Kirk and Callahan: Done


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2010
I'm just surprised whatever legal/financial advisers he's had over the years let him sink his entire net worth into this business. Not to mention his wife.


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
dale arnold and the Preacher on today.
Dale has got to have days when he's like wtf did I ever do to Entercom to deserve this.

Dalton Jones

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Nov 24, 2001
You could have knocked me over with a feather this morning. I swear I heard Gerry Callahan come out in favor of an assault weapons ban.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
So, apparently Heidi Watney tweets this morning that she was woken up by an earthquake. Dennis actually offers up the fact that he texted her later this morning to say, "You still up, earthquake girl?"

What a sad, creepy dude. He's married right? I love how these two nazis spent months savaging Tiger Woods for being such a bad person. If someone half as attractive as any of Tiger's GFs threw themselves at John Dennis he would jump on her in half a second (sorry for the image).

Castor Troy

New Member
May 16, 2012
ForKeeps - Thanks for writing that because as I was driving into work I heard him say that and was cringing. It was completely out of left field and had zero to do with what they were discussing. He sounded like a 10th grader who just got a text back from the popular girl. What a creep.


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
John Dennis is divorced.
But you are correct about the creepy quotient, I figured his talk on the radio was just trying to be a man's man type thing, but some of his tweets are downright creepy.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
Also, I think it's pretty obvious that they were told to leave the Crawfrod/racial slur story alone, and in response they're absolutely burying Crawford (as a player) the last week or two.

BTW, please don't think I listen to this show for more than 30 minutes a day, at most.


New Member
May 31, 2008
Don't worry. It's a commonly-known fact that 30 minutes of D & C is the maximum a human mind can endure without the onset of insanity.


New Member
Aug 11, 2011
John Dennis is up on his soapbox at his supercilious worst this morning. He spent 30 minutes-plus criticising Andy Reid for having the gall to show up at Eagles training camp a day after his son's funeral. Apparently having absolutely no knowledge of the guy's family life and having never lost a child himself didn't deter Dennis from going on and on about how Reid should be grieving for his son. Dale wisely kept his foot out of his mouth for the most part. I can only imagine how long this would have gone on if Callahan wasn't on vacation.

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
People deal with grief in different ways, some need a few weeks or months off to deal with it, others just want to jump back into work.
What you wrote is true. In general, I have a pretty low opinion of big time college and pro football coaches. Maybe it's my bias, but I can't help but view him as a guy who's more focused on tonight's preseason game than going through the grieving process with his family.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
What you wrote is true. In general, I have a pretty low opinion of big time college and pro football coaches. Maybe it's my bias, but I can't help but view him as a guy who's more focused on tonight's preseason game than going through the grieving process with his family.
I think it's just the athlete's mentality. I can't stand Brett Favre but throwing 4 touchdown passes and 399 yards the day after his father died was a pretty fucking cool way to honor him.

Edit: Looked up the Brett Favre game and fixed his stats, 4 TDs not 5.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
Jon Meterparel, who has handled the “Sports Flash’’ updates on WEEI’s “Dennis and Callahan’’ morning show since 2000, is expected to depart the station soon, according to industry sources. Meterparel did not comment when reached by phone Thursday afternoon and did not respond to further requests. Meterparel, whose first love is play-by-play, will continue to call Boston College football and basketball games


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Considering the de-emphasis the station put on flash guys by letting Wallach walk (not that he was a huge personality, but he was there quite a long time) as well as laying off Sheppard, it was really only a matter of time before Meterparel would find the door, too. It's not like flash-boy is a profession with limitless potential. And unlike Wallach and Sheppard, I don't recall Meterparel ever coming out of the flash booth to host, either on the weekend or to fill in for D&C. Wouldn't surprise me if he's maxed out salary-wise and either he wants more or Entercom wants to pay less for the position.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
The writing has been on the wall for a long time, the only time he ever was in the primary fill in slot was when D&C had their contract dispute and went on vacation until it was done as opposed to Sheppard who always filled in the Big Chair when Ordway was out.

Dennis' joke about Meter interviewing with a tennis station earlier this week makes more sense too, there is only so long you can get paid to kiss someone's ass I guess. I'm sure he'll land somewhere.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Could he be the new PA announcer at fenway?, though that would perfectly fall in-line with the recent decisions the Red Sox have made.

But seriously, I don't know where else Meter could wind up. Finn writes in his article Meter will continue to announce BC football and basketball games, but I don't see him expanding his presence in the Boston sports media world.

