Johnny Manziel on and off the field

Infield Infidel

teaching korea american
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Meeting Place, Canada
off field stuff being equal, I'd take Mariota, simply because Winston's decision making, on the field, leaves a lot to be desired. 17 INTs in a college season is a fuckton, he's throwing it to avoid a sack every time, not an easy habit to break. 
Manziel has talent, but he's frittering it away, and really if he doesn't have his shit together by the end of next season, forget it. A guy like him should be hitting the playbook and working out all the time. 


Sunny von Bulow
SoSH Member
Jan 10, 2004
The 718
The tweets from the Browns beat writer re: Pettine beating down Johnny (and Gordon too) are brutal. Good for Pettine. Browns shot themselves in the foot a few times this year but on the whole improved. AFCN will be a circular firing squad next year.


above replacement level
SoSH Member
Mar 16, 2008
Henderson, NV
If you like Geno Smith, you'll love Jameis Winston.  They are basically the same player.  Use natural talents to overcome stupid decision making at the college and then get eaten alive at the pro level because that decision making becomes the #1 factor in pro success.

wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
BTW, Johnny C is denying that he throw a party on Friday night, he just went out with "three friends from Kerrville".  He also said he was not with Josh Gordon that night.  Link:

Manziel explained what happened Friday night, insisting that he didn't have a party.
"Yeah, I made a decision to go out on Friday night and that was really that, you know, it's unfortunate that it was reported the way it was,'' he said. "I woke up extremely upset Saturday morning, I felt bad I let my team down.
"Obviously, I wasn't a part of the game plan last week but at the same time I still need to be accountable to my teammates and be here and supporting those guys. So I was disappointed in myself and for that to be reported that I threw a party and was responsible for another individual on this team getting in trouble, which is 100 percent false.
"It sucks that I feel like the perception I've based around myself, you know I've done this to myself that that was allowed to be reported and people were allowed to just nod their head and act like that went on, when in fact it was completely untrue and it sucked to get up and have that perception on Sunday morning feeling as bad as I did already about what happened.''
Manziel explained that he partied with friends, but didn't throw a party.
"No, absolutely not,'' he said. "I had people in town who were staying with me this week but I mean if three people from Kerrville, Texas, are enough to warrant a party, well it might be, we're from Kerrville, so ... but it's absolutely ridiculous. I was irate about that yesterday and it's really shameful that they did report that that way and it was tied directly in with Josh as well.''
He said he was with Gordon, but not at night.
"I'm not Josh Gordon,'' he said. "I was with Josh Gordon at a point earlier in the day, but at nighttime, no I was not with Josh. I don't know what his whereabouts were. It's probably something you should ask him."


above replacement level
SoSH Member
Mar 16, 2008
Henderson, NV
I love how Johnny keeps talking about how he needs to be accountable and then goes out and does stupid shit that is the complete opposite of accountable.  These kids nowadays!


tiger king
SoSH Member
May 16, 2009
Go f*ck yourself said:
"Lol...cuz we know how to party in my hometown!"  
This is something I would have said when I was 15.  I wondered if he counted how many shots and beers he had too.  
Kid is a fucking knucklehead.
Counting might not be Johnny "8 days a week" footballs strong suit.


CaptainLaddie said:
I believe Manziel.  Then again, I love the guy.
Yeah, I'd like to know if i can take this opportunity to "buy low" on Manziel.  I'll be prepared to judge him along the lines that the mob here is doing at this time next year, if he's still as bad on the field then as he is today.  But I think he might be the most underrated QB prospect in the league right now.  You guys are talking about him like he's Ryan Leaf already.  After one year in the league, Tom Brady was 1-for-3 for 6 yards.  It's just way too early to know what you've got with a guy with that much potential and talent.
And I also have absolutely no problem with what he's doing off the field, and wouldn't give two shits if Brady were doing the same.  When Pettine is quoted as saying Manziel hasn't pulled his weight in practice or the weight room or studying film, or isn't behaving like a dedicated professional, then I'll join you in your worry.  Until then, the whining about him going out with friends and having drinks is puritanical, condescending garbage.


SoSH Member
Apr 11, 2006
Brasil said:
"Lol...cuz we know how to party in my hometown!"  
This is something I would have said when I was 15.  I wondered if he counted how many shots and beers he had too.  
Kid is a fucking knucklehead. 
I understood it as he meaning to say that he is from a small town, where 3 people might be considered a party.

