Greened Illusion: Lebron to the Celtics


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
St. Louis, MO
I wonder if there's any way to trade for Kawhi and kinda hold him hostage with LAL next year to extract assets. For example, LBJ and PG13 go to the Lakers this year as straight free agents. In the same offseason, we trade Rozier/picks/salary for Kawhi. Next year, the Lakers and Kawhi have strong mutual interest, but the Lakers won't have cap room to straight sign Kawhi to a max (I think?) due to LBJ and PG13, and would need the originating team to facilitate the sign and trade. We work it for them in exchange for some combination, or all, of Ingram/Kuzma/Ball/etc. and restock the younger assets we sent out for Kawhi.
That’s interesting.


SoSH Member
Jul 17, 2005
Maybe, but all things equal I think he'd stay in Cleveland *if* the bit about family being involved in the decision isn't just blowing smoke.

Either place doesn't scare me as a Celtics fan though.
You don't think his family wants to get the fuck out of Cleveland?


SoSH Member
Jul 3, 2000
You don't think his family wants to get the fuck out of Cleveland?
Not necessarily? He and is wife are from Akron. They went back to Cleveland in the first place, despite Dan Gilbert's infamous tantrum in Comic Sans. Cleveland is also not the dump that people presume it is. Deindustrialization had its costs but it also markedly reduced pollution, so for a really rich person like James that is probably a net positive.

But all this is besides the point. The case for Los Angeles is pretty simple. James lives there in the offseason and staying in one city would reduce the burden of an NBA season on his family. The Lakers have tons of money, the ability to put together a reasonable contender (albeit not as immediately strong as one built in Philadelphia or Boston), and he would probably get free reign to put his stamp on the franchise. This would definitely not be the case in Boston (and probably not in Philly). The Buss clown show is not a point in their favor, but if the guy can survive Dan fucking Gilbert then it's a non-issue.


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
Yeah but the case for Philly is pretty simple too, and that one would be a basketball decision, presuming the Sixers trade not Simmons/not Embiid for Leonard or sign another FA.
Boston's advantage is similar; I'd say path to Philadelphia is simpler although it's somewhat more dependent on a second move.

There is no perfect choice here so a lot depends on his priorities.


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
PHI seems to be the only place where he can go and there isn't a required second move, IMO. Adding Lebron to their team makes them the favorite in the east.
My thinking was that he'd be much more inclined to go to Philly if they traded for Kawhi, which seems possible, or were able to sign George. If only he goes to Philly the Sixers might be favored over the Celtics (again) but I'm unconvinced they win the East, let alone the Finals.

If George and Leonard and Paul all stay put it's a bit of a conundrum for James.

Papelbon's Poutine

Homeland Security
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2005
Portsmouth, NH
My thinking was that he'd be much more inclined to go to Philly if they traded for Kawhi, which seems possible, or were able to sign George. If only he goes to Philly the Sixers might be favored over the Celtics (again) but I'm unconvinced they win the East, let alone the Finals.

If George and Leonard and Paul all stay put it's a bit of a conundrum for James.
Interesting thought experiment - ONLY James to Philly - because if we are basing it on last year, he clearly puts them over the top. But remembering that KI and Heighwerd are added to our ledger, I think it’s basically a coin toss.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
How long do you think Golden State can keep the band together? Maybe 2 more years?


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
Klay is a FA after next season. It will be the first real test.
Out of The Big 4 he's like the tambourine player. Ok slight hyperbole I know.

He can be replaced for much cheaper by a similar defensive player while his touches can be distributed to Curry and Durant. There is a law of diminishing returns in play with this team when you include him.


SoSH Member
Jul 4, 2007
Houston had the Warriors on the ropes. Cleveland's one man team could have easily been 2-2 with them in the Finals. A full Celtics team, or a Philly team with LBJ and a retained Redick, could challenge the Warriors.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Lebron calling around:

The NBA universe will revolve around LeBron James' big decision this summer, and while free agency doesn't officially begin until July 1, the superstar is reportedly already hard at work recruiting prospective teammates.

Mark Heisler of the Southern California News Group reports that James is already talking with some prospective teammates around the league. Heisler notes an Eastern Conference team's general manager said, “LeBron is doing what we does — calling players on other teams he wants to play with.”
Call me maybe!



SoSH Member
Oct 9, 2006


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Because these guys are friends and there's literally no way to stop them, so why bother?

Red Right Ankle

Formerly the Story of Your Red Right Ankle
SoSH Member
Jul 2, 2006
Yup, which is amazing to me.
I can see it. If I'm an owner, what do I want to give up to get players to agree not to collude because the Players' Association isn't going to give up that right for free? Especially when it can, if I play my cards right, benefit me.

Moreover, as @DrewDawg noted, it would be darn near impossible to enforce without Goodell-esque subpoena-ing of players' cell phones. That's going to be an expensive, if not impossible, trade.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2001
Nor should they. WTF? In what profession is it prohibited to talk to other people? If your org isn't good enough to hold onto its people, you have problems.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Woj saying Lakers under pressure to get Kawhi before Friday as Lebron may not want to be first to jump.


SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2004
Lebron knows where he's going, he's known for a while. I'd bet my savings account that he goes to LA.* They won't compete next year, but he won't pass up being THE MAN for that franchise in that market. No matter where he goes, he's not winning a title next year anyway.

* $65.83
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Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
This is cool too. Meaningless likely, but cool:
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SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
Thjs is cool too. Meaningless likely, but cool:
Step 1: LeBron opts in

Step 2: Hayward/Morris/Sac 2019 for LeBron

Step 3: Kyrie for Kawhi

Step 4: Unleash the switchiest defensive team of all-time


Step 5: Magic retirement press conference

Papelbon's Poutine

Homeland Security
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2005
Portsmouth, NH
I can see it. If I'm an owner, what do I want to give up to get players to agree not to collude because the Players' Association isn't going to give up that right for free? Especially when it can, if I play my cards right, benefit me.

Moreover, as @DrewDawg noted, it would be darn near impossible to enforce without Goodell-esque subpoena-ing of players' cell phones. That's going to be an expensive, if not impossible, trade.
Not to pick you out, but just as a jumping off point on the topic - Do we honestly think it’s any different than any other sport? Didn’t we recently have Pali openly talking about recruiting someone in his last couple years (I’m forgetting who it was? Hanley maybe?)

It’s different in a few ways, sure, but mostly only because other leagues don’t have caps on ridiculous contracts and the affinity to go play with your buddy doesn’t impact your check all that much, end of day; plus, it’s so much more impactful to build a ‘super team’ that’s it’s almost a necessity if you want to compete.

Otherwise, I’d be pretty willing to pay a large bet that it’s just as prevalent, it’s just publicized more because it’s Lebron and it’s more successful in the NBA. Other sports you can do it, but you have a much higher chance of a guy saying ‘yeah man, I’d love to team up, but team x is offering y more dollars; sorry man; need to make it while I can’.


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
If the Celtics get him or the Sixers get him with Leonard either of those teams would have a good chance as well.

Red Right Ankle

Formerly the Story of Your Red Right Ankle
SoSH Member
Jul 2, 2006
Not to pick you out, but just as a jumping off point on the topic - Do we honestly think it’s any different than any other sport? Didn’t we recently have Pali openly talking about recruiting someone in his last couple years (I’m forgetting who it was? Hanley maybe?)

It’s different in a few ways, sure, but mostly only because other leagues don’t have caps on ridiculous contracts and the affinity to go play with your buddy doesn’t impact your check all that much, end of day; plus, it’s so much more impactful to build a ‘super team’ that’s it’s almost a necessity if you want to compete.

Otherwise, I’d be pretty willing to pay a large bet that it’s just as prevalent, it’s just publicized more because it’s Lebron and it’s more successful in the NBA. Other sports you can do it, but you have a much higher chance of a guy saying ‘yeah man, I’d love to team up, but team x is offering y more dollars; sorry man; need to make it while I can’.
I agree, it is highly likely the only reason we hear about this for the NBA and not for other sports is because of the nature of the NBA.

wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
Lebron knows where he's going, he's known for a while. I'd bet my savings account that he goes to LA.* They won't compete next year, but he won't pass up being THE MAN for that franchise in that market. No matter where he goes, he's not winning a title next year anyway.

* $65.83
If HOU pulls off getting him there to go with CP3 and Harden, or if LAL lands the Lebron/Kawhi/PG trio, I would n't feel too bad about his chances
Not that it really matters but I don't remember saying that and couldn't find it using search function. Did you mean to quote Marbleheader's post above?


Anderson Cooper × Mr. Rogers
SoSH Member
Jun 22, 2008
Also, because the CBA tampering rules only cover conduct between teams and players.
It would be an unfair labor practice (illegal under federal law) for the owners to restrict players’ ability to talk to one another about the terms of their employment.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
And that’s answers the question “What move could possibly make Durant look even worse?”
My personal amusement rates that as the best possible outcome to the offseason.

EDIT: My dream offseason now; LA acquires LBJ via sign & trade with Ball/Ingram/Deng outbound and Durant and CP3 signing with LA as free agents. Watching Durant become even a bigger villain, while Big Baller Brand gets exiled to the armpit of the universe will guarantee me several thousand hours of laughter over the next year.
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SoSH Member
Jan 5, 2006
Lebron meeting with Lakers.

What a weird tweet. He can't meet with them until Sunday at the earliest or it's tampering. Otherwise, yeah, he's going to probably meet with them at some point. According to Windhorst it's LAL, Cleveland or Philly at this point.


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
It’s cute watching LeBron pretend that he hasn’t already decided on LA.
Throwing the “tentative” in didn’t accomplish what they intended; it makes the ears perk up and the mind think about it... and realize it’s bullshit.

We’re supposed to believe LeBron only tentatively plans to talk with LA? Why would someone try to convince anyone of that?