Sometimes I think you have to FAIL an IQ test before being hired as a sportswriter.
From Bleacher/Report (okay, not exactly the pinnacle of sportswriting, but still):
"Sly was probably telling some version of the truth, but his word—his recanted word—still isn't proof.
"In fact, the NFL's own investigation showed there was no credible evidence to the Manning aspect of the story."
Um... no. The NFL's investigation showed no such thing. In fact, the NFL's investigation of Manning showed absolutely nothing at all. In the Manning case, the NFL issued its findings without showing any of its work. The NFL simply declared in a statement that it found no credible evidence that Manning used HGH even though Manning
admitted it was mailed to his house for use by his wife, Ashley.
Even without a supposed seven-month investigation, the NFL had considerably more reason to believe that Manning used HGH --
the shit was mailed to his house -- than it did to support any allegations of involvement with ball-tampering against Brady. For that matter, there's considerably more evidence that the Al-Jazeera Five-Minus-One used PEDs than there is of any Patriots ball tamparing at all.
I'm glad the Packers and Steelers players are telling Goodell to stuff it. I'm glad that Packers and Steelers fans all-of-a-sudden see that Goodell is an out-of-control asshole. But the idiocy and hypocrisy of the sportswriters covering this stuff drives me nuts. I expect some fans to be morons, but the ability to get simple facts straight should be a prerequisite for even the most in-the-tank, home-team cheering sportswriters.