).

Hey, I'm glad they're still around, and it was a pretty decent start.

Razor Shines

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Jun 26, 2006
Magoun Sq
I only listened for 20 minutes during my commute. I managed to catch a Charlie "the mad fisherman" Moore interview, some commercials and promos, and T&R lamenting over Jeremy Piven being late with his scheduled call-in.

Charlie Moore and Jeremy Piven are both high on the list of people that annoy the piss out of me...still, it was marginally more interesting than D&C's daily routine of "What Obama Said Yesterday".


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2001
The Pink Hat segment was somewhat funny. Too much Bruins talk. If they get sucked into that it will really hurt them. EEI had Shilling on at the same time and he was very good (called Pitino "a bad guy").

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I have a feeling that this isn't going to end well and that the Hub is going to get "real sports DJs" in the morning and that whatever station T&R are on next, they'll spend a lot of time telling their listeners that "this (their sports alter egos) isn't who they really are and that they were forced to do it to save their jobs."

I hope that I'm wrong because I like T&R, but this doesn't seem like quite the right fit for them.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Haverhill MA
QUOTE (TheRooster @ Aug 14 2009, 10:55 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2505539
The Pink Hat segment was somewhat funny. Too much Bruins talk. If they get sucked into that it will really hurt them. EEI had Shilling on at the same time and he was very good (called Pitino "a bad guy").

Except for those of us know like the bruins. I consider that a huge plus that they have been so active in pushing the B's before the bandwagon got full. When Ward used to be a weekly interview it was always entertaining and a look into the personal side of a team that doesn't get nearly enough playtime on sports radio around here.


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
quincy, ma
QUOTE (locknload @ Aug 14 2009, 11:03 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2505554
Except for those of us know like the bruins. I consider that a huge plus that they have been so active in pushing the B's before the bandwagon got full. When Ward used to be a weekly interview it was always entertaining and a look into the personal side of a team that doesn't get nearly enough playtime on sports radio around here.

Why do they deserve more air time? What have they done to deserve more air time. Also I have no problem with them plugging the Bruins today on thier first day, but moving forward it should not be done in August or even September with so much going on in the local sports landscape. And I know it is good for those of you who love the Bruins (you guys are the most loyal fans), but thier is not enough interest in the Bruins to capture the audience they want. If they even become part time Bruins talk during this late summer and the early part of the fall, then I believe they are making a huge mistake. I know I for one will not be tuning in.

It was interesting today that on D+C they were mostly all sports- covering the Pats, Vick, Sox, and Pitino. I wonder if the Hub will force D+C to continue this format. I hope so.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
QUOTE (dabombdig @ Aug 14 2009, 11:20 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2505589
Why do they deserve more air time? What have they done to deserve more air time. Also I have no problem with them plugging the Bruins today on thier first day, but moving forward it should not be done in August or even September with so much going on in the local sports landscape. And I know it is good for those of you who love the Bruins (you guys are the most loyal fans), but thier is not enough interest in the Bruins to capture the audience they want. If they even become part time Bruins talk during this late summer and the early part of the fall, then I believe they are making a huge mistake. I know I for one will not be tuning in.

It was interesting today that on D+C they were mostly all sports- covering the Pats, Vick, Sox, and Pitino. I wonder if the Hub will force D+C to continue this format. I hope so.

1. How would you know this? Plus the entire show wasn't Bruins talk so I have no idea what you are talking about.

2. D&C have been talking a majority of sports all week long since the "new clock" came out. I haven't had any commuting time the last two days and when I have been in the car I've been giving TSH a shot, but D&C have been great this week for the most part. However, I think it only lasts as long as T&R are serious competition. If they crush them in the ratings the next couple of weeks then they will go back to the old LEFTIES SUCK Radio.


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
quincy, ma
QUOTE (HomeBrew1901 @ Aug 14 2009, 11:42 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2505641
1. How would you know this? Plus the entire show wasn't Bruins talk so I have no idea what you are talking about.

2. D&C have been talking a majority of sports all week long since the "new clock" came out. I haven't had any commuting time the last two days and when I have been in the car I've been giving TSH a shot, but D&C have been great this week for the most part. However, I think it only lasts as long as T&R are serious competition. If they crush them in the ratings the next couple of weeks then they will go back to the old LEFTIES SUCK Radio.

