Kirk and Callahan: Done

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
So these 2 clowns have been hammering Carl Crawford for having a stiff neck on Monday, and today they got on him for not talking to Edes after the game. But then they start playing these old sound bytes which I think were Carl Everett, saying stuff like he's not talking to no bleeping Globe etc etc. Now granted somebody (I think it was Meter) mentioned, once, that that was a different Carl, but I guarantee a couple hundered morons came away from it thinking Crawford was not only not talking to Edes, but also ripping people. And I think that was their intent.
Callahan: "You see one, you've seen 'em all."
Humans: What?!
Callahan: "Ummm, ummm, I was talking about people named 'Carl.'"


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Plymouth MA
If you are referring to the "I'm done getting changed, go talk to the Captain" stuff, I heard those sound bytes this morning, and they were Crawford. Edes refers to them this morning here.

Well, not everyone was in the mood to discuss their part in the defeat. Outfielder Carl Crawford, who declined to speak to reporters over the weekend, which included his benching Sunday, and did not make himself available on Monday when he was scratched from the team's doubleheader with neck spasms, put the brakes on approaching media types again Tuesday night.

"I don't know why you're standing here while I dress,'' said Crawford, who returned to the lineup and singled in four trips, "because when I'm dressed I'm leaving.''

Questions? "Go ask the captain,'' muttered Crawford, directing reporters to Jason Varitek.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
If you are referring to the "I'm done getting changed, go talk to the Captain" stuff, I heard those sound bytes this morning, and they were Crawford. Edes refers to them this morning here.
Yes, Crawford said that to Edes and that was what they were talking about. But they didn't have audio of that, and the clips they played were Everett, not Crawford.


SoSH Member
Apr 27, 2009
Concord, NH
So these 2 clowns have been hammering Carl Crawford for having a stiff neck on Monday, and today they got on him for not talking to Edes after the game. But then they start playing these old sound bytes which I think were Carl Everett, saying stuff like he's not talking to no bleeping Globe etc etc. Now granted somebody (I think it was Meter) mentioned, once, that that was a different Carl, but I guarantee a couple hundered morons came away from it thinking Crawford was not only not talking to Edes, but also ripping people. And I think that was their intent.
To be fair, Felger & Mazz have spent 2 days completely shredding Crawford, to the point of straight out saying Carl is faking his neck injury. Same thing with the captain comment. This is not just a D&C thing


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
This morning they were going on about JD Drew and how Theo should have known Drew would fail here in Boston. Bang-head-against-wall.


SoSH Member
Nov 5, 2007
I have ZERO interest in what JH and LL have to say about the Sox because at this point it will be all about Spin Control and ass covering.
Ditto. Anything they say that indirectly points blame at Tito is spin, and I am sure teflon Larry will be doing some more of that, with some more 'I am perplexed by that statement' crap.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
I have ZERO interest in what JH and LL have to say about the Sox because at this point it will be all about Spin Control and ass covering.
If they were up against really good interviewers, then it would maybe be a different story. Sadly, neither Dennis nor Callahan are great interviewers (they book good guests so they often get pretty good sound bytes, but not because of the questions they ask).

Really, there aren't any great interviewers on radio here. Felger is pretty tough when questioning other journalists and media members, but he tends to cower when interviewing an athlete and/or an executive ("How's the weather in Milwaukee, Mr. Cameron?")


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
I have ZERO interest in what JH and LL have to say about the Sox because at this point it will be all about Spin Control and ass covering.
I disagree, heartily. Listen harder when you suspect you're being lied to and you'll learn something you didn't know before. Even if all you learn is that it was lies.

I'll tune into D&C for the first time in months to listen to this interview. Forrest Gump highly recommends this box of chocolates.


New Member
Apr 24, 2010
I am stuck down in Philly and have been listening to the Phanatic in the car because of love sports and do not have satellite. Long story short - they have an app for the iPhone where I can listen to the station on my phone. I'd much prefer to listen to Boston sports talk radio, so I did a search, but nothing came up. Is there an FM sports station in Boston? Is there an app for Boston sports talk for the phone? Thanks, I'd love to drop the Philly talk, it'd make me feel that much closer to home to hear about my teams.