Edit: I have no clue how big Kerrville is, so I might be wrong.

wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
And I also have absolutely no problem with what he's doing off the field, and wouldn't give two shits if Brady were doing the same.  When Pettine is quoted as saying Manziel hasn't pulled his weight in practice or the weight room or studying film, or isn't behaving like a dedicated professional, then I'll join you in your worry.  Until then, the whining about him going out with friends and having drinks is puritanical, condescending garbage.
I don't people would care as much about his partying of he were dedicated to his craft, but by his own admission, he isn't right now. In his own words: "Now it is really in my court. What do I want to do and what do I want to be known as? Do I want to be known as a guy who has been in this league two years and now doing something different with his life or come in here and compete, give this thing a fair chance and work my ass off to be the quarterback and person I know I am. Am I going to put the time in and do what I need to do to be successful and that's what it comes down to."

Manziel relied on his ability up to now but that's not going to carry him through the NFL. It will ne interesting to see where he ends up, but he has a hell of a lot of learning (or relearning) to do, and it's not clear he has the ability/motivation to do that.


I'm not sure how you read that quote from Manziel and hear him declaring that he is deliberately choosing to slack off and be undisciplined.


Anderson Cooper × Mr. Rogers
SoSH Member
Jun 22, 2008
MentalDisabldLst said:
Yeah, I'd like to know if i can take this opportunity to "buy low" on Manziel.  I'll be prepared to judge him along the lines that the mob here is doing at this time next year, if he's still as bad on the field then as he is today.  But I think he might be the most underrated QB prospect in the league right now.  You guys are talking about him like he's Ryan Leaf already.  After one year in the league, Tom Brady was 1-for-3 for 6 yards.  It's just way too early to know what you've got with a guy with that much potential and talent.
And I also have absolutely no problem with what he's doing off the field, and wouldn't give two shits if Brady were doing the same.  When Pettine is quoted as saying Manziel hasn't pulled his weight in practice or the weight room or studying film, or isn't behaving like a dedicated professional, then I'll join you in your worry.  Until then, the whining about him going out with friends and having drinks is puritanical, condescending garbage.
I'm with you, except I might be a bit less bullish on the kid.

Like Tebow, Manziel's success in college has caused him to draw more attention in the NFL than he otherwise might. Like Tebow, Manziel has done nothing to discourage that attention. Like Tebow, Manziel was drafted too early and carries expectations that are perhaps out of proportion to his actual abilities. And most saliently, like Tebow, Manziel is a preternaturally gifted athlete who hasn't yet developed the knack for making good reads and quick, sound decisions in the pocket. Manziel has better mechanics than Tebow, so I think he's got a better chance to succeed if he's able to develop those intangible skills.

Manziel's party-boy image is no more relevant than Tebow's love for Jesus, but as with Tebow, that image means he brings the circus to town with him, and no one's going to tolerate that if he's the backup QB. Saying he needs to put up or shut up next season is a bit too extreme, but if Manziel is acting the same way a year from now and hasn't taken a big step forward on the field, his career will be in jeopardy.


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Dec 22, 2002
CaptainLaddie said:
Yes, the Browns should release one of the ten most talented guys at his position in the NFL.  AND they should release Gordon.
Talk about click-bait.
You're insane.


dj paul pfieffer
SoSH Member
Sep 6, 2004
where the darn libs live
soxfan121 said:
You're insane.
Well, that was a joke.
But Gordon is probably one of the top ten guys at WR, in terms of pure talent.  Releasing him would be fucking insane.
(no order)
Watkins/Evans/Hilton/Cobb (take your pick)


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Damn, there is a ton of receiving talent in the NFL right now, and how many of those guys are under 25?


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
BigSoxFan said:
I am entertained by Manziel and want him to succeed but what about his game leads you to believe that he's dripping with talent and potential? I see a weak, inaccurate thrower and a good athlete who is not athletic enough to play the same game against NFL athletes that he did in college.
Exactly. Throw in that he has all the characteristics of a sociopath and you can see why all these GM's didn't walk but ran from him on draft night.


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
Infield Infidel said:
off field stuff being equal, I'd take Mariota, simply because Winston's decision making, on the field, leaves a lot to be desired. 17 INTs in a college season is a fuckton, he's throwing it to avoid a sack every time, not an easy habit to break. 
It can be done however. Cocaine Danny Marino threw 23 INT's in BOTH his junior and senior seasons at Pitt.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
HomeRunBaker said:
It can be done however. Cocaine Danny Marino threw 23 INT's in BOTH his junior and senior seasons at Pitt.
What do you expect from a snowblind QB?

