#DFG: Canceling the Noise

Is there any level of suspension that you would advise Tom to accept?

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SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Laser Show said:
If the Pats somehow lose Sunday, I'm starting to wonder if it could hurt just as much or more than the one we don't talk about. I know it's an outlandish thought but we need this one now.
I feel the opposite way - people will believe what they want to believe about the Patriots, win or lose.

Hearing Belichick's presser (especially when he went off on the videotaping question), Kraft laying down the gauntlet at Goodell's feet, and the way both of them put themselves on the line for the organization and the team -- I feel like I'm freerolling here.


SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013
Laser Show said:
If the Pats somehow lose Sunday, I'm starting to wonder if it could hurt just as much or more than the one we don't talk about. I know it's an outlandish thought but we need this one now.
I am at the same place. It's only Monday and I am ready to run through a wall.

Harry Hooper

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Jan 4, 2002
Kraft shouldn't take his calls, "Get you ass over here if you have something to say to me, Rog."


wannabe merloni
SoSH Member
Nov 1, 2005
El Paso, TX
Obstructed View said:
Kraft's statement, for the record:
In closing, I would like to say to all the fans of the National Football League, and especially the amazing fans of the New England Patriots, that I and our entire organization believe strongly in the integrity of the game, and that the rules of fair play, are properly, equitably and fairly enforced. Thank you.”
He isn't talking about "football rules".


SoSH Member
Jul 3, 2000
Kull said:
I always held a firm belief that scenario number 2 was the only logical outcome, but the constant drip of incriminating-sounding details (and ONLY those details) suggests that certain elements in the league offices want to poison the well and make it impossible for the NFL to find the Pats innocent. It is not inconceivable that Goodell will be so afraid of the firestorm arising from a "not guilty" ruling that he'll opt for #1 simply because he feels that's safer for him personally.
Honestly, if the NFL is really like that, then they really are too dumb to survive.

P'tucket rhymes with...

SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2006
The Coney Island of my mind
Laser Show said:
If the Pats somehow lose Sunday, I'm starting to wonder if it could hurt just as much or more than the one we don't talk about. I know it's an outlandish thought but we need this one now.
Meh.  Seattle is a very good team.  No dishonor in losing to them, and it's hard to think about "needing" it in the context of the historical run they're on, more rings or not.

Investor 11

Plobbably the greatest videographer ever
SoSH Member
Jul 23, 2006
San Diego
Only thing I would potentially change in Kraft's response would have been for him to say "When the Wells investigation is not able..." As opposed to the "if" he used.

Laser Show

SoSH Member
Nov 7, 2008
speedracer said:
I feel the opposite way - people will believe what they want to believe about the Patriots, win or lose.

Hearing Belichick's presser (especially when he went off on the videotaping question), Kraft laying down the gauntlet at Goodell's feet, and the way both of them put themselves on the line for the organization and the team -- I feel like I'm freerolling here.
Exactly. And putting up with it is infinitely easier with a 4th Lombardi. The losing side just looks so much worse than it did just over a week ago.


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Pudge Fisk must have shaken 100 percent sense into the brain of Deion Sanders. He and Michael Irwin should be in the parade next week.
Bob Fucking Kraft just took a giant dump on ol' Roger to such an extent that the shit stinks from here. What a lovely smell.
And BB - we're focusing on Seattle now after he fellated them for ten minutes. 
Finally, TB did his usual Tom-speak and cleaned up the tables and turned off the lights.
I love this team!

Laser Show

SoSH Member
Nov 7, 2008
P'tucket said:
Meh.  Seattle is a very good team.  No dishonor in losing to them, and it's hard to think about "needing" it in the context of the historical run they're on, more rings or not.
I'm talking emotionally not historically.
Seattle being an infinitely better team than that other one is the biggest counter argument, though, I do agree.


SoSH Member
May 1, 2008
Peabody, MA
jacklamabe65 said:

Joe Posnanski ‏@
JPosnanski  [/SIZE] [URL="https://twitter.com/JPosnanski/status/559887310980788224


link to tweet minutes ago[/url]
"This committee owes an apology!" Tom Hagen in Godfather Part II. Robert Kraft in Super Bowl Part XLIX.

This is where Joe decides to take a stand on accountability in Football Coaching and Management? Disgraceful
Apr 7, 2006
Is there any chance - any - that I and/or other posters here will NOT be screaming in airports at Peter King, Florio, Jay Glazer, et al, for the rest of time if we win this game? I think not.


funky and cold
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2005
1,000 pages. Holy shit, the NFL has severely screwed the pooch on this. Did Kraft drop the mic after that statement?


SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2006
Hypothetically, if the league were to find that the Ravens, the Colts, or any unspecified individual acted with malice, what would that look like? And what penalties (if any)?

Brand Name

make hers mark
SoSH Member
Oct 6, 2010
Moving the Line
nothumb said:
I think who ever gets it should get a free pressure gauge.
Given the reactionary nature of gamethreads, its useful life would be mostly deflated, beyond the first quarter of the Super Bowl.
I have to say though, this is my proudest series of events as a fan of this team, in off the field matters, from Brady, to BB, to Kraft, and basically showing to the rest of the league that they are smarter, more efficiently run, and basically better than your team, no matter who it may be.

Mr Mulliner

SoSH Member
Jan 16, 2001
Ishmael45 said:
If one were to spend a mere 3 seconds reading each post in this thread, it would take over 8 hours to catch up from page 1.
Fuuuuuck. It's never good to have procrastination quantified. Never do that again.


Mai Tais for everyone!
SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2006
Just keep in mind that Roger Goodell WORKS for Kraft and the rest of the owners.  Mr. Kraft has sent a strong message to his employee that he is not taking care of business in a professional manner. In other words, time to freshen up that resume and get it out to monster.com Roger.


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Dec 16, 2005
Inside Lou Gorman's Head
Norm Siebern said:
This all has begun to seem as the next series following House of Cards with Bill Belichik in the Frank Underwood role. 
Bill Belichick = Frank Underwood in post 10,000.

"There are two kinds of pain. The sort of pain that makes you strong, or useless pain. The sort of pain that's only suffering. I have no patience for useless things."

Sounds about right.