SoSH Premium Member
SoSH Premium Member
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Cape via upstate NY
I am stuck down in Philly and have been listening to the Phanatic in the car because of love sports and do not have satellite. Long story short - they have an app for the iPhone where I can listen to the station on my phone. I'd much prefer to listen to Boston sports talk radio, so I did a search, but nothing came up. Is there an FM sports station in Boston? Is there an app for Boston sports talk for the phone? Thanks, I'd love to drop the Philly talk, it'd make me feel that much closer to home to hear about my teams.
I use the Stitcher app on my IPhone and can get both the Sports Hub (WBZ 98.5FM) and WEEI (850 AM) on it. You might also be able to get EEI on 93.7 FM, but the last time I tried it hadn't switched over yet from MIKE 93.7


New Member
Apr 24, 2010
Just wanted to update that I went with Stitcher and love it. Very easy to use, perfect quality. Also, just an FYI, I chose TSH over EEI without knowing anything about the two because I assume FM > AM

Thanks to all for the helpful suggestions.


SoSH Member
Jul 23, 2007
I'm enjoying these guys doing backflips trying to get people to believe that Larry Lucchino, who's been a regular visitor to their show for a decade, isn't their source for their Sox info. Hard to believe for guys who rarely/never break stories.

Also found interesting when asking Schilling who he thought would be the next manager, while Curt was answering Dennis interrupts with how about Tony Pena? That's a weird name to butt in there with, since he's not a name that anyone has really been mentioned at the top of the Sox list.

That felt like it was leaked out there by Sox management as a trial balloon. I'd bet he's in the first batch of interviews for the job.


SoSH Member
Jun 6, 2009
That's a weird name to butt in there with, since he's not a name that anyone has really been mentioned at the top of the Sox list.
Just a nitpick... nobody's really been mentioned affirmatively as being near the top of the Sox 'list'. However, Pena and Dave Martinez have been two names that have continually been brought up as people the Sox should interview, so its really not that wild of a name to bring up. That isn't to say that D&C don't have inside info that he's near the top of the list, but its not like Pena is 'coming out of nowhere' either.


SoSH Member
Jul 23, 2007
Just a nitpick... nobody's really been mentioned affirmatively as being near the top of the Sox 'list'. However, Pena and Dave Martinez have been two names that have continually been brought up as people the Sox should interview, so its really not that wild of a name to bring up. That isn't to say that D&C don't have inside info that he's near the top of the list, but its not like Pena is 'coming out of nowhere' either.
The list I'm talking about is the list of names the media are mentioning all the time, not the Sox actual list since we can't know that. I probably should've used a better word than list.

Has Tony Penas' name been continually brought up? Honestly, I don't think I'd heard his name more than a time or two in/on any media outlet. But I've heard Valentine, Torre, Martinez, Mackannin, Alomar Jr. and to a lesser extent Wakamatsu, Hale, Wedge, Hillman and Lovullo.

I've definitely heard/seen all of those names more than Pena, surely the first five have been pumped by the media considerably more than Pena.

That's why I found it very curious that was the one name John Dennis decided to blurt out at Schilling, especially since he has no personal connection to him. I could certainly be wrong, but that's the way if felt to me.


SoSH Member
Jun 6, 2009
The list I'm talking about is the list of names the media are mentioning all the time, not the Sox actual list since we can't know that. I probably should've used a better word than list.

Has Tony Penas' name been continually brought up? Honestly, I don't think I'd heard his name more than a time or two in/on any media outlet. But I've heard Valentine, Torre, Martinez, Mackannin, Alomar Jr. and to a lesser extent Wakamatsu, Hale, Wedge, Hillman and Lovullo.

I've definitely heard/seen all of those names more than Pena, surely the first five have been pumped by the media considerably more than Pena.

That's why I found it very curious that was the one name John Dennis decided to blurt out at Schilling, especially since he has no personal connection to him. I could certainly be wrong, but that's the way if felt to me.
I've heard Pena's name a few times (though now that I think of it, more on TSH than on EEI). I think most people have denounced the Valentine/Torre stuff by this point... Martinez (specifically), Mackannin and Alomar have probably gotten a little more press than Pena but its there. I didn't hear Dennis say it though, so there may be a lot to be read from 'how' he said it too.


