Apple rumored to stop using Intel chips by 2020


Mr. Brightside
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Harrisburg, Pa.
Played with a M1 Pro with 32 go RAM. Did some heavy photoshop and Audition work. I’ve never used a computer this fast and quiet, ever. Holy crap.

Seven Costanza

Fred Astaire of SoSH
SoSH Member
Apr 11, 2007
Glad to hear this. Now I just need to get to the NH apple store and buy one.
I've been dicking around/procrastinating on said laptop since 8am- fair amount of web browsing in Safari, screen brightness at a decent level, mail/stocks/messages/tweetdeck apps all open. I'm at 88% right now at 2:57pm.


mad dog
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 30, 2003
New York City
If you don't like the notch on the MB Pro, you can download a free product call TopNotch which makes the entire menu bar black.

It is much much better looking.

edit - note, you can still read the menu items, which are in white. So you don't lose anything with this, other than the notch. It looks so much sleeker and cool. With TopNotch you literally cannot see the notch.


SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2006
SS Botany Bay
If you don't like the notch on the MB Pro, you can download a free product call TopNotch which makes the entire menu bar black.

It is much much better looking.

edit - note, you can still read the menu items, which are in white. So you don't lose anything with this, other than the notch. It looks so much sleeker and cool. With TopNotch you literally cannot see the notch.
Agreed, it looks excellent. So I wonder if Apple will bork this app when updating MacOS, because why let people hide the tell-tale sign than they have the latest and greatest MacBook?


mad dog
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 30, 2003
New York City
Agreed, it looks excellent. So I wonder if Apple will bork this app when updating MacOS, because why let people hide the tell-tale sign than they have the latest and greatest MacBook?
I doubt they bork it.

It's a big improvement. No way Apple would mess that up for clout they don't need, in my opinion.

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
Not sure where to put this but I also don't think it's new thread worthy...

I like to check stocks on Yahoo Finance, and I've noticed over the past half-year or so that whenever I go to that site my computer's fan runs like an airplane engine. This problem is pretty much limited to the Yahoo site and the fans chills, so to speak, within a minute after I leave it. Aside from not visiting Yahoo Finance, how can I make this stop (and of lesser interest, what is it about Yahoo that's causing this to happen)? Not the worst of problems, but I'd like to remedy it if possible. In case they might be helpful, here are the specs on my computer:



news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
Not sure where to put this but I also don't think it's new thread worthy...

I like to check stocks on Yahoo Finance, and I've noticed over the past half-year or so that whenever I go to that site my computer's fan runs like an airplane engine. This problem is pretty much limited to the Yahoo site and the fans chills, so to speak, within a minute after I leave it. Aside from not visiting Yahoo Finance, how can I make this stop (and of lesser interest, what is it about Yahoo that's causing this to happen)? Not the worst of problems, but I'd like to remedy it if possible. In case they might be helpful, here are the specs on my computer:

View attachment 47174
a bit of a weird question...

Does this happen with any browser you use? (ie chrome and Safari, firefox etc)?

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
a bit of a weird question...

Does this happen with any browser you use? (ie chrome and Safari, firefox etc)?
Question's not weird if it's true!

And speaking of questions, you ask a good one. I only use Chrome, so I'm not sure. Would like to continue on with Chrome, however.


Well-Known Member
Silver Supporter
Jul 14, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
The fan running hard keeps your computer from overheating. It is weird that it only does that at Yahoo Finance. Your computer is working hard to render all that data. I would find another site since Yahoo sucks.

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
The fan running hard keeps your computer from overheating. It is weird that it only does that at Yahoo Finance. Your computer is working hard to render all that data. I would find another site since Yahoo sucks.
Yes, I know that something about that site is making my computer run hot and therefore cause the fan kick on. I just don't know what, or whether I can make a simple adjustment to stop it.

Yahoo does suck, but I've been frequenting its stock page since the day the internet was born and I guess I'm used to it and I like it -- serves my needs. But you're right, although old habits die hard, I could look for a suitable alternative.


Well-Known Member
Silver Supporter
Jul 14, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
My brokerage account home page gives me all the stock news I need. There are stocks apps for phones too that are handy. The CNN Business page is worth a look too.

