The Gronk Injury Thread: Crisis Avoided (Bone Bruise - Week to Week)


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
deep inside Guido territory
I think after the debacle with Gronk's arm, his family felt like Gronkowski might have been pressured into returning early, perhaps in part by speculative time tables that had him returning sooner. There have been reports that "he might just miss 1-2 weeks" or "it's a pain management thing," statements which might raise questions or criticisms if Gronk isn't back in the next couple games. The team and player are issuing a joint statement that they're going to manage this prudently, ignore whatcha heard.

Early in the 2013 season, Gronk missed the first six games and every week it was, "Gronk's practicing, he looks like Superman in practice, will he be back this week, why isn't he back yet?" I think everyone involved wants to avoid a repeat of that. I don't think there's anything to be concerned with here.
In no uncertain terms, this statement from them is telling everyone to STFU and Rob will be back when he's ready.


SoSH Member
Aug 22, 2006
Brighton, MA
The way I understand, there are basically two styles of taking someone down: a tackle or a hit.

With a tackle, there is much surer probability of initiating contact, but have to be at least as physically big / strong as the target to wrap him up and take him down - obviously, we've seen Gronk carry little DBs 10 yards downfield or completely shed them when they try to do this.

Therefore, I do buy the argument that the DBs and smaller LBs have to hit Gronk to get the best shot of taking him down. With a hit, the defensive player is basically launching himself airborne, so there is much less accuracy and certainty of contacting the offensive player and more unpredictability on whether the hit will almost harmlessly bounce off him or devastate him.
You essentially have this backward: it is the "hit" that relies more on size and strength, as its success depends entirely on generating enough momentum (mass * velocity) to offset that of the ball-carrier - as you correctly observe, this approach is less geared toward accuracy, so there is less chance that the impulse will occur at an ideal location relative to the runner's center of mass. The wrap-up tackle, on the other hand, is designed to ensure that contact occurs well below the runner's center of mass, leading to substantial torque being applied. (It also prevents the ball-carrier from continuing to generate forward momentum with his legs - as my rugby coach used to put it, it doesn't matter how big a player is, he can't run without his legs.) As such, it is more a matter of technique than of pure physical prowess.

If what you say were correct, tackling in rugby would be impossible without a size/strength advantage, which is clearly not the case.


SoSH Member
Jul 28, 2015
I think that is of the mode "You bitch and moan when we don't give you information, and now we give you information and you bitch and moan."


SoSH Member
Apr 16, 2003
Methinks Belichick isn't all that thrilled with the Gronk release and video. But, he also is probably still salty about the last game too. Feels like the team is ready to move on and kick some ass this week.


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Feb 19, 2002
New York City
You essentially have this backward: it is the "hit" that relies more on size and strength, as its success depends entirely on generating enough momentum (mass * velocity) to offset that of the ball-carrier - as you correctly observe, this approach is less geared toward accuracy, so there is less chance that the impulse will occur at an ideal location relative to the runner's center of mass. The wrap-up tackle, on the other hand, is designed to ensure that contact occurs well below the runner's center of mass, leading to substantial torque being applied. (It also prevents the ball-carrier from continuing to generate forward momentum with his legs - as my rugby coach used to put it, it doesn't matter how big a player is, he can't run without his legs.) As such, it is more a matter of technique than of pure physical prowess.

If what you say were correct, tackling in rugby would be impossible without a size/strength advantage, which is clearly not the case.
I said it in the other receiver protection thread but what is happening to Gronk with some frequency is a third thing--a smaller player is trying to hit the knees to throw the bigger player off balance and trip them up (and possibly injure them). What's disconcerting is that the players are going lowing but are _not_ trying to wrap up. .


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
“@AlbertBreer: Patriots rule TE Rob Gronkowski out for Sunday. When Pats rule a guy out on a Friday, it’s usually not a good sign for the next week.”


SoSH Member
“@AlbertBreer: Patriots rule TE Rob Gronkowski out for Sunday. When Pats rule a guy out on a Friday, it’s usually not a good sign for the next week.”
I mean, given their history, I would imagine Gronk could get in a week of "limited participation" and still be out until the following week.

If he returns to practice next week I would hope to see him vs. TEN.


tiger king
SoSH Member
May 16, 2009
Go f*ck yourself
Someone up thread mentioned the possibility of the team taking some routes out of Gronks repertoire. I think this is reasonable and the first one to go should be the 20+ yard seams.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
Evan Silva ‏@evansilva 14s14 seconds ago
On NFL Live, Schefter said based on the "conversations I've had," Rob Gronkowski is "unlikely" to play against #Texans in Week 14.

Hopefully its only going to be two weeks and his injury is not going to persist longer than that (if he does not play on Sunday).
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Saints Rest

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My guess is that BB doesn't care about rust. I am basing that on the fact that he didn't bother giving him any reps in preseason games.

Thus I bet that Gronk's next action will be in the playoffs. My hope is that that will be in the Divisional Round, post-bye.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Yeah, ESPN phrased it at one point as "a growing sense of pessimism about Gronkowski playing Sunday".

I mean, I guess, but I think most of us thought that 2 weeks was the absolute, best case scenario, minimum. I never anticipated having him.


Yukon Cornelius
SoSH Member
Mar 19, 2004
Missoula, MT
Why would anyone pay any attention to anything ESPN reports?

It's almost 2016, there are plenty of other outlets to get your news, like here. Or text stalking DRS.