Mike'd Up: The Mike Francesa Show

Average Reds

SoSH Member
Sep 24, 2007
Southwestern CT
On a slightly different track with this one.

Was listening to Fasto some time ago - could have been last week, but I think it might have been back in August - and at one point he was ferociously ballwashing the Fighting Irish, saying that they were on track to win a minimum of 10 games, beat USC and had a good shot at playing in the BCS title game.

I won't be able to listen to him today, but I have no doubt that he'll simply pretend that he never said any such thing.....


SoSH Member
Jun 9, 2007
Central NJ
Francesa just had Teixeira on for about 10 minutes...my god...he used every ballwashing cliche in the book to describe how holy the Yankees are compared to all other things in the universe...blah

Montana Fan

SoSH Member
Oct 18, 2000
Twin Bridges, Mt.
QUOTE (vtred @ Sep 15 2009, 01:39 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2568890
Francesa just had Teixeira on for about 10 minutes...my god...he used every ballwashing cliche in the book to describe how holy the Yankees are compared to all other things in the universe...blah

MT said that Cano is the best defensive 2nd baseman he's ever played beside.
I'm loving these clueless fans who keep calling..."Hey Mike, I played the game and sometimes you gotta fight"..."Hey Mike, you can't let this low life Blue Jay disrespect Posada"..."Hey Mike, this is the first Yankee team with fire in years. Now I saw Swisher throw a punch, how come Jeter didn't get in there too?".

Hysterical. What a bunch of morons.


SoSH Member
Jun 9, 2007
Central NJ
Yankee fan chastising Francesa for only playing little league...Francesa screams at him "Where'd joo play??"...Raritan Valley Community College... :lol: :lol: :lol:

eric hetzel

SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Long Island
Mike just said the Bill Simmons is a "stooge" for ESPN and he should just shut up and go away and that no one cares about him anymore.

Where the hell did that come from???


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
QUOTE (eric hetzel @ Oct 2 2009, 01:20 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2602432
Mike just said the Bill Simmons is a "stooge" for ESPN and he should just shut up and go away and that no one cares about him anymore.

Where the hell did that come from???

Shot in the dark guess...Simmons is in NYC promoting his book, Mike (or his producers) wanted to book him, ESPN said no (that whole not sharing talent in a market they're on air in thing they do), and Simmons gets the blame because Francessa is a blowhard who wouldn't take the time to understand the real reason.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
He was on and on yesterday about how the Mets need to get Halladay, insisting they can if they want because he's a salary dump and the Jays just want to unload his contract...yeah, OK Mike. I mean, who knows, when JP gets fired, the new guy might lower Doc's price...but if he could be had for as little as Mike was insisting he'd be a Red Sox (or Phillie, Dodger, or Angel) right now.

Clears Cleaver

Lil' Bill
SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
I don't get the Francesca - Simmons thing. Simmons downplayed it and said he isn't allowed by ESPN rules to call inot the show. Maybe he can go on MAd Dog Live...lol


SoSH Member
For those interested, a fairly full chronology of Simmons/Francesa interaction:

Most likely a lot of things behind all this, but Mike's hilariously defensive hatred of all things New Media (like podcasts, which I'm not entirely sure he even understands) seems to be getting worse all the time. Simmons should gently remind Mike that once upon a time, in those misty far-off days called the late 1980s, the idea of 24-hr sports radio was itself laughed at by various establishment folks.

eric hetzel

SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Long Island
Jesus, Mike is the most thin skinned son of a bitch. I didn't think his ego could get any bigger and this holier than thou act is getting very tiresome.


New Member
Sep 5, 2007
I think Simmons bruised Mike's ego when he had Mad Dog on right as his Sirius show was launching. Then Simmons made the 'doesn't have the balls to come on the podcast' joke in a chat, and Francesa lashed out. Pretty stupid all around, Simmons has always said nice things about Mike, and the one radio spot Simmons did with M&MD at the Super bowl a couple years ago was pretty great.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
Interesting stuff. About that audio of clip of Mike, I have a few comments.

1. Mike makes a good point about Simmons becoming too thin-skinned, whiny, self important and more of an executive suit than creative talent. However, these words coming from Mike is the very definition of pot-kettle-black. It's hilarious that Mike doesn't recognize that fact either. Mike is also right in saying that Simmons has lost his outsider/maverick status and that he's less funny than he used to be. All fair criticisms at this stage.

2. Mike should know what Fritz Mitchell 'is up to now.' He made several of the best original SportsCentury shows, has won a boat-load of awards and is highly regarded within the TV industry as one of the best documentary filmmakers on the planet right now. Since Mike considers himself as a TV expert insider, not knowing this makes him look out of the loop.

3. Mike knows all too well the ESPN talent ban (it's the rule that's making his own show less interesting by the day) so I guess he's tweaking Bill and his lack of balls to break the golden rule and appear on the program to show how important Mike is and kiss his ring. I don't see that happening.

