#DFG: Canceling the Noise

Is there any level of suspension that you would advise Tom to accept?

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SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2005
denilson3 said:
I know several of you have critiqued the Exponent data already but this is a nice, easy to read breakdown that could use a signal boost. The logical fallacy used for the logo gauge vs non logo gauge assumption is particularly horrifying. If the investigators trusted Walt Anderson's memory, everything is explained by the physics and the text messages from last freaking May don't matter.
That is really good, thanks for sharing!


Skrub's sympathy case
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SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Boston, NY
The best elixir in times like these?  Music, television dramas and comedies and good old fashioned conversation. 
While I am not on a media blackout (like I was after SBs 42 and 47), I will be dialing it down immensely for the time being.  I'll tune in enough to get the news, but I will not be reading opinion type pieces from those seeking clicks or to be the smartest or swarmiest guy in the room.  Seriously, what could Gasper, Volin and the idiotic Shaughnessy tell me that I could not learn in this thread?  Volin is the least annoying of the three but unlike his predecessor Greg Bedard, I really never learn anything from his work.
My overwhelming sense this morning is one of being resigned that I am incredibly invested in a sport that is run by utter fools.  If you line up some of the recent targets of the NFL, and you consider some of the other incidents involving balls, and then you look at this, there is no way you can conclude that the NFL is not run by vindictive, little silly men.  Given the amount of time and energy I invest in their product, that is pretty deflating.
And taking my Pats colored glasses off for a second, I have no doubt that part of this is self inflicted wounds by the Pats.  There is no doubt in my mind that they could have handled this situation better.  Not that their attitude or conduct justifies such a heavy fine for rolling through a stop sign, but I think we all know that the Pats could have handled this with more aplomb.
But screw it, here's to all of this nonsense fueling the Drive for Five.  And to all those who bitched and moaned about taking Jimmy G in the second round when they supposedly had so many other pressing needs, maybe it's time to re-evaluate.  Insurance is only needed when it's needed, but imagine if they had the likes of Mark Sanchez or Tim Tebow in the number 2 spot right about now.


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Dec 16, 2005
Inside Lou Gorman's Head
moondog80 said:
So what if they pick 15th and trade down to 30th?
There is no 15th pick to trade.

The first round of the draft will be not unlike a panel of elevator buttons in a high rise that does not have a 13th floor.

As I mentioned unthread, just root to hear Goodell say "with the 63rd pick in the 2016 NFL draft, the New England Patriots select..."


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2005
TheoShmeo said:
The best elixir in times like these?  Music, television dramas and comedies and good old fashioned conversation. 
While I am not on a media blackout (like I was after SBs 42 and 47), I will be dialing it down immensely for the time being.  I'll tune in enough to get the news, but I will not be reading opinion type pieces from those seeking clicks or to be the smartest or swarmiest guy in the room.  Seriously, what could Gasper, Volin and the idiotic Shaughnessy tell me that I could not learn in this thread?  Volin is the least annoying of the three but unlike his predecessor Greg Bedard, I really never learn anything from his work.
My overwhelming sense this morning is one of being resigned that I am incredibly invested in a sport that is run by utter fools.  If you line up some of the recent targets of the NFL, and you consider some of the other incidents involving balls, and then you look at this, there is no way you can conclude that the NFL is not run by vindictive, little silly men.  Given the amount of time and energy I invest in their product, that is pretty deflating.
And taking my Pats colored glasses off for a second, I have no doubt that part of this is self inflicted wounds by the Pats.  There is no doubt in my mind that they could have handled this situation better.  Not that their attitude or conduct justifies such a heavy fine for rolling through a stop sign, but I think we all know that the Pats could have handled this with more aplomb.
But screw it, here's to all of this nonsense fueling the Drive for Five.  And to all those who bitched and moaned about taking Jimmy G in the second round when they supposedly had so many other pressing needs, maybe it's time to re-evaluate.  Insurance is only needed when it's needed, but imagine if they had the likes of Mark Sanchez or Tim Tebow in the number 2 spot right about now.
They'd go 2-2 or maybe 3-1.
I have to admit, this whole thing looks discouragingly familiar to me...if elected officials can ignore overwhelming scientific evidence of climate change, is it really surprising that unelected officials can ignore more arcane science?
And to mix politics and the bolded above - remember the joke from the Clinton Administration? Bill and Hillary pull into a gas station, and the attendant turns out to be an old byfriend of Hillary's. As the couple drives away, Bill says "Just think, Hillary, if you'd married him, you'd be married to a gas station owner." And Hillary replies, "No, Bill, if I'd married him, he'd be the President of the United States."
Sanchez or Tebow with BB instead of Rexy? 2-2 worst, I think...


