4G Android phone megathread


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2006
Hanover NH
Yeah, I'm on wifi 75% of the time and never stream music on-the-go, so the only months I'm worried about are the ones in which I'm traveling and subsequently tethering data to my laptop. Exceeded 2 GB a couple of times there.


simpering whimperer
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Jul 31, 2002
It still removes a differentiation. This may drive me to wait and see what all of the companies have to offer come August when my contract is up. I'm also disturbed that VZW is holding back updates on the Nexus.


draft monitor
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Jul 25, 2005
Another reason I'm staying with Sprint. Unlimited data, cheaper monthly fees, and plenty of good phone options.


lost his degree
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Jul 20, 2005
My Desk
I've had Sprint forever and when my contract is up - I'm done. The network blows. The amount of places I either get a very weak signal or no signal at all is unreal.


simpering whimperer
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SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2002
So, 4Ger's.

Just as a general question, do you get 4G where you didn't use to get 3G? Or does the coverage basically just overlap?

I don't know if maybe my antenna is just not as strong as it used to be or whatever, but I drove down to NYC last weekend and couldn't even stream Spotify because my data signal kept dropping, this is on 95 in RI and CT, not exactly the boonies, and well within Verizons 3G coverage map. I also lose 3G every day on my way to and from work, on 95 in Mansfield and Sharon.

I don't want to upgrade (if I do) and then find I'm am tooling along at 1X for most of my life burning battery because the LTE antenna can't find shit.

Seven Costanza

Fred Astaire of SoSH
SoSH Member
Apr 11, 2007
I have a Thunderbolt, and I never get 4g where I previously did not get 3g.

As much as this phone blows at this point (stock) with a couple of updates from HTC or Verizon or whoever, my data dropping issues have surprisingly markedly improved over time.


SoSH Member
May 5, 2006
I saw somewhere that the Droid Incredible 4G is supposed to come out May 31. Now the big question is, should I upgrade from my Incredible to this new Incredible, or the RAZR Maxx, or the Galaxy Nexus? I'm gonna have a tough decision to make next week.


Ronald Bartel
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
I saw somewhere that the Droid Incredible 4G is supposed to come out May 31. Now the big question is, should I upgrade from my Incredible to this new Incredible, or the RAZR Maxx, or the Galaxy Nexus? I'm gonna have a tough decision to make next week.
Add the HTC One X and galaxy SIII to your list. I'm leaning SIII.


Mr. MENsa
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Nov 29, 2003
McCarver Park
...and the Motorola Fighter, which will have a true HD (1280x720) display. The Incredible 4G HD or whatever has a lower resolution, but it won't be pentile at least.

What are you coming from now, and how concerned are you with user experience continuity?

EDIT: Verizon is not getting OneX, and it looks like the S3 variants hit the US near the end of June. I'd hold out as long as you can before the new data rates kick in, and you'll have about a two week lead time to get your new phone before the unlimited plans go away, if the past is a guide.


SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2003
Well, I just got a Samsung Exhibit II 4G with a T-Mobile pay-as-you go plan--$30/month for 100 minutes talk and unlimited text and web (first 5 GB at 4G). I'm still waiting for the phone to charge before activating it. It may not be the best phone out there but the plan makes up for a lot. I won't even use all the 100 minutes of talk.

I forgot to mention that this was a Wal-Mart special.


Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2001
So my upgrade is coming up next week and I need to decide on a new phone. My Droid X is puttering to the finish line with screen flickering issues, slowness, and other crap. I am trying to decide if I want to stick with a Droid or go with an iPhone. I would like to maintain unlimited data, so it would appear according to reading this thread I can't wait too long to make my choice.

Seems like I should look at the new Razr and the Galaxy SIII are what I should be looking at if I stick with an Android correct?


Renegade Crazed Genius
SoSH Member
Dec 6, 2003
Central NJ SoSH Chapter
I am upgrade due as of June 1. The SIII was a target of mine...but may hold out in case the Note comes to Sprint, which they have been hinting at for a while.


simpering whimperer
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Jul 31, 2002
I don't think they are going to have a CDMA version of the Note until the fall. Have you played around with one? I wanted to like it but it really does cross into the "too big" category for me.

On a separate note, how do people feel about Samsung's interface? Put it this way my distate of MotoBlur is why I don't already just have a RAZR Maxx. How much do they lock down typically? the S3 doesn't look like a world beater and I am a little concerned about what HTC will come up with that got VZW to skip the One S, but I may just go for it. Also, since it is similar, do any of the GNex guys use headphones often? On my X, the angled headphone jack leaves it now very prone to subtle disconnects, which of course auto-pauses the music and then sometimes starts up a different music app when it reconnects, etc. I see that Samsung in their eagerness to avoid any litigation from Apple (I assume) have gone to a similar stupidly designed angled headphone jack.


draft monitor
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Jul 25, 2005
The SIII is like half the price of the new Evo. I love the original Evo and my plan was to upgrade in July. Now I'm thinking of the SIII instead. I'm still waiting to talk to anyone who is able to get an Evo to get some reviews though.


