Yam Madar in a Garden


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
My nephew played in Sweden and Czech republic. He was one of the best players ever in Canadian college. He grew late was 6'5 in high school, ended up 6'8. Lute Olsen decided not to take him as transfer, since he had used three years in Canada. He got to play 3-4 games a year vs Div 1 schools, and went to work. In europe he kicked the crap out of enough All Big Ten, etc guys that he made up for missing his chance to play at Arizona, etc. His girlfriend did not go with him to Sweden. We watched as each game he was interviewed post game by another impossibly beautiful 6 foot blond, while seeing women that looked like super models of various ages, were gathering in the edges of the shot waiting for his autograph. When he hit a buzzer beater to win the game associated with festival at the sports club and the women's team, and women's volleyball team ran onto the court and mobbed him, none of us were surprised when his girlfriend sent an email the next morning that she had decided she couldn't spend Christmas without him, and had decided to go to Sweden.
Great story!! I have a similar one from a friend I played with in Rhode Island who played in Ireland for two years. This was before fell phones so I’d call the hotel a couple times a month to chat with him. One time the front desk at this large hotel answers and I ask for so-and-so’s room. As ABBA’s “Dancing Queen” is blaring in the background at the bar 4:30pm Ireland time the front desk person says, “Oh wait I just saw him walk past let me get him.” So my buddy is at the front desk chatting w me for 5-10 min and every couple minutes you’d hear girls clamoring over toward him and we had to end the call. I think the last thing I said was yeah you’ve got it rough over there lol.

Another time when I was 20 our Armenian traveling team was playing in a tournament in Montreal and it was like we were The Beatles. It was insane. Something about American ballers at any level......just look at The Dream Team.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2004
Saskatoon Canada
He is Canadian. He is a mechanical Engineer. There was cringe, office level funny interview withhim and his American teammate with a 'communications' degree.

Beautiful Swede Sports Reporter with better English than just about any Canadian: So Andrew is the first Canadian import we have had and has made quite impression. We are quite surprised to see you are a Mechanical Engineer, which area of specialization, do you have.
Nephew: I specialize in oil and gas mining, but also induction heating and geothermal.
BSSR: Well Canadians and Swedes, I assume are always pursuing way to heat buildings. So John you studied...
USA Import: Communication
BSSR: I see, so Andrew perhaps you did oit get to visit the hot springs baths, north of the city, do you see potential for geothermal there?
Nephew: well I did go there and have to agree with the manager I spoke to there, that considering how far it is from any really large, city destroying the resort, the cost of building wires, and other infrastructure it would make little sense to pursue it now.
BSSR: Yes, I assume in the future it may be possible
Nephew: Well whoever come up with efficient enough wiring to allow bringing power efficiently from remote areas will solve many problems, and rival Bill Gates for wealth. Due to some of the rare minerals available in Sweden they may be at the cutting edge of this research.
BSSR: Well fascinating Andrew, now John what careers does your education allow you to pursue?
USAI: Ugh, I could you know if you need a guy to talk to the media, or send out messages...I guess kinda like your job.
BSSR: Wonderful. Perhaps you could interview your teammate.
USAI: Ugh like Andrew (poor guy froze)
Nephew: well we can see the job is not as easy as you make it look Marta
BSSR: Oh when you have thoughtful guests, with a knowledge to share it is wonderful. You must understand discussing, rebounds, how you were able to take the shots you wanted, while stopping the other team from doing the same, etc, well it can become a bit tedious. I have certainly enjoyed this chance to depart from the routine interview. and to meet an import player whose college experience, provides such, I guess utility is the word, is not the norm.


