5/21, Game 3 @Miami

Dr Strangeglove

SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Mililani, HI
I'm a life-long (7 decades) Boston/New England sports fan now transplanted six time zones west of the Garden. I don't post much, preferring to follow the observations of the smart people on this site (and there are a lot of them) and compare them to what I see on the screen. This truly embarrassing performance from our beloved and once proud Celtics team prompts me to offer my own comments, similar to many of which are to be found in the preceding pages. I don't see this series coming back to Boston.

This is an enormously talented squad, but one that lacks collective basketball intelligence. They appear incapable of learning from their mistakes. I think they are collectively aware of this fact. This is who they are. Having given away close, winnable games so many times this season, they have gotten that "deer-in-the-headlights" feeling as close games near their end. It's almost as if they know, somehow, that one or more of them is going to make some silly mistake or have some mental lapse that will cost them the game. And it seems to have gotten worse since the playoffs began. They just don't have the mentality of a championship-caliber team.

I don't think we're going to see hard, "send 'em a message" fouls committed deliberately anymore. There will be in-game blowups now and then, that's normal. This is a players' league now. No one wants deliberately to foul a potential future teammate so hard that it might result in a costly injury. And there's a lot of money at stake.

The regular season is too long, and the expansion of the playoffs decreases its importance. Basketball is entertainment, and fans want to be able to watch the players, but the quality of the entertainment suffers as the season drags on.

The players in every professional sport are enormously more talented and more athletic than they were when I was growing up in the '50s. That makes the games awesome. It also makes them awesomely difficult to officiate. Leagues change their rules in an effort to make their games more equitable, and move closer to perfection, but ultimately the officials are human, have human emotions, and make human mistakes.

And now I'm just rambling, sad to see the season end on this note. Banner #18 ain't coming anytime soon; indeed, anytime in the forseeable future.

Shaky Walton

SoSH Member
Nov 20, 2019
You can’t fire all of the players.

Joe Must Go.

I guess they can wait until after they get lambasted in game 4 or, if they shockingly show some grit and pride, after they lose game 5.

But they have no choice.

Joe Must Go.

He has failed them in too many ways and clearly does not have any sway with his players.


SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2020
I'm a life-long (7 decades) Boston/New England sports fan now transplanted six time zones west of the Garden. I don't post much, preferring to follow the observations of the smart people on this site (and there are a lot of them) and compare them to what I see on the screen. This truly embarrassing performance from our beloved and once proud Celtics team prompts me to offer my own comments, similar to many of which are to be found in the preceding pages. I don't see this series coming back to Boston.

This is an enormously talented squad, but one that lacks collective basketball intelligence. They appear incapable of learning from their mistakes. I think they are collectively aware of this fact. This is who they are. Having given away close, winnable games so many times this season, they have gotten that "deer-in-the-headlights" feeling as close games near their end. It's almost as if they know, somehow, that one or more of them is going to make some silly mistake or have some mental lapse that will cost them the game. And it seems to have gotten worse since the playoffs began. They just don't have the mentality of a championship-caliber team.

I don't think we're going to see hard, "send 'em a message" fouls committed deliberately anymore. There will be in-game blowups now and then, that's normal. This is a players' league now. No one wants deliberately to foul a potential future teammate so hard that it might result in a costly injury. And there's a lot of money at stake.

The regular season is too long, and the expansion of the playoffs decreases its importance. Basketball is entertainment, and fans want to be able to watch the players, but the quality of the entertainment suffers as the season drags on.

The players in every professional sport are enormously more talented and more athletic than they were when I was growing up in the '50s. That makes the games awesome. It also makes them awesomely difficult to officiate. Leagues change their rules in an effort to make their games more equitable, and move closer to perfection, but ultimately the officials are human, have human emotions, and make human mistakes.

And now I'm just rambling, sad to see the season end on this note. Banner #18 ain't coming anytime soon; indeed, anytime in the forseeable future.
agree with everything you said and I really like this Celts team but stop the whining (and yes the officiating was bad) and agree the Celts try and do hard fouls but it is not tolerated anymore--and call some plays on offense--I don't mind some freedom but when the 3's go cold and they rely on one on one ball which won;t work too often you need plays!


SoSH Member
Jul 4, 2007
So the Celtics had what was considered the best roster in the NBA, but now Stevens has to go?

