This is the best Red Sox team...ever.

Ale Xander

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013
All it took to get this board from “best team ever” to “OMG they’re gonna choke and I’m scared!” Was one three game losing streak.
actually 2
in 8 days

when there's only been one the rest of the season.

Not saying they're not gonna win the WS this year, but they're not the best ever. At least, not yet.

AB in DC

OG Football Writing
SoSH Member
Jul 10, 2002
Springfield, VA
The Sox finish the season series 11-8 against the Rays, which in any other division might be an 88-90 win team. I'll take it.

Salem's Lot

Andy Moog! Andy God Damn Moog!
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Gallows Hill
actually 2
in 8 days

when there's only been one the rest of the season.

Not saying they're not gonna win the WS this year, but they're not the best ever. At least, not yet.
I forgot about the Rays game before the Cleveland series. I think the Red Sox are just catching Tampa when they’re playing very well right now, and these last 4 losses to them say more about how well they’re playing as opposed to some major problem with the Red Sox. Their pitching is legit. And the positive thing is that New York gets them 4 more times right before their last series with the Red Sox.


Loves Aaron Judge
SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2012
I forgot about the Rays game before the Cleveland series. I think the Red Sox are just catching Tampa when they’re playing very well right now, and these last 4 losses to them say more about how well they’re playing as opposed to some major problem with the Red Sox. Their pitching is legit. And the positive thing is that New York gets them 4 more times right before their last series with the Red Sox.
That's the hope.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
I forgot about the Rays game before the Cleveland series. I think the Red Sox are just catching Tampa when they’re playing very well right now, and these last 4 losses to them say more about how well they’re playing as opposed to some major problem with the Red Sox. Their pitching is legit. And the positive thing is that New York gets them 4 more times right before their last series with the Red Sox.
Post ASB TB has the 9th best Pitching ERA in MLB (not just the AL), the 10th fewest runs allowed, the 4th most K's, and the 5th lowest .BAA...

TB is a good team, who would be in the playoffs had they been in any other division..

This isn't the devil rays of old

Sampo Gida

SoSH Member
Aug 7, 2010
The Sox finish the season series 11-8 against the Rays, which in any other division might be an 88-90 win team. I'll take it.
We went 6-1 against them when they started out 3-12. Since then the Rays have went 67-49 (93 W pace) and we went 5-7 in H2H competition

Basically, against 500+ teams (excluding the 3-12 Rays) we are 27-26 . Not bad but probably not best team ever material.

22-15 against the lowly Orioles, white Sox Royals and Marlins. We do have 12 games left against cup cakes (Mets, White Sox, Orioles, Marlins) and 4 against the Post sell Jays whom we handled well pre sell (9-3), so we should be ok. 15 games against playoff teams though

jon abbey

Shanghai Warrior
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
BOS and NY have both (IMO) been pushing each other to additional wins all season but somehow making both fan bases feel worse about their teams than they should in doing so. NY has only had one 104+ win team since 1963, a 21-11 finish would make this edition the second, but still almost certainly not enough to win the division.

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
I think you meant to say “this thread shpould be locked”. ;)
Delayed juju is the worst kind of juju.

The Sox went 10-1 in the 11 games after this thread got created. Next your going to tell me the Varitek/Arod fight was the catalyst for the 2004 title run.

People are weird.


SoSH Member
Apr 10, 2009
Concord, NH
Even with the epic mega slump, they're at a 105 win pace since this thread started.

I think it'll be ok. When there's a 10+ game lead on the second place team and a month to go, two things seem likely to happen. You become a target for teams that only have the regular season to proove what they've got, and you have a team full pf people who start to relax because they don't need to beat the world every day to get to the next step.

They're allowed a little slump. They're still going to break the team record. Breaking the world record was never really that likely, it was just nice that it was in the conversation.

Savin Hillbilly

loves the secret sauce
SoSH Member
Jul 10, 2007
The wrong side of the bridge....
It's not time to panic yet, but let's face it: the Sox have used up the cushion they bought themselves in the Yankee sweep, and it's now a race again.

The first task is to stop the bleeding. Both teams are playing extremely weak competition this week, then go on to play much tougher opponents in the week after Labor Day. The Sox need to keep pace, at worst. It seems pretty urgent that the bats wake up against the vulnerable Miami and Chicago pitching staffs before going on to face the much more formidable Atlanta and Houston rotations.