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
I hate comparing personalities, but listening to Manziel and then listening to someone like Brady - who has his workouts planned 3 fucking years in advance and seemingly takes off about 4-5 days a year - is striking. It doesn't mean that he'll never get it, but he certainly doesn't get it now.


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SoSH Member
Aug 4, 2005
DanoooME said:
I love how Johnny keeps talking about how he needs to be accountable and then goes out and does stupid shit that is the complete opposite of accountable.  These kids nowadays!
This IS Winston. Winston has not yet said, I either fly straight or find something else to do for a living, but give him time.

This is bound to hurt Winston because if nothing else the NFL over reacts to yesterday's stuff.

Hypothetically, can the NYJ or Redskins take a shot with Winston? No, they cannot. Even their amazingly arrogant and clueless owners would not go near this stove. There are probably a half dozen teams in need of a QB in the same spot. Including Cleveland.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
LuckyBen said:
Yeah, I remember reading that story the first time around.  The excerpt below told me all I needed to know about the writer's qualifications and motivation, though it's nice to see they've since posted a clarification:
On June 21, 1993, Nolan Manziel created the Manziel Family Oil & Gas Partnership Limited. Public records show he's the sole officer and registered agent. Two months after Nolan created the company, county records show Dorothy Nolan Manziel sold what appears to be the entirety of the family's oil and gas interests to the partnership. The price? $10.


Anderson Cooper × Mr. Rogers
SoSH Member
Jun 22, 2008
SeoulSoxFan said:
Manzel with his "looking back" video selfie.!manziel-looks-back-on-rookie-season
This guy is a complete & total fraud.
Manziel is many things, but he's not a fraud. He's an entitled, self-centered douche, and has never pretended to be anything else.

Many (perhaps most) young men who enjoy a phenomenal degree of success by the age of 22 are the same. Most of those young men have the sense to erect a facade of humility for public consumption, which Manziel has conspicuously failed to do, but if you think Manziel is different from them apart from that facade, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you.

Tony C

SoSH Member
Apr 13, 2000
Even the ability to create such a facade is an important indication kof maturity and self control. that this douche lacks even the self-interested ability to pretend just a bit is a true indictment of how self-involved he is.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 4, 2005
This story so far is the NFL version of the Kardashians..


Drive Carefully
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2005
Let me say that I am nothing but amused by all of the off-field (and some on field) antics of Manziel, and even more so by the reaction by everyone to it.  The kid is a douche, but there have been plenty of douches who weren't fully committed to their craft that ended up with some form of success in the NFL. 
However, I'm completely in agreement with BigSoxFan on this.  Manziel is simply not that good.  He was a fantastic college QB, because his athleticism was enough to make some miracle plays and lead his team to some improbable wins, while he put up insane numbers.  But, that shit don't fly in the NFL.  Talk to guys like Doug Flutie about it.  I was literally floored when his draft stock kept going up and he ended up going where he did.  I didn't have him in the top 5 of QB's coming out, in what was a pretty weak class last year.  He doesn't have a strong arm, he's inaccurate, makes poor decisions because he's not very bright and probably most importantly, he's too fucking small.  I think there is a very good chance that Manziel's career flames out in less time than Ryan Leaf's and may actually end up with a worse career QB rating than Leaf's 50.0  (Manziel is at 42.0 right now).
People are talking about Winston's 17 interceptions this season as a reason why he may not be successful in the NFL.  However, there is a big difference between Manziel and Winston.  Winston is a winner.  Manziel was 9-4 his final season and basically lost every big game they played.  They lost to LSU, Alabama, Auburn and Missouri that year.  In those first three losses, Manziel threw two interceptions in each game.  He finished with 13 on the season.  Sure, some of those teams were way more talented than A&M, but I think there is some mythical belief out there that Johnny Football led his team to win after win after win, when it's just not true.  Like Winston, Manziel actually had a better freshman season, in which he did win a few big games, and the Heisman, and ultimately, I think that overshadowed how opposing teams learned how to defend him the following year and he struggled and came up small in some big spots.  Bottom line is he's just not that good.  Never was, never will be.  Fun to watch?  Absolutely.  And like I said, I enjoy the hell out of the theatre he brings and the way folks react to that theatre, but I'm not only not buying low on Manziel as a football player, I never bought high and would sell at a loss if I did and get out while I could.


