"We're going to Disney World!" NBA to resume season July 31 at WDW


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Why the fuck, given everything that is going on, was Hoiberg even let into the building?
Because he may not have felt sick upon arriving? It’s a tourney he may have been there for hours before his game.


SoSH Member
Jul 17, 2005
Pasadena, CA
he thought wiping his hand on reporter microphones and recorders that had just been used on Monday was a good idea (confirmed that this happened, not that he didn't necessarily have it before that)
Yep, I saw that, I figured he had it before. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
May 13, 2006
This sucks. Obviously I understand but this sucks. Reminds me of the feeling I had as a kid in either 2001 or 2002 when the MLB was inches away from a season ending strike. But this is real.
Guess you weren't alive in 1994 when the strike cancelled baseball's season.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2004
I don't have anything productive to add, just that this makes me incredibly sad. I'm glad the NBA acted quickly and with the safety of the players and staff in mind, but man does this suck. I hope I'm wrong but I can't see any way that this season resumes in the next couple of months. This is a relatively minor hit in what I'm sure will be a long line of life disrupting events over the coming days/weeks/months, but wow.


tolerates intolerance
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 1, 2003
Quincy, MA
Its almost impossible to know how many players are exposed but I bet way more than we know. Heck, Steph Curry has been out with the "flu" the past few days after playing his first game since the start of the season. We also don't know who gave Gobert the virus - it could have been a Celtic for all we know. Again, watch these guys interact with everyone on the court from the opposing players to the refs to coaches, trainers etc. The way basketball is played strikes me as an ideal way for a virus to spread widely.

That said, if anyone in the NBA can get the virus out of its game, its Scott Foster. I have Foster money versus coronavirus.
All true, and I didn't mean to imply he was patient 0 or anything, only that he was known patient X, and the implication is that up to 10 teams could potentially be asked to self quarantine. And yes, watching the end of games, it's a germophobe's nightmare.

I'm guessing you found a large number of books to take your Scott Foster money, lol


SoSH Member
Oct 25, 2005
I’m not a coronavirus denier. I live in Seattle. I’m quite the opposite and have been expecting the shit to hit the fan for a few weeks now.

But in a sea of under reactions I think this is an over reaction. These guys are going to be basically immune to this thing. They’re super human athletes. Even when they get normal sick they’re all better and playing basketball again in like a day. Not a one of them has a heart problem or breathing issues. They’re young (Vince is one guy!), 99%tle, picture of health. Gobert felt like he could play tonight.

Obviously it’s important to minimize community spread and obviously none of them should be overly pressured to play for our entertainment if they’re just not comfortable. This ain’t Ancient Rome. But this isn’t likely going to be better in June. It’s maybe not going to be better in October. Less than 0.1% of the population has it. We’re going to be in this for a loooong time (if it’s not seasonal and there’s no vaccine around the corner). They could’ve followed a test and isolate strategy and been just fine (as soon as there are tests, of course). The NCAA tourney is next. And then baseball. I guess we’ll see sports again in 2021-2022. We’re going to need to figure out a way to move forward with our lives in balance with this thing in a way that keeps us from overwhelming the health care system but not pausing all life activity indefinitely.


tolerates intolerance
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 1, 2003
Quincy, MA
I don't have anything productive to add, just that this makes me incredibly sad. I'm glad the NBA acted quickly and with the safety of the players and staff in mind, but man does this suck. I hope I'm wrong but I can't see any way that this season resumes in the next couple of months. This is a relatively minor hit in what I'm sure will be a long line of life disrupting events over the coming days/weeks/months, but wow.
In theory, if the entire league and anyone mission critical to the league (refs, broadcasters, timekeepers, etc.), self quarantines for 2 weeks... On the other side of the 2 weeks, they could be tested and the league could pick up the remaining parts of the season in empty arenas. I'm sure there is stuff to consider, but it could be kind of cool in some ways. Why even open the Garden for example, they could bring minimalist cameras crews to the teams practice facility and play there (no bull gang needed, etc.). Give the games an old school/high school feel. For that matter, get creative with it - you could play an outdoor game at a player's house (home court advantage anyone), or at a famous school yard court, the sky's the limit. Can you imagine the Knicks playing at the local YMCA or at Spike Lee's house? Turn the the negative of no fans into a positive (almost like the outdoor games in the NHL).


