East Round 1


New Member
May 17, 2022
Think this one is coming back. Looked like he pushed the pad (and puck) across the line. I could see it go either way though.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
The upside for Leafs fans is that no matter what happens, the Leafs can only lose 1 game tonight, even if it feels like several more.


not AWOL
SoSH Member
Jul 12, 2005
The Island
Let’s slow our roll. 4 of the 7 goals were on the PP, 3 of them on Bunting’s match penalty, and amazingly none on the full 2-minute 5-on-3. And they’re likely without Cernak going forward, and maybe Hedman.


SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2011
Am I the only one here who hates Tampa a lot more than I hate Toronto?

Like a lot a a low more?
No, but I vote pass on all the drama and nonsense around a Leafs team that has finally won a playoff round. They’ll be full of piss and vinegar and the shenanigans will be off the charts.


SoSH Member
Mar 28, 2009
In the simulacrum
Am I the only one here who hates Tampa a lot more than I hate Toronto?

Like a lot a a low more?
I am just disgusted watching TB. I'm sick of them and I can't shake the sense that they are a ridiculous franchise of goons. And in Tampa. Yuck.

But Toronto? I think I enjoy not liking them. It is part of the fun. And knowing that Toronto-land really hates the Bruins makes it just great. I'm rooting for them unapologetically. Just the aesthetics of a second round are way more compelling to me vs. Toronto.

And there is no comparison to a team like Montreal. Apparently through 1959 it was a pretty lopsided rivalry in Toronto's favor, but I think it is balancing out a little over the last 50+ years.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
Am I the only one here who hates Tampa a lot more than I hate Toronto?

Like a lot a a low more?
You are not alone. I am sick of Tampa and have no desire to see them in Round 2. A B's-Leafs series would be tremendous fun too.

That said, the Leafs losing and the national narrative around it is always amusing, so it's fun either way. But I definitely want to see Toronto win this series.


SoSH Member
Nov 25, 2003
Windham, ME
I don't really care though I think it might be easier to play Tampa without Hedman and Cernak but a Toronto that has never seen the second round and has Samsonov in goal should be fine as well. I truly hate Tampa alot more than I hate Toronto but I do love the sturm and drang everytime Toronto loses in the NHL media. Toronto feels like NY Jets to me.


not AWOL
SoSH Member
Jul 12, 2005
The Island
I think the Bruins walk ‘em both.

But at this point, my issue with Toronto is just the wasting of generational talent combined with the national drive for them to win, almost to the point that there’s something wrong with you if you don’t enjoy the RBC ads with Auston Matthews, or the Sonnet Insurance ads with William Nylander and Jason Spezza.


SoSH Member
Nov 21, 2005
Somerville, MA
Yeah I mean Marner is probably my favorite non-Bruin in the league, but the annual meltdown is always fun. And ultimately, the hope is that the Bs can eliminate whoever wins this series, so hopefully we get to go 2-for-2 on both being out in rather short order.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
Yeah I mean Marner is probably my favorite non-Bruin in the league, but the annual meltdown is always fun. And ultimately, the hope is that the Bs can eliminate whoever wins this series, so hopefully we get to go 2-for-2 on both being out in rather short order.
I think Marner is top 3 for me (the obvious top two being McDavid and MacKinnon), and I get the enjoyment of the annual meltdown for Toronto. But I have a visceral hatred of Tampa. I hate their coach as much as any coach in the league. I ate that Kucherov quietly gets away with being one of the dirtiest players in skates, and gets celebrated as awesome anyway. I hate that they won two Cups by flaunting the rules (even if the rules helped the Bruins this year). I really, really hate Pat Maroon and Corey Perry, who are just as scummy as Kucherov, just not good at hockey.

Stamkos is cool, I guess, and that Geico commercial he is in is funny.

I don't QUITE hate them as much as Montreal, but it isn't that far off. They were once one of my favorite non-Bruin teams to watch, too, then Cooper took over and I have hated them and the way they play ever since.