Wander Franco Is In Trouble (Grooming/Pedo Warning)


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Oh yikes. Dude is straight up saying I want to groom you.

I don’t pretend to know all the subtleties of Dominican Spanish, but criar is to raise as in to raise a child. To put a finer point on it, it has a secondary meaning of to breastfeed.


SoSH Member
May 25, 2008
Boston, MA
He really told a 14 year old girl over WhatsApp exactly how he wants to “raise her” to be his exclusive sex slave. He’s never stepping foot on a baseball diamond again.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Dude is like, don’t let my team know because they have rules against fucking minors which I know you are because it’s turning me on to commit these sex crimes with you.

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
This kind of shit baffles me. Specifically..."why?"

So, with all the OBVIOUS caveats - I swear to Christ if someone goes wonky about me defending child rape or some shit, I'm going to lose it - I want to know why Franco did what he did.

Of course we could just chalk it up to being a pedo or whatever, but that doesn't satisfy the answer as to why a future superstar with millions already to his name threw it all away.

So I checked the age of consent in the DR. 18. Ok, cool.

Child marriage? Also 18. But I saw a weird link talking about underage brides.

Dig a little deeper?

Dominican laws have prohibited child marriage since 2021, but community leaders say that such unions are still common because the practice has been normalized and few people are aware of the statute. “In my 14-year-old granddaughter's class, two of her younger friends are already married,” González said.
Washington post.

31% of women in the Dominican Republic are married or in a union before the age of 18 and 12% before their 15th birthday.
Girls not brides.

Making this about some fucked up pervert is missing the forest for the trees. The DR has some serious problems with this, but the fact we only talk about it now because a guy who can hit a baseball is involved? I dunno. I'm sad this goes away as soon as Franco does.

Pablo's TB Lover

SoSH Member
Sep 10, 2017
This kind of shit baffles me. Specifically..."why?"

So, with all the OBVIOUS caveats - I swear to Christ if someone goes wonky about me defending child rape or some shit, I'm going to lose it - I want to know why Franco did what he did.

Of course we could just chalk it up to being a pedo or whatever, but that doesn't satisfy the answer as to why a future superstar with millions already to his name threw it all away.

So I checked the age of consent in the DR. 18. Ok, cool.

Child marriage? Also 18. But I saw a weird link talking about underage brides.

Dig a little deeper?

Washington post.

Girls not brides.

Making this about some fucked up pervert is missing the forest for the trees. The DR has some serious problems with this, but the fact we only talk about it now because a guy who can hit a baseball is involved? I dunno. I'm sad this goes away as soon as Franco does.
Maybe this doesn't move the cultural needle immediately. But my hope is since baseball is such a prime currency on the island, that boys will see Wander throw away all those millions and selfishly think no underage girl is worth sacrificing riches when they are in the same position. Not necessarily an altruistic approach, but incremental progress in reducing the girls affected by pedo activity is a start...


Found no thrill on Blueberry Hill
SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2008
This kind of shit baffles me. Specifically..."why?"

So, with all the OBVIOUS caveats - I swear to Christ if someone goes wonky about me defending child rape or some shit, I'm going to lose it - I want to know why Franco did what he did.

Of course we could just chalk it up to being a pedo or whatever, but that doesn't satisfy the answer as to why a future superstar with millions already to his name threw it all away.

So I checked the age of consent in the DR. 18. Ok, cool.

Child marriage? Also 18. But I saw a weird link talking about underage brides.

Dig a little deeper?

Washington post.

Girls not brides.

Making this about some fucked up pervert is missing the forest for the trees. The DR has some serious problems with this, but the fact we only talk about it now because a guy who can hit a baseball is involved? I dunno. I'm sad this goes away as soon as Franco does.
Too many men like to have sex with children. Everywhere. If you think we don’t talk about it enough or are sad it will fade from the news, and it’s important to you, you should talk about it more. There is vile and foul shit going on right under our noses everywhere everyday. This is how most people deal with it. They pay attention to Wander Franco or Jerry Sandusky, get twisted into knots for a day wondering how much Joe Paterno was involved instead of giving much of a shit about the underlying problem, and move on with their days after their internet performances,* while the millions of girls and boys walking around with traumas try to do the best they can. Hopefully, some can afford therapy or good insurance, because there’s no way most people here or anywhere else are going to do shit for them, other that some internet tut-tutting about the Joe Paternos and Wander Francos of the world. You should be mad and sad and it is good you can see the forest. I am sure there are charities in the DR (or Thailand or Boston or wherever) that try to fight child abuse or support victims. That is probably the most direct way you can help. Most of us — me included — still feel mostly powerless and do nothing other than try to make the little spheres of the world where we have some control a little better.

