Game 5 - Do not go gentle into that good night.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Slash Bennett above the glove. Break his arm. Take the 2 minutes. Give no fucks.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
I would shoot from everywhere, regardless of the "we're not a volume shooting team" non-sense. Gotta try something new. Bob can be beat but 18 shots isn't going to cut it, regardless of whether they all come from high danger areas. I mean, fuck, one that did beat him was a wrister from the blue line.

I know he's traveling but don't think we'll see Marchand. Believe Sweeney made a "we've got to give him a chance" comment yesterday.

Lose Remerswaal

Experiencing Furry Panic
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Hit them, hit them, then hit them again. The outcome is predestined, but fuck up Tkachuk, Maim Bennett, and just hurt the rest of them. Let’s see some benches with three guys on them by the end of the game.


New Member
Jun 11, 2019
Play a complete 60 minutes, it maybe your last with this group.

Finish your checks.

Take your shots.

Win the whole fucking thing.

Dewey's 'stache

New Member
Mar 16, 2023
Shoot the puck a lot, get a comfortable lead, then fuck up Bennett. Win. All is possible.
Came here to say this....

AND to Quote the at times overly loquacious, but occasionally spot on and inspirational, Kevin Millar:

"DON'T Let us win tonight!"

--- We win tonight, we get home for game six and ANYTHING can happen in game seven

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
So there's got to be no chance that he was diagnosed with a concussion, right? Not saying he doesn't/didn't have one but if he'd been diagnosed there's no way he'd be allowed back on the ice already is there?
My understanding is that it's all symptom-based. So *if* he was diagnosed on Sunday, and *if* he was literally symptom-free this morning, I *think* he'd get the green light.


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
I was undecided about watching tonight but here we are on game day and fucking duh I'm going to watch.

God I hate this team. Win please.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
So there's got to be no chance that he was diagnosed with a concussion, right? Not saying he doesn't/didn't have one but if he'd been diagnosed there's no way he'd be allowed back on the ice already is there?
I'm almost certain he's not playing. He's just on the ice as normal ramp-up. He did not participate in drills with either PP unit which is usually the indicator.

Jim Ed Rice in HOF

Red-headed Skrub child
SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2005
Seacoast NH
I'm almost certain he's not playing. He's just on the ice as normal ramp-up. He did not participate in drills with either PP unit which is usually the indicator.
Completely agree that he's not playing. I was more commenting on the quick return to even ice related activities so soon if it was diagnosed as a concussion.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
Completely agree that he's not playing. I was more commenting on the quick return to even ice related activities so soon if it was diagnosed as a concussion.
I'm not sure what the actual protocol reads these days. I'm not sure if there is a set number of days the players must miss but there are bench marks built in before the player can be cleared. It's hard to make comparables because they don't usually disclose these things (upper body injury).

However, I think it's typically the player has to go 48 hours symptom free before resuming workouts. They then start with a light workout and if no symptoms occur, they get back on the ice, then a full practice, etc. The injury occured Friday so if he went Saturday and Sunday without symptoms, back on the ice now seems reasonable. Light workout yesterday and today. If they happen to win, more rigorous testing Wednesday and Thursday possibly cleared to return Friday.


SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
They were down 3-1 last year and won the next three, winning games 5 and 7 on the road.

Let’s do the same to them, ok?


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Dec 14, 2006
Brad didn't get popped in the nose or on the chin. From the second video that came out (the one where the action was moving left to right and we could see all of Bennet's punch), it looked like Brad was struck closest to the fully-exposed TMJ/hinge area of his right lower jaw. Could've been a direct hit on the right ear as well. The area of impact was not protected by the helmet. I don't know how it felt, nor how Brad feels today, but I imagine there is a lot of potential residual problems and pain that come with a taking a hit like that.

The league sucks. The officiating sucks. Florida sucks. Bennett sucks. There is no reason for the B's to win Game 5, let alone 3 in a row.

So let's not go away. Let's piss everyone else off and win tonight.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Rhode Island
When the Bruins overcome the odds to take this series we can send them a copy of the game threads. Let them laugh at being called soft and not talented enough, knowing that those that call them soft would piss down their leg 10 seconds into a shift. Blood lust won't be settled tonight. Flyers bandwagon has plenty of primo seats for anyone whose out on this team. The objective is to win, and win they will.

Shaky Bob is right there waiting to be exposed. They know the objective, shots will be coming. Tonight's the night Charlie gets untracked. I expect nothing less than a career defining game. Zacha will do his best Krejci impression and start to develop a playoff rep of his own.

Bonus prediction: Jeremy ices the cake with his long sought after goalie goal.


SoSH Member
Mar 28, 2009
In the simulacrum
What have we got here, a little over 4 hours before game time? I need to go smash some balls for a little bit and then make a beer decision for my rage/doom watching.

Rip their fucking heads off, and then charge up to the executive suites in your skates and go all Terry O'Reilly on those fuckers also.

(When I watch this video today I find it calming to imagine Bettman or Campbell as the guy McNab grabs.)



Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
May 24, 2003
I was undecided about watching tonight but here we are on game day and fucking duh I'm going to watch.

God I hate this team. Win please.
Yeah, I was out after the last game and I’m back in. Fucking duh. NHL sucks but Bruins runs deep.