Fire win! Their first 3 point outing in 5 matches and their first goals in 4. There’s no hope for the playoffs, but Duran netted twice tonight. It’s been amazing to see his development on the pitch this season - he’s pressing with coordination, timing runs, and learning how to hold up play. He’s still painfully immature and liable to act out in response to run of the mill physicality. Chicago’s hopes for next season rest in no small part on an 18 year old growing up.
Also, this week the Bears had a new type of sod laid in an effort to have a more durable turf. Well, Chicago and Miami ripped that thing up tonight and we saw players slipping around as well as balls taking screwy bounces. The Fire have 2 more home games and the Bears will plays twice at Solider Field during that span. It’s gonna be a shitshow.
(If and when the Fire become Soldier Field’s main tenant, I’d love to see them get a synthetic/real blend pitch like the major English stadiums as well as Lambeau Field.)