The alternative to your fan running hard is your computer melting down so I would say that could be considered a soothing noise. Your computer could also be very excited since the stock market has been kicking ass.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2002
Canton, MA
Question's not weird if it's true!

And speaking of questions, you ask a good one. I only use Chrome, so I'm not sure. Would like to continue on with Chrome, however.
You should try another browser, not that you have to stop using Chrome, but to isolate whether it is a browser specific issue or something else going on.

If it's Chrome only that has this problem then you can focus on tweaking the browser settings, if it happens with other browsers then you'll know it's nothing specific to Chrome that is causing the problem.

edit: Also you can try an ad blocker if you're not already. I just visited this page with ad blocking disabled and it is spending a LOT of time trying to pull down content from ad servers.
Last edited:

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
You should try another browser, not that you have to stop using Chrome, but to isolate whether it is a browser specific issue or something else going on.

If it's Chrome only that has this problem then you can focus on tweaking the browser settings, if it happens with other browsers then you'll know it's nothing specific to Chrome that is causing the problem.

edit: Also you can try an ad blocker if you're not already. I just visited this page with ad blocking disabled and it is spending a LOT of time trying to pull down content from ad servers.
Chrome can be a pig and often causes issues like that.
Good to know, and thank you, both. I opened Yahoo Finance in Safari and had no issue, so Chrome seems to be the culprit. Will check to see if ad blocker is disabled or not.

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
My brokerage account home page gives me all the stock news I need. There are stocks apps for phones too that are handy. The CNN Business page is worth a look too.

The alternative to your fan running hard is your computer melting down so I would say that could be considered a soothing noise. Your computer could also be very excited since the stock market has been kicking ass.
Nope, it's just as loud on days the market gets crushed. :)


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
Orlando, FL
Not really sure which thread I should post in, but I've got a problem with my late 2012 model 21.5" iMac that I cannot solve. I use it as a business computer for reference.

The latest OS that it had been updated to was Mavericks 10.9.something - it would no longer update itself and I could not push through any updates even though it is eligible to be updated through Catalina. I had been using it fine until lately when more and more websites/apps wouldn't work with it because it was outdated. I'm not a Mac guy at all, but can generally figure these things out. The App Store just would not recognize that there were any updates. I got on chat with someone from Apple and they couldn't figure it out, either - no help at all.

Finally I figured I would just wipe everything off the computer and start anew to see if I could figure it out. Now I am back on Mountain Lion 10.8.5, which is even worse and I *still* can not update anything.

The App Store won't connect, most websites won't upload, and I keep running into a problem where my "Clock is ahead." That last message is from Google Chrome and when I search issues with connecting to the App Store, that is a common one apparently. I tried skipping the App Store entire by downloading combo updates for Catalina and various other OS not realizing that I needed to be updated to the specific OS before using those downloads.

Anyways, I basically have a bricked computer at this point and am at my wit's end trying to figure out how to update it. Does anyone have a potential quick fix? Would I be able to bring my computer to an Apple store and let them figure it out even though it is nearly a decade old?

Not sure if it matters, but the computer has an i5 chip, 8gb 1600MHz DDR3 memory, and a 1 tb HD.

Help save my sanity!

88 MVP

SoSH Member
Dec 25, 2007
I'm not sure if you can upgrade all the way to Catalina directly from 10.8.5 in one step (you might need to install El Capitan first), but if you can't update from within MacOS, you should be able to download the version you want and create a bootable image on a flash drive.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Not really sure which thread I should post in, but I've got a problem with my late 2012 model 21.5" iMac that I cannot solve. I use it as a business computer for reference.

The latest OS that it had been updated to was Mavericks 10.9.something - it would no longer update itself and I could not push through any updates even though it is eligible to be updated through Catalina. I had been using it fine until lately when more and more websites/apps wouldn't work with it because it was outdated. I'm not a Mac guy at all, but can generally figure these things out. The App Store just would not recognize that there were any updates. I got on chat with someone from Apple and they couldn't figure it out, either - no help at all.