No longer respects DeChambeau
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Arvada, Co
I just got a Note on ATT last week. I have to say that it seemed huge at first but over the course of a week I have gotten so used to it that I can't even look at an iPhone without wondering how anyone can read anything on a screen that small. I don't notice it at all when it's in my pocket. I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to a smaller screen. It's also totally unlocked and the easiest device to root and ROM I've had. I've already got a full TouchWiz ROM that's actually based on the SIII so I have all of the new apps that come on that phone like Flipbook and S Voice.

I will be picking up my GFs new Evo in a few hours and will report back here on my impressions.


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2006
Hanover NH
On a separate note, how do people feel about Samsung's interface? Put it this way my distate of MotoBlur is why I don't already just have a RAZR Maxx. How much do they lock down typically? the S3 doesn't look like a world beater and I am a little concerned about what HTC will come up with that got VZW to skip the One S, but I may just go for it. Also, since it is similar, do any of the GNex guys use headphones often? On my X, the angled headphone jack leaves it now very prone to subtle disconnects, which of course auto-pauses the music and then sometimes starts up a different music app when it reconnects, etc. I see that Samsung in their eagerness to avoid any litigation from Apple (I assume) have gone to a similar stupidly designed angled headphone jack.
I have a Galaxy S (Fascinate): It was easy to root and I don't interact with Touchwiz at all. Is that what you mean?

Also (in response to the bolded), as far as this summer's releases, isn't that the Incredible 4G?


simpering whimperer
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2002
I have a Galaxy S (Fascinate): It was easy to root and I don't interact with Touchwiz at all. Is that what you mean?

Also (in response to the bolded), as far as this summer's releases, isn't that the Incredible 4G?
If I don't want to root I would like some basic control - default music player, if any media (and what) turns on at but discovery or headphone jack, actual ability to remove the stock browser, things like that. If I have to root to get that then fine I would just prefer not to.

As for the HTC there are some rumors that vzw passed on the flagship One S because HTC is cooking up a super device to be the vzw flagship in the fall. Of course waiting for rumors will mean I never get a phone.


No longer respects DeChambeau
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Arvada, Co
If I don't want to root I would like some basic control - default music player, if any media (and what) turns on at but discovery or headphone jack, actual ability to remove the stock browser, things like that. If I have to root to get that then fine I would just prefer not to.

As for the HTC there are some rumors that vzw passed on the flagship One S because HTC is cooking up a super device to be the vzw flagship in the fall. Of course waiting for rumors will mean I never get a phone.
Everything you've asked for is standard issue on all Android devices without the need to root. I use Google Chrome browser and Google Play Music. Rooting gets you more capabilities but usually just for things like removing bloatware, ad blocking and doing full system and app backups. ROM-ing is where you can load, essentially, a totally different version of Android so that if you hate TouchWiz you can get rid of it completely and go with something like CM9 or a differently themed TouchWiz ROM).


simpering whimperer
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2002
Moto blur actually locks a lot of that stuff, so it is not all android devices. I have installed chrome but the standard browser persists and will open on occasion even though chrome is my default. I was rooted and ROM'd in the past but the phone gave me a lot of trouble eventually until I unrooted and reinstalled the ota moto uodates .


No longer respects DeChambeau
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Arvada, Co
Moto blur actually locks a lot of that stuff, so it is not all android devices. I have installed chrome but the standard browser persists and will open on occasion even though chrome is my default. I was rooted and ROM'd in the past but the phone gave me a lot of trouble eventually until I unrooted and reinstalled the ota moto uodates .
Curious. I'm coming off an Atrix and an Atrix 2. Both were rooted but not ROMed and I was able to change browser and music players, etc. without issue. Perhaps it's phone or carrier specific.

Foulkey Reese

SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2006
Central CT
FYI, Verizon pushed the Galaxy Nexus went up to 4.0.4 late last week. Droid-Life reporting that Hulu Plus and Google Wallet now run correctly. Verizon's XOOM also is going up to 4.0.4 today.
I've been on a custom 4.04 ROM for a while, and the phone's signal has improved quite a bit. I only had an issue at work, but it's nice to have that taken care of. I guess the update included stronger radios.


simpering whimperer
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Jul 31, 2002
re: LTE There are several issues. Space, battery life, heat, and really basic hardware compatibility. LTE is not yet compatible with Tegra 3, and having just enough knowledge of hardware to be dangerous I would assume this means that to package them together you need some kind of bus which adds space, heat, and power drain. I could be wrong and there may not be a way to get them to play nice at all.

There is also the idea that the apps market is trailing the hardware market by a good year or more, and that multi-tasking through quad-core is probably not going to be show a huge improvement for at least half the life of your next contract. Jelly Bean will likely release with the Nexus Tablet that will likely be announced at the end of the month. From there it will take them some time to translate Jelly Bean into the next (Key Lime Pie?) phone version of Android (or they will tweak Jelly Bean to that).