New Member
May 11, 2015
TheoShmeo said:
The best elixir in times like these?  Music, television dramas and comedies and good old fashioned conversation. 
Or you can do what I did to feel better.
At work I have a nice sign saying :
We Still Won the Super Bowl
Mother F*ckers (with a letter instead of the *, of course).
It makes me feel a lot better.  I've never appreciated Malcolm Butler more than right now.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
Section15Box113 said:
There is no 15th pick to trade.

The first round of the draft will be not unlike a panel of elevator buttons in a high rise that does not have a 13th floor.

As I mentioned unthread, just root to hear Goodell say "with the 63rd pick in the 2016 NFL draft, the New England Patriots select..."
They could theoretically trade a player (or other picks) for a 2016 first. In that case, they essentially get their pick back. They'd lose whichever pick is higher, the one they traded for or their natural pick based on where they finish.

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
Ed Hillel said:
I want to flash forward 7 years to the Bill Belichick book release.
I don't think we're going to wait 7 years to hear Belichick's side of the story.  Hell, it may be a matter of months if the Brady appeal ends up in court, which it will if his suspension is not vacated.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
I keep coming back to one point with regard to watching the NFL going forward: if they are allowed to disregard facts - and I use that term loosely here - and just do whatever they want, then how is it any different than WWE?

To clarify my use of the terms facts - I am saying that even if we take the Wells report to be the gospel, the NFL still ignored the findings with regard to punishment - specifically, the draft picks and million dollar fine. If the report says BB had no involvement and the organization didn't know, how can it penalize the organization? The NFL is seemingly allowed to pick and choose what they want to classify as fact - ignore parts of the report where it doesn't support their case, take others as gospel. Case in point, Walt Anderson's recollection of which gauge he used.

For me this is close to Donaghy levels of integrity issue. The NFL keeps banging the integrity of the game drum, using it to justify the penalties. But, and this may just be Pats colored glasses, in doing so I think they have created a bigger integrity concern: if we can't trust that they will at least abide with the "facts" (again, the Wells report) and instead just make stuff up, how can any fan of any team trust the league?


SoSH Member
Apr 16, 2006
Chicago, IL
Hoping Goodell paved the way for his own ouster here.

Can't imagine that getting rid of him directly in the wake of this decision would play well in the court of public opinion- it would be read as Kraft rounding up his cronies to fire Goodell simply because he didn't like the punishment he was handed. But with Goodell capping off his incompetent handling of this whole situation with a gloriously indefensible penalty, he appears to have set himself up to have facets of his decision adjusted through an appeals/arbitration process. Then, when the suspension or fine gets gutted, Jerry Jones can be the public face of the owners justifiably ousting Goodell for mishandling the situation rather than Kraft spearheading it over the punishment itself.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
jose melendez said:
I've got to say, that if the NFL thinks the crime is grave enough to warrant all this stuff, shouldn't they be talking about vacating the Super Bowl?  
I obviously don't want that, but I do think it's kind of silly that the NFL didn't publically address the issue.  The message the discipline send is that this is a serious violation of fair play, if so I think the league should address why the AFC Championship shouldn't have been forfeit.
That's an interesting sort of ju-jitsu that would also expose Goodell's intellectual incoherence. Much like asking Charlton Heston c. 1995 why I shouldn't be allowed to own grenades and RPG's.  Instead of going after the holes in the investigation, ask him why the punishment wasn't *more* severe.
The best elixir in times like these?  Music, television dramas and comedies and good old fashioned conversation. 
While I am not on a media blackout (like I was after SBs 42 and 47), I will be dialing it down immensely for the time being.  I'll tune in enough to get the news, but I will not be reading opinion type pieces from those seeking clicks or to be the smartest or swarmiest guy in the room.  Seriously, what could Gasper, Volin and the idiotic Shaughnessy tell me that I could not learn in this thread?  Volin is the least annoying of the three but unlike his predecessor Greg Bedard, I really never learn anything from his work.
My overwhelming sense this morning is one of being resigned that I am incredibly invested in a sport that is run by utter fools.  If you line up some of the recent targets of the NFL, and you consider some of the other incidents involving balls, and then you look at this, there is no way you can conclude that the NFL is not run by vindictive, little silly men.  Given the amount of time and energy I invest in their product, that is pretty deflating.
And taking my Pats colored glasses off for a second, I have no doubt that part of this is self inflicted wounds by the Pats.  There is no doubt in my mind that they could have handled this situation better.  Not that their attitude or conduct justifies such a heavy fine for rolling through a stop sign, but I think we all know that the Pats could have handled this with more aplomb.
This sums it up for me. There is little non-game stuff I watch or listen to anymore anyway. Now there is none.