Regarding Mazzulla, it shouldn’t be a surprise to this veteran group of players that he would be in a coaching disadvantage against the Miami coach. It is on them to come out of the gate well, push back against Heat aggression, get stops, execute of offense, etc.

Maybe they lost confidence in Mazzulla when he didn’t do anything to try to quell the Heat’s big quarter in Game 1. But if they broke because of that, they’re a bunch of mentally weak losers. They’re deep in the playoffs. Shit is going to happen. The other team is going present challenges. You don’t quit.

I keep writing “We are going to find out a lot about this team in ___________.” Maybe we already have, in the waning moments of Game 7 of the 2022 ECF. In the third quarter of Game 1 and the fourth quarter of Game 2 this series. In the third quarter of Game 2, and the three consecutive losses in the Finals last year.

Despite all this, I’ll give It one more shot. We are going to find out a lot about this team Tuesday night in Downtown Miami. (For fucks sake, South Beach is on the other side of the MacArthur Causeway Bridge. It’s the place where the Heat undrafted players live or hang out).

The lead car at the Indy 500 is undrafted. A can of beer in a pub is undrafted. A not yet drawn up architectural plan is undrafted. A dilettante rich kid with fake bad feet in 1968 is undrafted. A weathertight window is undrafted. A Super Bowl 49 hero is undrafted. And apparently, in case no one in the universe is unaware, a number of Heat rotation players are undrafted, including some starters. And these undrafted players are developed by some magic recipe (possibly a combination of strength and endurance training and basketball skills training with a dash of nutrition and mental health training), and are deployed by a genius coach and wizardly GM, finely tuned to deploy at optimum level when the other team’s high draft choices forget how to play winning basketball together.

This year’s playoffs were supposed to be a redemption tour for Celtics players, and a joy for Celtics fans. The entire experience has been lousy. Besides the up and down disappointing play by the Celtics, the viewing experience has been poor, from Burke and Jones in the Sixers series to this idiot Reggie Miller and the TNT crew for the ECF. Throw in the YoutubeTV Little Mermaid commercial feed freeze in the game deciding moments of Game 1, and I’m at the point of not really caring if the Celtics extend the series. It seems that I care more than it appears that some of the players care.

Ramble over.


Found no thrill on Blueberry Hill
SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2008
I think they feel like the Patriots offense did about Patricia. While they (Celtics not Patriots) got by on their talent alone for most of the year they could let his inexperience slide. But now that they are needing to look toward their coach for some leadership and tactical changes, he's got nothing to offer and all of those little gripes and frustrations that have built up over the season are erupting now that they are getting their heads kicked in on national TV.
Hard to know what's happening the locker room, but the Patricia comp may be a good one in a lot of ways. As a Patriots fan, I'm very hopeful that Patricia was the problem, because it's easier to fix than bigger problems. Similarly, as a Celtics fan I want to believe that Joe is the problem. The truth is that I'm skeptical in both cases. I think they both made it worse. But if I'm honest, I can see patterns in both situations that pre-dated their involvement.

Mueller's Twin Grannies

critical thinker
SoSH Member
Dec 19, 2009
In a lot of ways, this team, this core, has never developed past week they were when they gagged away Game 7 against the LeBron-led Cavs in 2017. They had that series all but won, had a decent lead, and just started jacking up 3 after 3 that kept missing, which allowed the Cavs to come back, tie it up, and go ahead to stay. That team was a loose as they've ever been since and might have given the Dubs a real fight (they went 1-1 against them that year, the year that almost nobody beat them). Instead, they are becoming the definition of insanity.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
The Land of Fist Pumps
The 2018 Celtics were 1-7 on the road in the playoffs. Don’t think they would have given the Warriors a tough series. They absolutely did blow Game 7 against the Cavs. If someone told you after that game, that the Celtics would only make the Finals once over the next 5 seasons, that would be very disappointing.


used to be tbb
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
I think they feel like the Patriots offense did about Patricia. While they (Celtics not Patriots) got by on their talent alone for most of the year they could let his inexperience slide. But now that they are needing to look toward their coach for some leadership and tactical changes, he's got nothing to offer and all of those little gripes and frustrations that have built up over the season are erupting now that they are getting their heads kicked in on national TV.
Incredibly well put and I agree. I guess the question now is can they fight to make this series not a joke and put that to the side...the question for the future is if Joe can gain that respect from the team as he gets more experience.