Fuck that. His hug show with 2:30 to play was one of the most narcissistic displays I've ever seen. That was disgusting. Fuck Kyrie forever. It is always about him.
Kyrie sucks.
Of course it was, but it was also a pathetic surrender. In his flat brain is the view he will be either loved or continue to be unjustly vilified. The best course is to ignore the attention whore.
Not close to the same, but as a high school coach we had a rival school, two different neighbourhoods of the same city. Lots of bitter battles, but the tide turned in our favor. When were on something like a four of five year streak, 16-17 times in a row beating them they came to our gym and the crowd was small and our fans starting cheering for them as they made some shots while down 50. I think it was the time I felt I had most completely dominated as once hated rival, our kids cheering for them becasue they were just another nameless team we were beating.