4/13 Schrödinger's Fandom

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
One can contrive even completely burlesque [farcical] cases. A crowd of baseball fans are put in Fenway Park along with the following infernal device (which must be secured against direct interference by the fans): on the mound, a pitcher executes a strategy where over the course of nine innings, a ground ball will be hit to shortstop to induce a double play, but also, with equal probability, no such ball will be hit; if it does happen, the ball will act as though it is coated with Vaseline, the double play will fail, runs will score, and the hopes of the fandom will be snuffed out. If one has left this entire system to itself for a ballgame, one would tell oneself that the fans are still hopeful if no ball has been hit to shortstop in the meantime. Even a single E6 will have poisoned their hearts with despondency. The psi-function of the entire game would express this by having in it the living and dead fans (pardon the expression) mixed or spread out in equal parts.

Therefore, I will not be watching the game itself; hope, or even the possibility of hope, must be kept alive.

Let me know how it goes (or if you have any reading/watching recommendations.)


SoSH Member
Aug 15, 2012
Westwood MA
We should start doing this in reverse. You start the game thread until the Sox actually win a game.
What if it takes all summer?

BTW, "If it takes all Summer" by William D Matter is a great book about The Battle of Spotsylvania during Grant's overland campaign in 1864, if you are a Civil War buff, it's a good read.

My advice to this team is to go back to the West Coast, they stink on ice at home.


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
We're fast reaching "tune out for the summer" levels with this team.

They make it very easy to not care because they play like they don't.

E5 Yaz

polka king
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Apr 25, 2002
The Red Sox can't even master out-conversion and you throw quantum superposition at them?

Delicious Sponge

Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Dec 23, 2003
They make it very easy to not care because they play like they don't.
I haven't seen anyone not caring - it's a talent and mentality thing. Which is on the ballclub for assembling this roster, and choosing to put people in positions where they are not ready or not able to handle.


persists in error
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Pioneer Valley
They make it very easy to not care because they play like they don't.
I think you are confusing lack of will and lack of ability. The latter leads to fear, which exacerbates the situation.
They are a bunch of less than splendid players terrified of screwing up.
It is sad to watch, and unless I can do anything to help. I am inclined to look away.
Still, I start every game day with hope. Ergo:
GEAUX, SOX, if you can!
ps. I am chagrined to see that while I was typing all that verbosity, @Delicious Sponge put it clearly and succinctly. Hat tip.


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
I haven't seen anyone not caring - it's a talent and mentality thing. Which is on the ballclub for assembling this roster, and choosing to put people in positions where they are not ready or not able to handle.
It extends to Breslow, too. He took the winter off, and now the team is playing 'AS IF' they're not caring.


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
Took the winter off? Get a fucking grip.
Are we saying he did a great job building this roster? The only reason there was any positivity so far was because the Sox played well on the west coast. They've since fell into the same problem they had last year - which was obvious when looking at the lack of depth on their roster. It's totally fair to question Breslow and the owners roster building. This is a shaky team.


blue devils forevah!
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
I'm going home
Are we saying he did a great job building this roster? The only reason there was any positivity so far was because the Sox played well on the west coast. They've since fell into the same problem they had last year - which was obvious when looking at the lack of depth on their roster. It's totally fair to question Breslow and the owners roster building. This is a shaky team.
Look at my last post in last night's game thread. In fact, I'll bring it over:


If people want to whine and cry after 4 shitty games, they're going to whine and cry. I'd rather look at the whole picture and try to figure out some solutions. Blanket statements like Breslow took the winter off are complete fucking bullshit, and not even game-thread worthy.

We're fast reaching "tune out for the summer" levels with this team.
What's this "We're" shit? If you want to throw in the towel now, good fucking riddance.


SoSH Member
Jan 17, 2023
Today's Lineup:

Duran LF
Abreu RF
Yoshida DH
Casas 1B
Dalbec 3B
Valdez 2B
Rafaela CF
McGuire C
Hamilton SS


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
Look at my last post in last night's game thread. In fact, I'll bring it over:


If people want to whine and cry after 4 shitty games, they're going to whine and cry. I'd rather look at the whole picture and try to figure out some solutions. Blanket statements like Breslow took the winter off are complete fucking bullshit, and not even game-thread worthy.

What's this "We're" shit? If you want to throw in the towel now, good fucking riddance.
You alright?

The Gray Eagle

SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
Today's Lineup:

Duran LF
Abreu RF
Yoshida DH
Casas 1B
Dalbec 3B
Valdez 2B
Rafaela CF
McGuire C
Hamilton SS
It's Tristan and the Woo Sox again! Back again, this time with a AAA starting pitcher!

It's now at the point where it's unfair to Hamilton to be starting him at SS again. If he makes another error, he'll be the face of this awful homestand to the angry fanbase and media even more than he already is.

With Romy on the IL, they need to move Rafaela to SS for a few games and sign Elvis Andrus. The pitchers deserve at least that much.

But nope.

If the Angels let THIS lineup score more than 2 runs, their pitching is a disaster.


SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2006
St John's, NL
Are we saying he did a great job building this roster? The only reason there was any positivity so far was because the Sox played well on the west coast. They've since fell into the same problem they had last year - which was obvious when looking at the lack of depth on their roster. It's totally fair to question Breslow and the owners roster building. This is a shaky team.
I'm as negative as basically anyone on this whole forum on this team but I don't know how anyone can really blame Breslow. He CLEARLY does not have carte blanche to make the financial moves necessary to give this team the needed depth to survive losing their starting 2B, starting SS and 2 starting pitchers basically before the season even started.

Even in the best case scenario, I don't think this was a good team. Subtract those guys and have the "star player" on the team playing hobbled with a bum shoulder and you get what youre looking at, which is a team that fucking sucks. But that ain't on Breslow.

Salem's Lot

Andy Moog! Andy God Damn Moog!
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Gallows Hill
It extends to Breslow, too. He took the winter off, and now the team is playing 'AS IF' they're not caring.
He spent all winter trying to clear money so that he could bring in pieces that he wanted. Nobody was taking money, and ownership wasn’t increasing the budget. What was he supposed to do?


blue devils forevah!
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
I'm going home
You alright?
Fucking please.

You want to be a reactionary doomsayer, that's your prerogative. There are 148 games left to play, and you're already ready to tune out. That's also your prerogative. It's my prerogative to say good fucking riddance to anyone who's ready to throw in the towel on April 13. Nothing personal.

It's also my prerogative to look at the situation with an eye on fixing it, and not assuming that it's futile. That's sort of what this place was built on. And putting this on Breslow is just simply one of the stupidest things I've ever read here. Just ridiculous nonsense. I have no problem with legitimate criticism at all, and there's more than plenty of that, but come on.

We're not talking about months of non-production. We're talking about a short stretch of ridiculously bad defense, that has the potential to be corrected. I'm as pissed as anyone at the shitshow of the past 4 days, but at some point we have to blame the players for not making plays any major leaguer, back-up or otherwise, should be making.

Look, I had this team at 86 wins with Story, adjusted that down, and I fully expect an up and down year that doesn't end the way I'd like it to. I get people are pissed this team didn't do more in the off season, but the things that are ailing them now would still be hugely debilitating even if they had. This was always a team that needed things to go just right this year to contend for anything, and as much as it sucks I came to terms with that, and am in for the duration come what may. YMMV.

It's now at the point where it's unfair to Hamilton to be starting him at SS again.
Yeah, I'm fucking furious he's back out there today, this is the kind of move that deserves all the criticism it will bring. Take Story off the 40 and bring up Meidroth. It's not that fucking hard. They are wrecking the kid as well as putting Criswell, and the entire pitching staff, at his mercy. There are a lot of things I can square with some thought, but this sure as hell ain't one of them.

Oh and that line-up.... merciful Heavens.... Bobby 5th vs a RHP? And is O'Neil dead?

Fuck it, win anyway.

Petagine in a Bottle

SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2021
Yeah, what’s the logic behind not moving Story to the 60-day? Even if they don’t have someone to add yet. Have never understood the delay behind those kinds of moves- is there some reason?


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
I'm as negative as basically anyone on this whole forum on this team but I don't know how anyone can really blame Breslow. He CLEARLY does not have carte blanche to make the financial moves necessary to give this team the needed depth to survive losing their starting 2B, starting SS and 2 starting pitchers basically before the season even started.

Even in the best case scenario, I don't think this was a good team. Subtract those guys and have the "star player" on the team playing hobbled with a bum shoulder and you get what youre looking at, which is a team that fucking sucks. But that ain't on Breslow.
I don’t know how fiscally reserved he was forced to be. We are all just guessing. We were told to expect FULL THROTTLE and then nothing happened. This has all been talked about a lot already.

I loved the Bailey signing and i liked the Sale deal a lot - but Giolito going down early March feels like it was met with shrugged shoulders. Again, maybe they know it’s going to be a bad year so they didn’t make any moves and let them play out the string/not waste money. But I don’t have to care if it APPEARS they don’t either. Their messaging has been horrible for years. And as a fan, that is bothersome.

One thing is for sure, the team has played like dogshit since Story went down across the board and nothing has shown me that they are going to make changes to that. Hamilton for another day at SS it is, I guess.

Real quick to add. The west coast trip was fun because they played fast and solid ball. Somehow, that has cratered and made that look like a mirage. I don’t care about losing. I care about wasting time watching players that don’t look like they belong on the field.


SoSH Member
Apr 11, 2012
Yeah, what’s the logic behind not moving Story to the 60-day? Even if they don’t have someone to add yet. Have never understood the delay behind those kinds of moves- is there some reason?
There could be trade or FA talks behind scenes they don't want to influence. No reason to drop him until they have someone to fill the spot.

Petagine in a Bottle

SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2021
I was concerned about the body language of the players, esp towards each other- Hamilton made that misplay last night and Reyes glared at him like he was going to kill him. Then you’ve got Casas half assed attempt to catch a foul pop up. Seems like a veteran SS could stabilize things to at least calm everyone down a bit.