New Member
May 11, 2015
jose melendez said:
I've got to say, that if the NFL thinks the crime is grave enough to warrant all this stuff, shouldn't they be talking about vacating the Super Bowl?  
Well we all have 3 Games to Glory 4 and Malcolm Butler still picks off that pass (that God).  Even the self proclaimed God can't change history.


SoSH Member
Nov 29, 2001
Pay a private investigator to dig up dirt on Aaron Rodgers, the Mannings and other QB's.  Find someone who has been skirting the rules when it comes to 'preparing' footballs.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Is the assumption that the Patriots will basically go silent now, preparing for appeals? If Brady and Yee are going to present an appeal, I would imagine we won't be seeing too much of Yee making the rounds like last week, but I could be completely off. Is it possible they'll selectively leak information from Brady's interview, or the request from Wells about the phone?


Don't touch his dog food
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SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2003
I'm hoping we get a Brady statement when he announces his appeal. I hope its not Yee who talks at that point. But an aggressive Brady statement, followed by another Kraft "unconditional support" statement should set a tone. I'm hoping that Blandino lying about the NFL's knowledge of this prior to halftime is enough to push this to an independent arbitrator. Tagliabue would be ideal, but I don't Roger sends another issue his way.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 12, 2003
At home
I hope there's a calm, followed by a storm.
A firestorm that consumes Goodell and his toadies, loudly and publicly.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
deep inside Guido territory
DrewDawg said:
Is the assumption that the Patriots will basically go silent now, preparing for appeals? If Brady and Yee are going to present an appeal, I would imagine we won't be seeing too much of Yee making the rounds like last week, but I could be completely off. Is it possible they'll selectively leak information from Brady's interview, or the request from Wells about the phone?
I'd stay silent then drop everything I had at appeal. There's no advantage to leaking anything out at this point after the statements.

( . ) ( . ) and (_!_)

SoSH Member
Feb 9, 2010
Providence, RI
Does it infuriate anyone else how the local media still refuses to understand what spygate was and what the rules are?  I get the national media or fans being behind, but there is no excuse for guys like Gasper and Volin to not understand it.  You are allowed to video tape other team's sidelines, as long as your camera is in the correct position.  To me it's inexcusable for these guys to continue saying that the Pats get penalized for video taping team's defensive signals, when what they were punished for was WHERE they video taped those signals from.  I can't understand being in their position and not wanting to educate their reader base


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
While I would love an aggressive Brady statement as well, I highly doubt we're going to hear anything substantial from him until any appeal/trial is over. I'm sure his lawyers/agent are telling him to shut up at all costs.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
( . ) ( . ) and (_!_) said:
Does it infuriate anyone else how the local media still refuses to understand what spygate was and what the rules are?  I get the national media or fans being behind, but there is no excuse for guys like Gasper and Volin to not understand it.  You are allowed to video tape other team's sidelines, as long as your camera is in the correct position.  To me it's inexcusable for these guys to continue saying that the Pats get penalized for video taping team's defensive signals, when what they were punished for was WHERE they video taped those signals from.  I can't understand being in their position and not wanting to educate their reader base
They don't want to educate the reader base. They want to sell newspapers.


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2005
JimD said:
Pay a private investigator to dig up dirt on Aaron Rodgers, the Mannings and other QB's.  Find someone who has been skirting the rules when it comes to 'preparing' footballs.
That's crazy talk. It took a high-profile investigative legalist months to dig up make-believe dirt on one quarterback - it would take years to do the same to 31 others!
Of course, the clubhouse staff might help if you offered cell phone upgrades in exchange for their current devices...


SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
Also, pay a private investigator to dig up dirt on everyone at the league office involved in this abortion.  And then, leak that to the media.

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
DrewDawg said:
Is the assumption that the Patriots will basically go silent now, preparing for appeals? If Brady and Yee are going to present an appeal, I would imagine we won't be seeing too much of Yee making the rounds like last week, but I could be completely off. Is it possible they'll selectively leak information from Brady's interview, or the request from Wells about the phone?
Why wouldn't Yee and Brady go on the offensive immediately?

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
I don't think directing your ire towards people who are at least publicly neutral to, if not supportive of, your position is the best way to proceed.  


SoSH Member
Jul 25, 2005
It takes 24 of 32 votes to oust Goodell.
Looking at the list of owners here is the possible breakdown of where things could stand,
Ally for Kraft
Jerry Jones - Dallas Cowboys - Have beef with NFL over salary cap issues
Daniel Snyder - Washington Redskins - Have beef with NFL over salary cap issues
Jeffry Lurie - Philadelphia Eagles - Kraft homey and from MA and former Pats season ticket holder
Jerry Richardson - Carolina Panthers - Kraft and Blank along with him are on committee that determines Goodell's salary
Arthur Blank - Atlanta Falcons - Kraft and Richardson along with him are on committee that determines Goodell's salary
Possible ally for Kraft
Mara/Tisch - NY Giants
Mark Davis - Oakland Raiders - Kraft can buy his support in turn by supporting a possible relocation to LA
Alex Spanos - San Diego Chargers - Kraft can buy his support in turn by supporting a possible relocation to LA
Stan Kroenke - St. Louis Rams - Kraft can buy his support in turn by supporting a possible relocation to LA
Tom Benson - New Orleans Saints - Possible payback to the NFL for the bountygate scandal which cost them a season.
Would not be an ally for Kraft
Woody Johnson - NYJ 
Jim Irsay - Indianapolis Colts
This is where they will need his allies to come up big to convince others to join his support in ousting Goodell.


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2005
ALiveH said:
Also, pay a private investigator to dig up dirt on everyone at the league office involved in this abortion.  And then, leak that to the media.
Not crazy talk

( . ) ( . ) and (_!_)

SoSH Member
Feb 9, 2010
Providence, RI
From Florio's latest about McNally not meeting with Wells a second time:
"Per a league source, McNally was willing to be questioned again by phone, but the NFL declined the offer"
This doesn't square at all with what the NFL is saying.  They said that the Patriots did not even make McNally aware of the request for a followup.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Smiling Joe Hesketh said:
They don't want to educate the reader base. They want to sell newspapers.
Its worse than that.  Id argue if John Tomase didnt exist yesterday's penalties wouldnt have been nearly as stiff.


New Member
May 11, 2015
( . ) ( . ) and (_!_) said:
From Florio's latest about McNally not meeting with Wells a second time:
"Per a league source, McNally was willing to be questioned again by phone, but the NFL declined the offer"
This doesn't square at all with what the NFL is saying.  They said that the Patriots did not even make McNally aware of the request for a followup.
That could be a game changer if the Patriots (and McNally) were willing to talk again by phone.
From the same post :
"McNally didn’t want to submit to yet another face-to-face interview"
It's been framed as the Patriots not allowing him to be interviewed.  Surprisingly, that framing appears to be wholly inaccurate.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
( . ) ( . ) and (_!_) said:
Does it infuriate anyone else how the local media still refuses to understand what spygate was and what the rules are?  I get the national media or fans being behind, but there is no excuse for guys like Gasper and Volin to not understand it.  You are allowed to video tape other team's sidelines, as long as your camera is in the correct position.  To me it's inexcusable for these guys to continue saying that the Pats get penalized for video taping team's defensive signals, when what they were punished for was WHERE they video taped those signals from.  I can't understand being in their position and not wanting to educate their reader base
Gasper seems to think that Belichick was not punished for Spygate for some reason.  Yes, it's inexcusable for these guys to continue to get the basic facts completely wrong.  


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
The suspension was expected and will likely be appealed down to 1-2 games. The draft picks, though...damn. RG dropped the hammer. I think that they made it clear that because the Patriots are "previous offenders" and because they weren't completely cooperative and transparent throughout the investigation, they brought down the hammer.

