Are we still doing this?
Goodell doesn't personally undermine anyone. He is the face of the league, no more, no less. He takes the hits when the league faces scandal, he gets the praise when the league expands to geographic and technological realms it hadn't previously. He delivers greater value to his only bosses, the owners, year after year after year. That's why. he makes obscene money and he's up for a new contract where's he's going to make obscene money again.
He doesn't try to undermine the Pats. Lots of owners, congressmen, and the like have tried to influence him in attacking the Pats and question the way they do they business, but Goodell doesn't give a single shit.
Kraft supports him 100% and none of the deflategate, spygate stuff matters at all to Kraft in these negotiations.
And they shouldn't. Goodell has delivered value to Kraft's investment so many times over it's hard to imagine Kraft wanting anyone else.
Goodell has been here since 2006. Wrap your head around that.
The NFL has been through a million scandals since 2006 and yet it's the biggest game in town, and bigger than ever. Goodell is very, very good at what he is supposed to be. Begrudgingly.