Like I said in another post I have no problem with plugging the Bruins talk on the first day- I can see how they feel an obligation to do that. But I would have to think that the vast majority of the New England sports fans are not interested in hearing Bruins talk this time of year. It is just an educated guesse on my part- but I dont think I am off base at all. Unless the Bruins or Celtics make a big offseason splash I see no reason to talk about them right now- just way too much else going on in the sports landscape. And honestly unless the Bruins are playing well this winter I see no reason to talk about them either, they have just not done enough on the ice over the past DECADE to deserve any real attention from sports radio. If they build off of what they did last year and are playing well then Bruins talk in my book is acceptable in November and beyond.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
QUOTE (HomeBrew1901 @ Aug 14 2009, 11:42 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2505641
1. How would you know this? Plus the entire show wasn't Bruins talk so I have no idea what you are talking about.

2. D&C have been talking a majority of sports all week long since the "new clock" came out. I haven't had any commuting time the last two days and when I have been in the car I've been giving TSH a shot, but D&C have been great this week for the most part. However, I think it only lasts as long as T&R are serious competition. If they crush them in the ratings the next couple of weeks then they will go back to the old LEFTIES SUCK Radio.

On a side note, I was listening to D&C at about 7:10 this morning, and Callahan went off on a health care rant.

Dennis then promptly cut him off, and said something among the lines of, "I know it's Friday, but I think Vick, Pitino, and Brady are much more interesting stories." However, as I said in the D&C thread, I thought the PETA interview they did was awful. Condescending at best.

I agree that it's too early to tell with T+R, but like others said, I would have liked for there to be some longer segments. The Pedroia interview was okay, but rather bland. Then again, though, I'm sure the interviews will get better with time. And the "pink hat" segment was pretty funny. Nice to see Jon Wallach show a sense of humor too.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
QUOTE (dabombdig @ Aug 14 2009, 11:20 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2505589
Why do they deserve more air time? What have they done to deserve more air time. Also I have no problem with them plugging the Bruins today on thier first day, but moving forward it should not be done in August or even September with so much going on in the local sports landscape. And I know it is good for those of you who love the Bruins (you guys are the most loyal fans), but thier is not enough interest in the Bruins to capture the audience they want. If they even become part time Bruins talk during this late summer and the early part of the fall, then I believe they are making a huge mistake. I know I for one will not be tuning in.

There was one interview for 10 minutes about the Bruins. I don't see anyone (including myself, one of the biggest B's fans there is) advocating for a lot of hockey talk, especially before the season even starts. Hockey fans are loyal, not stupid. Hell, just 10 minutess once a week got me giddy when T+R were on WBCN. Why? Because it was 10 minutes more than anywhere else, and it was interesting, not a boring blase interview like WEEI had earlier in the thread.

Hockey fans (who also tend to be baseball and football fans) are an untapped demographic, and if you can bring them over from WEEI with just a small amount of hockey talk, then that's a plus. I am guessing, with zero evidence to back it up, that you could gain a bunch of fans with just a little bit of talk, but wouldn't lose many since it wouldn't dominate the topics.

I also think you dramatically overstate the lack of hockey interest in these parts. B's fans, and hockey fans in general, went away because of the lockout and shitty play. Now they're coming back, and quickly.

Ok, sorry for the hijack, didn't mean to hockey up this thread, which no doubt cause many people to "tune out".

I agree that it's too early to tell with T+R, but like others said, I would have liked for there to be some longer segments. The Pedroia interview was okay, but rather bland. Then again, though, I'm sure the interviews will get better with time. And the "pink hat" segment was pretty funny. Nice to see Jon Wallach show a sense of humor too.

I think this was also a function of being stacked with interviews. Since they were on a tight schedule, they had to make sure they got their commercials in. As a result, there was very little flexibility. If they have an interview at 8, they damn well better get the commercials in before that, in case it runs a little long. I think once the format opens up a bit, the segments and commercial breaks will be a little longer and more fluid.


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
quincy, ma
QUOTE (Phenom @ Aug 14 2009, 11:54 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2505663
On a side note, I was listening to D&C at about 7:10 this morning, and Callahan went off on a health care rant.

