I don’t want to sidetrack the thread, but the bolded is not correct.
Henry’s life expectancy needs to reflect his current age, which is 73. His average life expectancy is another 14 years, so I’m not sure that is (or should be) a significant factor in how he runs the Sox.
Thanks for the link. That means if everything goes well for me I got 80. Knock on wood. My grandfather was 75, and dad 76 when they left. I hope I make 80 according to the link. I want to stay around to see a few more Red Sox World Series championships. Ron.
Agreed. Talk of getting one more championship before the owner dies arguably applies to every owner in team sports regardless of age. The notion of desperation and hence motivation specifically due to age should be reserved for the guys who haven't won one at all. Like the way the Tigers behaved during the last decade or so of Mike Ilitch's life. And frankly, I'd rather not see the Sox go overboard or get impatient chasing one more title for Mr. Henry and/or Mr. Werner if the result after they're gone is what we've seen from the Tigers since 2017 when Mr. Ilitch died (.393 winning percentage).
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