There's no way TSH would take him, and frankly they don't need him. Wallach, Hardy and Bertrand are perfectly capable weekday "sports flash" guys. Plus, the last thing TSH needs is another contrarian on-air personality. They have more than enough of those.

It's clear the higher-ups at WEEI never thought of much him, considering he never filled-in for D&C and never hosted his own weekend show. Hell, even Wallach used to host one with Dickerson back in the day.

Maybe he gets a job hosting "NESN Daily." They have a rotating door over there.


Ask me about total zone...or paint
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SoSH Member
Dec 23, 2003
Falmouth, MA
I've heard Meter's a really good guy, so I wish him well in his pursuits. Unfortunately we're not always skilled or cut out to do what we love most. He's no more a good broadcaster or listenable radio voice than any of us are qualified to bat cleanup for the Sox.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
I was actually listening when they closed the show with him talking about leaving. Who knows what the real story is, but there was much talk about it being Meter's decision, it was supposedly a surprise when he told them just a few days ago, and they actually asked him to stay/offered him a raise.

He said he was leaving to pursue play-by-play opportunities. He's keeping the BC gig and wants to see if he can add other PbP gigs, not necessarily in Boston. I have no idea what he sounds like announcing BC games, but can't imagine he's great at it.

I actually thought he was alright as in-studio clown and general yuks guy. Nothing special, but I didn't hate him as some apparently do. But I actually think D&C are alright when they're actually talking sports, so I'm in the minority in general.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Leaving EEI to pursue play by play p-b-p job in town is expected to be opening up next year. "There's a Patriot in the end zone, Rob Gronkowski, TAKE A BOW!!!" Yikes.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Chelmsford, MA
I don't think he's objectively that bad at's just impossible to give him the benefit of the doubt because of how much of a douche he acts like every morning. If he were to do PBP for a place where he hasn't worked, i doubt the people would riot at how terrible he is. I'm just not sure he could do it here.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
They actually read a hilarious text from someone saying Pete Sheppard could be seen driving 100 mph down the Mass Pike. Pretty funny.

On that note: who do they put in if anyone as the "Flash Guy"? If it's true that they offered Meter a raise "to stay", then I guess it's still in the budget.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
My good friend, Scott Sudikoff, will be filling in as the flashboy on D&C from Wed-Fri for the next two weeks.

Pete Sheppard will be handling the duties Monday/Tuesday.

mandro ramtinez

SoSH Member
Aug 24, 2006
Boston, MA
He said he was leaving to pursue play-by-play opportunities. He's keeping the BC gig and wants to see if he can add other PbP gigs, not necessarily in Boston. I have no idea what he sounds like announcing BC games, but can't imagine he's great at it.
He's intolerable and noticeably ignorant announcing BC basketball games. His BC football announcing is bad but doesn't reach the depths of his hoops hackery.

Buffalo Head

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Dec 13, 2001
San Diego, CA
Back in 2008, he filled in on pbp for a Sox-Dodgers exhibition game at Vero Beach. He called it like it was Game 7 of the World Series. Because of the set-up at the park, the radio folks were in the same open-air bleacher-like section as the writers. We could not stop laughing the entire game. It was hilariously cringe-worthy.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
Has anybody ever wondered why Pete Sheppard is married but doesn't have kids? Does his thingy not work or is his wife just barren?

This is what I wish someone would call up and troll him with every time he goes into one of his drooling Pats homer rants.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Has anybody ever wondered why Pete Sheppard is married but doesn't have kids? Does his thingy not work or is his wife just barren?

This is what I wish someone would call up and troll him with every time he goes into one of his drooling Pats homer rants.


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Somers, CT
Has anybody ever wondered why Pete Sheppard is married but doesn't have kids? Does his thingy not work or is his wife just barren?

This is what I wish someone would call up and troll him with every time he goes into one of his drooling Pats homer rants.
I'm all for clowning on media personalities when they deserve it (and they often do,) but potential infertility issues are not really something that should be joked about.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Has anybody ever wondered why Pete Sheppard is married but doesn't have kids? Does his thingy not work or is his wife just barren?

This is what I wish someone would call up and troll him with every time he goes into one of his drooling Pats homer rants.
Is there a back story to this I don't know about or are you just a giant d-bag and making this up out of left field?

Judge Mental13

Scoops McGee
SoSH Member
Apr 16, 2002
He said he wishes that someone would call up Pete and troll him with this, on a regular basis. Someone else, mind you.

I think "giant d-bag" is a vast understatement.