My guess is honestly, the first phone that will really optimize quad cores properly will be the next Nexus, which probably won't even be announced for a year. Although I guess they could surprise us.


draft monitor
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Jul 25, 2005
Thanks, Monbo. That pretty much confirms what I was thinking. I really like HTC phones and they seem more solid than Samsung. The only thing that concerns me that I didn't know before is that you can't take the battery out of the new Evo. Forget about charging issues, isn't that how you reset the phone if it freezes up or something? Why would they make it impossible to remove the batter?


simpering whimperer
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SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2002
Packaging, design, makes the phone smaller and smoother. Also Apple has millions of devoted fans and have never had a removable battery.


draft monitor
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Jul 25, 2005
This is more of a tech question than a design/preference question, but how do you reset phones that don't have removable batteries? Like the other day the ette's iPhone totally froze up and we couldn't figure out how to reset it. We ended up plugging it into a computer and that worked but that's not a very practical solution all the time.


simpering whimperer
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Jul 31, 2002
For an iphone, you hold the home button and the sleep button at the same time for like 5 seconds.


draft monitor
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SoSH Member
Jul 25, 2005
Ah, thanks. One last question. So if you have an iPhone or a new Evo and you want/need to put a new battery in (like my current Evo battery is pretty much shot) is that not possible? Or can it be done if you bring it into a store?


simpering whimperer
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2002
My friend replaced his 3G battery. It was a PITA. Getting the phones apart without breaking shit is the hardest thing. No idea how HTC will package everything obviously.

FTR I would probably not buy a phone without a removable battery, I am only explaining how the companies justify not having one.

Just for further clarification, if I was to buy a phone with a locked bootloader, unexpandable memory, and a fixed battery, then I would just get an iPhone. Which is why if you dig back through this thread I kind of feel that the removal of these features is a bit risky for Android hardware manufacturers.


is not associated in any way with GHoff
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Just for further clarification, if I was to buy a phone with a locked bootloader, unexpandable memory, and a fixed battery, then I would just get an iPhone. Which is why if you dig back through this thread I kind of feel that the removal of these features is a bit risky for Android hardware manufacturers.
Well said. It's kind of scary that Android phones are becoming more and more like iPhones. I get the pluses of the non-replaceable battery, and not having a removable SD card. I still like having those options.


draft monitor
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SoSH Member
Jul 25, 2005
My friend replaced his 3G battery. It was a PITA. Getting the phones apart without breaking shit is the hardest thing. No idea how HTC will package everything obviously.

FTR I would probably not buy a phone without a removable battery, I am only explaining how the companies justify not having one.

Just for further clarification, if I was to buy a phone with a locked bootloader, unexpandable memory, and a fixed battery, then I would just get an iPhone. Which is why if you dig back through this thread I kind of feel that the removal of these features is a bit risky for Android hardware manufacturers.
I agree with you. The battery issue is the main thing holding me back from the new Evo right now. I just hate iPhones in general so i think the SIII is my backup plan.

Monbo Jumbo

Hates the crockpot
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Dec 5, 2003
the other Athens
I'm hesitant about the non-removable battery in the EVO LTE as well. But it's proabably not a deal killer for me. Unlike other One X variants, the EVO LTE does have a card slot - with the built in 16gb, you can add a 32 gb card for 48gb total!


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
Andy Brickley's potty mouth
I'm hesitant about the non-removable battery in the EVO LTE as well. But it's proabably not a deal killer for me. Unlike other One X variants, the EVO LTE does have a card slot - with the built in 16gb, you can add a 32 gb card for 48gb total!
To be fair, you're an HTC fanboy.

Also to be fair, I'm a Samsung fanboy. Let's meet behind the saloon and have a duel.

Monbo Jumbo

Hates the crockpot
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SoSH Member
Dec 5, 2003
the other Athens
To be fair, you're an HTC fanboy.

Also to be fair, I'm a Samsung fanboy. Let's meet behind the saloon and have a duel.
Yes, I am.

I'll pass on the duel. You'd probably kick my ass.

I am going to check out both phones in person before making a final decision. Doesn't make sense to get rid of my original EVO until they turn LTE on in Atlanta later this summer. And, I need a ProClips car mount for whatever phone I get, and they aren't out yet for either model. So, I'm on hold for now.


SoSH Member
May 5, 2006
As of 20 minutes ago, you can pre-order the Galaxy SIII on Verizon.

Just placed my order, so I'm very happy to be keeping my unlimited data and also getting a pretty sweet phone to replace my Incredible sometime before July 9.


simpering whimperer
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SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2002
I will probably pull the trigger as well. Wish I could get my hands on one first. HAve a feeling if I wait the rug will be pulled out on the data plan just as I order. I use 3 GB a month, although I usually don't use wifi so maybe I could get under 2 if I did. Although I guess it would save me money since I'd probably cancel my spotify sub if I had to stick under 2.