SoSH Member
Jan 12, 2007
We knew the Yankees had an easier schedule through this stretch. We knew this. That’s what a big lead does, keeps you out front during a slump.

They didn’t play well over the last week, but outside of the Trop they were competitive in every loss that wasn’t in Tampa. Good riddance to that place and that team for the rest of the season.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
We knew the Yankees had an easier schedule through this stretch. We knew this. That’s what a big lead does, keeps you out front during a slump.

They didn’t play well over the last week, but outside of the Trop they were competitive in every loss that wasn’t in Tampa. Good riddance to that place and that team for the rest of the season.
This is it. The "slump" has come against two teams with records above .500 (.552 combined to be exact), one of which is in the midst of an 8-game win streak. Meanwhile, the Yankees have gained 4.5 games this week beating up on the Jays, Marlins, and Orioles, who have a combined .382 win percentage this year. Seems like exactly the kind of ebb and flow you should expect over the course of the season and exactly why sweeping the Yankees head to head was so important.

Now if the Sox continue to lose ground this week playing against the Marlins at home and then at the White Sox, then it might be reasonable to start the panic parade.


SoSH Member
Mar 15, 2004
I think the starting pitching injuries (and additional stress on the bullpen because of the injuries) is catching up with them... Getting Sale and ERod healthy would/will help a ton! 60% of their rotation right now consists of fringe MLB pitchers.

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
It continues to be a schedule edge for the Yankees this week though as the Sox have two games at home against the Marlins and then four at the White Sox, who have been playing pretty well, 7-3, albeit against the Central Division (no Cleve.). Yankees are at home all week (White Sox for 3 and Tigers for 4).

The Filthy One

SoSH Member
Aug 11, 2005
Los Angeles
I think the starting pitching injuries (and additional stress on the bullpen because of the injuries) is catching up with them... Getting Sale and ERod healthy would/will help a ton! 60% of their rotation right now consists of fringe MLB pitchers.
Absolutely. They also have Mookie posting an .538 OPS and Benintendi a .602 OPS over the last 14 days. It's tough to score runs when your 1 and 2 hitters are hitting like backup catchers.


SoSH Member
Sep 11, 2016
I think the starting pitching injuries (and additional stress on the bullpen because of the injuries) is catching up with them... Getting Sale and ERod healthy would/will help a ton! 60% of their rotation right now consists of fringe MLB pitchers.
What’s their status, BTW?


SoSH Member
Mar 15, 2004
Sale is playing catch today for the first time since his latest shutdown and ERod is slated to pitch tonight (targeting 6 ip I believe) for Pawtucket. Sale's shoulder feels 'Like Paul Bunyan's ox' according to him.

edit - Portland, not Pawtucket. My mistake
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SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
What’s their status, BTW?
Sale is supposed to start a throwing program today, no set schedule for a return. Rodriguez is starting for the Paw Sox tonight, which lines him up to pitch for the big club on regular rest on Saturday, which happens to be September 1 when they can add him to the roster without having to send someone down in exchange.


SoSH Member
Aug 8, 2005
Brewster, MA
Despite the recent slump and the AL East race tightening like so many SoSH sphincters, the 2018 Red Sox still have an amazing record through 132 games.


My prediction ... when Mookie comes out of his slump, which should be soon, the entire team will get hot again.


Will outlive SeanBerry
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
Not here
actually 2
in 8 days

when there's only been one the rest of the season.

Not saying they're not gonna win the WS this year, but they're not the best ever. At least, not yet.
The 2013 Red Sox had a stretch where they went 2-9 with three three-game losing streaks in the span of 11 days.


Mr. McGuire / Axl's Counter
SoSH Member
Jun 20, 2011
Wayne, NJ
Despite the recent slump and the AL East race tightening like so many SoSH sphincters, the 2018 Red Sox still have an amazing record through 132 games.
View attachment 22805

View attachment 22806

My prediction ... when Mookie comes out of his slump, which should be soon, the entire team will get hot again.
all about Mookie, IMO

He needs to break out and break out quick

also Beni needs to get his stroke and especially his power stroke back - 2 HR in close to 200 AB's, I think


Will outlive SeanBerry
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Oct 4, 2001
Not here
In May though, right? That team was nails in late August and September.
I'm not really sure I care. There's enough time left for Sale and Rodriguez to come back and get four starts under their belts before the post season. That means there's oodles of time for the hitters to come around. If we're playing like this headed into the last series of the year, sure I'm at least concerned, but not with a month left.

