Mike'd Up: The Mike Francesa Show


SoSH Member
Oct 9, 2006
Mike is correct, you're being a crazy homer. That would have been a ridiculous flag.
They did not lose because of the refs. But that was blatant PI that occurred as Gronk ran down the seam and culminated with the bear hug. What about that would have been a ridiculous flag? The rules do not get changed beyond "uncatchable"


SoSH Member
Jun 11, 2004
They did not lose because of the refs. But that was blatant PI that occurred as Gronk ran down the seam and culminated with the bear hug. What about that would have been a ridiculous flag? The rules do not get changed beyond "uncatchable"
Thank you. LOOK after watching Champ Bailey get a touchback after getting crushed by Ben watson and turned into ball at the one, after watching Butler get called for a PI this year in Denver where he literally didn't even TOUCH the reciever, after watching Pats being held on every play ending up on the cover of Sports Illustrated being held from the first denver game, you are being incredibly simplistic to look at this as a single play. Hell to start the game Edelman was intefered with as was Gronk, no calls. Then Denver got a call. If you do not think that that game was affected by playing from behind and not playing from ahead, I don't know what to tell you.

Yes the Pats got outplayed. Yes denver was Better. Yes Gronk was grabbed several times and that resulted in NO penalities that should have been called.

Omar's Wacky Neighbor

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Jul 14, 2005
Leaving in a bit to the studio :)
Mike is correct, you're being a crazy homer. That would have been a ridiculous flag.
I think part of what CheekyDave may be getting at is that last year, Mike was throwing the book at Brady over PSI simply because it's a rule. That the PSI didnt matter in how it really affected the ball or the game wasnt the issue: a rule is a rule is a rule.


SoSH Member
Jun 11, 2004
I think part of what CheekyDave may be getting at is that last year, Mike was throwing the book at Brady over PSI simply because it's a rule. That the PSI didnt matter in how it really affected the ball or the game wasnt the issue: a rule is a rule is a rule.
We have a bingo. A rule in my mind is very relative to the situation, and certainly there are PI calls that, though strictly a penalty, need not be called. BUT I am not comfortable with Mike Francesa moving the goalposts to whatever suits his needs that day.


SoSH Member
Jun 11, 2004
I found the calls in the game annoying albeit overall the refs did the best job I have seen in a Denver game for awhile, only missed 3 -4 PI calls the Pats would have benefited by.

I have seen MANY TIMES calls the Pats didn't get calls Denver DID get re PI

I find Mike annoying because he always will shift the playing field. Whatever he argues or promotes, the standards he uses when applied to the Patriots, whether it Deflategate, or PI, or ANYTHING are shape shifting.

Have a great day.


SoSH Member
Jan 10, 2006
Say what you want about FF, today he ripped the Gingerhead a new one, calling his talk friday about the 'danger of a person on a couch equivalent to a football player's risk' ...disingenuous if not borderline 'shameful'. Love it … Now Commish, about those psi's we have talking about for 13 months….!!!!


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
I really wish the simulcast was still going to see him yelling about Manning kissing Papa John.
He's not going to, "Manning has been a great ambassador for this game, never did anything wrong, always did the right thing, blah blah blah ad nauseaum" he's not about to rip Manning today.

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
He's not going to, "Manning has been a great ambassador for this game, never did anything wrong, always did the right thing, blah blah blah ad nauseaum" he's not about to rip Manning today.
I wrote what I did because he yelled about Manning kissing Papa John.


SoSH Member
Jun 9, 2007
Central NJ
He's not going to, "Manning has been a great ambassador for this game, never did anything wrong, always did the right thing, blah blah blah ad nauseaum" he's not about to rip Manning today.
He absolutely did kill Manning for the Papa John scenario...decibels were raised


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
He absolutely did kill Manning for the Papa John scenario...decibels were raised
hmm, was listening at work and totally missed that, but honestly I turned it off after a bit of his "Peyton has never done a thing wrong" speech, it just bugs me so badly for anyone in the media to not even think for a second the HGH stuff is true and giving him every benefit of the doubt because he tries to be an "aw, shucks" dweeb.

Omar's Wacky Neighbor

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Jul 14, 2005
Leaving in a bit to the studio :)
I guess Mike was on vacation last week? I was in and out of the car yesterday afternoon, and every time I surfed thru his show, it was about this whole NYY/Stubhub thing, with the bright spot being: I can never get enough of Mike explaining the internet (and technology in general) to his callers/listeners.


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
I was listening on/off today, and given the sports vacuum that is February, FF ventured into a fairly wide array of topics including Yankee/ticket resales, movies/the Oscars, Broadway, and politics, and he was very entertaining. Putting aside his taste, he really is very good at what he does.


