The 2015 NBA Finals Game Thread AKA Battle Of The Australian Institute Of Sport


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
Here's the basket interference rule....I bolded the relevant part. I wanted to make sure I had it right. The officials must have ruled that the entire ball had not cleared the basket ring. Damn, I wish I could see that replay again.

RULE NO. 11BASKET INTERFERENCEGOALTENDING Section IA Player Shall Not: a. Touch the ball or the basket ring when the ball is using the basket ring as its lower base or hang on the rim while the ball is passing through. EXCEPTION: If a player near his own basket has his hand legally in contact with the ball, it is not a violation if his contact with the ball continues after the ball enters the cylinder, or if, in such action, he touches the basket. b. Touch any ball from within the playing area when it is above the basket ring and within the imaginary cylinder. c. During a field goal attempt, touch a ball, which has a chance to score, after it has touched any part of the backboard above ring level, whether the ball is considered on its upward or downward flight. d. During a field goal attempt, touch a ball, which has a chance to score, after it has touched the backboard below the ring level and while the ball is on its upward flight.
e. Trap the ball against the face of the backboard after it has been released. (To be a trapped ball, three elements must exist simultaneously. The hand, the ball and the backboard must all occur at the same time. A batted ball against the backboard is not a trapped ball.) f. Touch any ball from within the playing area that is on its downward flight with an opportunity to score. This is considered to be a field goal attempt or trying for a goal. g. Touch the ball at any time with a hand which is through the basket ring. h. Vibrate the rim, net or backboard so as to cause the ball to make an unnatural bounce, or bend or move the rim to an off-center position when the ball is touching the ring or passing through. i. Touch the rim, net or ball while the ball is in the net, preventing it from clearing the basket.

Tony C

SoSH Member
Apr 13, 2000
luckiestman said:
This game is like a masonry convention
Bricks..indeed...took me a second to get that, I'm embarrassed to admit.
shawnrbu said:
We are witnessing a choke job by most of the Warriors players.  Iggy is their best player right now.  Kerr has been a bit shaky, as well (running out of timeouts in OT in Game 2 and his insistence on giving so many minutes to a total stiff like Bogut). 
Yes Bogut is a stiff...but they have to have some meat, don't they? Tristan Thompson is already a man among quivering boys -- I don't know that Lee could hold up.
HomeRunBaker said:
They have never faced this type of defensive intensity except in the Memphis series.....and then Tony Allen went down with his hammy. Playoff defensive intensity is a different animal. Not only do they have to adjust to Cleveland's defense but they are also expending more energy on their own defense which is taking them out of their comfort zone. It will be this way the rest of the series they are going to have to adapt or die.
I just think that they were never really tested. Easy 1st round. Memphis was starting to test them then, aside from Conley being hobbled, they lost Allen. And then a weak willed Houston team. The mighty West parted like the Red Sea for them. Which you can't complain about, obviously, if you're a Dubs fan -- but it didn't prep them for a truly intense series. I still have a hard time believing a Cavs club without Love, Irving, Anderson Varejao (and Schumpert looking banged up) can bet the way more talented and healthy Dubs, but it does show there's something to the intensity of playoff basketball. Of course, there's also something to LeBron showing Curry what an actual MVP is.
Whatever happens this series, it's the Cavs and LeBron who get the respect, even if they wear down and lose.


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
Tony C said:
Whatever happens this series, it's the Cavs and LeBron who get the respect, even if they wear down and lose.
Pff. That choker?

Nick Kaufman

protector of human kind from spoilers
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Aug 2, 2003
A Lost Time
Say what you will about playoff intensity and the Cavs defensive prowess, but no one is forcing Curry to have JR Smith's shot selection. Actually JR Smith isn't chucking the ball as much as Curry does. Just terrible, difficult shots with 15-20 seconds remaining on the shot clock.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
To say that the Dubs weren't tested is wrong. The West was BRUTAL this year and they crushed all of it, even against the better defensive teams. However, they have cold feet here at the highest level. They are playing tight and tentative, Cleveland defense or no.

DeJesus Built My Hotrod

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Dec 24, 2002
shawnrbu said:
Harrison Barnes is awful this series.  He is playing like the Jeff Green/Marvin Williams clone.
This is not true.   He is having a shit night.  However Barnes was 9-19 from the field before tonight and had a great playoff run.  Its fun to make these hot takez, especially when you don't watch much NBA but that doesn't make them true.


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
BigSoxFan said:
Feel like this series is going to earn Delly the Kerr/Paxson role for the rest of LeBron's time in Cleveland.
Or, as we can call it today, "James Jones's understudy."


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
riboflav said:
Curry doesn't want the ball.
EDIT: Literally going through the motions on offense.
He's gotta be hurt. He really does. I love Steph, this is bizarre to watch.


SoSH Member
May 28, 2007
Nobody Cares
The deeper the Cavs go, the better I feel about the Celtics performance in the opening round.  Four tight games against a much healthier Cleveland squad that had Kyrie and Love at full strength until midway through Game 4, when Olynyk knocked Love out.  


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
riboflav said:
The Warriors need to get into a fight.
Noted Tough Guy Draymond Green needs to actually stay in the game.

That fadeaway is literally criminal.


Head Mason
SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2006
DeJesus Built My Hotrod said:
Breen needs several new pairs of pants
Every sentence is a crescendo. Now that you've said that I'm going to be laughing all night.


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
coremiller said:
Um, Mozgov did not go straight up.  He was leaning forward at the waist.
Verticality is about the jump, not the waist. He didn't bend forward more than a few degrees until contact was made, which is fine. (If the guy bends a lot he'll get called, but it's a spirit-of-the-rule thing and why Hibbert gets a bunch of those calls.)


Head Mason
SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2006
coremiller said:
Um, Mozgov did not go straight up.  He was leaning forward at the waist.
Looked to me like he went over because Draymond trucked him.

DeJesus Built My Hotrod

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Dec 24, 2002
Devizier said:
Lebron James is in big head mode right now.
Anyone who says anything bad about the man is just a hater.  He is brilliant.
Other observations - I do think Curry may be hurt.  He hasn't looked like this all season and I wonder if that fall during the Rockets season did more damage than we know.   I wont be surprised to find out after this series is over that he is nursing something pretty nasty.  Or maybe he is a wussie like some folks here are now surmising and he has been exposed for being a fraud.    


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
JohnnyTheBone said:
... not to mention a foot deep in the restricted area.
If you stepped out of your fever dreams about the 80's Celtics for even a moment you would know that the rule of verticality supersedes the restricted area.


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
DeJesus Built My Hotrod said:
Anyone who says anything bad about the man is just a hater.  He is brilliant.
i'm going to jump the entire way across the key and bury a fadeaway weeeeeee

Other observations - I do think Curry may be hurt.  He hasn't looked like this all season and I wonder if that fall during the Rockets season did more damage than we know.
Body Language Doctor agrees. He looks really uncomfortable even sitting on the sideline. I'm worried about him.




Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2006
DeJesus Built My Hotrod said:
Anyone who says anything bad about the man is just a hater.  He is brilliant.
Other observations - I do think Curry may be hurt.  He hasn't looked like this all season and I wonder if that fall during the Rockets season did more damage than we know.   I wont be surprised to find out after this series is over that he is nursing something pretty nasty.  Or maybe he is a wussie like some folks here are now surmising and he has been exposed for being a fraud.
I read earlier today that he's 35% FG and 27% 3PT since the fall.