JD Davison, 2nd round pick

wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
I don't expect Brad to do a Brogdon-style deal, headlined by PP + deep bench minimums, BUT why does it matter if other NBA rosters are full?

The minimums would be filler & cut by the receiving team, right? Or if JDD or Walsh was included (& seen as an asset) the receiving team would cut some of their end-of-bench fodder.

OR is there some new CBA rule in play here?

There have been some Celtic/Isaiah Stewart rumors which is Detroit's feeble efforts to quickly unload that extension. He would have been a nice in-season pick-up if he wasn't gtd $64MM this past summer.
It's obviously not impossible but it's harder. As Lex says, maybe there's a team with an asset that (1) is paid more than the trade exception the Cs have and (2) that would be willing to trade 1 for 4 and end up cutting all 4 but it's hard to see that player right now.

The other point is that if the Cs trade 4 guys off their roster, whoever they bring in to the replace them will likely be less talented than who they have now. Maybe the Cs can get rid of Svi and Walsh along with a re-signed Griffin and some team willing to take Davison on without hurting their present squad but after that, we're starting to talk about guys who have actually made contributions at one point or another - Banton / Stevens / Brisset / Kornet / Queeta.

But if anyone can pull this off I suppose its POBOBS.


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
I think the issue is that the receiving team could have some deep bench players they may not want to cut as a result of a trade that nets them the Celtics deep bench and/or two-ways.
They would simply cut the Celtics players if this were the case but I would find it hard to believe that any team, much less lottery teams, wouldn't have some end of bench players that they are down on and not part of their future plans. Even the Celtics have a couple guys they would have no problem moving on from if it resulted in us receiving a fairly significant asset....Davison, Svi, Peterson for sure.


SoSH Member
Jul 4, 2007
They're not really meaningful for anyone. What's interesting is if the guy is developing skills that are translatable to the league, especially ones that he didn't have before.

When they drafted Tremont Waters, he went to the G league and immediately started jacking bad shots. Maybe he would have done that at the end of a bad team's NBA bench too, but he lost the ability to facilitate whatsoever and became a worse player. If JD works on his weaknesses, maybe he turns into something. Not here of course, because he's still miles from breaking a rotation on a contender. But if he takes more leaps, I could see him sneaking on an NBA team next year or the year after.
JDD has been working on his weaknesses. He’s way better at running a team, and he’s shooting the three ball at 40%. If he was on a trash roster like Charlotte or Washington, he would have already have gotten a shot in the league.

Now that PP has gotten his extension, Davison’s path to rotation minutes in the next few seasons is probably blocked in Boston, unless PP is traded. I think he will be an NBA player and have a decent career.


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
They're not really meaningful for anyone. What's interesting is if the guy is developing skills that are translatable to the league, especially ones that he didn't have before.

When they drafted Tremont Waters, he went to the G league and immediately started jacking bad shots. Maybe he would have done that at the end of a bad team's NBA bench too, but he lost the ability to facilitate whatsoever and became a worse player. If JD works on his weaknesses, maybe he turns into something. Not here of course, because he's still miles from breaking a rotation on a contender. But if he takes more leaps, I could see him sneaking on an NBA team next year or the year after.
Waters was never really a PG though except in size. He was a volume shooting PG in college despite having multiple NBA players on the floor with him sometimes getting half the number of FGA as Waters.

Davison was always a facilitator with exceptional vision. His issues were in his decision making and knowing when to dial back his speed and pace. I always felt he could maybe get a backend roster spot if he got the game to slow down for him but the G-League is a terrible gauge in this regard as it's talent level and speed of game isn't close to what end face at the NBA level.


SoSH Member
Aug 9, 2009
Is there some reason to think of the G-League as significantly different than a bigger sample size summer league?

Playing well doesn't prove you are actually good, plenty of guys pop in summer league that stink. BUT.... flopping in summer league/G-League is still a red flag.

Davison might not ever be good in the NBA. But its a lot better that he's playing well in the G-League. Given the physical tools, maybe at least he's got a shot.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
JD the LION balling out. I think JD would look great on the Magic, or even by a great change-of-pace guard for someone like the Bucks in 12 mins a game or something. While he's never going to be Trae or one of the elite shooters, his teardrop/floater game is very similar to some of the league's successful small guards and he seems to be developing the 3 to the point that he's too dangerous to leave open.