That’s your answer, I think. In some places attitudes seem a bit different than the U.S. (Japan is kind of scary, if you want to get more depressed.) And every jurisdiction has its own law enforcement tolerances and priorities. But it is a big fucking problem everywhere there are men and kids, and everyone knows it is wrong. It is hard to tell from a handful of hearsay how much of a priority or problem this is in the DR. But, yeah, I don’t think we should waste much energy on taking everyone is doing it claims seriously, even in places where enforcement feels more lax. Everyone knows it is wrong. Franco certainly did.

Why did a millionaire with a crazy bright future throw it away? I mean, because he liked having sex with a child too much to not do it. Maybe he was delusional about the possibility of getting caught. I think most criminals don’t think they will get caught. Does he have a better sense today of the consequences of what he did than he had when he was doing it? Yeah. That’s probably true of most criminals.

*I recognize that is kind of what this post is. I am including myself in the description of the problem.


SoSH Member
Jul 30, 2014
I wonder if the state of Florida will investigate whether he’s done anything untoward whilst in the state.

What type of an impact this will have on the Rays moving forward. Are they still responsible for Franco’s contract, or does it likely have some type of morality clause that gives them an out? It’s clear he’s never going to play in an MLB game ever again.


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Oct 25, 2005
Portland, OR


Ronald Bartel
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005

Originally accused of commercial and sexual exploitation and money laundering — charges that carry up to 30 years, 10 years and 20 years of prison respectively — Franco now stands accused instead of sexual and psychological abuse, according to a judge’s resolution that The Associated Press obtained on Tuesday.

Franco has not been formally accused, but if found guilty on the new charge, he could face between two to five years in prison.

VORP Speed

SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
Ground Zero

This is a few days old, but summarizes some reporting by the TB Times and The Athletic around potential impacts on Wander’s immigration status. Clearest path for the Rays to get out from under the contract would seem to be that he gets convicted in the DR— the pending charges, even after being reduced, would be considered an “aggravated felony” under US immigration law and result in a permanent ban from the US. If you don’t show up for work then you don’t get paid, even under a guaranteed MLB contract. Also says it’s unlikely he could get a visa even while the charges are pending, which would get the Rays off the hook for his salary this year while this is all being sorted out.

VORP Speed

SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
Ground Zero
Good. I was getting worried he was going to get off without being charged. Maybe Rays will actually be able to get out of his contract if he’s convicted.


SoSH Member
Nov 18, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Just a reminder that child marriage remains legal in 37 U.S. states. Hundreds of thousands of minors (9 out of 10 of whom are female) are married off before the age of consent. Just throwing that out there, as it's a real problem, and not just in the DR.


don't Judge me
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2005
Just a reminder that child marriage remains legal in 37 U.S. states. Hundreds of thousands of minors (9 out of 10 of whom are female) are married off before the age of consent. Just throwing that out there, as it's a real problem, and not just in the DR.
The way things are looking, I'll take the over by 2028.

Sad Sam Jones

SoSH Member
May 5, 2017
He's never playing again. Trying to think of another player who left baseball after his age 22 year and didn't come back who had his numbers.

Also, a total fuckin' scumbag!
I'm pretty sure it's unprecedented for someone that good, that young, who already showed the talent at the MLB level to suddenly and completely end it. That's not even factoring in the shameful reason for it.

The closest might be Ken Hubbs who was 22 and 2+ years into his career when he crashed the plane he was flying and died. He wasn't a star though… Franco already had about 10x the career bWAR Hubbs accumulated.

Others would be the obvious Herb Score and Tony Conigliaro who managed to come back from serious injury and persevere for a few years.

Hugh Alexander might have had a similar career if he'd gotten a couple of years of MLB at-bats in before injury ended his career. If they had "top prospects" in the 1930s, he'd have been one, but he only had 11 big league at-bats before an off-season accident while working in an oil field resulted in the amputation of one of his hands. Instead, he became one of the greatest baseball scouts ever.


SoSH Member
Oct 20, 2015
11.5 bWAR in a little over 2 1/2 seasons. 5.5 bWAR in 2023. Career over.

And the scary thing was he was in this relationship his whole major league career.

Petagine in a Bottle

SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2021
Jose Fernandez, Yordano Ventura. But those guys died. This is fairly unprecedented.