4. Mike's complete ignorance about pod casting is as predictable as it is hilarious.

One more point (sorry to go on but I've been thinking about this lately), I've been thinking back to Mike's first show without Russo quite a bit the last few weeks. Mike gave a bold new mission statement about the direction of his new show that day and now that it's been over a year I think it's fair to say that he has completely failed to live up to any of it. He promised to bring in guest hosts with an eye towards hiring someone permanently. That experiment lasted a few months and it's pretty clear he's not going to get a new co-host because he's used to being the king and has no use for a jester. He promised to end the old traditions and to create new ones and that it was important for the show to evolve and to become different and to re-new itself. He's created exactly zero new wrinkles and in fact has had to dig up and water down some old ones (like doing the Friday football picks with producer Sal filling in for Russo). Despite his talk of embracing new things Mike's actions are indeed one of a 50+ year-old guy firmly entrenched in his ways and I'd be shocked if he comes up with anything new. The show is devolving if anything. This is the key reason that I don't listen to him much anymore.

God's Cop

Your friendly neighborhood CuntyBollocks
SoSH Member
Jul 9, 2009
The Womb
QUOTE (ifmanis5 @ Oct 3 2009, 11:05 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2603552
One more point (sorry to go on but I've been thinking about this lately), I've been thinking back to Mike's first show without Russo quite a bit the last few weeks. Mike gave a bold new mission statement about the direction of his new show that day and now that it's been over a year I think it's fair to say that he has completely failed to live up to any of it. He promised to bring in guest hosts with an eye towards hiring someone permanently. That experiment lasted a few months and it's pretty clear he's not going to get a new co-host because he's used to being the king and has no use for a jester. He promised to end the old traditions and to create new ones and that it was important for the show to evolve and to become different and to re-new itself. He's created exactly zero new wrinkles and in fact has had to dig up and water down some old ones (like doing the Friday football picks with producer Sal filling in for Russo). Despite his talk of embracing new things Mike's actions are indeed one of a 50+ year-old guy firmly entrenched in his ways and I'd be shocked if he comes up with anything new. The show is devolving if anything. This is the key reason that I don't listen to him much anymore.

I was just musing about this the other day. He realizes now that he can get away with doing the show like this, so in his mind there's no need to change it, and all the Pope's men will still call in and kiss his ass.

On a side note, i love it sometimes when I watch on YES and he's in the middle of one of his "ESPN is a fraud!" rants, and I can clearly see that his computer always has the ESPN site up. It could be his desktop.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
QUOTE (God's Cop @ Oct 3 2009, 11:46 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2603581
On a side note, i love it sometimes when I watch on YES and he's in the middle of one of his "ESPN is a fraud!" rants, and I can clearly see that his computer always has the ESPN site up. It could be his desktop.

:lol: SO fucking true.

Clears Cleaver

Lil' Bill
SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
him getting into a pissing match with simmons is probably the msartest thing he's done in terms of making himself more relevent and newsworthy


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 4, 2005
QUOTE (Average Reds @ Sep 14 2009, 07:50 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2565042
On a slightly different track with this one.

Was listening to Fasto some time ago - could have been last week, but I think it might have been back in August - and at one point he was ferociously ballwashing the Fighting Irish, saying that they were on track to win a minimum of 10 games, beat USC and had a good shot at playing in the BCS title game.

I won't be able to listen to him today, but I have no doubt that he'll simply pretend that he never said any such thing.....

Did Fatso ever belly up to the bar on this?

I'm guessing not. I'm guessing he treated it like an editor of Pravda who used to white out from May Day photos leaders who had fallen out of favor in the old Soviet Union. That's the way fraudulent bullies behave -- "he never existed; I never said it."

I recalled your post today when watching Notre Dame yield 30 points at home to a Washington team that went winless last year and has never beaten Notre Dame. The Irish pulled it out in overtime.

I don't hate on Notre Dame. I used to but I'm past it. They have fallen far enough long enough that I feel badly for them, and because I'm a Pats fan who likes Weis, I root for them now. But their defense could get to a BCS title game only by buying a ticket.

This guy is delusional about them, as if stuck in a 50s/60s time warp when they didn't allow girls in parochial schools to wear shiny leather shoes for fear that boys would glimpse a reflection of the pussy. He actually said a few years ago that everything else being equal, Notre Dame would get the nod to play in a BCS title game because of their national audience pull. What he forgets/ignores is that much of that audience fought in WWII and Korea and now spends its time in caskets.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
QUOTE (dcmissle @ Oct 4 2009, 02:58 AM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2604702
Did Fatso ever belly up to the bar on this?

I'm guessing not. I'm guessing he treated it like an editor of Pravda who used to white out from May Day photos leaders who had fallen out of favor in the old Soviet Union. That's the way fraudulent bullies behave -- "he never existed; I never said it."

I recalled your post today when watching Notre Dame yield 30 points at home to a Washington team that went winless last year and has never beaten Notre Dame. The Irish pulled it out in overtime.

I don't hate on Notre Dame. I used to but I'm past it. They have fallen far enough long enough that I feel badly for them, and because I'm a Pats fan who likes Weis, I root for them now. But their defense could get to a BCS title game only by buying a ticket.