New Member
Aug 26, 2006
So far from D&C today :

Amorosino had two sources for his drinking in the dugout story. He had the story on Monday from one source, and waited till he got another. One of his sources talked to him after the 11 PM press release and re-confirmed the story and added that the Red Sox organization knows the story is true and that players drank in the dugout.

Peter Abraham had a confirmation of the story in one of his blog posts last night - that source is not the same as the ones in Amorosino's story.


Knows about the CBA.
SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2003
Section 519
It was great. For all the shit Callahan gets around here, I loved hearing him nail Lucchino to the wall.

Lucchino was blaming "the media" once again and Callahan had enough. Lucchnino got really could hear the seething in his voice. Luchhino said that an article Callahan wrote last week about JWH wasn't accurate and that instead Callahan was just upset JWH went on "another station to defend accusations about him and his wife".

It was more back and forth and finally about 5 minutes later Luchhino said something to effect of "I appreciate the invite but won't appear on the show anymore if you keep dwelling on the past (referring to Sept collapse).

Like 7 minutes after that Jon Meterperal introduced himself because he had a question he wanted to ask and Luchhino sounded relieved and said "Ah! Meterperal, the voice of reason at a troubled station, I mean world."

It was a fucking strange but great way to drive into work this morning.

Oogies Loogies

SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
Could someone summarize the morning's exchange between Lucky and Callahan?
Did we do good, Larry?
Did we do good, Larry?
Did we do good, Larry?
Did we do good, Larry?
Did we do good, Larry?

Edit: I only heard the last three minutes and Callahan was asking for a pat on the back for debunking the drinking in the dugout story. Based on that and Dennis' insistence that the leaks haven't come from the front office, I made this assumption. Glad to hear Callahan went after him.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Lynn, MA
Does anyone follow Dennis on twitter? Have you seen the creepy retweets he's been posting about Heidi? I'm surprised she's still going to be on the show, though not surprised that John Dennis would find these amusing:

JohnDennisWEEI John Dennis
Just a suggestion. DVR D&C on NESN tomoro b4 u leave the house, but listen on 93.7FM on ur commute. The TV visual from 8-9 will be worth it.
BostonRocks Gary Smith
@JohnDennisWEEI @8 Is she blonde all over?

red__hat TC
@JohnDennisWEEI Please ask if her farts smell like freshly baked cookies like I always imagined.

BabyElla2010 Loren Weed
@BostonRocks @JohnDennisWEEI @8 do the curtains match the carpet

billbelichick01 Bill Belichick
@JohnDennisWEEI Is she leaving because she loves Cafardo and knows that she could never have him,or is it because I call her 100 times a day

Mr_Snax kevin soucy
@JohnDennisWEEI Hey Heidi, have you ever heard of an Austrailian Kiss? Its exactly like a French Kiss, only down under…

Andy Merchant

SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2010
The only thing Dennis' tweets are missing is the "And I am spelling words wrong 2 be cool" disclaimer that my 8 year old once sent along with an email. :rolleyes:


SoSH Member
Jul 9, 2008
Nashua, NH
Turned on sports talk radio for the first time since August because I'm an idiot, to hear the first caller on D&C quote SCRIPTURE from the Bible, the Bible my internet friends, to help explain Tebow and the Disciples latest fourth quarter comeback. Funny enough, the scripture didn't mention anything about a long haired running back failing to run out of bounds or a particular team from Chicago's horrible late game defensive switch that opened up the midfield for the chosen one to make passes into that any quarterback on Earth(God's green earth by the way) could make.

Should be a fun week.


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
Turned on NESN this morning...Rob Bradford filling in, has he aged about 20 years in the past few months?
I couldn't believe it was him, he looks all sorts of not healthy.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Chelmsford, MA
the Theo interview was really, really good. I'm no fan of these guys but Theo was more open than I expected with them and they asked him the questions you'd expect them to ask. Well worth listening to as a stream goes up.

Andy Merchant

SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2010
That was an interesting listen. I wonder why Theo agreed to do that interview with those two turds now that he no longer works for the team that EEI broadcasts the games for?