As others have said, by rule there has to be a dog and pony show. That said, Harbaugh is not just a pro forma interview, though if it ends up that he'd prefer to be in SD and BB in Atlanta, the pieces will fall into place.
I'd only add that it's true BB's resume speaks for itself. But that is both a plus and a minus. The plus element is obvious. But, given that being GM or whatever title to give control of the putative groceries does not seem to be on offer for BB, it'd be foolhardy verging on malpractice to not have conversations/interviews to ascertain if BB will put up with a GM who doesn't follow his orders. Given how insular his management has been, as great a coach as BB is his fit will be justifiably questionable in many contexts.
That said, Atlanta makes sense both for BB and for Blank, so suspect that'll happen at the end of the day.