Brady is back….back again


funky and cold
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2005
Isn't the concern that your kids are growing up with privileges pretty much no one else has the opposite of navel gazing? The whole thing is predicated on having the perspective that this isn't normal and isn't how people in the "real world" live. Seems like a whole lot of fishing for a reason to shit on the guy.
Pretty much par for the course around here, especially in this thread.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
The last number of posts crack me upon here considering threads like "Brag about your Children" where if you're kid isn't in 8 AP classes, getting into Ivy's or solving world hunger and you don't make $400k a year you're on the lower end of the spectrum here.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
The last number of posts crack me upon here considering threads like "Brag about your Children" where if you're kid isn't in 8 AP classes, getting into Ivy's or solving world hunger and you don't make $400k a year you're on the lower end of the spectrum here.
While not inaccurate, he has a bigger audience. Could be worse, though. He could be on welfare, like Favre.


Hates Goose Island Beer; Loves Backdoor Play
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2006
Tuukka's refugee camp
I get what he's saying but I'd file this under things better left unsaid, given how many families struggle day to day to provide basic necessities to their children.
People with money have real problems too, generally (but not always) just on a different rung on the hierarchy of needs. I don’t understand why he should be shunned for talking about those. The existence of poor people shouldn’t have any impact on the unique challenges he faces or whether he can truthfully answer a question asked to him in an interview.


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
People with money have real problems too, generally (but not always) just on a different rung on the hierarchy of needs. I don’t understand why he should be shunned for talking about those. The existence of poor people shouldn’t have any impact on the unique challenges he faces or whether he can truthfully answer a question asked to him in an interview.
I’m well aware people with money have problems. By most measures I’m fairly well off financially and you can find my post in the depression thread if you are so inclined.

I love Tom Brady, he’s my favorite athlete ever and probably will be until the day I die. I thought the comment was slightly tone deaf and I would have worded it differently if I were him. That’s it.

jose melendez

Earl of Acie
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SoSH Member
Oct 23, 2003
Geneva, Switzerland
I’m well aware people with money have problems. By most measures I’m fairly well off financially and you can find my post in the depression thread if you are so inclined.

I love Tom Brady, he’s my favorite athlete ever and probably will be until the day I die. I thought the comment was slightly tone deaf and I would have worded it differently if I were him. That’s it.
That's all it is... a little tone deaf. If you're that rich, having your kids not grown up to be spoiled brats probably is one of the toughest things about parenting. Hell, when I go back to Africa, I'm very worried about keeping y kids from becoming spoiled, entitled jerks.


Hates Goose Island Beer; Loves Backdoor Play
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2006
Tuukka's refugee camp
So he should make up an answer off the cuff because relative wealth makes people uncomfortable? That’s probably the most truthful answer he can give. Either that or he says the same boring PR concocted platitude about being at the top of his game in his 40s.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Huh. Turns out Brady playing for a discount all those years with the Pats was just about keeping his kids humble.


educated, civility-loving ass
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SoSH Member
Mar 13, 2006
South Boston

Boy, I guess I just hadn't thought about it that way. Feel really bad for all of them.
Is there a particular quote that bothers you, or is it the title?

I get what he's saying but I'd file this under things better left unsaid, given how many families struggle day to day to provide basic necessities to their children.
His persona has become very imbued with a healthy dose of navel gazing (and not to say some of it hasn’t been interesting) the past few years, and I wouldn’t expect him to suddenly check that impulse. He also lives in a bubble within bubbles and has little, if any, declared interest in what is going on outside of it, so I don’t think the current economic and social/cultural climate is really informing anything he’s thinking/saying to the press.
There’s really not anything even remotely there, IMHO. He’s saying that, given their privilege, the hardest thing he and his wife have to worry about in parenting is X, Y, Z. He’s very specifically implying that he has it far easier than most, including his and his wife’s parents.

The most objectionable bit in there is probably the notion that he grew up middle class, I think.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
Is there a particular quote that bothers you, or is it the title?

There’s really not anything even remotely there, IMHO. He’s saying that, given their privilege, the hardest thing he and his wife have to worry about in parenting is X, Y, Z. He’s very specifically implying that he has it far easier than most, including his and his wife’s parents.

