So yesterday, at the last class of my Footy 101 skills class, the group was warming up with a lap around the track, ending in a sprint. Very bad headache came on suddenly, with some shortness of breath and dizziness. Sharp pain like an ice pick. Never experienced anything like it.
With my personal history right away I’m fearing “clot” and I’m going to die. Sat down for awhile, didn’t clear up. Walked to the nearest deli, got some food, that helped a little. Was on the fence about whether to go to ER, so I went to meet my wife & daughter, who were at my daughters violin lesson . When I got out of the car I was dizzy and started to feel numb in my left arm and that put me over the top re: going to ER. Vitals were ok, all tests ok, a little phosphorus deficiency but no brain bleed or heart attack. A muscle spasm headache- I’ve been cramping a lot , hamstrings quads etc and although I’ve been trying to hydrate, stretch and elevate my potassium to minimize cramping etc this was the same thing, except cramped muscles in my head and neck, according to the ER doc maybe made worse by stress. Still dull headache today, feels like a bad hangover.
so as I’m sitting in the ER I’m thinking what a moron I am, trying to keep up with a bunch of 28 year olds at 53. I’ve enjoyed playing and I’m going to stick with playing keeper where I can get away with the age difference a little more but still, I think I need to manage my fitness a little better.