Absolute epic day. Storms finally stopped blowing Wednesday Night/Thursday morning. 24" or so of fresh, cold snow. Winds were hellacious during the storms with gusts over 100mph on the ridges so there was a lot of movement of snow. Winds out of the north east, typically out of the sw for this area, so North aspects were loaded and tempting...
Started at 8am, 8 degrees out. Skinned up to a hill called fireplug then skied down to Galena Creek drainage. Had to change first objective as snow was pretty sliddy. (I sent an 8" winds slab on just a little ski cut test, couloir out of play!) No bother, lower angle in the trees skied like a dream. 12-18" of champagne powder in the shade.
Crossed the creek, or crick if are an old rancher, and started our primary objective for the day, Mt. Rose proper. 2nd Highest peak in the Carson Range, peak at 10,776'. Drainage is at 8,200 or so, basically level with the local ski resort. Cutting up the flank, we kept skis on for the first 2,000' or so. At that point, snow became ice (standard) and we switched to boot crampons. (Ski crampons were already one). No fall scenario, lots of rocks, steepish approach. Ice axe one hand, pole in the other, skis on back. Wind scoured from those north east winds. Reaching the summit, we transitioned, took some photos, and began the decent. First we skied the big bowl visible from Reno proper. Note, this isn't really skiing, but really more like ice skating. From there we ended up side sliding down the bootpack. Had to step over some rocks but nothing too terrible. Reaching the transition point, had a snack to get ready for the 2,000' decent. On the skin track up, we noticed that the south western couloirs had a lot of snow from those NE winds as well.
Dug a quick hand pit to see what was what; about 8" of fresh on solid base. No real concerns. (We did notice some cornice action but our objective was the gut). Good snow, good width, party skiing! Best snow of my life in their. My little 88mm skis were just absolute magic. Had to lean back a bit but was just linking tight tight turns. Glorious.
Back to the creek. Another snack, another transition. About 800' climb out. Whoever put this track in sucked at life. Almost straight up the mountain. I counted 3 kick turns. 3. Not a bro. But probably set by a bro. Oh well.
Last ski back to the rigs was on SE aspects. Snow was variable. I like the crud, my partner does not. But then again, my skis are designed for it. So it was tough skiing for the final run of the day.
Overall, figure about 9 miles of touring, 4,064' of elevation. Second day in the back country. Have a full day of skiing w/the kids tomorrow...I might not survive the weekend.
Photos from the summit looking south to Lake Tahoe; Transition Area looking across the highway to the ski resort; Big Line. Note the PERFECT skin track on the right. Pretty solid work
Wind was blowing good, we didn't hang out too long. Tahoe over our shoulders. Gorgeous Day.
Snack Time. Sandwich was mostly unsmashed. Nice rock outcropping behind us to keep the wind off and provide a little thermal mass. Mt. Rose Ski Resort is over my left shoulder here. Great local hill, skis big when the chutes are open.
Bottom half from the summit. Skinned up on the right, all the way to the saddle, cut over, climbed some more, and more, and more.