Finally I figured I would just wipe everything off the computer and start anew to see if I could figure it out. Now I am back on Mountain Lion 10.8.5, which is even worse and I *still* can not update anything.

The App Store won't connect, most websites won't upload, and I keep running into a problem where my "Clock is ahead." That last message is from Google Chrome and when I search issues with connecting to the App Store, that is a common one apparently. I tried skipping the App Store entire by downloading combo updates for Catalina and various other OS not realizing that I needed to be updated to the specific OS before using those downloads.

Anyways, I basically have a bricked computer at this point and am at my wit's end trying to figure out how to update it. Does anyone have a potential quick fix? Would I be able to bring my computer to an Apple store and let them figure it out even though it is nearly a decade old?

Not sure if it matters, but the computer has an i5 chip, 8gb 1600MHz DDR3 memory, and a 1 tb HD.

Help save my sanity!
Can you just manually set your click?


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
someone on Macrumors did a test to see how many Chrome tabs they could have open at one time on an M1 macbook before having performance issues
Remember Nov-2021 video reviews all claiming that M1 Pro / Max are extremely powerful browser-wise? As they easily drive dozens Chrome tabs open (but not visible ), some even running Youtube videos, and the system is still responsive?

Is it actually a relevant benchmark for a heavy Chrome user? How can we properly measure tabs/memory performance of Apple Silicon?

My approach is to measure how many tabs can be kept loaded in memory without slowing down the system. Admittedly, such a test is over-stretching for a regular browser user.

  • open multiple, non-overlapping Chrome windows, all on the same screen
  • launch multiple dozen tabs in each (I used personal bookmarks, mostly from Twitter)
  • !! make each window switch tab every second--effectively forcing Chrome to keep entire session in memory / swap all the time
  • keep adding tabs, keep track of swap used; see when memory pressure becomes yellow and/or system becomes less responsive

I compared 32GB Pro side-by-side to 64GB Max (32 GPU cores), both 16" at Normal Power Mode.

  • at 380 tabs, the 32GB is fully responsive; 640 tabs makes system almost completely busy, seems close to a usable limit
  • 64GB remains absolutely fluid up to 640 tabs (and will likely sustain several 100s more).


SoSH Member
Oct 2, 2004
I mean, I have right around 300 open on Win10 (with only 16GB) right now, plus a game, discord, and some spreadsheets. I'm sure some/most of my tabs are swapped out (by design), but this "benchmark" seems more than irrelevant/useless.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I have approximately 500 tabs running on my 16gb M1 Pro with no performance issues.


Malt Liquor Picker
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Asheville, NC
If I have more than 5 tabs at once my head explodes. How tf do you manage so many?
How do you browse SOSH?

I open the "New Posts" tab, ctrl-click on every thread I'm interested in, and then ctrl-w to close the new posts tab and start reading the first thread. Ctrl-w as I finish it to go to the next thread. Each tab is loaded already when I get to it, so it's a much faster approach than clicking back and forth in a single tab. But it makes for a ton of tabs open. On a Monday morning, between SOSH, news, technical mailing lists, etc, I can have a ton of tabs open.


Mr. Brightside
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Harrisburg, Pa.
How do you browse SOSH?

I open the "New Posts" tab, ctrl-click on every thread I'm interested in, and then ctrl-w to close the new posts tab and start reading the first thread. Ctrl-w as I finish it to go to the next thread. Each tab is loaded already when I get to it, so it's a much faster approach than clicking back and forth in a single tab. But it makes for a ton of tabs open. On a Monday morning, between SOSH, news, technical mailing lists, etc, I can have a ton of tabs open.
I do this method but if it gets more than 5-6 I go read then, close them and start again.


SoSH Member
Jul 17, 2005
I would say 500 tabs is the minimum where I feel comfortable browsing the web


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2010
It's been about a decade since I got a new computer and my iPad was having issues with the battery, so I decided to splurge a bit and got 16in MacBook with the M1 Max chip. I've been using it pretty regularly for about 2 weeks, with some light gaming and photo editing, and I have not heard the fans turn on once. A few issues here and there, which I'd chalk up mostly to getting used to MacOS after a long time with PCs, but all in all a great machine.