Kirk and Callahan: Done


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Based upon a conversation with a maniac who hears everything said on WEEI, I've changed my thoughts about Brady being thin-skinned. I had thought that this had the potential of being the tree that fell in the forest that nobody heard. I was wrong. Apparently Minahane was talking about Reimer's comment before Brady got on. It hardly matters what he said, it had already become a thing. Under that circumstance, Brady couldn't ignore it. He handled it correctly.

edit: name corrected as per CR67dream
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blue devils forevah!
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
I'm going home
Based upon a conversation with a maniac who hears everything said on WEEI, I've changed my thoughts about Brady being thin-skinned. I had thought that this had the potential of being the tree that fell in the forest that nobody heard. I was wrong. Apparently Minahane was talking about Reis's comment before Brady got on. It hardly matters what he said, it had already become a thing. Under that circumstance, Brady couldn't ignore it. He handled it correctly.
Reimer, not Reis.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
Brady continues to be a masterclass in public relations. With the number of times he’s been interviewed, profiled, etc, it’s amazing how many excellent choices he’s made.

His composure is spectacular. He never puts himself in a corner. In this case, everything is in EEI’s court. They act like buffoons, he walks away, and no one blames him. They grovel appropriately, he has a graceful way to re-enter. Just so good.

I don’t know if he’s had extensive training or if he’s simply a natural, but it’s so impressive.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Yep, CBS National News is covering it next break. I'm sure Brady will be asked numerous times tonight at Media Night.


SoSH Member
Mar 31, 2013
It has got to be killing Kirk that his understudy is the center of all this and not himself.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
Yep, CBS National News is covering it next break. I'm sure Brady will be asked numerous times tonight at Media Night.
And he will say "I think I made my feelings clear this morning and I don't think there's a need to give comments like that any more attention." repeatedly until they stop asking about it.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2011
The 'bury
It has got to be killing Kirk that his understudy is the center of all this and not himself.
Agreed - and further, I think that given EEI's embracing his dramatic brand of radio, it would be pretty hypocritical if Alex sees a serious (as in career altering) punishment on this. EEI does nothing but benefit from this in the short term and it seems as though that's the only game that matters anymore. Now we get to hear Mutt talk ad nauseam about how great the morning show is and how Reimer should have known better....Still rockin' those rum and cokes before hopping behind the wheel, Mutt?

Also, not for nothing, but Brady is putting his daughter out there to further his lifestyle brand. Who cares what some night-time talk show host says about his daughter? It's awful that a host calls Brady's daughter a pissant, yet you can make fun of a trans gender high school athelete? The people slamming Reimer are the same people calling for K&M to win a Peabody award.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
It'll be a circle jerk, because Brady won't give the fire oxygen.

Just like the wickersham piece. Its impact lasted about the minimum time conceivable, because the principals spoke, then shut up.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2007
Brady at media day: “I would certainly hope the guy is not fired. I would hate for that to happen.”


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Brady continues to be a masterclass in public relations. With the number of times he’s been interviewed, profiled, etc, it’s amazing how many excellent choices he’s made.

His composure is spectacular. He never puts himself in a corner. In this case, everything is in EEI’s court. They act like buffoons, he walks away, and no one blames him. They grovel appropriately, he has a graceful way to re-enter. Just so good.

I don’t know if he’s had extensive training or if he’s simply a natural, but it’s so impressive.

Especially given how competitive he is. Just an incredibly rare combo...always measured and calm with media but a white hot competitive flame inside.

Hard to think of many comps...maybe Bill Russell?


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
It has got to be killing Kirk that his understudy is the center of all this and not himself.
No way, this is perfect for him. He gets all the drama and programming without any of stress about wondering if he is on the firing line.

Not surprised that Brady came out saying he didn't want Reimer fired.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
Laugh at yourself often?
What are you in middle school?

Ummmm... up your nose with a rubber hose?

You started a thread about this actual topic yesterday.
Serious answer, I started the thread because other than Brady being a guest on K&C what Reimer said has nothing to do with the show.

So if people are going to be so offended and if it's such a hot topic, then it might has well have it's own thread. Am I wrong?


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
People aren't offended. For better or for worse, it's a sports story about a Boston-based player that has blown up. So people, including the hosts of the show in this thread's title, are discussing it. So, yes, it's a stupid story in the big picture, but it is a story.

Why is it a story? Does EEI have a vested interest in making it a bigger story than it should be? Is this part of a broader problem in Boston media? These are things that people in this thread are talking about, not whether Tom's kid is a "pissant".

I mean, do you think people here are upset by this? Concerned? Agitated? Do you reserve discussion for topics that offend you?


New Member
Oct 13, 2011

There’s a quote in here from Stacey James that TB has fulfilled his WEEI obligations for he year and they’ll reevaluate the segment over the summer. They’ll let WEEI twist in the wind a bit.
The Patriots don't want him to stop going on. They get a lot of money from WEEI and the Brady interview is by far the biggest reason, and they just signed a new deal. Brady refusing to do the interview puts them in an extremely difficult position. He'll be back next season.