Curtis Pride

SoSH Member
Jul 25, 2005
Watertown, MA
Teams left to surpass (as of 8/30):
1901-03 (as Boston Americans)
-- 1904 - 95
1905-07 (as Boston Americans)
-- 1912 - 105
-- 1915 - 101
-- 1942 - 93
-- 1946 - 104
-- 1948 - 96
-- 1949 - 96
-- 1950 - 94
-- 1975 - 95
-- 1977 - 97
-- 1978 - 99
-- 1986 - 95
-- 1999 - 94
-- 2002 - 93
-- 2003 - 95
-- 2004 - 98
-- 2005 - 95
-- 2007 - 96
-- 2008 - 95
-- 2009 - 95
-- 2013 - 97
-- 2016 - 93
-- 2017 - 93
Last edited:


SoSH Member
Nov 11, 2004
Dublin, Ireland
When, in April, things got off to a hot start (and particularly the starting pitching was so impressive) I did a quick calculation and figured that a team would have to average about 17 wins a month to get to 100 (actually that would be 102 but I was originally told there would be no math on the exam). While the Red Sox exceeded that amount comfortably in every full month thus far, if we look back at the disaster that is August we can see that the team has only recorded, um, 18 wins this month. With one day left. So, never mind then.

Greatest ever? There are so many ways of measuring that. Wins are one. Championships are, of course, another. "Influence" is yet a third, which means that it will forever be next to impossible to dethrone the 1967 team using that measure. And there are others, even more amorphous in nature ("likeability" anyone?). But, for ticking all the boxes for aspects of, you know, being "good at baseball" this team seems to have more answers than any I can think of. That includes the things we haven't ordinarily seen like intelligent base stealing, multiple hitters with the ability to extend at bats (two of the biggest home runs of the year came after more than a dozen pitches in the AB - that's soul crushing to a pitcher), strong home/away splits, and (unlike the second place team in the division) the ability to withstand injuries to key players. I don't see any bad juju with this thread - keep it open, it seems to be working.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
When, in April, things got off to a hot start (and particularly the starting pitching was so impressive) I did a quick calculation and figured that a team would have to average about 17 wins a month to get to 100 (actually that would be 102 but I was originally told there would be no math on the exam). While the Red Sox exceeded that amount comfortably in every full month thus far, if we look back at the disaster that is August we can see that the team has only recorded, um, 18 wins this month. With one day left. So, never mind then.
Really, the "disaster" was only a week long. From Sunday the 19th through Sunday the 26th, they went 2-6. They were 13-2 in August prior to that and they're 3-0 since. Regardless of what happens tonight, they're going to exit August with a bigger divisional lead than they started the month with. So yeah, never mind. :)

Kevin Youkulele

wishes Claude Makelele was a Red Sox
Gold Supporter
SoSH Member
Jul 12, 2006
San Diego
Really, the "disaster" was only a week long. From Sunday the 19th through Sunday the 26th, they went 2-6. They were 13-2 in August prior to that and they're 3-0 since. Regardless of what happens tonight, they're going to exit August with a bigger divisional lead than they started the month with. So yeah, never mind. :)
It felt awful because we've been so incredibly privileged to watch them perform at an extraordinarily high level for almost the entire season.

If you could go back three years and tell yourself that you'd be complaining in 2018 about a month in which, at their worst, the team was 15-8, your younger self would laugh at you.

When you're used to the best, mere above-average play* looks like garbage.

*: in the sense of a 3-week moving window.


SoSH Member
Nov 11, 2006
London, England
Apropos of nothing I went back and looked at how many wins the Patriots have posted in their last 162 regular season games.
125 - dating back to the last two games of 2007's perfect season!
They were 109-53 for the 162 games previous to those as well!


SoSH Member
Sep 17, 2011
A rotation of Price/Porcello/Eovaldi/Johnson/Velazquez is just not all that good. Price/ERod/Porcello/Eovaldi/Wright is much better. Sale/Price/ERod/Porcello/Eovaldi is a WS caliber rotation. ERod is better than any starter on the Yanks but Severino when he is on. The Yanks still have what struggling Severino/Tanaka/Sabathia/Happ/Lynn? And that rotation isn't getting any reinforcements.

Judge probably isn't seeing action until late September at the earliest, Sanchez has been pretty pedestrian this year, and Chapman probably isnt coming back this season. I am a bit disappointed that Andujar has turned into what we were hoping Devers would be this year, but I imagine he will cool off a bit. Going into September 3rd we have a 7.5 game lead in the Division(over the team with the second best record in baseball). While this team isn't the "best team ever" it is indisputably a great one, and I am confident that that we will see that in September.