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
kartvelo said:
Telegraphing punches, maybe?
The NFL has already decided punishment, so there's no risk.  The holes in the Wells report are obvious and aren't going anywhere.
But more importantly, Goodell is a self-interested moron who only appears to be moved when he is exposed to public condemnation and ridicule.  (Think "Ray Rice" and how Goodell completely changed his position immediately after being exposed to ridicule for his obvious duplicity.)  So a big part of any strategy for Brady has to take into account making a case in public, because the NFL has already demonstrated that they are immune to factual arguments behind closed doors.


SoSH Member
Oct 9, 2006
sodenj5 said:
The suspension was expected and will likely be appealed down to 1-2 games. The draft picks, though...damn. RG dropped the hammer. I think that they made it clear that because the Patriots are "previous offenders" and because they weren't completely cooperative and transparent throughout the investigation, they brought down the hammer.
As a Phins fan do you think it is fair?

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
sodenj5 said:
The suspension was expected and will likely be appealed down to 1-2 games. The draft picks, though...damn. RG dropped the hammer. I think that they made it clear that because the Patriots are "previous offenders" and because they weren't completely cooperative and transparent throughout the investigation, they brought down the hammer.
Fuck that. The report made it clear that the current "scandal" didn't extend to the same levels of the organization that Spygate did. Spygate was also 8 goddamn years ago and has nothing to do with this nonsense.
RG dropped the hammer because he can't bear the thought of players not kneeling before him. Fuck that.


Blinded by Borges
SoSH Member
Oct 7, 2004
I guess we will find out in about a week if this is going to court...if a neutral arbitrator is assigned then we can expect (hope) for a reduction or elimination of the suspension.  With a league appointed arbitrator (Henderson) the suspension stands and this more probably than not goes to court.

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
Smiling Joe Hesketh said:
Fuck that. The report made it clear that the current "scandal" didn't extend to the same levels of the organization that Spygate did. Spygate was also 8 goddamn years ago and has nothing to do with this nonsense.
RG dropped the hammer because he can't bear the thought of players not kneeling before him. Fuck that.
RG dropped the first round pick hammer because he knows hes a fucktard and that Brady's suspension will get kneaded down to 0-1 game. He knows the 1st round pick can/will stick, so he wants to make sure that - despite there being no reason for such a heavy hand - the welt remains on the Patriots asscheek for a few years.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Silverdude2167 said:
As a Phins fan do you think it is fair?
As a Fins fan I think it's harsh. I said previously that I don't think it tarnishes Brady's legacy in my mind. His stats, wins, championships are all still valid, and whatever competitive advantage they may have gained was minor. The league wanted to make an example out of them, and they did.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
( . ) ( . ) and (_!_) said:
From Florio's latest about McNally not meeting with Wells a second time:
"Per a league source, McNally was willing to be questioned again by phone, but the NFL declined the offer"
This doesn't square at all with what the NFL is saying.  They said that the Patriots did not even make McNally aware of the request for a followup.
That league source better hope they don't figure out who he is.
More and more that Wells Report is coming across as a hatchet job, designed solely to come to a very specific conclusion. The holes are so big even Laurence Maroney wouldn't hesitate to hit them. You have to think there are some big time lawyers out there salivating at getting their hands on this.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Smiling Joe Hesketh said:
Fuck that. The report made it clear that the current "scandal" didn't extend to the same levels of the organization that Spygate did. Spygate was also 8 goddamn years ago and has nothing to do with this nonsense.
RG dropped the hammer because he can't bear the thought of players not kneeling before him. Fuck that.
Troy VIncent referenced it in his statement. There's no quetion that was part of the equation.
EDIT- Troy VIncent's quote:
Here, there are several factors that merit strong consideration in assessing discipline. The first is the club's prior record. In 2007 the club and several individuals were sanctioned for videotaping signals of opposing defensive coaches in violation of the Constitution and Bylaws. Under the Integrity of the Game Policy, this prior violation of competitive rules was properly considered in determining the discipline in this case.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
sodenj5 said:
Troy VIncent referenced it in his statement saying that it was part of the Patriot's culture. There's no quetion that was part of the equation.
It's a contention that cannot be disproved, and appeases some of the owners and NFL office assholes, so they went with it.
It's like Goodell saw all the press that the Steroid Scandal got for the MLB, and learned the opposite lesson he should have.