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
I expect FF to go off on Papi and his wish to get a standing O at the Urinal. FF doesn't want any recognition of Ortiz in the first place.

It holds the potential to be a good rant.

Omar's Wacky Neighbor

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Jul 14, 2005
Leaving in a bit to the studio :)
So Mike is into Day 3 of the Stubhub/MLB/NYY discussion, and he just had an epiphany about 10 minutes ago. A caller just mentioned casually that when he sells, he has to mark up considerably to cover the Stubhub service charge. Mike naively asked how much can that be, and teh caller tells him it's around 20%. "20%!!! Are you serious? 20%?? Even if it's a $1000 ticket??? How much is it for the buyer??" Caller tells him it's about the same. "Nawww, it cant be!" Crack researcher that Mike is, he'd been of the belief (I guess the assumption) that Stubhub charged the seller "around five buck a ticket". Asked his production team if this is true, and one told him he just bought two $41 tickets to LAD and the service charge was about $18, and that it's about the same for the seller.

Omar's Wacky Neighbor

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Jul 14, 2005
Leaving in a bit to the studio :)
It's mind numbing to me how many media types and the general public don't realize (or can't fathom) that HIPAA laws don't involve the media or private third parties, so I'm not pinning this on just Mike. Mike just had their in house counsel on, and they had to go over the same HIPAA point multiple times, and how/why the current JPP suit vs ESPN does NOT involve HIPAA, and that the suit IS almost solely about invasion of privacy.
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Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
It's mind numbing to me how many media types and the general public don't realize (or can't fathom) that HPPA laws don't involve the media or private third parties, so I'm not pinning this on just Mike. Mike just had their in house counsel on, and they had to go over the same HPPA point multiple times, and how/why the current JPP suit vs ESPN does NOT involve HPPA, and that the suit IS almost solely about invasion of privacy.
Which is why the suit has absolutely no chance of success.

Harry Hooper

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Jan 4, 2002
It's mind numbing to me how many media types and the general public don't realize (or can't fathom) that HPPA laws don't involve the media or private third parties, so I'm not pinning this on just Mike. Mike just had their in house counsel on, and they had to go over the same HPPA point multiple times, and how/why the current JPP suit vs ESPN does NOT involve HPPA, and that the suit IS almost solely about invasion of privacy.


Leaving aside whether Schefter/ESPN were legally able to publish personal medical records, it certainly seems to be a gratuitous invasion of privacy given no compelling public interest in seeing the actual scan. This isn't the Pentagon Papers here. Of course, one could readily make the argument that nothing Schefter has published as a sports reporter in his career has addressed a compelling public interest.

IANAL, but the this is a civil suit filed in a Florida state court. HIPAA is a federal law.

Stu Nahan

SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2003
Mike's discussion of the Manning story was embarrassingly bad. He was totally uninformed and his bias for Manning shone right through. Taking a few minutes to read up on the topic shouldn't be too much to ask. He also pled ignorance about the story which, for a guy who fancies himself such an NFL insider, is just ridiculous.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
Frank Isola is going in on Francesa on Twitter. Apparently Francesa doesn't like Thibodeau for the Knicks for reasons that make no sense.

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
Friend of mine is listening to Francesa and just texted me the following listener question:

"Mike, first time/long time. I got two questions for you. First, do you think Trump has the nomination locked up now and who will he run against? Do you think he'll win the President (sic) and what do you think he'll do as President?

Second, what do you think of the Eagles signing Bradford?"


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Oct 15, 2004
Berkeley, CA
Please give your friend a big thank you - that's hilarious! In Woody Allen's "Hannah and Her Sisters" Max von Sydow's character asks in a rant, "Can you imagine the level of the mind that watches wrestling?"

This is the same level, right?

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
Mike "Tyler from Queens"

Tyler "Hi Mike, this is Tyler"

Mike "Yes"

Tyler "I'm from Queens"

Mike "Yeah, I think we've established that. You are Tyler and you're from Queens. What are you calling about."

Tyler ".............Yeah, I'm a St John's fan from Queens"

Mike "Ugh"

The next guy called in and said he didn't like "Room" after Mike's recommendation. When asked why, the caller thought the kid in the movie was too effeminate.
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Less observant than others
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
from the wilds of western ma
Somebody just called fatty and asked about A-rods retirement, and if he would be feted with a farewell tour, ala Jeter. Mike said, paraphrasing, "no, that ship has sailed for A-rod. Which makes it so unfair that Ortiz is being sent off with one. Because he is just as dirty as A-Rod". Listening to his head continue to explode about this as the season goes on is going to be funny as hell.