View: https://twitter.com/MaineCeltics/status/1744447658469531754?s=20


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
I just don't see how he would supplant any of the Magic's 4 point guards (Fultz, Suggs, Anthony, Black) or Cam Payne in MIL
Yeah he could maybe get backup minutes on a lottery team on a 10-day if we let him go so they can take a look-see that's about it.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
I just don't see how he would supplant any of the Magic's 4 point guards (Fultz, Suggs, Anthony, Black) or Cam Payne in MIL
None of those guys on Orlando really seems like a pure distributor to me, in the way I think JD could be. Banchero and Franz both have more assists per game than any of their guards, and Ingles is just behind Cole. Is Fultz playing? Looks like played 15 minutes last night, so I guess he's back. In general, I just think they have big guards who can shoot okay and then smaller guards who are more score-first. Admittedly, I'm not really saying he's better than all their guys, just that I think he's a drive and kick monster who could make all of the Magic's shooters and mid-range guys look great. He could run pick and roll and triangle action with Banchero and Franz all day long.

I think he could be pretty similar to Cam Payne, I guess.

To be clear, I'm not saying I think those teams should look to upgrade to add JD or something, just saying I think there are systems and teams where he could be successful.


SoSH Member
Jul 4, 2007
Yeah he could maybe get backup minutes on a lottery team on a 10-day if we let him go so they can take a look-see that's about it.
What do you believe is missing with JDD that he wouldn’t be able to hook onto a lesser NBA team than the Celtics?

He just turned 21, is uber athletic, has shown in the G league that he can run an offense, has hit the three ball at an acceptable rate, has developed a solid floater game. can attack the rack like a player a half foot taller due to his jumping ability, is competitive, and has a good work ethic.

What does someone like Malachi Flynn have that JDD doesn’t have (or can’t develop)?


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
What do you believe is missing with JDD that he wouldn’t be able to hook onto a lesser NBA team than the Celtics?

He just turned 21, is uber athletic, has shown in the G league that he can run an offense, has hit the three ball at an acceptable rate, has developed a solid floater game. can attack the rack like a player a half foot taller due to his jumping ability, is competitive, and has a good work ethic.

What does someone like Malachi Flynn have that JDD doesn’t have (or can’t develop)?
I wouldn't say his G-League success against that caliber of player proves he can run an offense. He's intriguing for sure for a lottery team to give a flier to which is what I'd say he warrants if he can break free from the Celtics.

Saints Rest

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SoSH Member
JDD has been working on his weaknesses. He’s way better at running a team, and he’s shooting the three ball at 40%. If he was on a trash roster like Charlotte or Washington, he would have already have gotten a shot in the league.

Now that PP has gotten his extension, Davison’s path to rotation minutes in the next few seasons is probably blocked in Boston, unless PP is traded. I think he will be an NBA player and have a decent career.
Doesn't JDD fill the role of deep depth at PG the way that Queta does at C, being the 4th-string?

KP, Al, Kornet, Queta
Jrue, White, PP, JDD

The biggest difference is that White and Jrue are Cal Ripken compared to KP and Al.


Granite Truther
SoSH Member
Nov 2, 2007
Santa Monica
Doesn't JDD fill the role of deep depth at PG the way that Queta does at C, being the 4th-string?

KP, Al, Kornet, Queta
Jrue, White, PP, JDD

The biggest difference is that White and Jrue are Cal Ripken compared to KP and Al.
Celtic ball-handler hierarchy:
1. White
2. Jrue
3. Tatum
4. PP
5. Brown
6. Banton
7. Add some PG JAG from an NBA tanker for a 2nd
8. Joe Mazzulla changing into shorts
9. JDD
10. Yam Madar


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Apr 17, 2003
Pretty sure both Sam Cassell and HRB are ahead of Yam Madar on the depth chart


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
I always kind of liked Xavier's moxie, has some playoff experience and is dirt cheap.

Can't imagine there is much demand for him.

Heck throw in Yam Madar since we're going grocery shopping
Oshae Briskett could be a tasty throw-in too.


New Member
Aug 9, 2010
I have no idea what the suspension is about, but I was at the Maine Celtics game a week ago, sitting right behind the team bench, and I was amazed at some of his behaviors. He didn't come onto the floor until about two minutes before tip off. He often sat at the very end of the bench during time outs, apparently uninterested in what the coaches were drawing up. Twice upon leaving the game, he walked past the coach, who was speaking to him, without pausing to interact or even listen. He gave me the impression that he was somewhat aloof from the coaches and the rest of the team. On the court, he was engaged and giving solid effort. Off the court, not so much.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2006
Incoming HRB post pouring cold water on this T-minus 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ...
Isn't a bit telling that he isn't being rewarded with minutes prior to the allstar break. Perhaps they want him to focus on where he is... but 15 minutes of run in a low out before the allstar game is a nice reward for someone who is grinding it out in portland - if they are in fact grinding it out...