Eddie Jurak

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SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2002
Melrose, MA


link to tweet

@pescami: Goodell lost on Peterson, lost on Rice, proved wrong w Saints, but still believes in justice via whim, as is the wont of the tyrant.



link to tweet

@pescami: But think. If Tom Brady had Certainly been Specifically aware, Goodell would have had him executed.

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
DrewDawg said:
That league source better hope they don't figure out who he is.
Hey, the entire NFL security apparatus couldn't find the person who had the Ray Rice elevator video sent to them, so my guess is that this person is safe.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Smiling Joe Hesketh said:
Culture? The culture of winning?
8 fucking years ago.
I didn't make the statement. Troy Vincent did. They factored in Spygate when passing their judgement on this issue. It's indisputable, right or wrong.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
via PTF:
It’s a given that Brady will appeal his four-game suspension. Per the league office, the Patriots separately can appeal the $1 million fine and the removal of two draft picks — a first-rounder in 2016 and a fourth-rounder in 2017. Any appeal from the team would be handled by the Commissioner or his designee.
It’s also possible that the Patriots and their lawyers will consider the possibility of conjuring a possible lawsuit, in the event the appeal is unsuccessful. Peter King of TheMMQB.com and NBC’s Football Night in America thinks it’s possible that Kraft will decide to “go rogue” and sue. It’s possible that Kraft will simply want the league to fear litigation when processing an appeal, in the hopes that Kraft will be placated by a reduction in the penalties.
Litigation filed by the Patriots remains an unlikely possibility, for a variety of reasons. For example, it would potentially alienate Kraft from his partners, and it would set a bad precedent.
If Kraft is angry enough to consider filing suit, however, that’s bad news for Commissioner Roger Goodell. Once Kraft realizes that filing suit isn’t a realistic option, Kraft could instead embark on an effort to overhaul the leadership of the league.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Reads threads backwards
jsinger121 said:
It takes 24 of 32 votes to oust Goodell.
Looking at the list of owners here is the possible breakdown of where things could stand,
Ally for Kraft
Jerry Jones - Dallas Cowboys - Have beef with NFL over salary cap issues
Daniel Snyder - Washington Redskins - Have beef with NFL over salary cap issues
Jeffry Lurie - Philadelphia Eagles - Kraft homey and from MA and former Pats season ticket holder
Jerry Richardson - Carolina Panthers - Kraft and Blank along with him are on committee that determines Goodell's salary
Arthur Blank - Atlanta Falcons - Kraft and Richardson along with him are on committee that determines Goodell's salary
Possible ally for Kraft
Mara/Tisch - NY Giants
Mark Davis - Oakland Raiders - Kraft can buy his support in turn by supporting a possible relocation to LA
Alex Spanos - San Diego Chargers - Kraft can buy his support in turn by supporting a possible relocation to LA
Stan Kroenke - St. Louis Rams - Kraft can buy his support in turn by supporting a possible relocation to LA
Would not be an ally for Kraft
Woody Johnson - NYJ 
Jim Irsay - Indianapolis Colts
This is where they will need his allies to come up big to convince others to join his support in ousting Goodell.
Yes- test/start to build conensus for Goodell ousting. Basis: a commish who operates by embarrassing teams and players for common practices of many teams and players, on inconsequential minutiae of equipment preparation (and even signal-stealing), that are low-regulated, grey areas, is bad for the league. The alternative is well articulated by Brunansky's Slide:

They should have said this from the start: "The 1 psi difference had no effect on the Colts/Pats game. The Colts did allege the Patriots balls were underinflated. We made sure that was not the case after halftime. Even if the balls were under inflated it was by 1 psi and had no effect on the game. Ultimately, the NFL's procedures weren't up to snuff. Given the history of problems we have had with this issue from the Vikings to the Panthers and now this , we are going to take a more proactive approach to ensuring the NFL oversees the game balls in the future." How easy would that have been?!
Problem: some teams are as short-sighted as Roger. The quoted post lists the Panthers as a potential ally- but, how much do Marty Hurney's public comments reflect the Panther's ownership's attitude?


I think this is the real "dark matter" in the equation that Kraft must discern, and is ultimately the real drag on any Goodell-ouster campaign: how many NFL owners feel enough like Hurney? How much can Kraft use his influence to change that perception?