SoSH Member
Jan 4, 2002
Wow, that audio is something else. Even when trying to be decent, Minihane comes off as an insufferable mix of asshole, suckup, and soulless drama queen.

Brady is talking slowly, obviously trying to control himself and compose his thoughts, and Minihane keeps interrupting and talking over him, announcing how he and Jerry "destroyed" Reimer for the comment. But none of his word choices expressed genuine empathy nor human connection with Brady, they were just calling Reimer "dumb". Like, Minihane's conception of the sin was that Reimer violated the professional standards and practices of the workplace, not that he did something hurtful to Brady or his family. He was at his most articulate when interrupting Brady, to make sure to reserve the right of talk-show hosts to be assholes towards players, just not their kids.
Agreed. I thought the same thing listening to it. Minihane comes across as a moron.

Hendu for Kutch

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2006
Nashua, NH

I thought they hated each other.
Tough to tell from a still picture, but it kinda looks like Kirk is making a serious face, Hardy is wondering what his problem is, and Fred is laughing at (not with) him. All of which fit their personas.

But, it is a still image so I admit I could be totally off on that.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
People aren't offended. For better or for worse, it's a sports story about a Boston-based player that has blown up. So people, including the hosts of the show in this thread's title, are discussing it. So, yes, it's a stupid story in the big picture, but it is a story.

Why is it a story? Does EEI have a vested interest in making it a bigger story than it should be? Is this part of a broader problem in Boston media? These are things that people in this thread are talking about, not whether Tom's kid is a "pissant".
Yeah, mea culpa, this is a bigger story than I realized as my wife was asking me about it last night. We're in Pennsylvania and I don't know what she was watching but they played the Brady clip showing how upset he was with Kirk Monday Morning.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
It's manufactured bullshit. But the one non-bullshit aspect is a dad (Brady) being pissed that someone called his grade-school kid a name, probably in an effort to jump-start exactly what is going on now. So in addition to the name-calling, they're exploiting Brady and his kid.

The Napkin

wise ass al kaprielian
SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2002
right here
Brady was the one who chose to feature his daughter in the documentary in the first place, right? Like, this wasn't a paparazzi with a telephoto lens filming the kid in her backyard. Should that factor into things?


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
Brady was the one who chose to feature his daughter in the documentary in the first place, right? Like, this wasn't a paparazzi with a telephoto lens filming the kid in her backyard. Should that factor into things?
Not really, I don’t think.

This isn’t a crime and it’s not a trial. The men are being evaluated by the content of their thoughts and their expression of them—and nobody is claiming there is any miscommunication.

I find grown men trying to score “guy points” by teeing off on young girls distasteful. I find Tom Brady telling such people that hat makes them jerks agreeable.

The only reason this is a story is because it’s so rare that someone with the gravitas was in a position to and so inclined to push back.

I’m fine with all of this.


Ronald Bartel
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
I made the mistake of flipping over during a commercial break. 15 minutes of Tomase calling K&C racially insensitive pot stirrers and K&C calling Tomase a SJW hack. Just what I want to listen to at 7:30 in the morning.


New Member
Feb 2, 2018
Minneapolis, MN
"I don't believe in Jesus Christ but I think there's a 68% I am him." - Kirk Shameus Minihane re: Borges

:D I almost spit out my coffee. What a line.

EDIT" I realize after lurking here for some time that I'm probably, literally the only Kirk fan here. That's cool. Come at me.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
I made the mistake of flipping over during a commercial break. 15 minutes of Tomase calling K&C racially insensitive pot stirrers and K&C calling Tomase a SJW hack. Just what I want to listen to at 7:30 in the morning.
Yikes. I thankfully missed that part. However, a little later, I actually was enjoying Minihane take Tomase to task over his infamous Spygate story in response to Tomase spinning for Borges. He even threw Matt Walsh's name at him! (Haven't heard that in a while.)

Then...after a commercial sounded like Tomase was out of the room and was apparently speaking with management/producers, and Kirk referred to some "edict" that they apparently have to follow in regards to Tomase and that story. Kirk was pissed! (IMO justifiably). And they were

I think I read somewhere from Jerry Thornton about this apparent "edict" at EEI. Why do they protect Tomase of all people so much for this? To his credit, it seems like Tomase doesn't seem to mind talking about it, as uncomfortable as it might be.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
My guess is that EEI already pissed off the the Globe and for a long time (maybe still?) Globe Reporters weren't allowed on EEI so maybe they don't want to piss off the Herald too.
Is this in reference to "protecting" Tomase? He writes for, not the Herald.

The only thing that WEEI has done to "piss off" the Herald of late is expose Borges as a fraud.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2006
It's almost like they started yet another internal drama and tossed in a conspiracy theory that they could have easily addressed/debunked themselves.


Ronald Bartel
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Comcast and City of Boston Credit Union have pulled advertising.

The incident and others “have made it clear that the culture of the station is not reflective of our values of inclusion, acceptance and mutual respect,” Dan Waltz, president of the City of Boston Credit Union, said in a statement. “We have a responsibility to our diverse membership to spend their advertising dollars responsibly and cannot support what is, in our opinion, the hateful and divisive content that seems to have become a matter of course at WEEI.”