Dennis then promptly cut him off, and said something among the lines of, "I know it's Friday, but I think Vick, Pitino, and Brady are much more interesting stories." However, as I said in the D&C thread, I thought the PETA interview they did was awful. Condescending at best.

I agree that it's too early to tell with T+R, but like others said, I would have liked for there to be some longer segments. The Pedroia interview was okay, but rather bland. Then again, though, I'm sure the interviews will get better with time. And the "pink hat" segment was pretty funny. Nice to see Jon Wallach show a sense of humor too.

I didnt know Wallach was capable of anything other than reading scores. So he is human after all.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Haverhill MA
QUOTE (dabombdig @ Aug 14 2009, 11:52 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2505658
Like I said in another post I have no problem with plugging the Bruins talk on the first day- I can see how they feel an obligation to do that. But I would have to think that the vast majority of the New England sports fans are not interested in hearing Bruins talk this time of year. It is just an educated guesse on my part- but I dont think I am off base at all. Unless the Bruins or Celtics make a big offseason splash I see no reason to talk about them right now- just way too much else going on in the sports landscape. And honestly unless the Bruins are playing well this winter I see no reason to talk about them either, they have just not done enough on the ice over the past DECADE to deserve any real attention from sports radio. If they build off of what they did last year and are playing well then Bruins talk in my book is acceptable in November and beyond.

First in the East last year by a wide margin. A ton of accolades in 2009-2009 including the Vezina, Norris, Jack Adams. For the non-hockey folks - Goalie of the Year, Defenseman of the Year, Coach of the Year, GM of Year. Just because they didn't win a cup does not mean they didn't do a damn thing last year worthy of talking about. They are a young exciting team that is re-acquiring the interest of what has historically been a huge hockey town. I would brace yourself because I have the feeling that by mid-winter you are going to bombarded by hockey talk.


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
quincy, ma
QUOTE (locknload @ Aug 14 2009, 12:06 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2505689
First in the East last year by a wide margin. A ton of accolades in 2009-2009 including the Vezina, Norris, Jack Adams. For the non-hockey folks - Goalie of the Year, Defenseman of the Year, Coach of the Year, GM of Year. Just because they didn't win a cup does not mean they didn't do a damn thing last year worthy of talking about. They are a young exciting team that is re-acquiring the interest of what has historically been a huge hockey town. I would brace yourself because I have the feeling that by mid-winter you are going to bombarded by hockey talk.

I think you missed what I said- if they return to form the deserve air time in the winter. I just dont see the point of talking about winter sports right now. I dont see what is flawed with this logic. And talking about for only 10 minutes at a time right now makes me turn the dial, as I am sure with many others.

I am not a big hockey fan, but I have no problem listening to hockey talk in the winter when they are playing well. I even watched a few games during the season, and almost all (when it was not conflicting with C's) during the playoffs. Just dont try to convince they are relevant right now in August with so much else going on.

Also I hope T+R still has there guy talk radio going on in the future with sports mixed in- its what they are best at.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Haverhill MA
I got the point, its just that it wasn't like they launched into a huge hour long debate it was pretty brief, which is appropriate for an off-season non-splash signing discussion. I just dislike the blanket dismissal "because they haven't done anything" when in fact they have made them relevant again for a large group of listeners.


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
quincy, ma
QUOTE (locknload @ Aug 14 2009, 12:19 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2505714
I got the point, its just that it wasn't like they launched into a huge hour long debate it was pretty brief, which is appropriate for an off-season non-splash signing discussion. I just dislike the blanket dismissal "because they haven't done anything" when in fact they have made them relevant again for a large group of listeners.

Here is what I typed- And honestly unless the Bruins are playing well this winter I see no reason to talk about them either, they have just not done enough on the ice over the past DECADE to deserve any real attention from sports radio.

Not the same thing as you said I typed, but I get your point. What I was trying to get across is that the standard is much higher in this town now and you need more than one good season to be relevant- you have to build on that. My guesse is that they will and I look forward to it.

This is why I love Bruins fans- you guys take any type of criticism no matter how slight personal. You guys are more than loyal- and in all honestly l love that in a fan.