SoSH Member
Dec 21, 2003
Stevensville, MD
Here's an updated list (as of 9/4) of the past Red Sox teams' win totals that the 2018 team has surpassed or tied (new entries in blue):

1916-1918* (won WS)
1967 (AL Champs)
1975 (AL Champs)

1981* (strike-shortened season)
1986 (AL Champs)



There are only ten (10) teams left to surpass:


Savin Hillbilly

loves the secret sauce
SoSH Member
Jul 10, 2007
The wrong side of the bridge....
In terms of the job left to do, they surpass:

the 2007 team if they go 2-21
the 1948-49 teams in wins if they go 2-21; in WPCT if they go 6-17
the 1977 and 2013 teams if they go 3-20
the 2004 team if they go 4-19
the 1978 team if they go 5-18
the 1915 team in wins if they go 7-16; in WPCT if they go 14-9
the 1946 team in wins if they go 10-13; in WPCT if they go 15-8
the 1912 team in wins if they go 11-12

They can surpass the 1912 team in winning percentage, and become the undisputed GOAT Sox team, by going 17-6 the rest of the way -- a tall order given that 14 of those remaining 23 games are against likely playoff teams.


empty, bleak
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Vancouver Island
They need to go at least 11-4 over the next 15 games to set a new franchise record for wins in 154 games (# of games played by the 1912 team)


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
17-6 over the final 23 will ensure best winning percentage. 112-50 .6913 over .6908.

Curtis Pride

SoSH Member
Jul 25, 2005
Watertown, MA
Teams left to surpass (as of 9/4):
-- 1912 - 105
-- 1915 - 101
-- 1946 - 104
-- 1948 - 96
-- 1949 - 96
-- 1977 - 97
-- 1978 - 99
-- 2004 - 98
-- 2007 - 96
-- 2013 - 97

If they win today, there will be only five Red Sox seasons with more wins than this year's team. We're approaching rarefied territory now.

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
Scoreboard watching as a Red Sox fan has gotten really simple this year. What are the Yankees doing. Period. OK, there is a magic number of 13 with the Astros for homefield in the ALCS if it came to us and them. That's a thing. Usually, it's the Yankees and maybe Baltimore and Toronto as well in contention for the East, and some other teams in the Central and/or West to worry about for home field. This year, it's come down to a really simple thing pretty early.

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Scoreboard watching as a Red Sox fan has gotten really simple this year. What are the Yankees doing. Period. OK, there is a magic number of 13 with the Astros for homefield in the ALCS if it came to us and them. That's a thing. Usually, it's the Yankees and maybe Baltimore and Toronto as well in contention for the East, and some other teams in the Central and/or West to worry about for home field. This year, it's come down to a really simple thing pretty early.
Magic number of 3 to clinch a playoff spot over Seattle too. Pretty much a formality.


New Member
Feb 14, 2015
Magic number of 3 to clinch a playoff spot over Seattle too. Pretty much a formality.
Remember, last year the Dodgers were running away with their division and went on a 11 game losing streak. They finally won a game and clinched on 9/11. The point of this? While it’s “pretty much a formality”, nothing is easy in this game.

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Remember, last year the Dodgers were running away with their division and went on a 11 game losing streak. They finally won a game and clinched on 9/11. The point of this? While it’s “pretty much a formality”, nothing is easy in this game.
Chicken and beer.

Sam Ray Not

SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Remember, last year the Dodgers were running away with their division and went on a 11 game losing streak. They finally won a game and clinched on 9/11. The point of this? While it’s “pretty much a formality”, nothing is easy in this game.
Speaking of those crazy '17 Dodgers: our three-game slide from Aug 19-21 vs. TB and Cleveland put us three games behind their historic pace through 127 games.

'17 LAD 91-36 (—)
'18 BOS 88-39 (3 GB)

Since then, even with all the injuries, the bullpen struggles, the weird offensive swoons, and the lame sweep in Tampa with the ugly blowouts and uglier uniforms, the Sox have picked up eight games on them:

'18 BOS 97-44 (—)
'17 LAD 92-49 (5 GB)

Yep, 9-5 definitely beats 1-13. And the Dodgers closed that season a pretty meh 12-9, so we have a decent chance to put them even farther in the rear-view mirror.