On second thought, how about a ground ball through Murphy's legs to lose game 7. Yes. That would be better.
patinorange said:Doesn't take much energy at all. Never hated Buckner or Stanley. But McNamara and Rich Gedman can go to hell.
Hell, I'm just warming up to Mookie Betts.curly2 said:
You have named my two goats, too.
But as I've mentioned here before, I grew up with the Mets as my "National League team" due in part to geography and Mets fans in the family. I hated them like poison in 1986 and for a few years after but gradually lost my bitterness and came around fully when the Mets played the Yankees in the 2000 World Series.
The U.S. became allies with Germany and Japan in less time than you've held your grudge against the Mets.
Like, to pitchers we want DD to sign for us?rembrat said:Dont understand the Mets hate. Them winning sticks it to the Yankees. Hopefully they get baited into throwing out ridiculous contracts this winter.
patinorange said:Hell, I'm just warming up to Mookie Betts.
That stupid fucking name.
DeJesus Built My Hotrod said:
Look, respect to your NY hate. I get it - I moved down to the area for high school and I had to endure all manner of NY fans. That said, Yankee fans are horrific pieces of garbage while Mets fans were always a bit too snake-bit to really be dicks - though they approached that territory after '86.
I also forgot about Curtis Granderson - great dude and happy to see him make the WS with this NY team vs the Yankees.
valentinscycle said:
This is truth. I enjoyed being on the subway today seeing all the Mets hats and jackets, because that meant two things: 1) there were Yankees fans watching it all with bitterness in their hearts, and 2) some uncertain percentage of those hats and jackets were being worn by bandwagon Yankees fans, who are dead inside and know it.
Wingack said:
Sure, that exists and it exists both ways where Mets fans that come over and root for the Yankees, I definitely know a few.
That being said, I am pulling for the Mets to win. And I think a lot of Yankee fans actually are. I have lots of close friends and family members who are Mets fans and it is fun seeing them happy. Now that I am an adult, I really don't enjoy seeing fanbases not to get to enjoy winning. I was even happy for all of you guys after all your recent championships, even 04.
Are you going through a 12 step program of some sort?Wingack said:
I was even happy for all of you guys after all your recent championships, even 04.
Mets won one game in 2000. Each game was pretty close, too.Huntington Avenue Grounds said:I'll say this about Mets fans, those poor bastards have suffered over the past 15 years. From Fat Fuck Clemens throwing a bat at Piazza during a WS sweep of their bitter rivals, to Beltran watching strike three in 2006, the collapses of 2007 and 2008, by the end of which I couldn't even tease my Brother-in-law any longer.