Game 7 - Bruins v. Blues


Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em
Silver Supporter
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2001
How long can one have a clenched sphincter before it becomes an issue? Asking for a friend.


SoSH Member
Jun 9, 2006
Pyeongtaek, South Korea
Alarm is set for 2am for the 2:23 puck drop. If they win, I’ll be up watching post game celebrations and interviews. If they lose, I’ll be too pissed to go back to sleep. Please win. I got too much shit to do at work tomorrow to be pissed off all day.


SoSH Member
Oct 27, 2010
My lord this team is full of babies. At least the Canucks owned their softness. The Blues want to be tough and hit illegally but then not get penalized for it and then whine about it when they get called on it.

Mugsy's Jock

Eli apologist
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 28, 2000
I have an unavoidable afterwork drink (630 PST) I need to drink, and it’s with one other guy I’ve been chasing for a while so checking the phone every minute isn’t going to fly. First time west time zone has punished me so badly.

I like to think I can keep radio silence and watch the third period when I get home around 830PST, but that’s pretty unlikely. Any suggestions (besides “quit your job”, which still isn’t entirely off the table)

Ale Xander

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013
Apologies if this has been mentioned upthread, but is the MBAT going to extend strain service should the game go into OT and/or the "festivities" taking too long?

Ale Xander

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013
I have an unavoidable afterwork drink (630 PST) I need to drink, and it’s with one other guy I’ve been chasing for a while so checking the phone every minute isn’t going to fly. First time west time zone has punished me so badly.

I like to think I can keep radio silence and watch the third period when I get home around 830PST, but that’s pretty unlikely. Any suggestions (besides “quit your job”, which still isn’t entirely off the table)
Call in sick? Call in family member sickness? Fake traffic accident?


Comes at you like a tornado of hair and the NHL sa
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2004
Cambridge, MA
Are you meeting with him somewhere that has a TV? Audible to a bar with one, get there early and ask them to put it on, then position yourself at a high-top facing said TV

Also wear sunglasses and claim you just got LASIK


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
I have an unavoidable afterwork drink (630 PST) I need to drink, and it’s with one other guy I’ve been chasing for a while so checking the phone every minute isn’t going to fly. First time west time zone has punished me so badly.

I like to think I can keep radio silence and watch the third period when I get home around 830PST, but that’s pretty unlikely. Any suggestions (besides “quit your job”, which still isn’t entirely off the table)
Do you have a grandmother who's only died a few times?


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2005
I am not sure Eddie J. played in those Finals, but nice pic
Yeah, the Finals were Cheevers time - and while Eddie Shore was an easy pick when two more wins were needed, 1 is a tougher number - until you combine it with 4, which is the right total (plus reflecting all-round legendary status)

Red Averages

owes you $50
SoSH Member
Apr 20, 2003
I have an unavoidable afterwork drink (630 PST) I need to drink, and it’s with one other guy I’ve been chasing for a while so checking the phone every minute isn’t going to fly. First time west time zone has punished me so badly.

I like to think I can keep radio silence and watch the third period when I get home around 830PST, but that’s pretty unlikely. Any suggestions (besides “quit your job”, which still isn’t entirely off the table)
This is actually much easier than you're making it. Just be honest and leave it up to the other person.

"Any interest in going to a place with Game 7 on?" If yes... you can go early and have him meet you. That way you see most of the first two periods and can stay after to watch the 3rd. If no, you go somewhere with no TVs, DVR the game and don't check your phone.

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
I have an unavoidable afterwork drink (630 PST) I need to drink, and it’s with one other guy I’ve been chasing for a while so checking the phone every minute isn’t going to fly. First time west time zone has punished me so badly.

I like to think I can keep radio silence and watch the third period when I get home around 830PST, but that’s pretty unlikely. Any suggestions (besides “quit your job”, which still isn’t entirely off the table)
The second you sit down, stick your finger in your ear and look at him and say, "Excuse me, I'm so sorry, I just got a call from Poland," and then walk away with a serious, purposeful look in your eye.


SoSH Member
Jun 11, 2004
I have an unavoidable afterwork drink (630 PST) I need to drink, and it’s with one other guy I’ve been chasing for a while so checking the phone every minute isn’t going to fly. First time west time zone has punished me so badly.