Different sport, but Aaron Hernandez seems the most similar (and not really).


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Felipe Vazquez was a pretty good pitcher before he did pretty much the same thing. Or I don’t remember the details and don’t wanna check, but something involving kids.
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Brand Name

make hers mark
SoSH Member
Oct 6, 2010
Moving the Line
The only comp I really can find who didn't come back at any point at the big league level is Harry/Hal Krause, even though he was a pitcher. The retroactive 1909 AL ERA leader. Shoeless Joe claimed once that he and Reb Russell were the toughest pitchers he faced.

Solid 1909 at 5.7 bWAR, decent 1911 at 3.1, standing in for Coombs and Bender on the A's the latter season. He compiled 9.3 bWAR through his age 22 season. And pitched a total of 9.1 MLB innings after that, all in 1912, owing to a sore arm, although Krause had a lengthy minor league career of over 4,000 innings pitched.

Yes, WAR is flawed, but it's the easiest way to compare across eras here for value. If it was more a serious breakdown of actually projecting a player or team, I'd go there, but not for historic comps.


Don't know him from Adam
SoSH Member
Mar 14, 2006
Kernersville, NC
Felipe Vazquez was a pretty good pitcher before he did pretty much the same thing. Or I don’t remember the details and don’t wanna check, but something involving kids.
You’re correct. All Star in 2018 and 2019 with a 2.18 ERA and 65 saves over those two seasons. Never played again. He got deported to Venezuela last December.


SoSH Member
Sep 19, 2002
Lyman Bostock perhaps? Put up solid all star type numbers then was murdered at age 27.

Ale Xander

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013
Mark Fidrych

started 29 games in his ROY season, completing 24 of them and being 2nd in CY

Started 27 games thereafter


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
He's never playing again. Trying to think of another player who left baseball after his age 22 year and didn't come back who had his numbers.

Also, a total fuckin' scumbag!
The answer here could have been Cesar Cedeno. He was 22 and coming off two straight seasons of OPS+ over 150 and 50+ SBs when he shot his girlfriend to death in a hotel room. But it was ruled an accident and he was fined $100. He played 13 more years. He was later arrested twice for assaulting another girlfriend.


SoSH Member
Feb 19, 2015
The answer here could have been Cesar Cedeno. He was 22 and coming off two straight seasons of OPS+ over 150 and 50+ SBs when he shot his girlfriend to death in a hotel room. But it was ruled an accident and he was fined $100. He played 13 more years. He was later arrested twice for assaulting another girlfriend.
Holy shit, I never knew that despite being old enough to remember him playing when I was a little kid.

Mr Jums

SoSH Member
Jul 26, 2009
The answer here could have been Cesar Cedeno. He was 22 and coming off two straight seasons of OPS+ over 150 and 50+ SBs when he shot his girlfriend to death in a hotel room. But it was ruled an accident and he was fined $100. He played 13 more years. He was later arrested twice for assaulting another girlfriend.
Inducted into the Astros Hall of Fame in 2020.


New Member
May 16, 2017
Inducted into the Astros Hall of Fame in 2020.
53.1 bWAR for his career, 49.5 of which came before turning 30. For comparison, Sandy Koufax also had 53.1 bWAR for his career, with 45 coming before he turned 30. (Not that I'm suggesting that they should be viewed anywhere near equal as players, just thought it was funny/interesting enough to point out.)

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
53.1 bWAR for his career, 49.5 of which came before turning 30. For comparison, Sandy Koufax also had 53.1 bWAR for his career, with 45 coming before he turned 30. (Not that I'm suggesting that they should be viewed anywhere near equal as players, just thought it was funny/interesting enough to point out.)
I went to a baseball camp/school in FL for a few weeks in 1976. Cedeno was by far the most common selection of "young player who will be a Hall of Famer someday" among the assembled 14-18 yr olds. He was 25 and could do it all.

Deweys New Stance

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Jul 8, 2001
Here to Eternity
I went to a baseball camp/school in FL for a few weeks in 1976. Cedeno was by far the most common selection of "young player who will be a Hall of Famer someday" among the assembled 14-18 yr olds. He was 25 and could do it all.
As a kid in the early 70's growing up in SW CT my introduction to baseball was watching the Mets' broadcasts on WOR. I still recall how whenever they played the Astros, Kiner/Nelson/Murphy would rave about Cedeno's all around skills, and it would usually lead into a discussion of how Cedeno and Bobby Bonds were the two players most likely to succeed Willie Mays as best player in baseball for the next decade.