SoSH Member
Mar 21, 2006
Los Angeles via Providence
But in a sea of under reactions I think this is an over reaction. These guys are going to be basically immune to this thing. They’re super human athletes. Even when they get normal sick they’re all better and playing basketball again in like a day. Not a one of them has a heart problem or breathing issues. They’re young (Vince is one guy!), 99%tle, picture of health. Gobert felt like he could play tonight.
What about players who have pregnant wives or girlfriends? Or those that have elderly or immunocompromised family members that they have to be in contact with? It’s a complicated situation and forcing players to come into physical contact with very likely carriers of the virus is a can of worms to say the least.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
In theory, if the entire league and anyone mission critical to the league (refs, broadcasters, timekeepers, etc.), self quarantines for 2 weeks... On the other side of the 2 weeks, they could be tested and the league could pick up the remaining parts of the season in empty arenas. I'm sure there is stuff to consider, but it could be kind of cool in some ways. Why even open the Garden for example, they could bring minimalist cameras crews to the teams practice facility and play there (no bull gang needed, etc.). Give the games an old school/high school feel. For that matter, get creative with it - you could play an outdoor game at a player's house (home court advantage anyone), or at a famous school yard court, the sky's the limit. Can you imagine the Knicks playing at the local YMCA or at Spike Lee's house? Turn the the negative of no fans into a positive (almost like the outdoor games in the NHL).
This is a truly great idea.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
I’m not a coronavirus denier. I live in Seattle. I’m quite the opposite and have been expecting the shit to hit the fan for a few weeks now.

But in a sea of under reactions I think this is an over reaction. These guys are going to be basically immune to this thing. They’re super human athletes. Even when they get normal sick they’re all better and playing basketball again in like a day. Not a one of them has a heart problem or breathing issues. They’re young (Vince is one guy!), 99%tle, picture of health. Gobert felt like he could play tonight.

Obviously it’s important to minimize community spread and obviously none of them should be overly pressured to play for our entertainment if they’re just not comfortable. This ain’t Ancient Rome. But this isn’t likely going to be better in June. It’s maybe not going to be better in October. Less than 0.1% of the population has it. We’re going to be in this for a loooong time (if it’s not seasonal and there’s no vaccine around the corner). They could’ve followed a test and isolate strategy and been just fine (as soon as there are tests, of course). The NCAA tourney is next. And then baseball. I guess we’ll see sports again in 2021-2022. We’re going to need to figure out a way to move forward with our lives in balance with this thing in a way that keeps us from overwhelming the health care system but not pausing all life activity indefinitely.
So just let all the players give it to each other (and whoever they come into contact with)? They don't know who has it and who doesn't. Heck, Rudy Gobert may not even be NBA's patient zero. If anything,, this strong action is providing the sort of example which our country's leadership is failing at.

Royal Reader

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2005
In theory, if the entire league and anyone mission critical to the league (refs, broadcasters, timekeepers, etc.), self quarantines for 2 weeks... On the other side of the 2 weeks, they could be tested and the league could pick up the remaining parts of the season in empty arenas. I'm sure there is stuff to consider, but it could be kind of cool in some ways. Why even open the Garden for example, they could bring minimalist cameras crews to the teams practice facility and play there (no bull gang needed, etc.). Give the games an old school/high school feel. For that matter, get creative with it - you could play an outdoor game at a player's house (home court advantage anyone), or at a famous school yard court, the sky's the limit. Can you imagine the Knicks playing at the local YMCA or at Spike Lee's house? Turn the the negative of no fans into a positive (almost like the outdoor games in the NHL).
When you realize the Chargers have just been waaaaay ahead of the curve all along...


SoSH Member
Jan 26, 2017
Not a surprise at all sadly. Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have it. This is like a bad game of coronavirus bingo: first celebrity, first NBA player, etc. I almost started an NBA and coronavirus thread last night; was surprised that no one here had done it yet.

I doubt there's anything left to this season. This will get worse before it gets better. I'm in New York, near the city, and they were spraying my work space yesterday because someone else in our company interacted with someone who has tested positive. The sh** got real right then.

Even if they wanted to restart the season in another month, everyone's going to be rusty. The upside, if there is one, is that Danny didn't go all in to win this year and Celts have a young team built for the future. Celts are better positioned than aging Lakers or even Bucks.


SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2013
Even if they wanted to restart the season in another month, everyone's going to be rusty. The upside, if there is one, is that Danny didn't go all in to win this year and Celts have a young team built for the future. Celts are better positioned than aging Lakers or even Bucks.
Danny holds on to assets at the deadline: what did he know???