I like to think I can keep radio silence and watch the third period when I get home around 830PST, but that’s pretty unlikely. Any suggestions (besides “quit your job”, which still isn’t entirely off the table)
Tell him you fell off the roof and can't make it. Trust me, it'll work.


above replacement level
SoSH Member
Mar 16, 2008
Henderson, NV
I'm a lapsed hockey fan due to the strikes years ago, but catch a few playoff games. I know it would drive you guys crazy, but I'm rooting for Game 7 OT with the Cup on the line. Hasn't happened since 1954 (and only 1950 the other time). My rooting interest is with the Bs just because I was a huge Orr fan growing up, despite living in the Philly area and because I've grown to hate the Blues in just a handful of games. I mean, you could pick the 20 biggest assholes and cheap shot artists the game has known throughout history (C Lemieux, Chelios, Hextall, Samuelsson, etc.), put a team together, and this Blues team would be a bigger group of jerkoffs. Go Bruins, stomp them into oblivion (in OT)! And keep the Tums handy.


Hates Goose Island Beer; Loves Backdoor Play
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2006
Tuukka's refugee camp
The sad part is there is a non-zero number of fans who will want him starting tonight instead of Tuukka because those fans are dumb.


SoSH Member
Apr 18, 2007
Last game thread my post was for spite. This one's for love.

Win it for Neely the cat. Win it for Haunted and his family. Win it for all we've lost along the way, and for those who are just joining us in this world.

But also, win it for each other. This team deserves to hoist the Stanley Cup, and Tuukka Rask has earned himself the Conn Smythe Trophy.

I must admit that back in December that I just about wrote this team off as being the fringe playoff contender they had been a couple years ago - that they were many pieces away from a true Cup run and were destined for another early exit. The memory of last year's squad and its dominance of the league in the regular season seemed like a flash in the pan, the result of career years from the likes of Riley Nash, Tim Schaller and Ryan Spooner.

But then the calendar turned to 2019 and it became increasingly clear with each passing game that this Bruins team was a force to be reckoned with. Sweeney found the perfect deadline pieces in Coyle and Johansson, filling in the last few deficiencies this team had from being a top tier contender. And they've since proven that to be true.

I hopped on the Bs bandwagon back in 2009 and I've never played the game myself, so my hockey expertise has a long ways to go, but this... this is the best Bruins team I've ever seen. They are the embodiment of professional hockey in the 21st century. They have a young, mobile defense corps that can both move the puck and protect the house and oh yea, a Hall of Famer in Zdeno Chara. They have four lines of forwards who mix skill and hard work to be a constant offensive threat, but who also play a defensively responsible game. Their special teams play is out of this world. They have a goaltender who is the definition of "fundamentally sound" playing at the top of his game. They've shown incredible depth as well, with a "next man up" mantra that has not failed them. And they have a coach and staff that have shown great wisdom in when to let things ride and when to change their approach.

And here we are at one game to win it all. Win it.

I love this team.


SoSH's Doug Neidermeyer
SoSH Member
Oct 25, 2007
Between here and everywhere.
If Timmy Thomas is really in the building, St. Louis doesn't stand a fucking chance.

I mean, they don't stand a chance anyway - but still. TIM. FUCKING. THOMAS.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I wonder how Tim reacted when someone told him it was his job to pump the Bruins tires.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I am very emotional about this - the hype videos are making it dusty in here. I don't know if it is the realization that this awesome season ends tonight or the appreciation of the time I have spent with my sons watching yelling and hugging or what happened to Papi (and that he is okay and I am incredibly thankful for it, even though I have never met him). There is just something incredibly special about all of this and I don't want it to end, but I am desperate to see Z lift The Cup again. At home this time. Thanks to all of you for making this even more special.

RSN Diaspora

molests goats for comedy
SoSH Member
Jul 29, 2005
Washington, DC
I need to turn off 98.5. There’s now a discussion as to whether or not Tuukka is elite, and if you need an elite goaltender to win a Cup. In fairness to them, they need to fill a full day’s worth of Bruins-specific content, but Jesus Christ.


Comes at you like a tornado of hair and the NHL sa
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2004
Cambridge, MA
For any approaching the "not sure if I'm gonna shit, puke, cry, or all of the above" stage like myself, reading back through the 2011 G7 thread has been a great use of time. Particularly, TFP's post about where he'd be watching the game


SoSH Member
Oct 27, 2010
Any chance we get a Rene anthem? I love the new guy but I think him showing up would contribute to blowing the roof off the place before the game