NLCS Game Thread- CHC VS NYM

Who do you want to win?

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Drive Carefully
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2005
Haha, what a delayed final strike call.  Perfect ending after the third base ump wouldn't call the prior batter out on a check swing to end it. 

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
Al Zarilla said:
In 2004, when the Yankees got to within 8 - 3 , Bellhorn hit one off the foul pole next inning, kind of like an FU HR.
Ah ... since it's not 3-3 in games in the series, I missed the relevance


SoSH Member
May 26, 2006
Dont understand the Mets hate. Them winning sticks it to the Yankees. Hopefully they get baited into throwing out ridiculous contracts this winter.


stole corsi's dream
SoSH Member
Aug 22, 2009
rembrat said:
Dont understand the Mets hate. Them winning sticks it to the Yankees. Hopefully they get baited into throwing out ridiculous contracts this winter.
*shrugs* I'm rooting for the Mets too. 


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Aug 4, 2005
Not everyone on board with wearing the bullshit ugly WS hats.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
rembrat said:
Dont understand the Mets hate. Them winning sticks it to the Yankees. Hopefully they get baited into throwing out ridiculous contracts this winter.
What part of NEW YORK confuses you?
Remaining rooting interest: 1. Royals, 2. Blue Jays, 3. Cancelation of Series


New Member
Nov 26, 2014
rembrat said:
Dont understand the Mets hate. Them winning sticks it to the Yankees. Hopefully they get baited into throwing out ridiculous contracts this winter.
I know, I'm going Mets too. It's hard to root against all their young pitchers


New Member
Nov 26, 2014
E5 Yaz said:
What part of NEW YORK confuses you?
Remaining rooting interest: 1. Royals, 2. Blue Jays, 3. Cancelation of Series
They hate the Yankees too at least

One Red Seat

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Oct 30, 2003
Guilderland, NY
How could this happen? Madden is the smartest man alive & practically invented baseball. I figured he was just going to have his team all dress up in Halloween costumes, roast marshmallows & sing kumbaya & the Cubs would come back & win 4 straight.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Shane said:
I know, I'm going Mets too. It's hard to root against all their young pitchers
I like all of their pitchers except Harvey.
Harvey reminds me of my annoying cousin
And now you know the rest of the story

Huntington Avenue Grounds

SoSH Member
Jul 17, 2008
Lunenburg, MA
rembrat said:
Dont understand the Mets hate. Them winning sticks it to the Yankees. Hopefully they get baited into throwing out ridiculous contracts this winter.
1. 1986
2. NY
That said, I really like this team and can't really root against them, in part for what you said.  However, do they have the payroll flexibility to keep this together?  Thought they were in Madoff-Wilbon induced financial purgatory for the foreseeable future.


late Bloomer
SoSH Member
Dec 7, 2008
Carlos Gomez trade falling through was the best thing to ever happen to the Mets

Max Power

thai good. you like shirt?
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Boston, MA
I'm just disappointed that we're going to have the first ever World Series with two expansion teams. It's a sad day when the hopes for the original 16 are pinned on the Cubs.


stole corsi's dream
SoSH Member
Aug 22, 2009
One Red Seat said:
How could this happen? Madden is the smartest man alive & practically invented baseball. I figured he was just going to have his team all dress up in Halloween costumes, roast marshmallows & sing kumbaya & the Cubs would come back & win 4 straight.
This is a great typo. 


SoSH Member
May 26, 2006
E5 Yaz said:
What part of NEW YORK confuses you?
Remaining rooting interest: 1. Royals, 2. Blue Jays, 3. Cancelation of Series
As a New Yorker, I guess I dont consider Queens part of NY. They're harmless country bumpkins!


Run, Forrest, run!
SoSH Member
Jun 13, 2006
Hartford area
E5 Yaz said:
What part of NEW YORK confuses you?
Remaining rooting interest: 1. Royals, 2. Blue Jays, 3. Cancelation of Series
If one team from NY has to win this is the RIGHT team.  1986 was eons ago and I don't find this group of players unlikable as other Mets teams have been (And managers)


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Jul 21, 2004
Washington, DC
Max Power said:
I'm just disappointed that we're going to have the first ever World Series with two expansion teams. It's a sad day when the hopes for the original 16 are pinned on the Cubs.
I'm honestly shocked by this bit of trivia. Would've thought it had happened before.


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Oakland California
strek1 said:
If one team from NY has to win this is the RIGHT team.  1986 was eons ago and I don't find this group of players unlikable as other Mets teams have been (And managers)
Agreed, although, I can still remember, the champagne in the fridge, pounding my fists on the carpet, trouble sleeping that night. Sometimes having a really good


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
santadevil said:
Really? No ground balls you can think of?
Well, that got them 1 WS.
This non trade might get them this years plus a few more.
Wheeler as a number 5 starter is sick


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Oakland California
The Mets dominated and deserved to win this series. I was pulling for the Cubs, but I, too, find it hard to root against this club. May the best team win the Series.


don rickles jr
SoSH Member
Aug 27, 2006
6 miles from Angel Stadium
strek1 said:
If one team from NY has to win this is the RIGHT team.  1986 was eons ago and I don't find this group of players unlikable as other Mets teams have been (And managers)
Eons? It was like last night. I still hate the damn Cardinals for 1967. The Mets? They have a stupid stadium, stupid uniforms, stupid fans, and are within a subway ride of Yankee stadium. Fuck them. Unless they are playing the Yankees. They are so stupid they hired Bobby Valentine. Oh, wait.


