Charles Pierce's piece on Ozzie Guillen and Castro was interesting, because its the sort of culturally opinionated, explicitly political piece that you pretty much never find at pure sports journalism outlets, but built around a topic (a baseball manager's dumb comments) that you'd pretty much only expect to be covered in a pure sports outlet. It reminds me a little of the piece Grantland ran a while ago about NBA stars and the evolution of "black cool" into something outwardly resembling Carlton Banks, in that it was both sports focused, and was making a kind of larger point that sports-focused journalism doesn't usually get to make. I'm not sure that Grantland's the only place that would pay one of its writers for a piece like that, but if not, then its one of very few.
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Would be totally normal from, say, Matt Taibbi or something. But you don't expect them in sports pieces, not even ones by smart and culturally aware sports journalists. And if Matt Taibbi was writing on Cuba, the next line after that paragraph would definitely not be "Ozzie Guillen should have been smarter than to say what he said in Miami."My god, we're doing business in Vietnam. The butchers of Tiananmen Square are the country's primary landlords. We'd be building electronics factories all over North Korea if that country's leaders weren't all completely nuts. The émigrés who came from Cuba in the wake of the revolution can be proud of what they built, but they had it a lot easier than did, say, the Hmong people of Southeast Asia, whom the United States sold out at the end of the Vietnam War, breaking all kinds of promises about repatriation and leaving them to be slaughtered until, finally, we allowed some of them to come over here and farm chickens in Arkansas on the cheap for corporate agribusiness. And yet we can't come to grips with a sensible policy for one small island in the Caribbean because a bunch of old men in Florida are carrying a grudge against one old man who refuses against all odds to die?