Short Answer: I think I was lurking here more and more in 2016 and finally made this account and started posting in 2017.
Long Answer: My college campus connected to the world wide web in 1995 just as the Indians were headed to the playoffs for the first time in my life, so I needed a place to talk baseball. I ended up on due to their ads in Baseball Weekly. Right after the '95 season, I stumbled across a post on the Astros forum there that anyone reading the message could join the Dickie Thon Fan Club. It started out as a running joke between an Astros fan, Twins fan, Braves fan and myself... sort of like flashing our gang sign when we crossed paths on the boards. When I returned to school in '96, only the Braves fan was posting regularly and that was under a different handle. The two of us decided to make the DTFC more of a "thing" and began recruiting some of our favorites from across the boards. We became the vigilantes of, to the point the paid admin sometimes contacted me to direct our attention to someone causing trouble. We won a lot of battles, but within a couple of years we realized the war against trolls couldn't be won, so we established our own website and private forum.
The DTFC left with a few dozen friends and I can recall Lanternjaw, Cumby and FoxInSox from our mass exodus. At some point, we built our own public forums for each team, most of which never took off, but I recall having an energetic group of Red Sox fans. I probably posted there a few times but stuck with our private forum. Then I graduated and didn't have home internet until 2000, so I wasn't around much and the details are hazy, but I think a forum crash led to Lanternjaw establishing an independent forum for the Sox fans. The DTFC had a good run - our website got a couple of blurbs in ESPN The Magazine and some other publications - but our forum was always small in numbers and familiarity bred contempt. Individuals pushing each others' buttons made its downfall inevitable and I think I gave up the ghost in 2008. From there I took up temporary residence on two or three Indians forums, but I always enjoyed myself more talking ball with a wider spectrum of views. I'd kept tabs on SoSH throughout the years, casually lurking off and on. I remember the major events... 9/11, Schilling, the '03 & '04 postseasons, but wouldn't be able to remember one member from another. After a few years of having nowhere to talk baseball in the format I've always preferred, I think Cleveland's World Series run in 2016 convinced me I needed this again, so I gravitated to the one place I already knew.
fka Hair Face
Long Answer: My college campus connected to the world wide web in 1995 just as the Indians were headed to the playoffs for the first time in my life, so I needed a place to talk baseball. I ended up on due to their ads in Baseball Weekly. Right after the '95 season, I stumbled across a post on the Astros forum there that anyone reading the message could join the Dickie Thon Fan Club. It started out as a running joke between an Astros fan, Twins fan, Braves fan and myself... sort of like flashing our gang sign when we crossed paths on the boards. When I returned to school in '96, only the Braves fan was posting regularly and that was under a different handle. The two of us decided to make the DTFC more of a "thing" and began recruiting some of our favorites from across the boards. We became the vigilantes of, to the point the paid admin sometimes contacted me to direct our attention to someone causing trouble. We won a lot of battles, but within a couple of years we realized the war against trolls couldn't be won, so we established our own website and private forum.
The DTFC left with a few dozen friends and I can recall Lanternjaw, Cumby and FoxInSox from our mass exodus. At some point, we built our own public forums for each team, most of which never took off, but I recall having an energetic group of Red Sox fans. I probably posted there a few times but stuck with our private forum. Then I graduated and didn't have home internet until 2000, so I wasn't around much and the details are hazy, but I think a forum crash led to Lanternjaw establishing an independent forum for the Sox fans. The DTFC had a good run - our website got a couple of blurbs in ESPN The Magazine and some other publications - but our forum was always small in numbers and familiarity bred contempt. Individuals pushing each others' buttons made its downfall inevitable and I think I gave up the ghost in 2008. From there I took up temporary residence on two or three Indians forums, but I always enjoyed myself more talking ball with a wider spectrum of views. I'd kept tabs on SoSH throughout the years, casually lurking off and on. I remember the major events... 9/11, Schilling, the '03 & '04 postseasons, but wouldn't be able to remember one member from another. After a few years of having nowhere to talk baseball in the format I've always preferred, I think Cleveland's World Series run in 2016 convinced me I needed this again, so I gravitated to the one place I already knew.
fka Hair Face