This is probably correct. But I watched highlights of Edey two years ago and then this year. He is quicker than Tacko. (Low bar.) On defense a number of times in the highlight reels he managed to follow an attacker to the basket and then block the shot. Tacko did not really do that. Edey is slow, but not as slow as Tacko and might be able to play defense in the NBA.
On offense, Edey clearly makes his points in close to the basket, mostly 1 to 5 feet away. He does not have a lot of lift/jumping but can do alley oops and put back dunks. What is new is he seems to have developed a hook shot from 8 to 12 feet.
He is also a much, much better passer than Tacko. Actually, a big part of his offense is to draw defenders by standing 12 to 15 away from the basket, then pass to a cutter. He is good at the highlight films.
Finally, he is a LOT stronger than Tacko and Edey doesn't mind physical play, so he is a much more effective under the basket than Tacko ever was. Not many NBA players are going to push Edey out to the way. Oh, and Edey seemed to set pretty strong screens as well.
Edey will probably be, at best, a bench player in the NBA. But he has a better shot at making the NBA than Tacko I think.