Top 20 in opponents OPS against, minimum 20 IP who are still in the org as of now...
1) Alisson Del Orbe (DSL) 0.474 (#109) - He's an MLFA that I hope they are bringing back.
2) Nicolas De La Cruz (DSL) 0.485 (#95) - Should hopefully be getting a shot at FCL next season.
3) Andres Jimenez (DSL) 0.528 (#72) - The best of our 3 Jimenez's IMO, ahead of Frederik & Gilberto.
4) Yordanny Monegro (FCL, A, A+) 0.549 (#7) - YORDANNY!
5) Luis Guerrero (AA, AAA) 0.558 (#15) - Could be a tweak or two away from high leverage MLB innings.
6) Zach Penrod (A+) 0.560 (#40) - Another guy who could be part of the Red Sox pen before too long, per Jon Morosi.
7) Jonathan Brand (A) 0.569 (#71) - Is not tall. We'll see how he does in A+ next year.
8) Jose Martinez (DSL) 0.570 (#61) - Another guy I'm hoping for FCL success next year.
9) Felix Cepeda (A, A+) 0.577 (#53) - Does he start next year in AA after his AFL stint? Lean toward no.
10) Cristofer Soriano (DSL) - 0.587 (#214) - An older gentleman (turns 21 later this month).
11) Ali Ascanio (DSL) - 0.591 (#206) - Similar age stuff, turns 20 this month.
12) Wikelman Gonzalez (A+, AA) - 0.599 (#9) - Turns 22 next March. If he looks good in the Spring, could start in AAA?
13) Luis Cohen (FCL) - 0.602 (#93) - Am I the only person with LuCo stock?
14) Christopher Troye (A+, AA) - 0.603 (#38) - Lots of people have CT stock.
15) Gilberto Bautisto (DSL) - 0.604 (#48) - The pitching gem of our DSL program? I guess we'll find out next year.
16) Cesar Ruiz (DSL, FCL) - 0.608 (#198) - Didn't do great in 5.1 FCL IP, but could take a jump next year.
17) Brock Bell (A, A+) - 0.609 (#84) - Great comeback, had been out since 2019. But 26 next season & not sure stuff plays up.
18) Jedixson Paez (A) - 0.613 (#33) - Looking forward to high-A Jedi next year.
19) Luis De La Rosa (A) - 0.622 (#52) - Another guy I think I might be on an island with, but I hope to see him in A+ ASAP.
20) Robert Kwiatkowski (A+, AA) - 0.624 (#213) - Can't say I was expecting to see the Kwiat Assassin on this list.