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
Incoming HRB post pouring cold water on this T-minus 10 ... 9 ... 8 ... 7 ...
The Celtics don’t even offer him cold water…..they make him drink from the garden hose on the side of the building and only after the landscapers are finished with it.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
The Celtics don’t even offer him cold water…..they make him drink from the garden hose on the side of the building and only after the landscapers are finished with it.
I laughed.

And I love JD and think he's a really fun player, but he's at 27% from three, which is just brutal, he's only 72% from the line (down to 54.9 TS), and his A/TO is decent at 2.72, but it's down from last year. He's doubled his stocks, to 2.4 a game, and gets 5.6 boards a game, but he's just not ever going to be big enough to be some kind of defensive specialist.

It's really too bad. If he could shoot like 35% from three I think he finds a bench role somewhere, but it really doesn't look like it's going to happen for him.


SoSH Member
Jan 22, 2015
Cultural hub of the universe
I laughed.

And I love JD and think he's a really fun player, but he's at 27% from three, which is just brutal, he's only 72% from the line (down to 54.9 TS), and his A/TO is decent at 2.72, but it's down from last year. He's doubled his stocks, to 2.4 a game, and gets 5.6 boards a game, but he's just not ever going to be big enough to be some kind of defensive specialist.

It's really too bad. If he could shoot like 35% from three I think he finds a bench role somewhere, but it really doesn't look like it's going to happen for him.
He's at 27% in the 20 games of the regular season, but hit 40% in the 16 game "showcase", so he's not that far off overall.


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
I laughed.

And I love JD and think he's a really fun player, but he's at 27% from three, which is just brutal, he's only 72% from the line (down to 54.9 TS), and his A/TO is decent at 2.72, but it's down from last year. He's doubled his stocks, to 2.4 a game, and gets 5.6 boards a game, but he's just not ever going to be big enough to be some kind of defensive specialist.

It's really too bad. If he could shoot like 35% from three I think he finds a bench role somewhere, but it really doesn't look like it's going to happen for him.
He’s really in a shitty spot being locked into his Celtics deal. In a perfect world he was moved at the deadline to a team like the Spurs or Pistons who maybe found him intriguing and give him a 28-game look-see in their rotation with a few starts. I mean I don’t blame them for not doing so but that’s the type of shot he needed to maybe do something for himself.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
He's at 27% in the 20 games of the regular season, but hit 40% in the 16 game "showcase", so he's not that far off overall.
I thought that seemed low, as I remembered him looking pretty good from 3 to start the year; weird that they don't group the stats together for the "season" on the G-League site. Pretty big swing, even with the sample size considered.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2004
He’s really in a shitty spot being locked into his Celtics deal. In a perfect world he was moved at the deadline to a team like the Spurs or Pistons who maybe found him intriguing and give him a 28-game look-see in their rotation with a few starts. I mean I don’t blame them for not doing so but that’s the type of shot he needed to maybe do something for himself.
It couldn't hurt, but I don't think the Celtics depth is what's keeping a 6'1 guard that can't shoot at all from getting NBA minutes. .289 from 3 and .724 from the line in his g league career, that is really ugly. In 2024, I don't know that that guy ever gets minutes anywhere until he takes some big steps forward shooting.


SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2013
He’s really in a shitty spot being locked into his Celtics deal. In a perfect world he was moved at the deadline to a team like the Spurs or Pistons who maybe found him intriguing and give him a 28-game look-see in their rotation with a few starts. I mean I don’t blame them for not doing so but that’s the type of shot he needed to maybe do something for himself.
I think the problem is that the Spurs and Pistons don't find him intriguing. So if the Celtics aren't going to get any value for him, they'd rather just hold the call option.


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
It couldn't hurt, but I don't think the Celtics depth is what's keeping a 6'1 guard that can't shoot at all from getting NBA minutes. .289 from 3 and .724 from the line in his g league career, that is really ugly. In 2024, I don't know that that guy ever gets minutes anywhere until he takes some big steps forward shooting.
No doubt. Trust me, you’re preaching to the choir that he’s not remotely close to an NBA player…..but for him to have ANY shot at someone throwing him some look-see minutes it’s going to be a lottery one and not the Celtics.