A little over year ago (at 65, about to turn 66) I asked my PCP for a PSA test even though I had no symptoms, because I hadn't had one in many years and I wanted to make sure I didn't run into problems later, as some of my friends had been. The test came back with a PSA level of 324. Subsequent scans, a biopsy, etc. showed metastatic prostate cancer that had spread to lymph nodes and bones. We had to remove two vertebrae from my neck because they were so compromised, and I've spent the past year plus going through chemo, radiation, and a lot of medications - not counting the neck surgery and the hospitalization due to COVID in the middle of it all. It's a process, still ongoing.
IANAD, but I recommend ignoring the 2012 guidance and getting PSA testing done. If I'd had the test done maybe 10 years ago, this might have been curable.