This guy is delusional about them, as if stuck in a 50s/60s time warp when they didn't allow girls in parochial schools to wear shiny leather shoes for fear that boys would glimpse a reflection of the pussy. He actually said a few years ago that everything else being equal, Notre Dame would get the nod to play in a BCS title game because of their national audience pull. What he forgets/ignores is that much of that audience fought in WWII and Korea and now spends its time in caskets.

Mike's had a "thing" about Charlie Weiss since he "discovered" him working for Bill with the Jets. That's where this entire ND thing comes from.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Feb 13, 2004
QUOTE (dcmissle @ Oct 3 2009, 09:58 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2604702
Did Fatso ever belly up to the bar on this?

I'm guessing not. I'm guessing he treated it like an editor of Pravda who used to white out from May Day photos leaders who had fallen out of favor in the old Soviet Union. That's the way fraudulent bullies behave -- "he never existed; I never said it."

I recalled your post today when watching Notre Dame yield 30 points at home to a Washington team that went winless last year and has never beaten Notre Dame. The Irish pulled it out in overtime.

I don't hate on Notre Dame. I used to but I'm past it. They have fallen far enough long enough that I feel badly for them, and because I'm a Pats fan who likes Weis, I root for them now. But their defense could get to a BCS title game only by buying a ticket.

This guy is delusional about them, as if stuck in a 50s/60s time warp when they didn't allow girls in parochial schools to wear shiny leather shoes for fear that boys would glimpse a reflection of the pussy. He actually said a few years ago that everything else being equal, Notre Dame would get the nod to play in a BCS title game because of their national audience pull. What he forgets/ignores is that much of that audience fought in WWII and Korea and now spends its time in caskets.

Notre Dame outdraws everyone when it comes to getting fresh eyeballs to the TV set. It's not even close. No other team generates the love/hate that the Irish do. Just look at last year's Hawaii Bowl, which had its highest ratings ever because of ND. And this is with an average team at best. When they are good, they are gold.

Clears Cleaver

Lil' Bill
SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
Mike promised some sort of big announcement today between 2:00 and 3:00pm. no clue what it might be about, maybe a guest or maybe something about the show. not sure


New Member
Aug 26, 2007
Newington CT
QUOTE (Clears Cleaver @ Oct 5 2009, 12:34 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2607816
Mike promised some sort of big announcement today between 2:00 and 3:00pm. no clue what it might be about, maybe a guest or maybe something about the show. not sure

Went to Mikefrancesa.com they are saying simmons will be on at three.

edit-apparently not.. wilpon and minaya going to be on..sigh


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
Today is Mike's last show from Kaufman Astoria Studios in Queens. Starting this weekend WFAN moves to new digs in Manhattan.

Also, from this blog: http://nybaseballdigest.com/?p=16520 there was a blurb about when Mike's face was shown on the jumbotron screen last night at the Yankee game he was boo'ed by the fans.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
Take a look at Mike's new digs today at WFAN...

Mike admitted that the Twins got screwed by the umps, that ARod was huge and that Francona make a giant mistake by walking Hunter to get to Vlad.


persists in error
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Pioneer Valley
I listened briefly in the car today and the reception was lousy, but I think I heard him saying that Kate Hudson should be given a "ring." Whether or not Arod gives her a ring is another question, but the Yankees certainly should because whatever she is doing has loosened him up, etc. This assumes a WS victory.
Of course.


persists in error
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Pioneer Valley
QUOTE (InsideTheParker @ Oct 12 2009, 06:05 PM) index.php?act=findpost&pid=2626650
I listened briefly in the car today and the reception was lousy, but I think I heard him saying that Kate Hudson should be given a "ring." Whether or not Arod gives her a ring is another question, but the Yankees certainly should because whatever she is doing has loosened him up, etc. This assumes a WS victory.
Of course.

p.s. He also went on at great length about Phil Cuzzi and a bad call involving Cabrera. I didn't see most of the game so I don't know what Cabrera he is referring to.


SoSH Member
Sep 29, 2007
Rotten Apple
Mike screaming at the top of his lungs killing Rex Ryan last night. Compared him to Herm Edwards' clock management skills. 'You look like a rookie coach.'


SoSH Member
Jun 9, 2007
Central NJ
he's destroying Calvin Pace for his comments after the game..."you should've stayed suspended!!"

screaming at the Jets defense to get back to earth:


God's Cop

Your friendly neighborhood CuntyBollocks
SoSH Member
Jul 9, 2009
The Womb
They are already calling in about what sort of reception Torre is gonna get when he comes to NYS for the WS. Talking like its a fact the MFY are going to the WS.


SoSH Member
Jun 9, 2007
Central NJ
beyond maddening...discussing the level of ovations for Torre vs. Mattingly...someone should send a tape to the Angels...

Clears Cleaver

Lil' Bill
SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
wow, this is going to be cool. Maybe Dog will call out the Yankees for having 6,000 seats avialable for the game tonight


SoSH Member
Aug 13, 2001
Classic screaming from Dog who sounds as if he's been liberated from a concentration camp. Even Mike sounds happy.