Granite Truther
SoSH Member
Nov 2, 2007
Santa Monica
My nephew played in Sweden and Czech republic. He was one of the best players ever in Canadian college. He grew late was 6'5 in high school, ended up 6'8. Lute Olsen decided not to take him as transfer, since he had used three years in Canada. He got to play 3-4 games a year vs Div 1 schools, and went to work. In europe he kicked the crap out of enough All Big Ten, etc guys that he made up for missing his chance to play at Arizona, etc. His girlfriend did not go with him to Sweden. We watched as each game he was interviewed post game by another impossibly beautiful 6 foot blond, while seeing women that looked like super models of various ages, were gathering in the edges of the shot waiting for his autograph. When he hit a buzzer beater to win the game associated with festival at the sports club and the women's team, and women's volleyball team ran onto the court and mobbed him, none of us were surprised when his girlfriend sent an email the next morning that she had decided she couldn't spend Christmas without him, and had decided to go to Sweden.
Sweden and Czech Republic? we have a winner!

hopefully, he mixed in a few trips to Minsk (and put that girlfriend on the next flight out)


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
In addition to people's inherent unwillingness to part with money, the other limitation here is that imposed by the NBA rules regarding how large a buyout you can make before it counts against the cap. For 21-22 I think the number is ... $775,000. Anything over that comes out of the player's NBA salary and counts as if it were a signing bonus against the cap.

Edit: To clarify, I don't think it will take as much as $775,000. I'd imagine it would be closer to half that amount should the Celtics wish to buy him out.
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SoSH Member
Dec 21, 2001
How does being stashed count with regards to team control? If he plays two years in Israel, is that 2 less years of team control, or does that clock not really start until he is actually under contract and playing for the Celtics? If it's the latter, I think it'd be in the Celtics' best interest to let him continue to develop overseas - rather than sitting on the end of the bench.


SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2013
How does being stashed count with regards to team control? If he plays two years in Israel, is that 2 less years of team control, or does that clock not really start until he is actually under contract and playing for the Celtics? If it's the latter, I think it'd be in the Celtics' best interest to let him continue to develop overseas - rather than sitting on the end of the bench.
Doesn't start until he plays for the Celtics. However, I think there are additional things that kick in if he waits long enough before coming (I vaguely recall Mirotic having this).


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
I think they're on a good development plan for Yam. Odds of him ever amounting to anything at NBA level are obviously low but playing in the Vegas summer league is a good first step. Get your feet wet and then head back to Israel for another season to work on the deficiencies and wait for the contract piece to play out. Then, let's see where we are in a year.

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
I think they're on a good development plan for Yam. Odds of him ever amounting to anything at NBA level are obviously low but playing in the Vegas summer league is a good first step. Get your feet wet and then head back to Israel for another season to work on the deficiencies and wait for the contract piece to play out. Then, let's see where we are in a year.
The odds may be low but they are astronomically higher than last year at this point.


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
The odds may be low but they are astronomically higher than last year at this point.
Yup. He has a legit shot. No idea how the game will translate but you don’t have to squint too hard to see an eventual NBA role player here.


SoSH Member
Jan 31, 2006
around the way
Summer league is a good box to check. If he does well there, then they can start thinking about him staying here. If he's a jag there, there's really no reason not to get on the plane home.

Being great at summer league doesn't tell you much, but being ass at summer league does.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2006
could be lots of ball handlers on C's summer league: waters, romeo, yam, carson (?) - I wonder if it makes sense to run romeo as a wing and ask him to focus on getting his jump shot off... they don't likely need to see him getting to the rim against the sumer league competition. That leaves more space / time to evaluate the ball handlers.


SoSH Member
Jan 31, 2006
around the way
could be lots of ball handlers on C's summer league: waters, romeo, yam, carson (?) - I wonder if it makes sense to run romeo as a wing and ask him to focus on getting his jump shot off... they don't likely need to see him getting to the rim against the sumer league competition. That leaves more space / time to evaluate the ball handlers.
There is not much of a need to evaluate Edwards and Waters, unless there are reports that one or both drastically rebuilt their game. We know who they are.

Langford at 1, Yam against summer league guys, and Nesmith with reps...that's what we want to see. Maybe Moses too.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
So he's the next Rajon Rondo? I'm all in for that if it turns out to be true.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
could be lots of ball handlers on C's summer league: waters, romeo, yam, carson (?) - I wonder if it makes sense to run romeo as a wing and ask him to focus on getting his jump shot off... they don't likely need to see him getting to the rim against the sumer league competition. That leaves more space / time to evaluate the ball handlers.
Waters is a waste of time. And you don't hold off growing a player with Langford's upside to work with a Wannabe, a Neverwas, and a (likely) Nevergonnabe.


