FanGraphs positional Power Rankings - Catcher


too many flowers
SoSH Member
Mar 16, 2005
The gran facenda
FanGraphs has come out with their positional power rankings by teams. I thought this could be something we can track for the Sox throughout the season. I recommend reading the Intro section. We'll start with catcher.
As you can see our catching tandem are ranked just about at the bottom of MLB. Hopefully that will improve, but I'm only slighty optimistic.

Just a bit outside

SoSH Member
Apr 6, 2011
Monument, CO
I think Fangraphs is a little off with the playing time. I think Wong gets closer to two-thirds of the playing time not half. This ranking all comes down to Wong’s framing. He was terrible at it last year. The difference between the Giants in the top ten and the Red Sox in the bottom five is Bailey’s framing compared to Wong’s. They had nearly identical offensive numbers.


rusty cohlebone
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Feb 6, 2006
Row 14
The Red Sox have two back up catchers. Until Teel is ready to come up they will have a bottom tier catching unit.