Granite Truther
SoSH Member
Nov 2, 2007
Santa Monica
saw this Twitter post from a sports lawyer:

The NBA really had no choice but to suspend the season since at least one player has COVID-19. To play additional games, especially without knowing if other players or coaches contracted the virus, would undermine public health and, less importantly, create potential legal risks.

Obviously the spread of the virus is going to get much worse before it gets better over the next few months.

The latest they could end this season is probably June 31st due to draft, free agency, player contracts. I'm not optimistic at all that we'll see the playoffs.


SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2013
I really wanted to see the empty-arena games just for the novelty factor. Loved the ideas upthread of playing them in parks or practice gyms.


SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2013
saw this Twitter post from a sports lawyer:

The NBA really had no choice but to suspend the season since at least one player has COVID-19. To play additional games, especially without knowing if other players or coaches contracted the virus, would undermine public health and, less importantly, create potential legal risks.

Obviously the spread of the virus is going to get much worse before it gets better over the next few months.

The latest they could end this season is probably June 31st due to draft, free agency, player contracts. I'm not optimistic at all that we'll see the playoffs.
Hmmm...I imagine they wouldn't get much pushback from the union if they sought agreement to push the season end back a couple months. The revenue implications are huge for all sides.


SoSH Member
If/when the season resumes it will be interesting to see the logistics of it all concerning the arenas and scheduling. I'm guessing they have something in place that gives NBA teams priority over other scheduled events during the normal postseason time frame, but I wonder how that plays out past early/mid June when the NBA Finals would normally be over.

Jim Ed Rice in HOF

Red-headed Skrub child
SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2005
Seacoast NH
There are a lot of people that dislike Cuban for one reason or another but it sounds like he was already trying to figure out what it was going to take to make sure the behind the scenes people don't get negatively impacted.

ESPN tweet:
“I reached out ... to find out what it would cost to financially support people who aren’t going to be able to come to work.” –Mark Cuban on his plan for Mavericks employees during the NBA suspension


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
There are a lot of people that dislike Cuban for one reason or another but it sounds like he was already trying to figure out what it was going to take to make sure the behind the scenes people don't get negatively impacted.

ESPN tweet:
Mark Cuban is like Basketball Bloomberg. He's a bit of an asshole, his money has made him entitled, he's way too sure he's always right and is prepared to pound the table to get his way, he can be a little petulant... but deep down, his heart is in the right place and he's got love for his people and when it's necessary he'll do the right thing.

Average Game James

SoSH Member
Apr 28, 2016
Gobert really looks bad in all this... and the scary thing is there are probably lots of idiots around the country doing the exact same stuff because this is a hoax or “just the flu.”

Not that the Jazz were winning anything this year, but seems like a potential huge locker room issue to the extent other guys blame him for them getting sick. Even worse, god forbid something happens to another player’s family. I’d be absolutely livid at him right now if I was a Jazz player.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 8, 2001
Even if the season continued i assume they would trim the Playoffs to top 4 teams in each Conference. Maybe top 2.

Celts might be on the outside looking in if thats possible.

But good for the NBA to set monetary issues aside for the common health good.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
St. Louis, MO
Gobert really looks bad in all this... and the scary thing is there are probably lots of idiots around the country doing the exact same stuff because this is a hoax or “just the flu.”

Not that the Jazz were winning anything this year, but seems like a potential huge locker room issue to the extent other guys blame him for them getting sick. Even worse, god forbid something happens to another player’s family. I’d be absolutely livid at him right now if I was a Jazz player.
Yeah not sure he has a place with them after all this settles. Not to mention if any of the reporters get sick.


SoSH Member
Mar 31, 2013
I would be shocked if they didn't finish off the season once they can be certain that NBA players are not at risk and have been tested. I think the logical thing would be to just start the playoffs whenever they resume.

Jed Zeppelin

SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2008
Mark Cuban is like Basketball Bloomberg. He's a bit of an asshole, his money has made him entitled, he's way too sure he's always right and is prepared to pound the table to get his way, he can be a little petulant... but deep down, his heart is in the right place and he's got love for his people and when it's necessary he'll do the right thing.
I remember seeing a show years ago, maybe Real Sports, where they talked about how he went above and beyond in a bunch of ways. They were focusing mostly on benefits to the players like the fully decked out team plane (weight room on board, etc) and that sort of thing, but not surprising any time you read that it extends to organizational areas that you know some guys aren't thinking about or don't care about.