Granite Truther
SoSH Member
Nov 2, 2007
Santa Monica
Sounds a lot like a guy who wants to come over, if we'll have him.
just reading that end made my stomach drop...
Waters is a waste of time. And you don't hold off growing a player with Langford's upside to work with a Wannabe, a Neverwas, and a (likely) Nevergonnabe.
Romeo should be the main ballhandler/PG every minute he plays in Vegas.

Waters and Tacko need to explore other situations in Orlando, Houston, OKC, Detroit or overseas.

Their auditions in Boston (and Maine) have expired.


SoSH Member
Apr 22, 2016
New York City
How would this work in practice is Madar was just like “I don’t give a shit, I’m playing for the Celtics this year.” It’s not like Israel is going to bar him from leaving the country or something, are they? And do the Celtics have any legal obligation to his Israeli team? Is there some sort of treaty (for lack of a better word) between the NBA and other leagues around the country about when players can or can’t come over to play in the NBA?


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
How would this work in practice is Madar was just like “I don’t give a shit, I’m playing for the Celtics this year.” It’s not like Israel is going to bar him from leaving the country or something, are they? And do the Celtics have any legal obligation to his Israeli team? Is there some sort of treaty (for lack of a better word) between the NBA and other leagues around the country about when players can or can’t come over to play in the NBA?
NBA does have an agreement w/ FIBA such that the NBA honors the contractural status of players for international pro teams (and vice-versa). Not sure that extends to any sort of reserve clause like thingy in which a league stipulates that a team still owns a players rights even after the player's contract has expired. But my guess is that the league will expect the Celtics to work it out with Hapoel Tel Aviv.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2006
just reading that end made my stomach drop...

Romeo should be the main ballhandler/PG every minute he plays in Vegas.

Waters and Tacko need to explore other situations in Orlando, Houston, OKC, Detroit or overseas.

Their auditions in Boston (and Maine) have expired.
Or is it better for romeo to work off ball on his shot? how much does he have to prove ball handling against summer league competition? I guess there is some value of restating the skills he displayed in college - but I would prefer to see 6+ catch and shoot threes for him per game,


Granite Truther
SoSH Member
Nov 2, 2007
Santa Monica
Or is it better for romeo to work off ball on his shot? how much does he have to prove ball handling against summer league competition? I guess there is some value of restating the skills he displayed in college - but I would prefer to see 6+ catch and shoot threes for him per game,
I see him providing more value to the Celtics as a ballhandler/distributor/PG. Not only are we thin there, he'd be a defensive weapon playing the 1. He'd also get more minutes this season if he can provide depth at the 1.

Agreed, he should clearly work on his 3pt shot, launch at will in Vegas as far as I'm concerned. I really want to see the ball in his hands instead of off-ball.

IMO the "best" version of Romeo is him bullying smaller PG on his way to the paint to either score at the rim or draw/kick.

Summer League won't tell us a whole lot, but I'm sure there will be some feisty PGs looking to play tight on-ball defense (and get noticed by NBA executives). RL will have to tighten his handle and improve his decision-making with the ball. or get embarrassed.
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Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
NBA does have an agreement w/ FIBA such that the NBA honors the contractural status of players for international pro teams (and vice-versa). Not sure that extends to any sort of reserve clause like thingy in which a league stipulates that a team still owns a players rights even after the player's contract has expired. But my guess is that the league will expect the Celtics to work it out with Hapoel Tel Aviv.
Other leagues honor suspensions/bans by the NBA too. At least I think that's still the case. That's why OJ Mayo and Tyreke Evans haven't shown up anywhere else, because they are banned from the NBA. Mayo hasn't asked for reinstatement despite being allowed to do so back in 2018. Evans can ask to be reinstated this season.

I wonder if Roy Tarpley and Richard Dumas would get suspended in 2021 for using alcohol.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Or is it better for romeo to work off ball on his shot? how much does he have to prove ball handling against summer league competition? I guess there is some value of restating the skills he displayed in college - but I would prefer to see 6+ catch and shoot threes for him per game,
His only future in Boston is as a combo guard. He needs to work on those skills.


SoSH Member
Jul 4, 2007
I see him providing more value to the Celtics as a ballhandler/distributor/PG. Not only are we thin there, he'd be a defensive weapon playing the 1. He'd also get more minutes this season if he can provide depth at the 1.