Silent scenester
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2003
I'm so glad that a buddy of mine convinced me (while very drunk) to throw down for 2016 Mets 20-game deposits. It's been a fun October.

DeJesus Built My Hotrod

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Dec 24, 2002
Anyone who has lived around the NYC area for any amount of time knows that the only other fans who hate the Yankees as much as Sox fans (and perhaps more due to proximity and the second class nature of the franchise in NY) are Mets fans.   I was in the area during the '80s when the Mets were ascendant and the Yankees in decline and the latter delighted Met fans just as much as the former - much like we enjoy when the Yankees  fail.  
1986 sucked as  a Sox fan but that Mets team was insanely talented and the Sox did themselves no favors in that series either (not Buckner but don't get me started about pitching Schiraldi against guys like Carter who had caught him or played along side him just six months before those games in spring training).
In short, I have no hate for the Mets and the Yankee fans who jumped on their bandwagon know in their hearts that they are the lowest character fans in the world so whatever.  This team is fun and I am happy for guys like Colon, Collins and Wright, amongst others, who have taken a long road to get to the World Series.  
I think a Mets/Royals World Series has the ingredients to be epic.  I hope it goes seven because I fucking love baseball.


SoSH Member
DeJesus Built My Hotrod said:
Anyone who has lived around the NYC area for any amount of time knows that the only other fans who hate the Yankees as much as Sox fans (and perhaps more due to proximity and the second class nature of the franchise in NY) are Mets fans.   I was in the area during the '80s when the Mets were ascendant and the Yankees in decline and the latter delighted Met fans just as much as the former - much like we enjoy when the Yankees  fail.  
1986 sucked as  a Sox fan but that Mets team was insanely talented and the Sox did themselves no favors in that series either (not Buckner but don't get me started about pitching Schiraldi against guys like Carter who had caught him or played along side him just six months before those games in spring training).
In short, I have no hate for the Mets and the Yankee fans who jumped on their bandwagon know in their hearts that they are the lowest character fans in the world so whatever.  This team is fun and I am happy for guys like Colon, Collins and Wright, amongst others, who have taken a long road to get to the World Series.  
I think a Mets/Royals World Series has the ingredients to be epic.  I hope it goes seven because I fucking love baseball.
This is truth.  I enjoyed being on the subway today seeing all the Mets hats and jackets, because that meant two things: 1) there were Yankees fans watching it all with bitterness in their hearts, and 2) some uncertain percentage of those hats and jackets were being worn by bandwagon Yankees fans, who are dead inside and know it.


Run, Forrest, run!
SoSH Member
Jun 13, 2006
Hartford area
patinorange said:
Eons? It was like last night. I still hate the damn Cardinals for 1967. The Mets? They have a stupid stadium, stupid uniforms, stupid fans, and are within a subway ride of Yankee stadium. Fuck them. Unless they are playing the Yankees. They are so stupid they hired Bobby Valentine. Oh, wait.
Jeez it must take a lot of energy to hang onto that much hate for that long. I was much more pissed at McNamara and Bob Stanley than Buckner or the Mets.    Hell I remember it like last night too. Had a Hayride that night then back to the house for much drinking.  People started leaving  (Except for the Baseball fans - Most of which were MFY fans) . It was shock and awe when the bottom fell out. That needling went on for weeks.  HOWEVER the 3 titles since then have really helped me get over it.  If there were some players leftover from that Mets Team I can see wishing them bad luck but how many teams have we gone through since then?  Let it go for the sake of your health. (Unless you're just tweaking here)


don rickles jr
SoSH Member
Aug 27, 2006
6 miles from Angel Stadium
Doesn't take much energy at all. Never hated Buckner or Stanley. But McNamara and Rich Gedman can go to hell.
And I use hate in the context of sports. The sight of the Cardinal and Met uniforms brings up bad memories. I could never root for them. ( except when playing the evil ones). It's sports hate. Don't ask me to be rational. American League in a sweep, please.

DeJesus Built My Hotrod

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Dec 24, 2002
strek1 said:
Jeez it must take a lot of energy to hang onto that much hate for that long. I was much more pissed at McNamara and Bob Stanley than Buckner or the Mets.    Hell I remember it like last night too. Had a Hayride that night then back to the house for much drinking.  People started leaving  (Except for the Baseball fans - Most of which were MFY fans) . It was shock and awe when the bottom fell out. That needling went on for weeks.  HOWEVER the 3 titles since then have really helped me get over it.  If there were some players leftover from that Mets Team I can see wishing them bad luck but how many teams have we gone through since then?  Let it go for the sake of your health. (Unless you're just tweaking here)
McNamara maybe pisses me off more than Grady.  I mean, he made such horrific decisions that cost that game six.  Stanley was already a shell of the pitcher he once was during the regular season and during the LCS too.  But fuck McNamara for all of his shit decision making, even if he had a bullpen constructed with spit, kleenex and strips of Joe Sambito's various ligaments.