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
I was concerned about the body language of the players, esp towards each other- Hamilton made that misplay last night and Reyes glared at him like he was going to kill him. Then you’ve got Casas half assed attempt to catch a foul pop up. Seems like a veteran SS could stabilize things to at least calm everyone down a bit.
Maybe Cora can buy them Chipotle


blue devils forevah!
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
I'm going home
There could be trade or FA talks behind scenes they don't want to influence. No reason to drop him until they have someone to fill the spot.
I'm really hoping that this is the case, and I really can't come up with any other sensible reason that they are rolling Hamilton out there again. If they are going to ultimately use Story's 40 man spot for an external replacement (Elvis enters the building?), no sense using it to bring up an internal option in the short term.

They owe it to the pitchers to do at least that much.

And not for nothing, Romy being down at this time is like being curb stomped after being clotheslined across the throat and kneed in the nuts. Gotta think if he's healthy, Hamilton's nightmares never happen.

A week ago, both Hamilton and Romy were settling in just fine in Worcester and the starting infield was showing promise, with Grissom on the mend. Alas.... Well, at least Grissom will be here soon.

Petagine in a Bottle

SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2021
While Grissom may be here soon, what’s the near and mid term prognosis on Devers? Is this injury going to require constant days off and sap him of his power? Will surgery ultimately be needed? Apologize if this has been posted, but it seems rather ominous that he’s continually missing games.

E5 Yaz

polka king
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Apr 25, 2002
While Grissom may be here soon, what’s the near and mid term prognosis on Devers? Is this injury going to require constant days off and sap him of his power? Will surgery ultimately be needed? Apologize if this has been posted, but it seems rather ominous that he’s continually missing games.
In Red Sox news, Cora said he’s hoping Devers is in the lineup tomorrow. Devers is pushing to be back tomorrow. They’ll see how he feels in the morning after workouts today

Petagine in a Bottle

SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2021
Thanks. Is this just going to be something the team has to deal with? It doesn’t seem likely that it just magically gets better, right?


blue devils forevah!
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
I'm going home
Thanks. Is this just going to be something the team has to deal with? It doesn’t seem likely that it just magically gets better, right?
Raffy being down was the knee to the nuts in my above scenario. I'm hoping for the best, but missing the time he has over the past week or so is not a great sign.


heart is two sizes two small
SoSH Member
Sep 20, 2005
I get that they've been destroyed by injuries so this isn't really a shot at Breslow. But Raffaella and Dalbec in the lineup is like having the pitcher hit twice.


Mai Tais for everyone!
SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2006
Today is the day. Bobby Dalbec goes deep, Masa goes oppo off The Wall, Criswell gives five solid and errors are made.

Make it happen!
Last edited:


blue devils forevah!
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
I'm going home
I get that they've been destroyed by injuries so this isn't really a shot at Breslow. But Raffaella and Dalbec in the lineup is like having the pitcher hit twice.
Dalbec hitting 5th against a RHP to boot. He's the answer to nothing, hopefully that's being worked on once and for all. He's not a major league caliber player, and never will be. He could run into 3 HR's today and that wouldn't change that fact.

Rafaela needs to play, but if you're going to carry the bat, which I believe will improve, play the kid at short, at least until a ML caliber SS is put into place.

O'Neil out of the line-up is puzzling, but with a three man bench I'm hoping it's just to have the RH power in reserve and that he's not banged up. If he is and they want to try to stay away from him today, it would have meant Masa in left if they were going to play Rafaela at short, with Reyes, Hamilton, or McGuire at DH. Oof.

Please don't be banged up, Tyler.

Ale Xander

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013


heart is two sizes two small
SoSH Member
Sep 20, 2005
Dalbec hitting 5th against a RHP to boot. He's the answer to nothing, hopefully that's being worked on once and for all. He's not a major league caliber player, and never will be. He could run into 3 HR's today and that wouldn't change that fact.
Agree. It's time to find someone else for that 40 man spot.

Rafaela needs to play, but if you're going to carry the bat, which I believe will improve, play the kid at short, at least until a ML caliber SS is put into place.
Agree here too. David Hamilton is no more a SS than Kike Hernandez was. If he was he would have already been in the majors somewhere.

O'Neil out of the line-up is puzzling, but with a three man bench I'm hoping it's just to have the RH power in reserve and that he's not banged up. If he is and they want to try to stay away from him today, it would have meant Masa in left if they were going to play Rafaela at short, with Reyes, Hamilton, or McGuire at DH. Oof.

Please don't be banged up, Tyler.
It's April, they're in the middle of a long stretch without a day off, and O'Neil has a history with injuries. Whether it's to help them contend or as a trade piece, I want him kept healthy. I'm OK with this.


blue devils forevah!
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
I'm going home
Agree. It's time to find someone else for that 40 man spot.

Agree here too. David Hamilton is no more a SS than Kike Hernandez was.

It's April, they're in the middle of a long stretch without a day off, and O'Neil has a history with injuries. Whether it's to help them contend or as a trade piece, I want him kept healthy. I'm OK with this.
Yeah, I am too, just trying to think of a reason why they'd decide not play Rafaela at SS today. Giving O'Neil a blow against a RHP and strengthening the bench without killing the outfield defense are reasonable reasons to do that for sure.