Happy Yankees Elimination Day!


New Member
Oct 15, 2022
For a "lurker" with 25 or so posts, you seem to know a lot about SoSH traditions
Well, I have been a Sox fan for a while. I just haven't got around to chatting on SoSH, that's all.

Plus, I just love the term 'Yankee Elimination Day' or YED.
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New Member
Oct 15, 2022
This Houston team has become more likeable to me. Gotta respect Baker, Verlander, and now Peña and old friend Vaz.
I don't know, it's hard for me to get over the whole sign-stealing thing. I definitely like Baker, Verlander, Pena, and Vaz, but still...

I just can't bring myself to forgive the Astros unless each and every one of the players and staff from 2017-19 sincerely apologize for their actions.

I will say though, at least they kept the Yankees out of the World Series!


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2004
Saskatoon Canada
Fuck you Costas.
He really was awful.
I lost all respect for him when he said taking the 200m time anbd dividing by 2 would give you that runners 100m time. Anyboy who had a grade 6 PE class should know that didn't make sense.
But, Bob Costas pining away making excuses, as the Yankees get swept? I have had worse times.

Doc Zero

SoSH Member
Dec 6, 2007
So. Boone’s probably gone, yeah?

I see them sticking with Cashman and moving on to a new skipper. They’ll back up the truck for Judge, but then there are some serious question marks about the rest of the roster.


SoSH Member
Apr 8, 2006
When the Yankees go down 3-0 in a series, a tiny part of me gets nervous about the small chance that they become the second team to achieve the nearly impossible, which would suck. But not this year.

Happy YED to one and all!


New Member
Oct 15, 2022
In a tweet from yesterday, Mehmet Oz said "Great time at the Yankees game the other night with my son Oliver. We like to think the wave helped with the victory."

John Fetterman's reply: "My dude, isn't your team still playing?" (This was 5 hours ago)


dj paul pfieffer
SoSH Member
Sep 6, 2004
where the darn libs live
You guys are all happy like Ted Cruz is right now. How does that feel?
I bet Ted Cruz couldn't tell you who the Astros 2B was before today's game and I'd be right.

For the record, do you think the previous President is happy or mad right now about who lost this game? Just saying. Evil takes its avatar in all teams. Except the Red Sox. Nothing but pure, pure angels and our finest citizens root for the Red Sox. Nope, not a single person alive who roots for the Sox has ever even committed a traffic violation.


SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2005
Silver Spring, Maryland
Gotta love Pedro shoving MFY fans nose deep into the "who is your daddy" poop pie (he said "now it isnt me, or big papi -- its the astros").

it is good to see that he holds disdain for a fan base using his show of respect as a cheap taunt.

And while I am getting tired of astros dominance, I cant complain about their services in eliminating the MFYs and the annoying Dodgers.

Lastly: when Boone and myriad MFY acolytes bemoan how they were cheated out of a ws, all I can say is "you should be embarrased that a frigging expansion team (expos/ nationals) figured out how to neutralize this cheating, while your august franchise could not"


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
I bet Ted Cruz couldn't tell you who the Astros 2B was before today's game and I'd be right.

For the record, do you think the previous President is happy or mad right now about who lost this game? Just saying. Evil takes its avatar in all teams. Except the Red Sox. Nothing but pure, pure angels and our finest citizens root for the Red Sox. Nope, not a single person alive who roots for the Sox has ever even committed a traffic violation.
There's probably one or two pictures of Rudy Giuliani in a Yankees hat.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 4, 2005
Bottom of the ninth
with the season on the line
Judge grounds out softly

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
When the Yankees go down 3-0 in a series, a tiny part of me gets nervous about the small chance that they become the second team to achieve the nearly impossible, which would suck. But not this year.

Happy YED to one and all!
Well, a tiny part of me was thinking it's a close game, eh, not horrible if they get one game. The Astros are strong enough to ultimately get them, and we would have another game to watch before the World Series starts on Friday. But, I soon saw the error of my ways and decided it was really really really best to put them away tonight. Good job Houston.

I'm going with win it for Dusty, but you never know once the games get started if some unknown force might sway you the other way.

Leskanic's Thread

lost underscore
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Los Angeles
You guys are all happy like Ted Cruz is right now. How does that feel?
Loved this rhetorical move -- very well done.

Luckily, I cracked that it was a trick question: Ted Cruz can't be happy because he doesn't have any human emotions.

In any event: thank you for YED, Astros. Now go Phils!


SoSH Member
Apr 8, 2006
Baseball is famously a game of inches (or even "a game of inch" in the words of sometimes-right Dingus McCarver), but those 2 Astros runs in the 7th only played out the way they did because Altuve was safe by an impossibly small margin to lead off the inning.

Baseball...it's still the greatest.


SoSH Member
Sep 22, 2021
By next fall, there will be 13 year old Yankee fans who know no title joy.
Solid. It warms the cockles of my heart knowing that there are 18-20 year olds that have little or no recollection of the Yankees ever winning a World Series. Seriously how many people really remember anything before the age of 5? Especiallly sports related stuff?