Optimum Offense: Patriots Offensive Play of the Week

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
There's a decent amount of concern with Brady around these parts right now. I think some of the concerns are justified, but this quote from the article is something people are too quick to overlook:

Here is where Brady’s experience becomes apparent. He recognizes the blitz alignment and audibles at the line, then adjusts himself into the shotgun and changes the mode of protection.
This is something that only comes with experience, and it was probably the most important aspect of the most important play on the drive.
Good stuff, Mark.


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
Washington, DC via Worcester
This was definitely the play of the game for me. It was a reminder that Tom Brady is Tom Brady and while he might not have the touch on the deep ball and his offensive line and weapons might not be what they once were he's still pretty damn good and he can probably lead a team to the playoffs in his 40s. Crazy to think Brady is the same age Montana was when he was traded to the Chiefs. I know times are different and Brady had far fewer injuries, but you have to wonder how many miles Brady's body has left and how long his football intellect will compensate for lack of physical ability.