The most objectionable bit in there is probably the notion that he grew up middle class, I think.
Re-looking at the interview, I think you are right. I think my interpretation was uncharitable, and likely was informed by having watched all of his recent documentary series and being worn down/turned off by the end.


educated, civility-loving ass
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 13, 2006
South Boston
Re-looking at the interview, I think you are right. I think my interpretation was uncharitable, and likely was informed by having watched all of his recent documentary series and being worn down/turned off by the end.
To be fair, the title blows goats, but not the GOAT, too. ;)

Plantiers Wart

SoSH Member
Oct 16, 2002
west hartford
Some gossip site - Crazy Days and Nights - says it was to fix the "filler" in his face, that he was looking unnatural.. Here's the line........

"I don't think it is all that often that a NFL team is asked to give a personal day off to a player because his fillers need adjusting. I don't think the player would have asked his former team or even his most recent coach, but he knows no one will say no to him, so went on his merry way."


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
Some gossip site - Crazy Days and Nights - says it was to fix the "filler" in his face, that he was looking unnatural.. Here's the line........

"I don't think it is all that often that a NFL team is asked to give a personal day off to a player because his fillers need adjusting. I don't think the player would have asked his former team or even his most recent coach, but he knows no one will say no to him, so went on his merry way."
As much as I love Brady, this whole filler thing is so fucking stupid. I believe it.


SoSH Member
Jan 4, 2002
Some gossip site - Crazy Days and Nights - says it was to fix the "filler" in his face, that he was looking unnatural.. Here's the line........

"I don't think it is all that often that a NFL team is asked to give a personal day off to a player because his fillers need adjusting. I don't think the player would have asked his former team or even his most recent coach, but he knows no one will say no to him, so went on his merry way."
Is there any reason we should pay attention to this gossip site?

Out until at least Aug 21st



SoSH Member
Jan 4, 2002
Okay, I can totally buy the filler thing as an explanation.

Yeah, I think this tracks with the filler thing. I don't know if a personal issue would have a set date of return.
Do they have any track record or anything?
There is no set date. Just that he's out for at least next 10 days. Could be that but could be anything, really. Just don't see the need to speculate unless there is some legit reporting on something.


SoSH Member
Apr 24, 2009
Belo Horizonte - Brazil
Do they have any track record or anything?
There is no set date. Just that he's out for at least next 10 days. Could be that but could be anything, really. Just don't see the need to speculate unless there is some legit reporting on something.
Of course there's no need to speculate, I was just having a bit of fun.


SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2015
Bow, NH
Do they have any track record or anything?
There is no set date. Just that he's out for at least next 10 days. Could be that but could be anything, really. Just don't see the need to speculate unless there is some legit reporting on something.
Isn't that kind of what we do best around here?


SoSH Member
Jan 4, 2002
I guess but we're also warned about not using legit sources or at least providing some background on why they might be trustworthy. Not a big deal, just asking if there is was any legitimacy to the site.


mad dog
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 30, 2003
New York City
Tom Brady is taking 10 days off from training camp because he has to fix the filler in his face.

The filler gets fixed in the off season when it's not during training camp.


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
FWIW, does 5 days quarantine for COVID plus 5 days masking come out to 10 days? My sports statistics analysis is a bit rusty.

E5 Yaz

polka king
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Apr 25, 2002
I'm relieved that it doesn't appear to be something related to his family's health

Gash Prex

SoSH Member
Apr 18, 2002
That's where my head went when I saw he was excused from camp.
Me too - relieved its unrelated. However, claiming this is "planned" when it appears to have been sprung on everybody today seems a little disingenuous.

I have hard time seeing that Tom scheduled a family vacation during training camp.


Found no thrill on Blueberry Hill
SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2008
I read the story on ESPN and the first thing I thought was that the greatest football player of all time may very well not need training camp or preseason games going into his 23d season, and might be more effective and better longer if he just sits half of it out. But apparently, you aren't allowed to just say that. So, make up something vague.


SoSH Member
Sep 22, 2021
Conspiracy Theory:

The filler is a cover for him to go over to Europe and get stem cell treatments.