Agreed, he should clearly work on his 3pt shot, launch at will in Vegas as far as I'm concerned. I really want to see the ball in his hands instead of off-ball.

IMO the "best" version of Romeo is him bullying smaller PG on his way to the paint to either score at the rim or draw/kick.

Summer League won't tell us a whole lot, but I'm sure there will be some feisty PGs looking to play tight on-ball defense (and get noticed by NBA executives). RL will have to tighten his handle and improve his decision-making with the ball. or get embarrassed.
Could Romeo morph into a Jrue Holiday type PG? He has the tools to play flypaper defense on 1-4. Hopefully the Celtics will use Romeo and Madar at the point in SL (assuming they don’t select a PG type at 45). We already know what Waters can and can’t do at PG.


SoSH Member
Jan 31, 2006
around the way
Could Romeo morph into a Jrue Holiday type PG? He has the tools to play flypaper defense on 1-4. Hopefully the Celtics will use Romeo and Madar at the point in SL (assuming they don’t select a PG type at 45). We already know what Waters can and can’t do at PG.
I'd be very surprised if this isn't the plan, even if Brad drafts a ballhandler at 45.


Granite Truther
SoSH Member
Nov 2, 2007
Santa Monica
An interesting wrinkle is that, because Madar is currently under contract with Hapoel Tel Aviv, he would need to be bought out of his contract to play for the Celtics this season and therefore is disqualified from signing a two-way contract. So if the Celtics do want to bring him over, he would have to receive a full roster spot and sign for a piece of the taxpayer midlevel exception.

For the record, he said Monday quite simply, “I’m planning to come and play for the Celtics this coming year.” Just to balance out the record, the Celtics are going to see how he does at Summer League before deciding whether to bring him over or stash him until his contract expires next summer and he is eligible for a two-way deal.


Unless he absolutely lights up Summer League he's going back. This kid will literally be playing for millions, his intensity should be off the charts.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Makes sense. He is 20 years old and needs more time to grow/develop. He looked okay at times in SL but not yet ready for the NBA.

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
$mart move as he’d be at the low end of the pay scale had he accepted. Madar is the prototypical “One year away from being one year away” player but I expect we’ll see him in Boston within the next 2-3 years. He showed some moxey and skill for a physically underdeveloped player.
I like Madar but I think whether he plays a game in the NBA or not is a coinflip at this point. I think there's a very good chance he'd make more money internationally than he would sitting on the end of an NBA bench. He doesn't turn 21 until December so there's still some hope he's more than a Wanamaker or Larkin type. Wanamaker took awhile to make it to the NBA and I'm guessing his international offerings weren't any more lucrative. Larkin was a 1st round pick and played 3 seasons before playing internationally for a year. He then returned to the NBA, played for 1 season, and opted to return overseas despite NBA offers. Then in the summer of 2020, he again decided to play internationally despite heavy NBA interest after being the Euroleague MVP in January and February of 2020 before the season was delayed.

Of course, Madar is an international player whereas Larkin and Wanamaker were local products. If he values playing in the NBA over all else, we'll see him (assuming he's an NBA talent). If he did value that though, maybe he takes the 2 way (though that was never a realistic option because of the finances).

Long story short, I think him playing a couple more years internationally is the best thing for him. I also think it makes it LESS likely we ever see him.

Eddie Jurak

Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2002
Melrose, MA
I like Madar but I think whether he plays a game in the NBA or not is a coinflip at this point.
I think this is right. I'd add that he doesn't look particularly ready for NBA duty this year. A 2-way deal would have made sense if they wanted him training in the G-league, which I suppose is why they offered it. But from his perspective, probably better to take the money.


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
Apparently Partizan is paying Madar's $250K buyout. It will be interesting to see whether Madar is able to negotiate a reasonable buy-out into his Partizan contract.
If it’s a two-year deal he really won’t need to. He isn’t likely to win a full roster spot and compete for minutes until ‘23-‘24.


SoSH Member
Aug 15, 2008
I was hoping for him to get Euroleague rather than Eurocup experience, but it's better than nothing in Tel Aviv. Add in FIBA and the step up in league quality and he has good opportunities to be challenged and hopefully grow as a player.