for king and country
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Jan 20, 2007
Deathofthebambino said:
Let me say that I am nothing but amused by all of the off-field (and some on field) antics of Manziel, and even more so by the reaction by everyone to it.  The kid is a douche, but there have been plenty of douches who weren't fully committed to their craft that ended up with some form of success in the NFL. 
However, I'm completely in agreement with BigSoxFan on this.  Manziel is simply not that good.  He was a fantastic college QB, because his athleticism was enough to make some miracle plays and lead his team to some improbable wins, while he put up insane numbers.  But, that shit don't fly in the NFL.  Talk to guys like Doug Flutie about it.  I was literally floored when his draft stock kept going up and he ended up going where he did.  I didn't have him in the top 5 of QB's coming out, in what was a pretty weak class last year.  He doesn't have a strong arm, he's inaccurate, makes poor decisions because he's not very bright and probably most importantly, he's too fucking small.  I think there is a very good chance that Manziel's career flames out in less time than Ryan Leaf's and may actually end up with a worse career QB rating than Leaf's 50.0  (Manziel is at 42.0 right now).
People are talking about Winston's 17 interceptions this season as a reason why he may not be successful in the NFL.  However, there is a big difference between Manziel and Winston.  Winston is a winner.  Manziel was 9-4 his final season and basically lost every big game they played.  They lost to LSU, Alabama, Auburn and Missouri that year.  In those first three losses, Manziel threw two interceptions in each game.  He finished with 13 on the season.  Sure, some of those teams were way more talented than A&M, but I think there is some mythical belief out there that Johnny Football led his team to win after win after win, when it's just not true.  Like Winston, Manziel actually had a better freshman season, in which he did win a few big games, and the Heisman, and ultimately, I think that overshadowed how opposing teams learned how to defend him the following year and he struggled and came up small in some big spots.  Bottom line is he's just not that good.  Never was, never will be.  Fun to watch?  Absolutely.  And like I said, I enjoy the hell out of the theatre he brings and the way folks react to that theatre, but I'm not only not buying low on Manziel as a football player, I never bought high and would sell at a loss if I did and get out while I could.
Just to clarify, by "craft," you were referring to douchery, right?


Anderson Cooper × Mr. Rogers
SoSH Member
Jun 22, 2008
There is no Rev said:
Just to clarify, by "craft," you were referring to douchery, right?
No, I don't think anyone doubts his commitment to that.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Mary Kay Cabot @MaryKayCabot  ·  8m 8 minutes ago
Breaking: #Browns QB Johnny Manziel has entered treatment Wednesday according to publicist Denise Michaels. Details coming soon


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Browns quarterback Johnny Manziel entered a treatment facility Wednesday, according to friend and advisor Brad Beckworth.
In a statement released to Northeast Ohio Media Group by Manziel's publicist Denise Michaels, Manziel is getting the help that he needs.
 "Brad Beckworth, a friend and advisor to Manziel and his family, has confirmed that Johnny entered treatment on Wednesday,'' the statement read. "Johnny knows there are areas in which he needs to improve in order to be a better family member, friend and teammate and he thought the off-season was the right time to take this step.'' 
On behalf of Johnny and his family, we're asking for privacy until he rejoins the team in Cleveland."
Manziel's partying was chronicled all season, from floating on swans, to rolling up a bill in the bar of a bathroom, which the Browns found most "disturbing,'' sources told Northeast Ohio Media Group.
Manziel was fined for oversleeping the day before the season finale and admitted he partied too hard the night before.
He said he had to "make deals with himself'' and seemed conflicted about his own inability to stop taking one step forward and two steps backwards.
More to come soon.


Costanza's Hero
SoSH Member
Feb 15, 2010
He entered Wednesday, but it wasn't reported until the day after the Super Bowl. Smart move by his PR team, and a pretty good job keeping it under wraps.


is not worried about sex with goats
SoSH Member
Sep 15, 2007
Do the 12 steps eclipse his rushing total in year 1?
Apr 7, 2006
kelpapa said:
He entered Wednesday, but it wasn't reported until the day after the Super Bowl. Smart move by his PR team, and a pretty good job keeping it under wraps.
Yes. Someone should put those tight-lipped M-er F-ers in charge of (bogus) NFL Investigations.


Fists of Millennial Fury!
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2009
BigSoxFan said:
Hope he gets his life turned around but I am pretty doubtful his NFL career ever gets back on track.
Back on track? I'm not sure it ever found the tracks.