Kobe will retire at the end of this season


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
Kobe as analyst:

"I woulda made that shot."
"I'm better than that fool."
"These guys don't work as hard as me."
"I was awesome."


SoSH Member
May 31, 2007
Kobe as analyst:

"I woulda made that shot."
"I'm better than that fool."
"These guys don't work as hard as me."
"I was awesome."
"Player X should probably pay off his mistresses like Shaq did. How much did you pay them again, Shaq?"


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
I don't understand how anyone sitting behind a keyboard can criticize Kobe for taking 50 shots. His fans were paying thousands and thousands of dollar to see him do just that not to watch Julius Randle put his head down and barrel into the paint. It was an exhibition game and the fans got what they paid to see and then some!

I have no bias toward Kobe and in his prime he was one of the best their ever was and it was due to his work ethic and commitment to the game. It's hard for me to not respect a player like this.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Screw Kobe.
This guy hasn't been good for 4 years. For 4 years.
Forget, just for a moment all the shots he took. But for 4 years the Lakers have been precluded from getting a star that would take shots he may hypothetically take if wasn't injured.

What kind of warped world do we have where Lebron is pilloried for wanting to play with great players, and Kobe is a "legend" for holding his franchise hostage as his own private sports fantasy camp for 5 years?

5 rings? Sure he was there but he was arguably not the best player on any of the 5 teams. He inarguably was not even close to the best player on the 1st three. Gassol had better win shares the other two times. 5 rings? If he wasn't such a selfish baby he could have went after Bill Russell's 11. He works things out with Shaq, he gets to 7 or 8,before he is 30, easy. Easy. Even Jerry West, long a Kobe apologist, now admits Shaq went the extra mile, but Kobe bristled at even acknowledging Shaq was a good player. This fraud then has the nerve to publicly condemn a series of team mates for not fitting in.

And Mr. Clutch? From the article linked below:
With Nike, he created Kobe The Closer[emoji769], a cold-blooded, crunch-time messiah, never mind the fact that he made a mere 37 percent of shots in the last two minutes of a game to either tie or take the lead. Statistics are for eggheads who can't recognise greatness

Jeter was a self important over rated media manufactured annoyance, but if he had acted like, and been allowed to act like Kobe he would still be at SS batting leadoff.

Seriously what is the baseball stat equivalent of taking 467 3's while making 28.5%? I mean he was 6th in 3s attempted while being far below any threshhold where you be considered being allowed to even take any 3s. I mean this is 2007 Julio Lugo batting cleanup. It is hard to argue he even belonged in the league this year. If he had an ounce of integrity he would have stopped playing after the first two months. but, he is the quintessential egomaniac. Donald Trump looks at Kobe and thinks, 'Wow that guy has no shame, I hope I am never so self important.'

50 damn shots?
"Mamba out" when the T-shirts have already been made.

I love guys that train hard, that are nasty, that want to shoot the ball. So at one time Kobe was to me a guy for young guys to emulate. "Believe in yourself, be nasty, get in the gym" At one time I thought he had the chance to be better than Jordan, he was a better shooter. But at that zenith he made one decision, like a series of forced shitty shots, after another that were all about him. Jordan is and was a lousy human being, but he made concessions to his ego. Jordan's fire was directed to winning games. Kobe's was always more about Kobe.

Screw him and his sham of a last game.


This is great stuff, and I loved the Rolling Stone piece, though I hate to give them clicks (UVA '98).

How is it that Brady gets more flack from the media over alleged football deflation than Kobe for alleged rape. How is that Rolling Stone piece such an outlier?


SoSH Member
Jun 15, 2006
This is probably not the right thread, but what the heck:

The Los Angeles Lakers have fired coach Byron Scott, league sources tell @TheVertical

What took so long?


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
Am I the only one who wouldn't be surprised to see Kobe play next season in Italy? He said earlier in his career that he was going to play his final season in Italy and reportedly was working out the day after his final game of the season.


Robespierre in a Cape
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2007
Am I the only one who wouldn't be surprised to see Kobe play next season in Italy? He said earlier in his career that he was going to play his final season in Italy and reportedly was working out the day after his final game of the season.
That'd honestly be kind of cool. He'd probably wreck Lega A.


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
North Shore
Am I the only one who wouldn't be surprised to see Kobe play next season in Italy? He said earlier in his career that he was going to play his final season in Italy and reportedly was working out the day after his final game of the season.
What's the over under on how many Italian mistresses he has over there?
Dude better put a down payment on the hope diamond if he plays in Europa.